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Old 07-26-2013, 02:55 AM
CanisCanemEdit CanisCanemEdit is offline
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Default Re: Xbox Live Day One Subscription Steelbook

Originally Posted by SwiftDeath View Post
24 hour check-in is my major complaint

Even just on a purely principle level that is a terrible restriction

I need MS's daily permission to play my games

Great thanks for that

The game trading was innovative but technically they legally had to allow that if they ever wanted to sell it in Europe

Europe has laws that mandate the trading and selling of software licenses

A case against steam in europe has either gone through or in progress

Don't remember but most people expect steam to add game trading of some sort to align with european laws

And yes family sharing was likely PR spin at the last minute

If it was as good as claimed it would've been on E3 show or mentioned at E3 in detail

I will almost certainly buy an X1 now likely in a year or year and a half when Halo comes out and things with the system have been sussed out

Still dislike the mandatory kinect attachment though as that drives up the cost so much

Thank you. The whole family sharing is something that we've been doing since the beginning and just sounds to me that it's being marketed as some kind of beneficial revolutionary option that didn't exist before.

I'm in the same boat with you. I will buy one in a year or so. For everyone that wants to buy one, more power to you, but I'm not throwing any money in that direction nor am I going to make it some kind of vigilante cause to convince others from doing what they want to do with their money.
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Old 07-26-2013, 03:00 AM
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Default Re: Xbox Live Day One Subscription Steelbook

Originally Posted by CanisCanemEdit View Post
It seems that you've fallen into some trappings of your own. Don't be mistaken that I was never aware that these are two corporate entities who make money in the end. I just didn't start playing video games in the last 10 years. Not once in my posts did I ever mention that I said Sony loves me. As a matter of fact, I don't think I even brought up Sony in this entire thread concerning Microsoft. I am fully aware of Sony's business practices and let's not forget the days of Ken Kutaragi and his apparent madness. I am addressing Microsoft and Xbox one, so please don't make any unnecessary assumptions about grouping people in this oh you hate one company, therefore you must love the other because you think that's the only thing fueling a person's ideology if they're unhappy with certain corporate business practices. If Sony messes up for one console iteration, I will address them in their entirety and vice versa with what ever is happening in the current video game industry.

To blanket companies as corporations whose sole and only purpose is to make money because they don't have some love or respect for the community that continually supports them is a stupid notion as well. You're basically telling me that all companies exist to make a buck and no company right now in the industry gives two shits about their fan base is a load of bull and a complete disservice to the men and women in those respective companies who enjoy gaming for what it is. It's not farfetched to believe that someone can enjoy making money and still be passionate at what they do. Not everyone has lost sight of their goals, dreams and pursuits in lieu of the almighty dollar. So, when you go and buy your limitations and import your expensive trinkets, you know for a fact that you're just a cash cow and a quick buck to make from all the companies that you buy from.

Everybody's got the choice to do what they want to do in the end. If you want to choose to pay to play and buy your entire roster, then that's entirely up to you. It's your money. I'm not telling you what to do with your money or making choices for you in regards to your hobby just because I don't necessarily agree with the difference of opinion. In the same regards and for others, it is our money to choose what to do at the end of the day based on our thoughts and principles. I am saying that from my stance, I refuse to support such a thing and not because of some kind of fandom that you're confused that I may or may not have. Everyone is entitled to their choice and opinions, but to try to convince a person to change their opinion or make the choice for them when it's not their choice to make to begin with is a wholly different thing itself.
Yup, I was grouping you in with the sentiment that is running rampant on the internet right now that Microsoft wants to kill your dog and Sony wants to give you fellatio in the backroom. I apologize if you don't actually fit into that, but it is so ubiquitous at the moment that it is easy to lump folks into that category.

And it is in no way wrong to say that companies solely exist to make money. The top execs that actually make the decisions get paid big bucks, and they have share holders to worry about that only care about seeing proper returns. The people that really care about their fan base are not the ones making the decisions. It's also worth noting that just because a CEO comes out and says this or that doesn't mean it's genuine. It's called PR, and it's an integral part of their business strategy. EA has come out and said that they fully support used games, yet their past actions CLEARLY show that they do not. It's all PR drivel and it's just little more than pandering. There are certainly companies here and there (usually small ones) that may, indeed, care about their customers even at the top level, but it is certainly not the norm. Even companies that seem to be really involved with their fans (look at the fighting game branch of Capcom) still make decisions to benefit the company and make money. Ultimate MvC3 says hello.

