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Old 05-18-2015, 04:29 AM
dwade23 dwade23 is offline
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Default Re: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Charing Cross Edition, Rooks Edition & Big Ben Collect

Originally Posted by I_BE_WILL View Post
But by including the season pass instead of $60 more of trinkets it is making it about the game...
You said yourself you're aware of Ubisoft making a bigger edition exclusive to their store, notice that they aren't still stocked because people bought them, you included.
By your logic we should be asking why pay $30 when you can pirate the game, or just steal a copy off the shelf of a store, we don't need to encourage them by actually buying their game? If you don't want to spend $200+ on an edition, then don't, wait til the resellers buy them and sell them for double, that way you can be twice as outraged at the price, and we can hear all about it again.

If the contents interest you, but you hate the price, find someone who actually wants to buy the season pass and sell it to them. This is my last post concerning this, I've said all I really want to.

On a semi related topic, has anyone successfully claimed the Uplay 20% voucher, and used it? I claimed on Thursday and still haven't received it and would like to know how long it takes to receive.
How about instead of including $60 worth of more trinkets, don't include ANYTHING more?
A statue, a map, a lithograph, a flask and a few other small goodies, WHAT ELSE DO YOU NEED? They're called collector's editions for a reason. Adding an OPTIONAL DLC at rrp (season pass) is simply price gouging. The season pass should be a CHOICE for people who still want the nicest COLLECTIBLES, not have it forced on them. You could argue its not forced on them as you could simply buy the Charing Cross edition (but why settle for cheaper collectibles just because you don't want to pay for an OPTIONAL DLC that is not required to get the full game experience?).

Your logic is completely flawed. The reason you pay $30 is so you support the DEVELOPERS of the game so they can continue making Assassin's Creed games. THAT'S WHY. The only thing you're supporting by shelling over $150 for extras is increasing price for future editions (noticed the price has climbed steadily over the last 3-4 years?).

The resellers who buy the collector's editions and sell them for double are people like yourself who place more value on scarcity than actual quality. What makes you even think for a moment I would pay double, let alone the current asking price for a collector's edition for a game that has not even been released yet? I didn't think the Unity collector's edition was worth the money but bought it based on previous high scores for Assassin's Creed games. I EXPECTED a HIGHLY POLISHED PC game, and got the exact opposite for the first time in Assassin's Creed history. Unity was a complete flop upon release and has received by far the worst scores of any Assassin's Creed game. Suffice to say, I am very worried about the quality of Syndicate upon release if recent history is anything to go by. Sure Ubisoft more or less fixed the game via patches, but releasing a substandard game after people paid over $150 for it is COMPLETELY unacceptable and the reviews reflect my sentiments:

Yes, 2.3 out of 10.

I am sorry, but your logic is completely and utterly flawed and just because you've decided to blindly heap praise on a company that as of late, does not deserve it, doesn't make your arguments valid.

Last edited by dwade23; 05-20-2015 at 03:53 PM.
Old 05-18-2015, 04:41 AM
dwade23 dwade23 is offline
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Default Re: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Charing Cross Edition, Rooks Edition & Big Ben Collect

Originally Posted by Romeo View Post
I've been reading up on the thread here. One thing I can say for certain is that if Ubisoft doesn't make up for Unity, they're done for. Not only did they take a huge hit from gamers, but also from the business end. (

People are tired of the same old formula. Right now I'm playing Watch Dogs, and it's just a skinned AC with cars really. Same with Far Cry 4. Find the radio tower, opens up a new part of the map. A thousands collectibles! And in reality, which I just had this conversation with a friend on the phone last week, how long is the game really? The story missions in all of these games usually only take about 10 hours. Yet there is usually around 40 hours of content to 100% a game. But why? It's literally all filler, and that same rhythm is across every Ubisoft game right now.

With Unity, it's an extremely unfortunate circumstance, one that ubi created. Every year the same thing happens ad nauseam. Game comes out, I pay full price for the CE and LE guide, plus any extras, season pass, etc. Numerous glitches right out of the gate, such as the notification and gun swap error from AC3. It took them TWO MONTHS to fix it, long past when I 100% the game, so it was pointless. Those too bugs were maddening, switching your weapons every zone, and every time you fast traveled the same five notifications popped up. Then AC:BF. Same scenario. Worst glitch was one where it didn't track stats properly so you could not complete 100% of the abstergo missions. I 100% the game as a whole though to date I have not unlocked every cheat, because the game isn't counting my stats, even post patch.

Take a look at Destiny. I've put hundreds of hours into the game until I realized that the developers themselves were intentionally sabotaging the game. At that point I stopped playing and it's been quite some time since then. I still do follow the forums and community though, and have been reading how nearly every single issue that was glaring back in January has now been addressed and even been improved upon. They seemed to have turned things around and I look forward to playing the game again.

