Re: Dead Island: Riptide Rigor Mortis Edition
Yeah lame if it wouldnt be exclusive now..since thats why i ordered.
Always looking to buy ps3 press kits! Wanted: http://collectorsedition.org/forums/...087#post209087 My collection: http://collectorsedition.org/forums/...ead.php?t=5921 Make me an offer i cant refuse and anything from my collection is for sale |
Re: Dead Island: Riptide Rigor Mortis Edition
So I posted on gameware?s forum to ask if the Riptide Edition is exclusive to them or what?s so exclusive about it.
It seems that the only thing exclusive about it is the fact that they are the only ones who are allowed to sell it in in a specific region (Germany/Switzerland/Austria I assume). Nothing exclusive if it comes to any content afaik.
Re: Dead Island: Riptide Rigor Mortis Edition
That?s some serious bullsh*t gameware.at did. A couple of weeks ago they uploaded a pic of the final COllectors Edition they will get and it obviously was the Rigor Mortis Edition.
Just got a mail from them: "Du hast bei uns die Dead Island: Riptide Collectors Edition bestellt. Diese sollte in einer Reisekoffer-Verpackung ausgeliefert werden. Leider kann uns der Hersteller diese Verpackung nicht liefern bzw werden diese nur in der USA angeboten. Die Gute Nachricht: Wir haben uns entschieden mit dem besonderen Sammlerbeigaben der Collectors Edition ein Fan Set zu einem sehr g?nstigen Preis zu schn?ren. Du sparst dir pro Version EUR 20,- und bekommst dein bestelltes Exemplar nun deutlich g?nstiger J Falls du schon bezahlt haben solltest bekommst du die Differnez zum Release zur?ck, falls nicht wird dir nur der g?nstige Preis verrechnet." Which means that they will NOT get the Rigor Mortis Edition as the producer can?t deliver the suitcase and will only be available in the US. The "good" news as they call it is that they will make a Fan Set which will include the Hula Girl and the banner and which is 20? cheaper. This is how the CE/Fan Set looks now:
Re: Dead Island: Riptide Rigor Mortis Edition
I just got that email too. Tbh though, I'm kinda glad. One less CE (or at least, one cheaper CE now) to have to try and deal with haha xx
No matter what, I got your back. I'll take a bullet for you if it comes to that.
Instagram/CollectingAsylum/Twitter |
Re: Dead Island: Riptide Rigor Mortis Edition
so that means us edition could be proper exclusive ??? as in limited???
Re: Dead Island: Riptide Rigor Mortis Edition
Nothing mentioned about limited quantity.
Re: Dead Island: Riptide Rigor Mortis Edition
see i am torn beetween zombie bait and american ce there can only be one for i,
Re: Dead Island: Riptide Rigor Mortis Edition
You get a stone with this edtion? Or what is this thing behind the "stoffbanner"
Im always interested in Stalker stuff. pm me if you have something to sell |
Re: Dead Island: Riptide Rigor Mortis Edition
Is that a joke? The stone was just to display the banner xx
No matter what, I got your back. I'll take a bullet for you if it comes to that.
Instagram/CollectingAsylum/Twitter |
Re: Dead Island: Riptide Rigor Mortis Edition
you get the ocean as well in the ultimate edition
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