Planned Blackout on January 18th
CollectorsEdition.org will be joining with thousands of other websites in a blackout protest on January 18th from 8AM to 8PM (-5 GMT)
We're doing this to alert our visitors as to the very real potential dangers of two bills that are being discussed in the US Congress right now, the "Stop Online Piracy Act" (SOPA) and the "Protect IP Act" (PIPA). While these bills have noble goals of protecting copyright holders they are far too broad and threaten the very nature of the internet. At their core they would allow US media companies the ability to black list any website they feel infringes on their property, and do so without any due process. Should either of these bills pass it will effect the internet freedoms not just of those in the USA but the world as a whole. Collector'sEdition.org will be closed to show you what could potentially be a permanent reality for nearly any website that allows user posted content. There is a lot you can do to help stop this, even if you're not a citizen of the USA... Learn More Here »... View this article on the HomePage. |
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