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Old 10-04-2011, 01:26 PM
Slybaoth Slybaoth is offline
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Default Re: WTB Uncharted 3 Explorer Edition!

I'm from France...
To be clear, I'm talking about this edition :

In fact, as I said, I don't know the weight of the CE... I just take 10kg and 5kg to give you an idea of the final cost including shipping. (but I think the chest will be quite heavy !!)
I will not make any money while selling it to you, so if it weight lower, the shipping cost will be lower and so the final price. But if it weight 5kg, it will be 157GBP no more no less.
(For information the price of the CE in France is 149euros).

My first preorder is in Amazon and my second is in FNAC, both will take money only at shipping, so I don't need money now and I could wait until the very end (3 days before official release) to cancel my order.
Old 10-05-2011, 08:18 AM
II B1GG BOSS II's Avatar
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Ah ok that's cool, well would you be able to hold on to one for me, however one user has sent me a message and said they also have one and they are from the UK so shipping shouldn't be as expensive, but if for whatever reason it doesn't work out at least ill have this one lol, if it does work out I'll message you 3-4 days before to let you know to not worry about holding it for me, is that ok?

Thanks for you're assistance mate, really do appreciate the help
Old 10-21-2011, 07:20 AM
Slybaoth Slybaoth is offline
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Default Re: WTB Uncharted 3 Explorer Edition!

Due to a change of the french release of Uncharted 3, I have to decide before monday to keep or discard my second pre-order of the explorer edition !!! So If no one contact me via PM, I will discard it !!!
Old 10-21-2011, 10:54 AM
II B1GG BOSS II's Avatar
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Thanks for the warning mate, I contacted the other person who is more local to me and just went to double check if he is still going to sell me his explorer edition, so I will let you know in the next few days mate
Old 10-21-2011, 07:16 PM
fattyuk fattyuk is offline
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Default Re: WTB Uncharted 3 Explorer Edition!

got mine ordered from game!

and had an email about early payment might be taken, shit myself lol as I don't get paid till end of the month so had to change my payment to a credit card,which I realllllyyyyy shouldn't be doing! but would shed a tear if my payment messed up and order canceled
Old 10-21-2011, 07:25 PM
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Default Re: WTB Uncharted 3 Explorer Edition!

Shit, will have to pay money into the bank tomorrow :/ better not cancel! xx
No matter what, I got your back. I'll take a bullet for you if it comes to that.

Old 10-21-2011, 07:46 PM
fattyuk fattyuk is offline
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Default Re: WTB Uncharted 3 Explorer Edition!

^^^ check your email I'd be surprised if you haven't recieved it, I got mine about 2 hours ago... I'll post what says
Old 10-21-2011, 07:46 PM
fattyuk fattyuk is offline
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Default Re: WTB Uncharted 3 Explorer Edition!

Thank you for preordering Uncharted 3 from

Due to the epic size of Uncharted 3 we have a lot to do to make sure it gets to you
in time for launch day. As a result, we will be processing your order and charging your
payment card a little earlier than usual.

If your payment has been successful you will receive an email letting you know that
your order is on its way. It will not reach you early, this just means its being held ready
for delivery on launch day.

Please note all courier tracking numbers will not be active until the evening prior to
the release date.

If there is a problem with your order you may receive an email informing you that your
order has been cancelled.
This could be due to a problem with your payment method. If your order has been
cancelled please place a new order on

If you have any queries please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Service Team:

The Customer Service Team
Old 10-21-2011, 07:53 PM
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Default Re: WTB Uncharted 3 Explorer Edition!

Oh, no I knew about the email, I checked after you posted, I just mean I don't have enough in the right bank account right now, so will have to dive to the bank tomorrow to pay some money in xx
No matter what, I got your back. I'll take a bullet for you if it comes to that.

Old 10-22-2011, 09:35 AM
gokilz gokilz is offline
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Default Re: WTB Uncharted 3 Explorer Edition!

id like to get this badly!!! anyone can help me please
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