Ntsc kid icarus game for 3ds out of print?
I was looking at the possibility of getting Kid Icarus for 3DS..but outside of ebay resellers, some small time boutiques and TARGET..it is completely SOLD OUT and UNAVAILABLE at most major retailers I can think of AMAZON, BEST BUY, TOYS R US, AND WAL MART ALL SOLD OUT....being that it is "double boxed", has AR cards in the package, and a plastic special stand and the studio that developed the game has closed it doors.i don't think Nintendo will go thru the effort of doing more prints or reprints, since it is more involved than a standard boxed 3ds game.do you think it will be future collectable and "rare"? to an extent?..go check amazon, best buy, wal mart.com, toys r us, can't find it new other than secondary sellers and limited availability at target. so what gives?