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Announcements in Forum : Items for Sale or Trade
11-10-2011 until 12-11-2030
twistedsymphony's Avatar
twistedsymphony twistedsymphony is offline
twistedsymphony's Flag is: United States NH
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 3,512
Marketplace Rules

These are the rules that all for-sale/trade and want to buy threads must follow. They are designed to help keep things fair, legal, and safe for both buyers and sellers.

If you feel someone is breaking these rules and wish to report it to a moderator please use the report post button:

For Sellers:
  • No posting items for sale/trade in forums other than the Marketplace forums
  • No Commercial sales (if you would like to sell commercially please contact twistedsymphony)
  • No Affiliate Links, either direct or indirect (this applies to the whole forum)
  • Do not list anything for sale/trade unless you are in physical possession of it (this means no pre-order re-sells)
  • Do not list anything for sale unless you are willing to provide a price in your post (this means no "auction" or "make an offer" type listings. You may link to your eBay listings if you so desire)
  • Do not have more than 1 active for-sale/trade thread at a time. Before moving onto a new for-sale/trade thread you must close your thread. (To help Enforce this threads will automatically be closed after 60 days of inactivity)
  • Do not bump your thread unless it has been more than 24 hours since the last post AND your thread is no longer on the first page.
  • Do not post about your items in anyone else's for-sale thread.
  • If you Accept PayPal do not require that people pay you with the "gift" (aka "family & friends") option, and do not instruct people to add additional funds for fees.
  • Do not require people to PM/email you for pictures. If you have pictures that you can email, then you have pictures that you can post in the thread.
  • No Raffles or Contests that aren't completely free for the entrants, this could be considered gambling by many countries and could land the participants and this site in trouble.

  • Your items will sell faster and earn you more money if you provide a picture
  • Weigh and measure your items before posting for sale so you can better estimate shipping costs.
  • Posting a link to the database entries for the games your selling will help avoid any confusion as to what the item is.
  • Remember, PayPal payments over $200 USD require a tracking number
  • Consider a user's join-date, post count, and iTrader feedback before taking any risks

For Buyers:
  • Do not make want to buy posts outside of the marketplace forums.
  • Do not post in a for-sale thread if you think an item is priced too high.
  • Do not post in a for-sale thread unless you're interested in buying from the seller or have something to add about the item(s) for sale.
  • Do not post in a for-sale thread to comment on the seller or create a review post (that's what iTrader is for).
  • Do not complain if a seller refuses to sell to you for any reason.
  • Do not "bump" for-sale threads that are not your own
  • Do not have more than one active want-to-buy thread at a time. Before moving onto a new want-to-buy thread you must close your old thread. (To help Enforce this threads will automatically be closed after 60 days of inactivity)

  • Do not send paypal payment as a gift (aka the "family & friends" option), it strips away what little protection you have.
  • Be very cautious when buying from new members or member with low or no iTrader Feedback.
  • Always double check that the game you're buying is the region and platform you expect it to be.
  • If you're at all concerned about the condition of the item don't hesitate to talk to the seller about how you want it packed, also be willing to pay a few extra $$ for shipping insurance.

For Everyone:
  • You buy and sell at your own risk. holds no responsibility for any deal that goes bad, use your best judgment on sales and trust people like you would trust someone on the street.
  • Do not post want to buy, items for sale, or review threads outside of the marketplace.
  • Do not link to marketplace threads outside of the marketplace (you're welcome to put a link in your signature or PM people links).
  • Do not create group-buys outside of the marketplace (you may link to group buy threads, just make sure the discussion is in the right forum).
  • Always use iTrader for feedback
  • If you feel someone has abused the iTrader feedback system then use the report feedback option
  • Anyone found creating multiple accounts, padding their feedback or participating in otherwise intentionally deceptive practices will be banned from the forums completely and permanently.
  • If you feel that someone has broken any of the above rules then use the report post option (it's the little red triangle button at the top right of every post)

*These rules are left to the interpretation of the moderation staff, you are required to adhere to whatever judgements they make while moderating the forum.


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