European Assassin’s Creed III CEs Revealed
Jason G wrote in to inform us of details of three confirmed European CE releases for Assassin’s Creed III.
The Freedom Edition, includes Alex Ross’ SteelBook (similar in design to the North American pre-order bonus), “George Washington’s Notebook”, a statue of “Connor” and some DLC content all wrapped up in a good sized decorative box.
The Join or Die Edition seems to be a slightly smaller package which replace the statue with a “Join or Die” medallion. It also lacks the SteelBook and some of the DLC Content.
Finally there will be a Special Edition which seems to come in a standard game case with alternative cover art and the inclusion of an “exclusive” piece of single player DLC Content “A Dangerous Secret”. Those who complete this DLC will also unlock the “Flintlock Musket” weapon.
The Freedom Edition has an RRP of £80 for PS3 and Xbox 360 and an RRP of £60 for PC, the Join or Die Edition has an RRP of £65 for PS3 and Xbox 360 and an RRP of £50 for PC. All of these will be released on October 31st of this year. No word yet on any CE releases for North America, if past Assassin’s Creed games are any indication the North American releases will be completely different than the European releases.
In Australia, EB Games have this as an exclusive ->
For some reason in the back of my mind I just knew that a steelbook would be included in this CE.
Now I'll have two.
awesome. pre-ordered.
I'm hoping the PS3 gets a G2 size for the steelbook!
Can an Australian member and a UK member (or several members for each region) setup a preorder group buy thread(s) for US and Canadian members? US members can do the same if we get a unique edition.
I'd be most grateful.
I'd be most grateful.
I know its too early to say but will it be available in the US?
I know its too early to say but will it be available in the US?
I will set up a group but if anyone is interested.. Btw flash good news pm you later
Damn... How many collector's editions do you want me to own Ubi?! Someone direct me to a group buy thread!
Also, wish they included the medallion in the Freedom Edition. I wonder if the Join or Die box will be awesome. Else, I'll just eBay the medallion rather than getting both editions.
@Xmo: Well I know for certain the already announced editions will NOT be in North America, so we best get on it and have our Australian or UK friends preorder some copies...
@Matrix: You say that like you "know" something the rest of us don't. Aren't you living in Australia? How would you know Ubisoft has something "bigger" planned for our region? AC1, AC:B and AC:R (that's 3 out of 4 in the series) had dramatically inferior collector or limited editions for North America. While Europe got these AMAZING editions that were bigger, rarer and much more awesome. Revelations had NOTHING but a standard game case with custom inlay artwork. The only exception was AC2. NA got a real nice tin box that held the gamestop exclusive figure in w/ game and artbook. These facts would indicate Ubisoft has NOTHING planned for our North American region...
@RyT: ok thanks!
@Flashassin's Creed I know nothing
But isn't 'hope' great?
I hope the Freedom Edition will be sold in Cyprus
But isn't 'hope' great?
give me too matrix
You would think that since the game is taking place in America they would lol
Am I the only one who thinks its all a bit strange how early all this is coming about considering the game isnt out until October?
Kinda, I think it's usually nearer June that editions start being announce for October release, but still - it's good to know a little earlier to prepare
The 'Join or Die' edition is now available to pre-order from, and it's around £8 cheaper than it is on too.