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Old 05-05-2020, 05:34 PM
SBCollectorAl SBCollectorAl is offline
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SBCollectorAl's Flag is: Germany germany
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Default WTB Steelbooks

I am searching for following steelbooks, if you sent me any offers could you please sent it with prices.

Anthem Non-Fluorescent Pre-Order Steelbook (without game)/(with game) (BestBuy/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Assassin's Creed Origins Gold Steelbook Edition (NA) (PS4,XB1)
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Collector’s Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Gold Steelbook Edition (NA) (PS4,XB1)
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Ultimate Steelbook Edition (Gamestop/USA) (PS4,XB1)

Catherine Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Code Vein Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Colin McRae: Dirt Steelbook Edition (Game/UK,Amazon/GER) (PS3)
Crackdown 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/USA) (XB1)
Crackdown 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS) (XB1)
Cyberpunk 2077 Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Cyberpunk 2077 Maelstrom Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS,BestBuy/NA,Amazon/UK) (PS4,XB1)
Cyberpunk 2077 Tiger Claws Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/NA,Amazon/ITA) (PS4,XB1)
Cyberpunk 2077 Valentinos Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/NA,Gamesonly/AUT) (PS4,XB1)
Cyberpunk 2077 Voodo Boys Pre-Order Steelbook (FNAC/FRA,POL) (PS4,XB1)

Borderlands 2 Ultimate Loot Chest Edition (EU,USA,HKG) (PS3)

Darksiders Genesis Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
Death Stranding Novelize Steelbook (Amazon/JPN) (PS4)
Dirt 4 Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS4,XB1)
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Steelbook Brawler Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4)
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Steelbook Brawler Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4)
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Ultimate Collector's Edition (Square Enix Online Store/EU,NA) (PS4)
Dynasty Warriors 9 Steelbook (Asia) (PS4,XB1)

F1 2020 Schumacher Deluxe Edition (Amazon/GER) (PS4)/Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS) (PS4)
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Collector's Edition (EU/NA) (PS4,XB1)
Final Fantasy VII Remake - Deluxe Edition (Square Enix Online Store/EU,EU,EBGames/AUS) (PS4)
Final Fantasy VII Remake - Deluxe Edition (Square Enix Online Store/NA,NA) (PS4)
Final Fantasy XII - The Zodiac Age Collector's Edition (Square Enix Online Store/EU,NA) (PS4)
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Pre-Order Steelbook (FRA) (PS3,PS4)
Final Fantasy XV Deluxe Edition (NA) (PS4,XB1) (different position of inside artwork)
Final Fantasy XV Steelbook Edition (CHN) (PS4,XB1) (same artwork inside and outside like the asian and european deluxe edition but no deluxe edition on the spine and only one disc holder)
Final Fantasy XV Ultimate Collector's Edition (Square Enix Online Store/EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)*
Forza Horizon 3 - Ultimate Edition (EBGames,JB Hi-Fi/AUS,Mediamarkt/GER,USA) (XB1)
Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate Edition (EU,NA) +Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS) (XB1)
Forza Motorsport 5 Limited Edition (EU/NA) (XB1)
Forza Motorsport 6 Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS) (XB1)
Forza Motorsport 7 Ultimate Edition (Amazon/GER,USA,Gamestop/USA) (XB1)
Friday the 13th Collector's Edition Steelbook (Kickstarter/USA) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Gears of War 4 Collector's Edition/Ultimate Edition (EU) (XB1)
Gears 5 Ultimate Edition (Amazon/UK) (XB1)
Generation Zero Collector's Edition (POL) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Ghost of Tsushima Collector's Edition/Special Edition (EU/NA) (PS4)
God Eater 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)

Halo - The Masterchief Collection (Game/UK) (XB1)
Halo 5: Guardians Limited Edition/Limited Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (XB1) (Jumbo Steelbook)
Halo Wars 2 Atriox Edition/Ultimate Atriox Edition (EBGames/AUS,AUT) (XB1)
Hatsune Miku Project Diva X Steelbook Edition (Asia) (PSVita)
Hokuto Ga Gotoku Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Homefront Pre-Order Stickerbook (BEL) (PC)

