I just loved the reason Amazon gave the discount code....
It has been brought to our attention that the image displayed on the product detail page may differ from what you may have expected in 203-2723231-6320343 for Assassin's Creed Unity - Special Offer (PS4).
When you placed your order, the product image may have indicated you would receive an ornamental box for both the watch and the game. You'll only receive an ornamental box with the watch. We're sorry for any disappointment caused.
To try to make up for the disappointment we'd like to offer you a £15 Gift Certificate as a goodwill gesture, which can be used towards any Video Games purchase sold by Amazon.co.uk. The gift certificate is valid till February 28, 2015 11:59:59 PM GMT and can be used once per customer.
How anyone would have understood that box is anything other than fir the watch is beyond me...
And the listing airways described it as being with a watch as a bonus never suggesting it would be a special boxed edition...
Still, when it comes to customer service, Amazon rocks!!!