I'm not trying to tell you what you do with you money at all. It doesn't matter to me even a little bit; why the hell would it? I'm arguing with you based on the merits of your principals. That is what forums are for, after all. It just seems like a cop-out to bring up the "do whatever you want with your money" card. That should really go without saying. We are debating the merits of certain opinions, principles, and lines if thinking, nothing more. To bring it full circle back to Killer Instinct. As long as the entire game can be purchased for $60, then you can just pretend that buying it in piece meal or as a free to play doesn't exist because it won't change your experience. It merely adds more options for someone else. I don't see how any stance of principle can possibly make that a bad thing. Your pricing option of choice (buying the whole thing) isn't hampered and there are now more choices for others. How does that warrant a boy-cot or avoidance on principle? Now, if you want to take the angle of avoiding it because it is digital only and therefore will not see retailer sales like physical games tend to, then that is an entirely different and more legitimate conversation all together.

I'm buying a PS4 at launch and won't get an Xbox until a price cut. This isn't out of some misplaced fandom on my end, either. I just think that many people are too quick to jump on bandwagons or throw out opinions that aren't well thought out or reasonable (not neccesarilly saying you are). And I also have a 'slight' affinity for debate (If this whole being a doctor thing doesn't work out, then I would clearly be cut out for being a lawyer. lol)
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Last edited by Zaku77; 07-26-2013 at 03:27 AM.
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Old 07-26-2013, 03:05 AM
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Default Re: Xbox Live Day One Subscription Steelbook

Originally Posted by SwiftDeath View Post
24 hour check-in is my major complaint

Even just on a purely principle level that is a terrible restriction

I need MS's daily permission to play my games

Great thanks for that

The game trading was innovative but technically they legally had to allow that if they ever wanted to sell it in Europe

Europe has laws that mandate the trading and selling of software licenses

A case against steam in europe has either gone through or in progress

Don't remember but most people expect steam to add game trading of some sort to align with european laws

And yes family sharing was likely PR spin at the last minute

If it was as good as claimed it would've been on E3 show or mentioned at E3 in detail

I will almost certainly buy an X1 now likely in a year or year and a half when Halo comes out and things with the system have been sussed out

Still dislike the mandatory kinect attachment though as that drives up the cost so much
Agreed, the mandatory check ins thing was absolutely ridiculous. The European case you are speaking of was specifically in Germany, if I'm not mistaken, so we will have to see where that ends up going. It is certainly not a done deal at this point. It's always interesting when laws try to catch up to technology and the internet. The fact that these issues exist shows that they are still lagging behind, and the consumers, companies, and legislators are all pushing on each other trying to find some beneficial new norm.
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Old 07-26-2013, 03:33 AM
CanisCanemEdit CanisCanemEdit is offline
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Default Re: Xbox Live Day One Subscription Steelbook

And for you to make the decision on what you feel is legitimate for another individual based solely on your opinion is another problem. Okay, you know for a fact that the people who make the proper decisions are exclusively just out to get your money and this holds true for every company out there. You have evidence to substantiate this claim as if you are 100% sure that you know the inner workings of a video game company let alone any company for that matter. Are you a stock holder? Are you the ceo of said companies and are speaking in their behalf as a third party representative on this forum. No, I didn't think so. So to say your thoughts are any more valid over another individual just because you think you're in the know is just plain ridiculous. PR is pr, but you are talking as if you are 100% omniscient sure that you are completely aware of how it works for every company.

So now, you're of the opinion that you can decide what my experience is or isn't based on your opinion. How do you know exactly what is integral to my experience relative to this hobby? Take a look at how ridiculous you're sounding off. While others are merely arguing an opinion, it's become you're modus to decide who is valid or legitimate or what a person can or cannot do. It does change my experience which is why I posted to begin with. As a matter of fact, it's changed a lot of people's opinions in the fighting game community that I have had this discussion with already. But, I guess their opinions have no real merit or validity and their stance to boycott this has no real bearing, either, as it just comes off as some kind of delusional fandom you.

If you want to buy this game for X amount of dollars, suit yourself. I could care less what the hell you're doing. I could care less because an opinion is an opinion.

Yes, people throw out their opinions. You cannot stop an individual from making uninformed thoughts just because they think it all makes sense in their head and they have all the answers for everything. Being able to argue doesn't necessarily mean you're cut out for the profession tied to the action. I know people who read on how to perform tracheostomies, but it doesn't make them any more qualified to be doing it. Everyone argues on the internet. Believe me and I'm sure each and every individual believes they have valid arguments. Believing doesn't necessarily make it so.

I'm done with what I need to say. That's the problem with the internet and especially more so for a forum. Discourse is one thing, but you can never filter out individuals on the internet who feel so strongly in their opinion that it becomes fact and everything not readily within their blinders gets easily dismissed as invalid. You have to love these characters, sometimes, as it would make the internet a less colorful interspace.

