Originally Posted by toxicatom5
Just started reading through your posts. As someone else already mentioned, I gotta salute your attitude toward the whole thing. Not much you could have done differently, but you seem to have handled it as well as anyone could. Your collection is looking awesome already after just a few short months!
It also got me thinking. You (hopefully) were compensated by your insurance company, which put you in unique position to rebuild your collection from the ground up.
I know I've made a few purchases here and there that I wouldn't make again today; and, given the same amount of money to spend, I would choose to rebuild somewhat (not totally) differently a second time around.
What's your approach? Are you trying to re-buy everything just as you had before or are you taking a more fine-tuned approach this time?
Hello, ◉‿◉ It took me a bit to get over it... There's a few items I lost and I know I won't be able to get back without paying an arm and a leg (demon souls deluxe edition and black phantom edition) so just move on... Who knows maybe they'll appear under my Christmas tree
As far as the renters insurance goes, I've live in a pretty decent area so I never thought my house would get broken into. Now I regret not having it... I'm mainly glad my puppy and cat where home safe, scared but safe.