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Old 05-26-2011, 09:20 PM
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Default Resistance 3 Special and Survivor Edition Announced, PAL exclusive.

Sony has announced that PAL regions will be getting two Collector's Edition for Resistance 3.

The First is the Special Edition which will include the following:
  • Steelbook Packaging
  • Vinyl effect Blu-ray disc
  • SRPA Black Ops skin - DLC Code
  • Infected Nathan Hale skin - DLC Code
  • Air Fuel grenade - DLC Code
  • Special multiplayer title: ?Sentinel? - DLC Code
  • Multiplayer booster - DLC Code

Secondly there is a Survivor Edition which will include the following:
  • A canvas bag
  • Chimera target practice poster
  • Joseph Capelli's journal
  • Hip flask
  • Playing cards
  • Chimera plastic toy soldiers.
  • The Special Edition of Resistance 3 above

No word on pricing or which PAL countries will get it yet, however we do know that if you pre-order the standard copy of the game you will get either some or all the DLC codes from the Special Edition as a free bonus.

Also if you pre-order the game from certain store you can get a Chimera tooth necklace.

Resistance 3 will be released on 6th September in the USA, 9th in the UK and the 7th for the rest of the world.

Thanks to Gemini-Phoenix for the info.... View this article on the HomePage.

Last edited by gurpswoo1; 05-27-2011 at 11:26 PM.
Old 05-26-2011, 09:54 PM
Beaniator Beaniator is offline
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Default Re: Resistance 3 Special and Survivor Edition Announced, PAL exclusive.

resistance 3 survivor edition is looking might fine just hope the price is ok.
i havent found anywhere to pre-order the survivor edition yet but the standard edition is up for pre-order.
Old 05-26-2011, 10:38 PM
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Default Re: Resistance 3 Special and Survivor Edition Announced, PAL exclusive.

I'm thinking bags and backpacks are the "in" thing for 2011, what with the Crysis 2 Nano Edition, InFamous 2 Hero Edition, and now this. If you add GTA IV, the North American CE for Resident Evil 5 and Mirror's Edge CE's, that's a pretty substantial collection of bags we're amassing in our collections!
Old 05-26-2011, 10:41 PM
evilvort3x evilvort3x is offline
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Default Re: Resistance 3 Special and Survivor Edition Announced, PAL exclusive.

was about to post this as a link but you beat me gemini lol yea looks tasty
Old 05-26-2011, 11:40 PM
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Default Re: Resistance 3 Special and Survivor Edition Announced, PAL exclusive.

Cool, i love the resistance franchise so ill get this definitely, possibly survivor ill wait and see, thanks for the info
Old 05-27-2011, 01:48 AM
RaverX RaverX is offline
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Default Re: Resistance 3 Special and Survivor Edition Announced, PAL exclusive.

That "Vinyl effect Blu-ray disc looks really cool. But that's all (except for the steelbook). What else do I get in the special edition ? A lot of digital codes. More than that...

Originally Posted by gurpswoo1 View Post
we do know that if you pre-order the standard copy of the game you will get either some or all the DLC codes from the Special Edition as a free bonus.
This is very bad. A special edition is worth nothing without something "hard" inside. A CD with a soundtack. A DVD with "making of". An artbook. A bagde or a necklace... Any of those are worth for me more than a million of digital codes...

The "Survivor Edition" looks much better, there's a lot of goodies inside, but I think the price will be too high. If they will make a lot of units and the price will drop to 50 pounds (like the KZ3 Helghast Edition) I will buy one.

If not it really depends on how much will cost the special edition. I like the special looking bluray and the steelcase, but I won't pay more than 10 pounds (extra) for that.
Old 05-27-2011, 02:26 AM
matze1975 matze1975 is offline
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Default Re: Resistance 3 Special and Survivor Edition Announced, PAL exclusive.

I´m going to annoy my local seller until they have the preorder for the survivor edition! They know me and I think they will surrender and offer it to me very soon.

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Old 05-27-2011, 03:51 AM
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Default Re: Resistance 3 Special and Survivor Edition Announced, PAL exclusive.

Originally Posted by RaverX View Post
The "Survivor Edition" looks much better, there's a lot of goodies inside, but I think the price will be too high. If they will make a lot of units and the price will drop to 50 pounds (like the KZ3 Helghast Edition) I will buy one.
I don't think it's a case of they made too many of the Killzone 3 Helghast Edition. I think it was overpriced and bulky to store, and they wanted to clear the storage space for other items, therefore had to lower the price to shift them. One Killzone 3 Helghast Edition could probably make way for a good 50 standard edition games. It was just inconvenient to keep hanging around for HMV
Old 05-27-2011, 03:59 AM
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Default Re: Resistance 3 Special and Survivor Edition Announced, PAL exclusive.

Anyone going to take a guess which UK retailer will get the exclusive for this? got the InFamous 2 Hero Edition, so they may also go for this. HMV are apparently on the brink of administration so I hear, so they may not want to stock yet another large CE again. GAME might, but they too may not have the storage capacity, and hav learnt in the past that they get stuck with these things and have to offer them at a loss

I'm actually guessing the total volume of this CE might actually be as small as the Assassin's Creed Brotherhood: Codex Edition or GTA IV CE. There's nothing really large included - The satchel can be folded up, and everything else is quite small and can be stashed neatly
Old 05-27-2011, 07:44 AM
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Thumbs down Availability in North America?

Why has no one asked about the availability of either the Survivor or Limited Editions in North America? Why is this PAL exclusive? It is not fair. I could say so much more but there's no point...this is happening more and more. No amount of bitching or moaning will change the decisions publishers make regarding availability of limited or collectible edition games.

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