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Old 03-04-2014, 03:27 PM
Vikingo82 Vikingo82 is offline
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Default Re: Thief Steelbook

What I really caf? If it the metalpak comes G2 sized for ps3, ps4 Or Xbox One...


Already got the EU holographic sealed metalpak, and it was G1 for sol exclusive is?
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Old 03-04-2014, 05:18 PM
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Default Re: Thief Steelbook

I have the UK metalpak on its way--the one that came with the game and an actual slipcase for the specific system. And that one 'looks' like it's G2. I'll confirm/deny when it arrives.

Also, Viking, the Target steel is the same as the Futureshop steel. So it's G1 only.
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Old 03-04-2014, 06:12 PM
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Default Re: Thief Steelbook

Originally Posted by Vikingo82 View Post
What I really caf? If it the metalpak comes G2 sized for ps3, ps4 Or Xbox One...


Already got the EU holographic sealed metalpak, and it was G1 for sol exclusive is?
target exclusive is only G1

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Old 03-07-2014, 12:33 AM
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Default Re: Thief Steelbook

Anyone know if Italy got a different Steelbook / metalpak? Just found the following listing on ebay and no idea "what" it is Or is this the holographic sleeve Vikingo82 was talking about?
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Old 03-07-2014, 12:40 AM
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Default Re: Thief Steelbook

Originally Posted by Dan View Post
So, ummm story time :/


Well, any of you that purchased the steelbook through the website be prepared to receive a regular copy of the game and not the target exclusive version..

Wow I'm sorry to hear bud!

I have never bought a game from

I only tend to buy games from their clearance or when you can combine about 50 discounts and walk away with $1 dollar games

Although I did recently pick up PVZ :Garden Warfare because it's $30, and I got a $10 dollar giftcard after buying cheetos (which I was anyway)

For all their exclusives, I'm going to either wait for them to go down in price or buy it from FS, I learned my lesson from the TR Steelbook.

Also, most targets around me still have Thief Steelbooks left and some FF LR steels left as well.

Originally Posted by KnightOfTruth View Post
I'm not a fan of all these Target exclusive steelbooks - the 5% off with red card is nice and all, but I just don't like buying games at target. Your story has helped me decide that I will not buy games from their site either
The 5% off plus $5 dollar gift card they give to basically every single pre-order ever helps to off-set taxes and such, like amazon


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Old 03-07-2014, 12:43 AM
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Default Re: Thief Steelbook

Originally Posted by Ayiu View Post
Anyone know if Italy got a different Steelbook / metalpak? Just found the following listing on ebay and no idea "what" it is Or is this the holographic sleeve Vikingo82 was talking about?
No, i do think that's the holographic metalpak

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Old 03-07-2014, 12:57 AM
Vikingo82 Vikingo82 is offline
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Default Re: Thief Steelbook

Originally Posted by Dan View Post
No, i do think that's the holographic metalpak
Yep.... It's the holographic cardsleeve that covers the metal pak ayiu...

Inside is the same...and only G1 sized...

That was the one we talked ayiu...

Last edited by Vikingo82; 03-07-2014 at 12:59 AM.
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Old 03-07-2014, 01:00 AM
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Default Re: Thief Steelbook

Originally Posted by LyricalOne View Post
Wow I'm sorry to hear bud!

I have never bought a game from

I only tend to buy games from their clearance or when you can combine about 50 discounts and walk away with $1 dollar games

Although I did recently pick up PVZ :Garden Warfare because it's $30, and I got a $10 dollar giftcard after buying cheetos (which I was anyway)

For all their exclusives, I'm going to either wait for them to go down in price or buy it from FS, I learned my lesson from the TR Steelbook.

Also, most targets around me still have Thief Steelbooks left and some FF LR steels left as well.

I suggest you don't buy it from that place is crap :/

wait what's worse than crap?

because that's totally what is :3

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Old 03-07-2014, 01:05 AM
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Default Re: Thief Steelbook

Really Target this and Target that is beginning to draw the ire of a marked headshot on their exclusive beautiful people editions targeted arses . It sounds like it's all hype when all the difference is some extra printing on a metal case different from everypne elses metal cases beautifully peopled and printed(but oh the humanity not in Targeted hororgraphic copyrighted Steelbooked heaven). Perhaps if the dev had transfered some of this marketing effort to making the ps4 version of the game resemble much more than the ps3 shell that it is then getting these versions might be warranted (and even a getting a proper CE version to boot(funny how it has no CE in this day and age of multiple editions for multiple markets, you'd think it being a new IP to many people would warrant it deserving the CE love)). The game actually has potential, or it would if I didn't feel like I'm playing a very polished Dishonoured shill. There seem to be many similarities here...

So. where do I get the Target version from again(without having to deal with Target)??? (I'm kidding)

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Old 03-07-2014, 01:10 AM
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Default Re: Thief Steelbook

Originally Posted by procion View Post
Really Target this and Target that is beginning to draw the ire of a marked headshot on their exclusive beautiful people editions targeted arses . It sounds like it's all hype when all the difference is some extra printing on a metal case different from everypne elses metal cases beautifully peopled and printed(but oh the humanity not in Targeted hororgraphic copyrighted Steelbooked heaven). Perhaps if the dev had transfered some of this marketing effort to making the ps4 version of the game resemble much more than the ps3 shell that it is then getting these versions might be warranted (and even a getting a proper CE version to boot(funny how it has no CE in this day and age of multiple editions for multiple markets, you'd think it being a new IP to many people would warrant it deserving the CE love)). The game actually has potential, or it would if I didn't feel like I'm playing a very polished Dishonoured shill. There seem to be many similarities here...

So. where do I get the Target version from again(without having to deal with Target)??? (I'm kidding)
futureshop canada my friend

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