When AC3 came out I had a spreadsheet of everything I was buying. The LE game, LE guide, LE art book, Vita console bundle with liberation, all of the graphic novels, two art pieces from the Rock the Vote auction, and even the Adidas AC sneakers. I dropped $1,100 on AC merch because I just had to have it all. (art:

Now most recently... "we can't put women in our game". What? You've done it for years. "We don't want a console war". What? No other developer has an issue with 1080p on PS4 and having a lower resolution on the xbone. Then the glitches... have you seen them?! They're 10x than any prior, they're game breaking! $100 USD macrotransactions, DLC from soda, shaving cream, email lists, action figures, season pass... and all for what, a game that doesn't even work after a two week delay?! Oh wait... no one knew that because of the embargo ubi enforced. That right there was an obvious sign not to pick up my preorder.

On that note, I'm so glad I lost the urge to collect AC merch after Black Flag. I saw how greedy ubisoft was getting with the soda DLC, shaving razor promos, and just all garbage at that point. Especially when they took out the steelbook from the $130 limited edition game just to sell it separately. First time in AC history I bought the regular version, for $20 six months later after it was fixed.

As it stands right now with Ubisoft... Fuck. Them.
Couldn't agree more. Finally someone focusing on what matters. THE GAME.
Not over $100 in collectibles! Sure if the game is good, then the collectibles become even more meaningful and valuable. But how do we know that until the game is actually released and have dropped more than $150 on a collector's edition? We don't. Hence my frustration at increasing edition prices and decreasing game quality.

Vote with your wallet (head) not your heart! That's what forces companies to focus on improving quality of releases as opposed to generating enough profits from over-priced collectible editions.

Last edited by dwade23; 05-18-2015 at 06:11 AM.
Old 05-20-2015, 01:52 AM
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Default Re: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Charing Cross Edition, Rooks Edition & Big Ben Collect

"we can't put women in our game"

was the biggest joke from Ubisoft.. What's AC Liberation then?
Old 05-20-2015, 07:23 AM
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Default Re: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Charing Cross Edition, Rooks Edition & Big Ben Collect

Originally Posted by Dr_Jengo View Post
"we can't put women in our game"

was the biggest joke from Ubisoft.. What's AC Liberation then?
But they had to remove multiplayer to pit women in the game, see liberation and syndicate. The balance of things is pick woman or pick multiplayer & co-op

So they can add women but that is the cost we must pay
Old 05-20-2015, 09:23 AM
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Default Re: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Charing Cross Edition, Rooks Edition & Big Ben Collect

Old 05-20-2015, 09:50 AM
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Default Re: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Charing Cross Edition, Rooks Edition & Big Ben Collect

I'll take women over multiplayer any day!!

Edit: Hmm... did I just pull a Redmagster?
Hey all, things have really heated up lately and I'm not as available as I used to be. If I have something of yours, its still safe and sound, and I'll be looking to ship it ASAP before the next move. If you have things of mine, PLEASE PM me what I owe you and I'll send payment right away, thanks for your patience!

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Originally Posted by jonkhor86 View Post
That's the Truth, from the Knight of Truth
Old 05-24-2015, 04:17 AM
LoUfan12 LoUfan12 is offline
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Default Re: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Charing Cross Edition, Rooks Edition & Big Ben Collect

I want to see what the US will get. It will probably be not as good as Europe's.
Old 05-24-2015, 07:27 AM
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Default Re: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Charing Cross Edition, Rooks Edition & Big Ben Collect

Big Ben is the bell inside the clock tower, the box should be the shape of the bell
Old 05-24-2015, 08:31 AM
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Default Re: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Charing Cross Edition, Rooks Edition & Big Ben Collect

Originally Posted by LoUfan12 View Post
I want to see what the US will get. It will probably be not as good as Europe's.
US's was already announced. I believe its a Ubishop exclusive over here too though (at least GS and Amazon didn't have it up for preorder). It's just a cheaper/smaller version of the not-so-great UK one (as opposed to the Big Ben edition). There's a separate thread already opened about it too (just can't link ATM)
Hey all, things have really heated up lately and I'm not as available as I used to be. If I have something of yours, its still safe and sound, and I'll be looking to ship it ASAP before the next move. If you have things of mine, PLEASE PM me what I owe you and I'll send payment right away, thanks for your patience!

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Originally Posted by jonkhor86 View Post
That's the Truth, from the Knight of Truth
Old 05-29-2015, 05:38 AM
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Default Re: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Charing Cross Edition, Rooks Edition & Big Ben Collect

I'm not too used to this forum yet but Mighty Ape New Zealand just revealed their "Tin Edition.

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