View Full Version : PS3 The Last Of Us Collectors Edition?

12-11-2012, 03:37 PM
With the release date for early next year announced yesterday,do you think they will do a collectors edition for it?:v:

Even a steelbook would do.

I think I would avoid buying it until it was under 20 quid if they don't do something for it.


12-11-2012, 03:47 PM
PS - Posted this on a couple of threads as i ain't allowed to start a thread in the CE discussion or views forums. What's that about?

12-11-2012, 04:03 PM
I wondered that too. I hope Last Of Us gets special edition, because it looks one of most promising games of 2012.

12-11-2012, 04:07 PM
To prevend spamming new Members have to get into discussions before creating their own ones.

Makes sense in any way.

12-11-2012, 04:14 PM
Considering the effort that Naughty Dog put into their Uncharted 3 collectors editions and steelbooks I would hope they do something.

However,there is always the chance that because its a new IP they won't make too much effort and just put out a bog standard edition.

Hope I am wrong though.

12-11-2012, 04:19 PM
To prevend spamming new Members have to get into discussions before creating their own ones.

Makes sense in any way.

I do contribute to open threads and I can start threads on other forums.

I'm not making an issue about it though,its no big deal,I'm just wondering is all;)

12-11-2012, 05:35 PM
With the release date for early next year announced yesterday,do you think they will do a collectors edition for it?:v:

Even a steelbook would do.

I think I would avoid buying it until it was under 20 quid if they don't do something for it.


Why would you wait till it's under ?20!!!!! It looks fucking amazing! Naughty Dog have said they have had a meeting about a CE but nothing decided on.

12-11-2012, 06:17 PM
I hope they make a CE for it :)

The reason you can't make a thread in CE Discussion R-G is because those threads are copies of the Additions/Corrections, once a game is added to the database, a thread for it opens in CE Discussion. Only DB Proprietors or staff can open threads there :) xx

12-11-2012, 07:09 PM
Cheers Vhal.

Naughty Dog, I would wait for a price drop because I wouldn't get to play it straight away anyway,I just don't have the time mate.

12-11-2012, 07:10 PM
That makes sense then.

12-12-2012, 01:23 AM
yes naughty dog rep did come out and say on a blog something to the effect..."we have not decided yet whether to do a collectors edition or not..keep your fingers crossed"..so as of this week..it appears no decision has been made,..just discussion at the moment.

12-12-2012, 01:24 AM
Hoefully a CE but under ?100.

12-12-2012, 08:29 AM
Is there no petition somewhere asking for a CE?

A lot of developers take into account their fans opinions on this stuff.

Not that it would automatically get us a CE but it certainly could help push it in the right direction.

I imagine it would help the developers sell the idea to the publishers or however CEs are decided in the biz if they could show them what the fans want.

I think the above is why gearbox had the "what do you want for a borderlands 2 CE" same with the dead island riptide CE.

Not only do they tailor their CEs to sell the most possible (I.e. interest the most people with stuff that ppl wanted) but they can also gauge the general interest in a CE for the game.

I'll look into making a petition tomorrow I got to get some sleep :D

12-12-2012, 09:10 AM
course they will, they like money, its all about the dollar these days

12-12-2012, 09:37 AM
It's really funny how people go crazy foe CEs.

I'm mean it would be totally fine if they announce a CE a week before the game launchs...which is in May....

Same with all those Amercans who complaint half a year before the games release for a AC III CE, and started a childish petition, only because Ubisoft Europe announced one.

12-12-2012, 09:56 AM
I truly hope they don't make a non-sense CE for this, I'd be happy with just a global steelbook and no other special editions.

The Last of Us will be all about the game for me, I don't want ND to whore out the franchise and devalue its potential to be known for its game not a crappy failed CE (questionably).

But what I would like to see more than anything is a Ballistic Publishing treated LE Folio Art Book in very limited quantity like they did for Uncharted 2. ^_^

12-12-2012, 10:01 AM
A digipack with something like Artbook (with commentary), soundtrack, making of Br would be really nice.

I realky hope they don't do anything like figurines or other nonsense goodies (backpack for example).

12-12-2012, 06:20 PM
The pal uncharted 3 journal type game case really is gorgeous. I'll take a wee Bayonetta climax edition with a steelbook inside and a similar style journal thing full of game art with a soundtrack cd inside it and maybe some postcards or/and a nice looking map.

Definitely not a monster statue. A nice lenticular of Joel and Elle(that their names?)

12-12-2012, 07:56 PM
@ zyntex

We are on CE.org last time I looked, strange you find it surprising some of the members here actually care about CE's

I am personally more dedicated to steelbook collecting than CE's but if it's for a game I'm excited about/from a developer I love, I really would like a nice CE to be able to look at in a year's time once the game has been beat and stored somewhere out of sight.

That "childish" petition you mentioned for AC III makes perfect sense to me and seems completely reasonable if you remember that the previous AC title Revelations had NO CE release in the states. Absolutely nothing special was released for it. And no one better say there was a gamestop CE because creating a bundle by throwing in random figures that are sold separately ain't a CE.

So while we got nothing for Revelations, Europe got the collector's edition, the animus edition, and the black box edition. While we could have gotten these shipped over, most AC fans don't collect foreign items as well. Plus now my NTSC AC CE collection will have a permanent hole in it sigh

@ matirx


We all have our own personal preferences for sure and no one's preferences are wrong but I'm on the opposite side of the fence

I assume by the crappy failed CE you mean the Uncharted 3 NTSC CE?

If so, while I agree they overproduced the crap out of it, I actually love the CE itself. I love good quality figurines/statues and the Nathan statue is very good quality. The ring is wearable as is the belt buckle. Not really a fan of the belt buckle but the ring is cool. I'm also a sucker for nice packaging and the travel chest packaging is really nice, even the outer box has good artwork on it.

I would LOVE a folio for the Last of US. I'm not sure where I sit on steels tbh. One global steel is easier to get but having multiple variants improves the chances I'll really like one of the steel's itself

I would def prefer a steel to a digipak although digipak is totally 2nd on the list if steel is not an option. That European Uncharted 3 digipak is super nice

As I have said I love good quality figures so I would love to see that if they do it right

12-12-2012, 08:29 PM
What I mean is there is so much time before the game comes out, be patient.

The European HQ of Ubisoft announces a CE and then the US HQ also, directly, have to announce one? That is my point nothing else.

12-12-2012, 08:45 PM
Or how about a pen similar to the Dead Rising one,but instead of a syringe it could be like a sample test tube of the virus.

12-12-2012, 09:07 PM
Ah zyntex that's what you meant

My bad :surrender:

I agree that there's no point complaining about a lack of CE just because Europe announced that it's getting one but I would have to say that it is better to show support for a CE as early as possible simply because the developer/publisher needs time to run logistics on it and produce them.

And i totally agree Rapid, a pen syringe would be sweet, although I would hope they give it a nice box :D I really am a sucker for nice boxes....

12-12-2012, 09:50 PM
yes naughty dog rep did come out and say on a blog something to the effect..."we have not decided yet whether to do a collectors edition or not..keep your fingers crossed"..so as of this week..it appears no decision has been made,..just discussion at the moment.

I don't buy the ND rep's comment. They have under 5 months until the release date, which is really not much time (they have to design/prototype everything, make revisions, make their final selections, and production has to take place with enough time left over to have it in stores on or before the release date). The rep definitely knows whether there will be one or not, because the only way this happens is if it is already being developed.