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Old 05-14-2012, 03:13 PM
Likey Likey is offline
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Default Re: Likey's Magical and (Final) Fantasy Collection

Oh cool, good to see that there's another one on ebay. Shame that it was a 10day auction and someone already bidded before you, otherwise you could have contacted them for a buy it now price. Yeah you'll be fine with it framed - just make sure you win! I offered £7.50 but they said £10.00 inc delivery so I accepted.

Haha - crazy price for a signed copy of the standard game. Unfortunately I have no desire for that particular signed item. If it was the Limited Collectors or Crystal Edition then I can understand a bidding war for this. If I really had to part money for it then under £50 for sure but even then I'd feel ripped off.

Yeah you're right, it's not like I'm going to sell them otherwise I would have bought doubles of everything. I still keep my items in mint condition even if it is opened, I'll show you some photos of some of my stuff so you see what I mean.

With deliveries that come into my work place, I would open up the packaging and would add cardboard and bubble wrap so I can take it home even safer lol. I'm being extra about it but it's just the way I am.

Today I received 5 packages! I think it is the following:

Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within UMD for PSP (New and Sealed)
Kingdom Hearts - Cloud (used)
Kingdom Hearts I and II Guide (used)
Mass Effect 3 PS3 - Collectors Edition (New and Sealed)
Plastic covers for G1/DVD cases - 2 packs of 30 (recommended by you I think)

I am interested in buying some of those big plastic covers that Estatic Arts use when posting their items out, it's so nicely wrapped by them!
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Old 05-14-2012, 04:37 PM
Likey Likey is offline
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Default Re: Likey's Magical and (Final) Fantasy Collection

I just bought this: Final Fantasy Master Creatures Vol 3 - all 3 in the set.

My wife spotted it yesterday and was keen to get it, I lost the auction which is pretty rare for me lol.

Anyhow, I contacted the seller and had another set for sale so I snapped it up. He even ordered it for less than my max bid as well! He confirmed these are genuine Square Enix products too.

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Old 05-14-2012, 04:43 PM
Ryu Kazama Ryu Kazama is offline
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Default Re: Likey's Magical and (Final) Fantasy Collection

Very nice!

I stopped at set 1, ha! It had Cefca which was about the only reason I got it. Not sure if I have Diablos or Bahamut....I should do...

If you see Tiamat (should just be a Bahamut variant)...let me know!
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Old 05-14-2012, 05:08 PM
Likey Likey is offline
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Default Re: Likey's Magical and (Final) Fantasy Collection

I wasn't too bothered about all the other random stuff out there such as the Creature sets but actually this one looks pretty nice.

If there's anything you want me to find along my travels then list them here, I will make sure you get notified should I come across it.
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Old 05-14-2012, 06:07 PM
Likey Likey is offline
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Default Re: Likey's Magical and (Final) Fantasy Collection

Sorry, Ryu Kazama. Our conversation is all over the place on the forum so let's collate it all in one place for our discussions.

Include your Street Fighter chat too.

Originally Posted by Likey View Post
Bear in mind I've only played FFVII, FFXIII and FFXIII-2 so it'll be a big spoiler to watch the CGI/FMVs but would't mind owning them, even if they are unofficial as they are packaged pretty nicely.
Originally Posted by Ryu Kazama View Post
Holy crap, get of this forum and go play FFVI NOW! Take time off work if you must. Don't let the SNES graphics fool you, the game is really, really awesome. Excellent music, excellent story and excellent characters.

So far you've played one of the best (VII) and two of the worst (XIII and XIII-2), though to be totally honest XIII-2 was a great step up from XIII. Sunk 80 or so hours to Platinum that.

For me VI, X, VIII are great. XIII being bottom tier.

Hans: Buy it off SE shop? Or forbiddenplanet?

All this FF merch talk has my dark side remerging (ie. splurging on FF stuff....ugh)
Haha, yeah. I'm a little behind on gaming for sure!

I've played FFVI - it was my first Final Fantasy game I've played and boy was it good! I still love listening to the OST so I'm definitely a huge fan of it. Got really far but didn't finish it, I think my brother completed it whilst I was watching (we used to take turns with separate save files) so didn't bother doing it after he did it.

I also played VII and got far but never completed this either lol. Tried VIII but it was very slow to begin as it had tons of tutorial to read through so never really got started. Then I stopped for ages so I'm not really sure how I can call myself a fan lol!

The next game I tried was FFXIII and that was only because I saw FFXIII-2 poster so felt I must complete FFXIII to play FFXIII-2. I pumped 65 hours to finish FFXIII main story and yet to do the side-quests as I wanted to finish the story on FFXIII-2, pumped just under 40 hours into that and then got the platinum trophy (first ever one) after 90 hours.

I don't have much to compare as I took a long break from gaming so I'll just say that I really enjoyed FFXIII and FFXIII-2 despite what reviews say. The battle system was awesome, had a lot of fun with it. Some may disagree but I quite liked the character and story, hence why I bothered buying all the toys. I didn't feel the game was just running through corridors, I was playing it through like one long movie, enjoying the slow burn of the story as I continued.

