Ubisoft® Announces Assassin’s Creed® Unity: First Look
Tune In For a Live Broadcast Premiere of New Gameplay and More
WHEN: Friday, November 7 at noon PST
WHERE: http://www.twitch.tv/assassinscreed
WHAT: Join Ubisoft and Twitch for the biggest livestream launch event in Ubisoft history! Hosted by Jon Carnage, Assassin’s Creed fans and newcomers from all over the world are invited to join the celebration on Twitch, beginning at noon to see:
• First look at Assassin’s Creed Unity days before it hits store shelves
• Interviews with the makers of Assassin’s Creed Unity
• Gameplay with top YouTube and Twitch personalities
• Special giveaways
For more information on the Assassin’s Creed Unity livestream on Twitch, including programming, please visit: assassincreed.com/firstlook
CONTACT: Justin Credible | justin.credible@ubisoft.com | 1-800-222-2337
You can RSVP here:
Now whether or not you actually view the stream, just signing up for the event grants you free DLC (American Prisoner Pack).