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Old 03-22-2012, 05:42 AM
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Default Re: FS MASS EFFECT 3 ALLIANCE EDITION - Italian Exclusive

Originally Posted by Idiotekque View Post
You're paying a small fortune for a chintzy notebook, a box with some art (no art book), and a model that you can buy separately for a fraction of the price.

It's cool, just not worth that much. The 1100 number is just that: a number.

And the seller only accepts paypal gift or bank transfer, 100% reliable
Old 03-22-2012, 05:47 AM
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Default Re: FS MASS EFFECT 3 ALLIANCE EDITION - Italian Exclusive

Well, I'm actually not trying to be a douchebag (although it probably sounds like it, or I am anyways). It is an interesting set and the limited nature obvious makes it highly sought after, it's just annoying to see "numbered" editions with such chintzy contents. I just bought the Dead Rising 2 High Roller Edition for around $60, and it might not be numbered, but the contents are pretty awesome. This is so fancy and region specific and numbered and the best thing you're getting is... the box.

As for payment, I can't really blame the guy. PayPal kinda screws either side with their system. If you're the buyer paying gift, the seller can screw you. If you're the buyer paying goods, you can screw the seller (and pretty much win every time). It's a flawed system; I'd only accept gift payment myself for something expensive like this unless the buyer had a strong reputation. It's too sketchy otherwise.
Old 03-22-2012, 06:00 AM
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Default Re: FS MASS EFFECT 3 ALLIANCE EDITION - Italian Exclusive

If you want every Mass effect CE out there I don't blame you (to each his own), but I agree with you, you are paying a lot of euros just for a number, a notebook and a mediocre normandy model.
Old 03-22-2012, 06:10 AM
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Default Re: FS MASS EFFECT 3 ALLIANCE EDITION - Italian Exclusive

Its a worthy addition to any collection, plenty have sold well above the RRP so plenty think so too
Old 03-22-2012, 06:11 AM
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Default Re: FS MASS EFFECT 3 ALLIANCE EDITION - Italian Exclusive

Would the Xbox360 be worth far more in the future? Especially if you're a true ME collector who also has the previous CE for the previous games?

I'd want the Xbox360 or PC version of this sealed condition as well if I were to pay a bit more for it.
Old 03-22-2012, 11:13 AM
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Default Re: FS MASS EFFECT 3 ALLIANCE EDITION - Italian Exclusive

Yes it I am almost certain the xbox 360 edition is going to be worth more.

especially if you sell as a trilogy.

I would also say that this edition is worth a considerable amount now and is likely to be worth atleast 2-3 times as much in the next 2-3 years.

I stake my collection on that prediction.
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Old 03-22-2012, 11:37 AM
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Default Re: FS MASS EFFECT 3 ALLIANCE EDITION - Italian Exclusive

Daaamn, if you're willing to stake your collection then it must be true... Wish I had the money now to get me one of those (not that I didn't already wish it haha) xx
No matter what, I got your back. I'll take a bullet for you if it comes to that.

Old 03-22-2012, 11:42 AM
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Default Re: FS MASS EFFECT 3 ALLIANCE EDITION - Italian Exclusive

Well, it's the only truly numbered Mass Effect item in existence, even if it is a weak package. Don't know what they were thinking when they decided not to put numbers on the graphic novel limited series.
Old 03-22-2012, 11:43 AM
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Default Re: FS MASS EFFECT 3 ALLIANCE EDITION - Italian Exclusive

LOl - Yeah I also want to acquire this edition but I don't have that level of expenditure.

One day maybe.
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Old 03-22-2012, 06:50 PM
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Default Re: FS MASS EFFECT 3 ALLIANCE EDITION - Italian Exclusive

Hi guys, just to be clear with you here, i'm NOT HERE TO SCREW ANYONE.
I'm not that kind kind of guy and i'll never be, it's just out of any questions or doubt.
I've clearly specify paypal and bank transfer not only because are the only way you can pay me (i can do it by other ways but you can't do it unless you live here) but also because they can tutor you during the transaction.
I specified the gift way because i'm not intended to give fees on paypal, absolutely not.
Few weeks back i help some of you getting from ebay uncharted 3 stuff like steelbooks and console stickers, i got only a positive feed but anyway no one here had bad feedback about me, some of them even send me the money when the auctions were still not ended and i could clearly hold them and send you a nice F.Y.

The price is what i ask, you are not obligate to buy it, more on this, some of many collectors are willed to spend 700/1000$ for the ultra edition of dead space (and thats also not that mutch as seems meaning about contents) then why i could not ask that price for this? As i look to the auctions on ebay a lot of people seems interested to spend that price for it, i could even already selled there if i will.

If i have to bring me back as i want to F someone or being ritch instead of giving someone of you this opportunity (as i found the site quite interesting and i watch it almost every day) i would just stop here and look somewhere else definetly... hope u understand it, sorry about my grammatic errors D:
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