I intend to play all the FF games so don't worry. I am about 8 hours into FFVII Crisis Core so after I complete that I'll play FFVII and then probably go with FFVIII.

Originally Posted by Ryu Kazama View Post
Dissidia range look lovely. I have Squall only so far. Looking to get Gabranth eventually when space and money permits.
I take it you have other commitments or still a student? If you work I'm sure you can afford these luxuries. Just don't leave it too long because they tend to sell out and not restock.

As I said earlier, give me a shout if you want anything from the store as you're from London anyway.
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Old 05-14-2012, 06:18 PM
Ryu Kazama Ryu Kazama is offline
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Default Re: Likey's Magical and (Final) Fantasy Collection

Ah, finish VI if you can. Wonderful game.

I've done enough spending on merchandise or multiple copies of games (3x Crystal Editions was my latest splurge) for now. I'm actually in full-time employment at a decent place but you know, responsibilities add up and then there's that thing, traditionally with 4 wheels and goes "vroom, vroom" to save up for *sigh*. I've cut down a fair bit on figures and such and mostly stick to the gaming side of things where I can. I will jump back in here and there when something major arrives but I try to be more patient.

With fairly easy access to Hong Kong things are easier to find and actually, after visiting Japan, certain things are still easily available there, too!

Edit: Actually, there's a few figures that recently came out that I'm resisting to purchase. Batman Play Arts, Cyborg Ninja Play Arts and another new ZOE Anubis figure. Sad times.

Last edited by Ryu Kazama; 05-14-2012 at 06:21 PM.
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Old 05-14-2012, 06:24 PM
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Default Re: Likey's Magical and (Final) Fantasy Collection

Shiva Shiva Shiva...oink oink oink (love it like a pig in mud).

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Old 05-14-2012, 08:20 PM
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Default Re: Likey's Magical and (Final) Fantasy Collection

Ok have time now...The cups 1-4 black been no.1

1,looks good from a distance but closer you can see it's not all black so can see the roll (5/10)
2,This is the clearest of the 4 & looks the job bit of fading in 2 corners (7/10)
3,even though it looks like it's a bit out of focus other than Lightning cheaply done (3/10)
4,Even though i give it a 7/10 it is runner up to the one above only by a only by a whisker clear front but out of focus & looks clear at the bottom but a bit faded at the top (6.999999/10)

So if i was to take one to work i would use number 3 as that is all it's good for

But this cup i may keep?

But the color is a bit out not so sharp as the cover of the game
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Old 05-15-2012, 11:21 AM
Likey Likey is offline
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Default Re: Likey's Magical and (Final) Fantasy Collection

Thanks for the review of those mugs. Not sure I'll get any of them as I preferred the first black one the most. :/
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Old 05-15-2012, 01:52 PM
Likey Likey is offline
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Default Re: Likey's Magical and (Final) Fantasy Collection

Originally Posted by foreverflash View Post

My friend, we are "collectors" here and that means that although focuses on gaming, you are welcome to share ANY thing you collect! (within reason and good conscience of course). I myself am a collector of (besides video games) movies, television, music, art, promotional items, books, comics and a lot of other tidbits in between! I have never met a magician (or do you prefer Illusionist?) so I'm fascinated to see what you have in that regard. Also never met a real poker player! So share it up bud! Look forward to picture updates in the Magical land of Likey.

Hi foreverflash,

Sorry for the late reply to your welcome message. I haven't forgotten you, just trying to get some photos sorted to get this thread going as it's still a bit plain.

A lot of my magic items are at my parent's house (most are still brand new sealed so hopefully they aren't damaged in any way) but I do have some of my magic books at my flat so I'll make the time to take photos of those. Not sure if I can tonight as I have a Skype chat with a good friend later to discuss some poker. The plan is to get back into opker again as I've taken a few months off to play Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2 so it's a good time to get back into winning ways as I've finished playing the games now.

Would be nice to win decent monies to pay for my collecting hobby, that shouldn't be too difficult to do, but I do want to win and save enough for a big enough deposit for a house that I'll eventually buy somewhere. I'm rather limited in space where we are and it's pretty crazy how I've bought all these new things lately, there are cardboard boxes everywhere and I don't want to throw them away as it'll come in handy for when we move. I am not even referring to the original boxes for figurines etc. I just mean big cardboard - here's a photo of the corner of my bedroom lol.

I prefer close-up magic which is stuff like card tricks so I wouldn't say I'm an illusionist, that would come under stuff like stage magic or mentalism where you do some psychological trickery with your spectator.

I haven't practiced that hobby for a long time now but it's definitely something I need to get back into again as I've spent a lot of money on this hobby.

Good to hear there is interest in what I do. Keep a lookout for updates on here, whether it is gaming or my other hobbies.


Last edited by Likey; 05-15-2012 at 06:28 PM. Reason: Oops - didn't even link a photo and tinypic is down
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