Big Box PC Game Collector Here:
Greetings! I'm a collector who specializes in PC games, and has a soft spot for Collector's Editions! I've got a large collection of games, but I'll post what I have pictures of. I'll try to update often.
Ultima nine dragon edition by Heather Miller, on Flickr Baulder's Gate II by Heather Miller, on Flickr Diablo II by Heather Miller, on Flickr World of Warcraft by Heather Miller, on Flickr Everquest II by Heather Miller, on Flickr Ultma Online by Heather Miller, on Flickr Final Fantasy by Heather Miller, on Flickr Game Corner by Heather Miller, on Flickr Morrowind by Heather Miller, on Flickr
Been collecting PC games for years, and I especially enjoy collecting Collector's Edition Boxes. Big Box PC Game Collectors Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/311204112360601/ Big Box PC Game Collectors Website: http://bigboxpcgamecollectors.com/ |
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