Originally Posted by Gemini-Phoenix
I compare it very much to an addiction, and yes, it does sometimes feel like a compulsion in much the same way a drug addict or alcoholic feels compelled to consume more. Yet the more they consume, the more they want, and that's exactly how I feel - No matter how many CE's I buy, or how many versions of a game I buy, I always feel that I need to obtain more. I never feel satisfied...
I am openly admitting that I have a serious problem, but the strange thing is I don't want help. I don't treat this like an illness which I need to get better from. In fact, I am proud I am addicted, but I feel that it's something I would rather discuss publicly with others who may have the same problem in order to justify it to myself.
I wish there were some logical explanation as to why I do it. Is it for monetry gain somewhere down the line? Perhaps. Or is it for personal satisfaction of achieving something? Likely. Or is it something deeper than that?
This actually strikes me pretty close to home here. Sometimes I wonder if I have an issue too. I mean, even after getting some super rare items (like the amp replica) I end up feeling like "WELL LET'S FIND SOMETHING ELSE"
I still like the stuff I have, sure, but it seems like once I've obtained it the fun of tracking it down is gone so I need something else. I think for me, it's the fun of finding things and getting them...
even some of the CEs I'll be really looking forward to them and once I get them it's time to look forward to the next one. It's a weird feeling indeed...