Originally Posted by Saturn
I'm very sorry for not respecting you gurpswoo1 but I cannot stay shut when I read some comments like this one. I accept any sort of consequence you may consider to my account by bringing up this subject yet again and disrespecting you...
Agreed, sorry too Gurp. But I am going to reply because I feel that I didn't get my point across.
Originally Posted by Saturn
That's the most selfish comment I have ever read in this forum for a long time now. If everyone thought like that, this community would be terrible. I've seen bad politicians and administers with that line of thought before.
You are correct it is selfish. No arguing with that.
Originally Posted by Saturn
It's not just buyers' fault for not preordering on time, just so you know. It's also sellers' fault for preordering every frickin' extra copy they can get just to make a profit. That has been happening with many many editions lately and it certainly is not a good thing. It's only good for your own wallet, that's the only single advantage. Other than that, there is almost absolutely no other advantage in reselling a sold out CE for a much higher price.
From what I understand, if you pre-order, you are guaranteed a copy. I didn't read anything about NOT pre-ordering and still getting a copy. With that being said, PRE-ORDER your copy so there isn't any complaining.
Originally Posted by Saturn
You even seem to be bragging about your possibilities compared to those who missed the preorders because they couldn't pay but wanted the edition. You also show you don't even care.
I agree it sounds like im bragging. I didnt mean it that way and thats not my point. My point is, is that I took the time/gas/money to preorder this game at my local Gamestop. Those who snoozed did NOT take the time to preorder. I am prompt and punctual with what I do in life. Just my opinion, but do you think a broke/non punctual person even deserves to even get this game? I think not because they didn't earn it.
Originally Posted by Saturn
You said the other member was immature but how does your comment show any kind of maturity?
I guess I wasn't mature at all if you see it that way. I said what I said because I am a grown ass person who can afford whatever the hell it is I want. I only stated that because he complained like a child who needs mommy and daddy to go buy him something(Don't mean disrespect cuz I dont really know how old u r). He stated that if you wanted something, you worker for it which
I did. If I wanted to spend money on 20 copies of Borderlands 2, then let me, and then let me do whatever the hell it is I want with it. I still have my freedom to say and do as I please and I can do this with no financial issue compared to someone who complain and can't get just one copy for themselves.
**No disrespect to you Saturn and Deubeuliou. It's just that this isn't the first time I keep reading about complaining about this subject. Like I said previously, when it comes down to it, if you didn't pre-order, then you aren't going to get it and if you are serious about getting it, you buy it on ebay. I've overpaid for games myself on ebay and guess what, I sucked it up because it made me happy to own it.