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Old 02-10-2015, 08:29 PM
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Default Re: My New Life - Update and Outreach

Originally Posted by foreverflash View Post
If you decided to skip the the end of this post and not read anything, I encourage you to visit this website, and in your own time, take the survey there. Thanks.[/I][/COLOR]
Isn't this a parody website lol?
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Old 02-10-2015, 08:46 PM
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Default Re: foreverflash's Collection - My New Life

Welcome "back" Flash! Its really crazy to have read through your posts since I've been on here (2013 sometime). You actually live close enough that we could go out for some coffee or something if I had a few hours to spare, and we probably share some similar experiences in life based on some things I've read you post before. I'm not familiar with the ministry or people of your particular church in Plymouth, but I'm VERY familiar with the area and travel there frequently.

I'm glad you've got a relationship with The Lord, that's what we're all ultimately on this crazy planet for and it seems your still as zealous as ever (based on these posts) -- good on 'ya mate, but I'd be interested in chatting with you about where you're at and how things are going for you sometime via PM or email. I always enjoy meeting new people, hearing their stories, and possibly adding a word or a sentence and at times even a chapter to the living epistle they already are -- so if you're up to chat a bit, let me know, and if not, I hope and pray you continue to be led/molded/shaped into the passionate, mature, anointed, and balanced individual He's got you to be!

Originally Posted by Mike1888 View Post
Isn't this a parody website lol?
Also, wow. That website seems umm... a little... quirky. Probably not a "parody website", but does have a few flaws in the built-in logic of it, digitally speaking.
Hey all, things have really heated up lately and I'm not as available as I used to be. If I have something of yours, its still safe and sound, and I'll be looking to ship it ASAP before the next move. If you have things of mine, PLEASE PM me what I owe you and I'll send payment right away, thanks for your patience!

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Originally Posted by jonkhor86 View Post
That's the Truth, from the Knight of Truth

Last edited by KnightOfTruth; 02-10-2015 at 08:53 PM.
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Old 02-10-2015, 09:19 PM
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Default Re: foreverflash's Collection - My New Life

Well I not gonna do the whole religion thing debate as ultimately it goes nowhere

I support anyone's lifestyle and beliefs as long as it does not harm anyone

I personally believe just try and do good when you can, i sloth , lust and glutton but I can pull myself back independently without a book of moral when I think I am being a twat

Its one of those things I am le atheist, if I had to group myself

I like cookies but don't quote nutter butter verses and tell others their way is wrong

Live your life
Steal happiness when you can

Life is 90% shit 10% good times so enjoy the good

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Old 02-10-2015, 09:21 PM
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Default Re: foreverflash's Collection - My New Life

Originally Posted by KnightOfTruth View Post
Welcome "back" Flash! Its really crazy to have read through your posts since I've been on here (2013 sometime). You actually live close enough that we could go out for some coffee or something if I had a few hours to spare, and we probably share some similar experiences in life based on some things I've read you post before. I'm not familiar with the ministry or people of your particular church in Plymouth, but I'm VERY familiar with the area and travel there frequently.

I'm glad you've got a relationship with The Lord, that's what we're all ultimately on this crazy planet for and it seems your still as zealous as ever (based on these posts) -- good on 'ya mate, but I'd be interested in chatting with you about where you're at and how things are going for you sometime via PM or email. I always enjoy meeting new people, hearing their stories, and possibly adding a word or a sentence and at times even a chapter to the living epistle they already are -- so if you're up to chat a bit, let me know, and if not, I hope and pray you continue to be led/molded/shaped into the passionate, mature, anointed, and balanced individual He's got you to be!


Also, wow. That website seems umm... a little... quirky. Probably not a "parody website", but does have a few flaws in the built-in logic of it, digitally speaking.

Knight i would go to cat cafe with you, then curry and beer and hookers


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Old 02-10-2015, 09:50 PM
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Default Re: foreverflash's Collection - My New Life

Originally Posted by comaamen86 View Post
Knight i would go to cat cafe with you, then curry and beer and hookers

I'd totally go out for a bite with ya Tom, ESPECIALLY for some curry! I like things spicy! (But would pass on the rest -- much too "spicy" for my tastes!)

Also, I'll stop hijacking Flash's thread here --- to the random thoughts thread we go!
Hey all, things have really heated up lately and I'm not as available as I used to be. If I have something of yours, its still safe and sound, and I'll be looking to ship it ASAP before the next move. If you have things of mine, PLEASE PM me what I owe you and I'll send payment right away, thanks for your patience!

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Originally Posted by jonkhor86 View Post
That's the Truth, from the Knight of Truth
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