Indigo Prophecy Collector's Edition ( (PS4)
Injustice: Gods Among Us Collector’s Edition (EU) (with text) (PS3)

Jump Force Collector's Edition (USA) (PS4,XB1)
Jump Force Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN)/Collector's Edition (Asia) (PS4)

MAG Collector's Edition (EU) (PS3)
Marvel’s Avengers – Earth’s Mightiest Collector´s Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
Marvel’s Avengers – Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS4,XB1)
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds Special Edition (EU) (different words on the back) (PS3)
Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition ( (PS4)
Metro Exodus: Aurora Limited Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Minecraft: PS4 Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PS4)
Minecraft: XB1 Steelbook Edition (Saturn/GER) (XB1)
Mirror's Edge Steelbook Edition (Game/ESP) (PS3)
MLB The Show 15: 10th Anniversary Edition (Asia) (PS4)
MLB The Show 20: 15th Anniversary Edition/MVP-Edition (NA) (PS4)
Monster Jam Steel Titans Collector's Edition (Amazon/GER,NA,UK) (PS4,XB1)
MotoGP19 - Deluxe Edition (Amazon/ESP) (PS4)

Need for Speed - Steelbook Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Need For Speed Undercover Steelbook Edition (ESP) (PS3)
NHL 13 Stanley Cup Edition (GER) (PS3)
NHL 15 Pre-Order Steelbook (FutureShop/CAN) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 16 Nuoret Leijonat Limited Edition (=Young Lions Limited Edition) (FIN) (XB1)
NHL 16 Steelbook Edition (Amazon/NA) (PS4,XB1)

Overwatch - Collector's Edition (EU/NA) (PC,PS4/XB1)

Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale Steelbook Edition (Amazon/UK) (PS3)
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid Limited Mega Edition ( (PS4)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 Copa Santander Libertadores Pre-Order Steelbook (Latin America) (PS3)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 Manchester United Pre-Order Steelbook (Latin America) (PS3)

Red Faction Limited Collector’s Edition ( (PS4)

Sakura Wars Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS4)
Smackdown vs Raw 2008 SteelBook Edition (AUS) (PS3)
Smackdown vs Raw 2008 Collector's Edition (GameStop/USA) (PS3)
Smackdown vs Raw 2009 SteelBook Edition (EU) (PS3)
Sniper: Ghost Warrior - Bulletproof Edition (Game/UK) (PS3)
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 - Bulletproof Edition (USA) (PS3)
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 - Collector’s Edition (EU) (PS3)
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (GameStop/GER,Amazon/ITA) (PS4,XB1)
South Park: The Fractured But Whole Steelbook Gold Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness - Limited Edition (EU) (PS4)
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Limited Collector's Edition ( (PS4)
Star Wars: Dark Forces Collector's Edition ( (PC)
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II Collector's Edition ( (PC)
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Premium Edition ( (PC,PS4)
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Premium Edition ( (PC,PS4)
Star Wars: Racer Revenge Limited Collector's Edition ( (PS4)
State of Decay 2 Collector’s Edition (XB1) May 22, 2018
Steins;Gate Elite Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Strange Brigade Collector’s Edition (Gamesonly/AUT,Amazon/GER,Gamestop/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Streets of Rage 4 Classic Edition ( (PS4)
Stories: The Path of Destinies Pre-Order Steelbook (GameStop/NA) (PC)
Sudden Strike 4 - Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PC,PS4)
Super Robot Wars X /Super Robot Taisen X Pre-Order Steelbook (HKG)/Steelbook Edition (TWN) (PS4,PSVita) (Name of the Game written in Chinese)
Super Robot Wars X /Super Robot Taisen X Steelbook Edition (Asia) (PS4,PSVita) (Name of the Game written in English)
Super Smash Brothers Pre-Order Steelbook (FutureShop/CAN) (Wii U)

