Steelbooks for Sale - Including Australian Exclusives
Selling various steelbooks
Postage is extra, and from Australia. All prices are aussie dollar (cheaper than US!) Most steelbooks are in really good condition - a few have some incidental scratches Sekiro Shadows Die Twice PS4 - $65 (2 available) Left Alive Mech Edition PS4 - $40 (5 available) Big Bash Boom PS4 - $35 (3 available) PlayStation Plus PS4 - $40 (11 available) Fifa 18 Ultimate team - $5 - (5 available) Destiny 2 - $20 (1 available) Mafia 3 - $20 (1 available) Crackdown 3 - $20 (10 available) Shenmue 3 - $20 (2 available)
'I am Yuri, obey me!' |
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