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Old 11-06-2013, 06:50 PM
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Default Watch dogs

Originally Posted by Zaku77 View Post
I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure that AC IV will do well, I 'think' that Blacklist did well, and I'm sure that Watchdogs will do quite well, too. This happens to most companies' stocks when they delay a game. They have to change their projected earnings--always lower them for the current period--and the stock dips. It will come back up once Watchdogs is released and they're back on track with their earning projections.
Even if that was the case, if there was no AC next year it would be a little nice. Give it some time so we could miss the game.

The same can be said with COD and many many others that do yearly releases.
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Old 11-07-2013, 12:29 AM
MadMan5 MadMan5 is offline
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Default Re: WATCH DOGS

Originally Posted by Argonian Pagan View Post
I'm curious about this too. Amazon com has modified the release dates as follows:
- Prima Collector's Guide : June 30 2014
- Art of Watch Dogs (Titan Books) : April 22 2014

Meanwhile in the UK all the stores I tried say it's still Nov 19/22 2013:
Amazon co uk
Game UK
Bookdepository guide artbook

I even e-mail'ed Book depository for the artbook and they replied the launch is still this month, independent to the game release. This is pretty confusing and prima didn't reply my e-mail.
The art book and game guide must be printed and bound by now as print runs go this is a big job then there is distribution to add so I would think they are some somewhere. As they pulled this at the last minute a few things can happen hold the art bookstall new date (me thinks the should let it go ahead the least the could do as it is a big disappoint to many the delay) but the game guide they will have to right off too many spoilers may be.

looks like the game has had a big rethink (like putting the option to set game at 1080p like you can do on pc games set the resolution in game there should be no reason why this should not be standard for "next-Gen" games) it's more likely to do with multiplayer me thinks as online gaming is we're the developers are pushing us. The division will be huge (key being character creation from the off) just because it is not set in a kind of Mass Effect universe that said still all down to taste.

I may be wrong but what we want from are next-gen ornaments is quality gaming, when games look and play like there trailers only then I would say "next-gen" is here. To me this next-gen sounds too trekkie like the next generation tv series a lot of build up for years then boldly went nowhere.
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Old 11-12-2013, 05:39 PM
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Default Re: WATCH DOGS

Originally Posted by MadMan5 View Post
To me this next-gen sounds too trekkie like the next generation tv series a lot of build up for years then boldly went nowhere.
WHa!?! ST:TNG was the BEST... at least in my opinion. Maybe you're just referring to the final episode?? Yes, I will assume you mean that.

I do hope that they put a lot of effort into making this game beautiful though. It is still the #1 Game that I'm looking forward to playing, though I could care less about the multiplayer.

The only thing I'm sad about though is that I had it pre-ordered at GS for the 360 (as I wanted to play it early) and now can't upgrade to the XB1 CE as they've closed the pre-orders for that. Looks like I'll just have to try and trade-up for $10 or something on release date.
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Originally Posted by jonkhor86 View Post
That's the Truth, from the Knight of Truth
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Old 11-13-2013, 12:41 AM
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Default Re: WATCH DOGS

Originally Posted by KnightOfTruth View Post
WHa!?! ST:TNG was the BEST... at least in my opinion. Maybe you're just referring to the final episode?? Yes, I will assume you mean that.

I do hope that they put a lot of effort into making this game beautiful though. It is still the #1 Game that I'm looking forward to playing, though I could care less about the multiplayer.

The only thing I'm sad about though is that I had it pre-ordered at GS for the 360 (as I wanted to play it early) and now can't upgrade to the XB1 CE as they've closed the pre-orders for that. Looks like I'll just have to try and trade-up for $10 or something on release date.
Not a ST hater been watching from the off all of them most of what we see in tech today has been from the shows.
I'm sure they have done a good job on the game with out a doubt put game developers have long term projections and all the rest to think about with a game these days. Oh! That's right their not called games any more!

There are three types of gamers nowadays... A: get's any game bought for them, B: the CE Collector, C: hard core gamer. There are many more but for this I will stick to these for the moment A plays till they get board and some thing new comes up? B plays when the have the time, C on it just to kill everything for the hours they have put in on a game numbers is everything( I'm doing it for the numbers man!!!) there will never be an ending for some to get that high score.

Gaming has become an addition in many forms be it cosplay to web sites talking about gaming that's why too me it is about the game at the end of the day like Darksiders II loved the game till they fucked up with the DLC playing AC3 at the moment along with BAC along with GTAV the list goes on but that's how I like to play. As some games have GOTY versions after a while will pick one up if the price is right.
So you is a SPG (single player gamer) who buys a game for quality and playability, the trade-up thing is what?
If get the XB1 version for $10 I think that won't apply as there is a kill date for the promotion next year March me thinks.
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Old 11-16-2013, 08:41 PM
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Default Re: WATCH DOGS



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Old 11-17-2013, 05:12 AM
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Default Re: WATCH DOGS

Nice, I'll get one with the Dedsec Edition.. I'm guessing the Dedsec one and the UbiCollectibles one are the same
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Old 11-17-2013, 10:34 AM
bazzaffc bazzaffc is offline
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Default Re: WATCH DOGS

Originally Posted by Dr_Jengo View Post
Nice, I'll get one with the Dedsec Edition.. I'm guessing the Dedsec one and the UbiCollectibles one are the same
Me to, I think there is a slight difference in the two statues but not enough to really warrant getting both which is a shame!
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Old 11-17-2013, 01:00 PM
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Default Re: WATCH DOGS

Originally Posted by bazzaffc View Post
Me to, I think there is a slight difference in the two statues but not enough to really warrant getting both which is a shame!
What is the difference? If there is, I'll get both
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Old 11-17-2013, 01:05 PM
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Default Re: WATCH DOGS

Originally Posted by Dr_Jengo View Post
What is the difference? If there is, I'll get both

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Old 11-17-2013, 01:34 PM
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Default Re: WATCH DOGS

Well, maybe they changed the statue for ded sec edition? I cant believe there would be such a small difference...but who knows..its ubisoft after all.
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