Batman Arkham Origins Collector’s Edition Revealed?
We reported a while back that a Collector’s Edition of Batman Arkham Origins is listed at but as of yet no content details were available. Now a promotional picture has been leaked showing what could be included in the collector’s edition.
The following content comes all wrapped up in a holographic Collector’s Box:
- Unique 3D Metal Pack
- The art of Batman: Arkham Origins Book
- 23 cm (~ 9″) tall figurine featuring Batman & Joker
- 2 Exclusive DLC’s
- additional costumes for Batman
- Deathstroke character for challenge mode
Please notice that this information is yet to be confirmed by WB. So what do you think? Does this pack looks legit to you, or do you have any doubts? Let us know in the comments below.
Only for PS3 & Xbox 360, listed the Collector’s Edition for € 99.99 EUR (~ $130 USD) – Batman Arkham Origins is scheduled to release worldwide Oct. 25, 2013.
Thanks to comaamen86 for the heads up!
no listing yet for
Will defiantly be preordering this one, loved the first two and the statue looks sweet
i did not think joker was in origins, so it seems he is
It looks like that the collectors edition is exclusive to, anyone else notice that?
Nothing noted as of yesterday at GS over here, will ask again this week sometime - hope we all get the same edition though - really don't want to have to chase different versions around.
So finally metalpack... might have exclusive rights for the distribution in the German speaking region but for sure not for the whole world
So the metalpak will be different from the seperately sold steelbook I guess?
so that is what is meant by exclusive?..there just the exclusive sellers of something that will be PAL released?..i wonder how much different will be the USA release?..i for one, dislike these metalpaks.
many many shops have the CE ,but you must search
google this BATMAN: ARKHAM ORIGINS COLLECTORS EDITION (UNCUT) might have exclusive rights for the distribution in the German speaking region but for sure not for the whole world
The statue looks nice, seems similar to the Injustice statues.
I would like to see some Mortal Kombat versus statues in that scale too. Hopefully Warner Bros can do it in the future..
I would like to see some Mortal Kombat versus statues in that scale too. Hopefully Warner Bros can do it in the future..
"How many innocent lives did you just take?! RRRAAAWWR" *throws Joker*
Looking forward to this ,Being a batman fan