Last edited by CanisCanemEdit; 07-26-2013 at 03:42 AM. Reason: .
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Old 07-26-2013, 03:38 AM
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Default Re: Xbox Live Day One Subscription Steelbook

Originally Posted by CanisCanemEdit View Post
And for you to make the decision on what you feel is legitimate for another individual based solely on your opinion is another problem. Okay, you know for a fact that the people who make the proper decisions are exclusively just out to get your money and this holds true for every company out there. You have evidence to substantiate this claim as if you are 100% sure that you know the inner workings of a video game company let alone any company for that matter. Are you a stock holder? Are you the ceo of said companies and are speaking in their behalf as a third party representative on this forum. No, I didn't think so. So to say your thoughts are any more valid over another individual just because you think you're in the know is just plain ridiculous. PR is pr, but you are talking as if you are 100% omniscient sure that you are completely aware of how it works for every company.

So now, you're of the opinion that you can decide what my experience is or isn't based on your opinion. How do you know exactly what is integral to my experience relative to this hobby? Take a look at how ridiculous you're sounding off. While others are merely arguing an opinion, it's become you're modus to decide who is valid or legitimate or what a person can or cannot do. It does change my experience which is why I posted to begin with. As a matter of fact, it's changed a lot of people's opinions in the fighting game community that I have had this discussion with already. But, I guess their opinions have no real merit or validity and their stance to boycott this has no real bearing, either, as it just comes off as some kind of delusional fandom you.

If you want to buy this game for X amount of dollars, suit yourself. I could care less what the hell you're doing. I could care less because an opinion is an opinion.

Yes, people throw out their opinions. You cannot stop an individual from making uninformed thoughts just because they think it all makes sense in their head and they have all the answers for everything. Being able to argue doesn't necessarily mean you're cut out for the profession tied to the action. I know people who read how to perform tracheostomies, but it doesn't make them any more qualified to be doing it.
(And here you are back at the freedom we have to spend money on whatever we want. Did I not make it clear that I am in no way trying to (nor do I have the ability to) take that away from you? The very notion of it is silly.)

I was going to give you another nice, long, well thought out reply (It's almost bothering me not to, in fact). But then I noticed you're someone that uses the term "could care less". Based on English, the language we are currently conversing in, that means you actually care enough that it is possible for you to care less. While I am making more of those dangerous assumptions, I'm just going to go with it this time, and I think I'll save my breath--metaphorically speaking--for a more worthy sparring partner and just leave it at that.

Also, the bit about being a lawyer was a joke to try and defuse the situation and explain that I'm not just singling you out. Thank you for the little lesson that came with the response, though. I suppose watching the food network a few times didn't make me a chef, so now I need to take that off of my CV. Thank you for that!

As for your last edit: If you could explain your opinion in a more reasonable way that makes sense, and properly responded to my points, then that would be that. My thoughts are in no way set in stone. If you had a more reasonable argument, then I would be totally open to changing my views on things. I'm a very cold, non-emotional person. I'm not attached to my thoughts and feelings. If they're proven incorrect or flawed, then they will change, period. I tried very hard to make sure that everything I was saying was well thought out and well explained in actual reasons. I'm also sorry that you're naive enough to think that companies are your friend and care about you. While I must admit that the thought gives me a chuckle, that mindset will surely only cause you harm later in life. As for characters on the internet, my favorite are the pseudo-intellectuals. See where I'm going with this? Then again, you "could care less" so this surely doesn't matter to you, anyway...
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Last edited by Zaku77; 07-26-2013 at 04:58 AM.
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Old 07-29-2013, 03:38 PM
Resseh Resseh is offline
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Default Re: Xbox Live Day One Subscription Steelbook

Originally Posted by Zaku77 View Post

I was going to give you another nice, long, well thought out reply (It's almost bothering me not to, in fact). But then I noticed you're someone that uses the term "could care less". Based on English, the language we are currently conversing in, that means you actually care enough that it is possible for you to care less. While I am making more of those dangerous assumptions, I'm just going to go with it this time, and I think I'll save my breath--metaphorically speaking--for a more worthy sparring partner and just leave it at
I love the David Mitchell rant on 'could care less!'
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Old 07-29-2013, 05:19 PM
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Default Re: Xbox Live Day One Subscription Steelbook

i will jump in on this with a thought out argument

wwooooooo sony

boo Microsoft

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Old 08-29-2013, 07:46 AM
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Default Re: Xbox Live Day One Subscription Steelbook

Microsoft has since announced that the game
Killer Instinct will be free for EVERYONE (on Xbox one) to download and play, so besides the steelbool
And the killer instinct exclusive character
Is there any point in buying this ?
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Old 08-29-2013, 07:57 AM
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Default Re: Xbox Live Day One Subscription Steelbook

Originally Posted by LowlyAssassin View Post
Microsoft has since announced that the game
Killer Instinct will be free for EVERYONE (on Xbox one) to download and play, so besides the steelbool
And the killer instinct exclusive character
Is there any point in buying this ?
I assume it comes with a more complete version of the game

More charecters etc.
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Old 08-29-2013, 06:39 PM
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Default Re: Xbox Live Day One Subscription Steelbook

The "free-to-play" aspect apparently is like an expanded demo and if you are really interested in the game, you're better off getting the season pass for it to get all the content.
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