Re: WTB a few CE's
Re: WTB a few CE's
Re: WTB a few CE's
Re: WTB a few CE's
Re: WTB a few CE's
There are a couple sellers on Amazon selling sealed black label releases
http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listi...seller=&sr=8-1 Cheapest one appears to be at 24 USD shipped although I would ask for a picture to ensure its the right one as there was a "black label" uncharted 2 included with a PS3 bundle and some of the sellers seem to have that version
Re: WTB a few CE's
Re: WTB a few CE's
Yeah but it might be worth it to ask for pictures from a couple of them and see if you get lucky
Might find the specific variant you're looking for at a far more reasonable price
Re: WTB a few CE's
Very true. I'll do that
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