Tekken 7 Steelbook Edition (EBGames/AUS) (PC,PS4,XB1)
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian Steelbook Edition (UK) (PS3)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Steelbook Edition (MediaMarkt/Saturn/GER) (PS3)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Remastered (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)
The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor - Collectors Edition (Amazon/GER,EBGames/AUS) (PC,PS4,XB1)
The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset - Collectors Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1) May 21, 2018
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1)
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - Steelbook Edition (MediaMarkt/Saturn/GER) (PS4)
The King of Fighters XIV Burn to Fight Edition/D1-Edition (HKG) (PS4) (different reflection and different words printed on the back compared to the EU- and NA-Version)
The Last Guardian Collector's Edition/Special Edition (EU) (PS4)
The Last Guardian Collector's Edition/Special Edition (NA) (PS4)
The Technomancer - Pre-Order Steelbook (GameStop/GER, Game/Spain,UK) (PS4/XB1)
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - Collector's Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1) (mat surface)
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - Collector's Edition (NA) (PS4,XB1) (glossy surface)
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - "Skellige" Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS4,XB1) (mat surface)
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - "Skellige" Pre-Order Steelbook (NA) (PS4,XB1) (glossy surface)
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - "Novigrad" Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS4,XB1) (mat surface)
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - "Novigrad" Pre-Order Steelbook (NA) (PS4,XB1) (glossy surface)
Titanfall Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (XB1)
Titanfall 2 Steelbook Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Tom Clancy's End War Steelbook Edition (Play/UK) (PS3)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint Gold SteelBook Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint Ultimate Edition Steelbook (Gamestop/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint Wolves Collector's Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 Steelbook Edition (Play/UK) (PS3)
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Lincoln Steelbook Edition (EBGames/AUS) (PS4,XB1)/Pre-Order Steelbook for pre-ordering the Standard or Goldedition (Ubisoft Store/EU,NA,AUS) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Torment: Tides of Numenera D1 Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook (AUT,POL) (PS4,XB1)
Tower of Guns Limited Edition/Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1)
Turok Steelbook Edition (Game/UK) (PS3)

Until Dawn - Special Steelbook Edition (Asia) (PS4)

Valentino Rossi - The Game (MotoGP 2016) Collector's Edition (Amazon/EU) (PS4)

Watch Dogs Legion Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
Watch Dogs Legion Gold Steelbook Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
Watch Dogs Legion Ultimate Edition Steelbook (Gamestop/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Wiedzmin: Edycja Rozszerzona (The Witcher: Enhanced Edition) (Muve/POL) (PC)
Wiedzmin 2: Zabójcy Królów - Edycja Rozszerzona (The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - Enhanced Edition) (Muve/POL) (PC)
Wiedzmin 3: Dziki Gon- Edycja Gry Roku (The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition) (Muve/POL) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Winning Eleven 2013 Manchester United Edition (HKG) (PS3)
Winning Eleven 2019/Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 Steelbook (Asia) (PS4)
WRC 8 - Collector Retail Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
WWE 2K16 Steelbook Edition (PS4/XB1) (EU)
WWE 2K19 Steelbook Edition (PS4/XB1) (EU)

Xbox Game Pass 12 Month Steelbook (MediaMarkt/GER) (XB1)
Xbox One Scorpio Pre-Order Steelbook (MediaMarkt/GER) (XB1)

Yakuza Kiwami Steelbook Edition (EU,Amazon/USA) (PS4)
Yakuza Kiwami 2 Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Yakuza Kiwami 2 Steelbook Edition (EU,NA) (PS4) August 28,2018
YS VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA Limited Edition (NISAmericaOnlineStore/EU,USA) (PS4,PS Vita)
YS IX: Monstrum NOX Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)

Zombie Army 4: Dead War Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
My WTB-Thread:

Last edited by SBCollectorAl; 06-12-2020 at 11:03 PM.
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