Greetings from the UK
Hello. My name is Isaac. I am 19 years old and I live in Yorkshire, UK. Or more specifically; Hull, Yorkshire, UK, Earth
I like to occasionally collect if I find something interesting at the right price. I own a few PS4 Promo games. Most valuable been the review build of Assasain's creed Black Flag. My other PS4 Promo games: Destiny Call Of Duty Ghosts The Last Of Us UFC Amazing Spiderman 2 InFAMOUS Second Son (Review Code build, fairly rare but not as rare as AC's build) My rare movie steelbooks: Goldeneye 007 (Limited to 2000 copies) Elysium Zombieland Wolf Of Wall Street (Limited to 1000 copies) The Hangover Trilogy Spiderman trilogy Children Of Men I would be interested to purchase and sell on this website, as eBay are very limited in what PS4 Promo games they have available. I hope to come across a Promo edition of GTA V for PS4. When this becomes available, let me know and we'll talk Overall, I have used the internet for about 12 years of my life, so I have used Forums before. Well spoken, very polite, etc... Happy to help if needed |
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