Re-doing my old WTB in a better format
Press kits
Lithographs/Posters- Dishonored - I am in need of the Cook and Becker Delilah Portrait - it sold out before I could get my hands on one.
- Borderlands - Looking for the matching black and yellow Claptrap posters
- Quantum Break - Looking for the posters of the corridor schematics. They were up on the Quantum Break store when it went up, then they weren't there anymore. Not sure if these were even released.
- Wolfenstein - Looking for the Assault on Deathshead's Door lithograph
- Portal - IIRC, there was an Apperture labs lithograph that I would like.
- Bioshock Infinite - Looking for the Fink Theater lithograph (concept art)
- Mafia 1/2/3 - Any of the rarer lithographs they sold
Clothing- Watch Dogs - looking for the Blume shirt they used to offer (and anything else Blume):
- Deus Ex - Looking for the Nigthwatch Hoodie that was sold by Musterbrand. Is more like a long-sleeve shirt with a hood.
- Deus Ex - They used to sell a Bellweather shirt, also looking for one of the arm sleeves
Statues/Collectibles- Prey - Looking for the Mimic statue. Not the squeezable toy, but the actual statue with base.
- Prey - Also looking for the 5-peice stone art set the EU Bethesda store was selling earlier this year.
- Prey -Looking for USB Power Bank, Original glass with "not a mimic" sticker from presskit, USB Card
- Thief 4 - Crippled Burrick glasses pint glass, Wanted Posters, hotel room key
- Dishonored - USB card
- Alekhine's Gun -There were a number of chessboards given away using the codes form the CE, which I would like one of.
Steelbooks- Dishonored - I think I have them all, but let me know what you have
- Bioshock Infinite - Fink version in good condition
- Thief - All the variants in good condition
Guides/Books- Deus Ex CE Guide with lithograph
- Art of Prey
CE's- Max Payne 3, sealed
- Watch Dogs 2 SF Edition WITH Wrench Jr robot in box
I'm intersted in most collectibles I do not have from any of the games above. Let me know what you have, worst I can say is no