Originally Posted by xhunter
Anyone have any idea what this is worth (or even where/when it was for sale)? I received it from Crystal Dynamics when IGN did the "IGN Has Your Back" program for a bit (you tell them how you've been wronged by a game company and IGN works to get a proper resolution for you). I got screwed over by Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix with the Tomb Raider Survival Kit (my figure was messed up and I never got a proper response from either company) and they ended up sending me a new kit, a bunch of odds and ends, and this poster/print. It is 78/200 and has printed signatures on the back. Other than that, I know nothing about it.
Wow! That's pretty awesome that theyd do something like that - never heard of that program/service. Also, Never seen that signed print either (though I hadn't really looked honestly). If you suddenly decide that you don't have a place for it let me know!