Tide turning against steelbook video game collecting?
I visit quite a few video game collectors sites and follow a lot of the major and some under the radar video game collectors on youtube...more and more these days i am seeing resentment towards steelbook packaging on games...some famous youtubers say they are pointless and serve no purpose and the standard game case is good enough, others say they are more prone to breakage and more fragile compared to standard boxes, and others say they hate they "stick out" in collections and LOL 'throw theres away"..LOL...when the game only comes with steelbook packaging option. for some strange reason i used to think 100% of gamers were always in favor of steelbook packaging..i was surprised to see people don't care, or dont want them..or in few cases "trash them".LOL...and replace with another empty case....i believe a lot of youtubers have a cult following, so when they say things like "hate steelbook" i think it comes across into peoples minds, that steelbooks are not a plus, but something that takes away from game collecting..the latest noise i read was one a newsfeed announcing street fighter V day one PAL steelbook...they were fans..saying "this sucks, i want a real game case"..and "i will wait now, until a regular case comes out no day 1 buy for me"..etc...just thought it was ironic and surprised to hear these kinds of comments, MORE of them..is what is scary.