View Full Version : Why did you start collecting?
01-14-2013, 11:19 PM
I'l fill it in for me when it's not 23:26.
Well for me its like I sort of have to collect something.. Iv grown up with crazes of Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh and Crazy Bones. I collected Pokemon alot a little when i was like 7 and from about 9 onwards it moved onto Yu-Gi-Oh, but with trading cards they ended up sitting there and doing nothing.(I suppose you could say the same thing about collecting games but I'll continue..)
Since I was about 17/18 I thought "Hey! Why not collect the games I loved most as a child and keep them sealed?". Alot harder than I thought.. though my first sealed game I collected was a Black Label Tomb Raider 1 for the Playstation I then thought about all the other games I loved as a child.. which was primarily Crash Bandicoot, Spyro The Dragon, Tomb Raider, MediEvil Etc.. So Iv mainly focused on Crash Bandicoot for now and expanded it towards what Naughty Dog released as I grew older(Jak and Daxter and Uncharted).. so as I grew older with the rest of Naughty Dog's games and decided to make a collection out of them(And the others but Naughty Dog games take priority).
Maybe It's because I don't want to grow up and just be a child again for when life was easy and Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh and Video Games were more fun.. because let's face it.. the classic games and playing Pokemon on the Gameboy Color was an amazing experience and will be some of the best memories I have whilst growing up!
That's my piece.. looking forward to what everyone else has to say! :)
01-15-2013, 12:11 AM
Okay, I'm on my 3DS right now so my answer probably won't be very good :P
Spoilered quite a large chunk as I ramble too much :haha:
Ever since I was a little kid, I've always had that collector mentality. An addictive personality.
I've collected Pokemon cards, Pokemon toys, Harry Potter toys, TY Beanie Babies, Me to You bears, pogs, Crazy Bones, Happy Meal toys, Bratz dolls, books, designer handbags/shoes/clothes, makeup, perfume, etc. I don't think there's really a point in my life where I haven't collected something.
Throughout my childhood, I never really had video games. I mean, I had a Gameboy Pocket that my grandparents bought for me (so I could play Pokemon) and an old Sega Master System II that my granda had picked up cheap at a car boot sale.
Eventually, I got a PS1, with a handful of games, and I spent a lot of time on that.
I missed N64s, Gamecubes and many other gens of gaming though. I didn't even have a Gameboy Color.
So after a while, because I didn't ever really have friends nearby (I lived over 20 miles from school), my parents bought me my first PC, and some games for it (The Sims, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, etc), as well as a GBASP.
I still didn't have many games, so eventually got a little bored of gaming.
I preferred to play games whilst at my grans, as my Uncle Jim had a PS2 and a lot more games than me, so I'd spend time before and after school each day playing his PS2 (my gran lived 5 mins from my school, so my parents would drop me off each morning before school and pick me up at night).
In 2005, my Uncle Jim sadly passed away, and I inherited the PS2 and the games. I didn't play them very much after that as I went into a rebellious stage, started drinking with friends, smoking, etc. Being a little dickhead, really.
Eventually I grew out of that, and got back into playing the PS2, and in 2007, for passing my exams, my parents bought me a DS Lite with some games, and my grandparents bought me an Xbox 360 with a handful of games.
This then restarted my love of gaming, and I started to collect standard copy games, although I didn't manage to gain many over the years as I didn't really try hard :haha:
Fast forward to 2010, got with Allan, got pregnant, he started to collect CEs (after already collecting normal games, too) and I used to help him look for specific CEs, since I was home all day whilst he was at work (I finished school not long after I got pregnant, not because of that, just because I had finished high school).
Searching for specific CEs all day everyday, understandably, I eventually got interested in them myself, et voila, somewhere between May-June 2011, I started the collect CEs myself, and here we are :) xx
01-15-2013, 05:38 AM
My first CE was Assassin's Creed Revelations Collectors edition that I bought on Launch party, because I was huge Assassin's Creed fun, but I only played AC2 and AC Bloodlines, then I bought that CE and then Codex edition. Maybe I will write bigger post later
I upgraded my coolness level, thats why. lol
Isn't it exciting picking up a CE edition rather than the standard :)
I started when I bought Assassins Creed Brotherhood jack in the box because it was around $20 and told myself "wait a minute" all the AC games have collector's and limited edition and part of me said I should collect atleast one CE from each game. I started last year and my biggest goal that year was getting the Altair and Ezio Black statues and I couldn't afford whats on ebay. when I searched all google revealed the existence of site which is like seeing prophet Jesus in front of me. 3 black editions for 80 gbp, I nearly had a heart attack lol.
01-15-2013, 07:44 AM
Yeah, main part of my stuff I got in 2012 like Codex edition, Auditore edition, gift edition, black edition and stuff like that.
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01-15-2013, 08:40 AM
i thought i already answered on of these somewhere
i call duplicate thread
mos` do your magic and do a thread merge
01-15-2013, 10:43 AM
First I started collecting Collectors Editions. The first was the SWTOR CE. After I got the Dishonored Preorder Steelbook and the Borderlands 2 Steelbook from the Ultimate Loot Chest, I started collecting Steels because they looked so awesome.
Now I have a lot of them^^
01-15-2013, 10:44 AM
First I started collecting Collectors Editions. The first was the SWTOR CE. After I got the Dishonored Preorder Steelbook and the Borderlands 2 Steelbook from the Ultimate Loot Chest, I started collecting Steels because they looked so awesome.
Now I have a lot of them^^
That doesn't really answer the question of "Why?" :haha: xx
01-15-2013, 11:09 AM
been at it for 3 years almost started as i felt like i was missing out on content if i got the standard instead of collectors edition.
01-15-2013, 11:15 AM
ok i cant find where i have put this before
other then my epic bio
so i`ll try again
i started collecting becuase i wanted a set of all the popular consoles from times gone by with a selection of popular games to play on them
then i really got into the AC game and loved the depth they devs put into the story and research they used, so thought i would pay my repects by giving them lots of my money in return for some "collectors" things
then i decided to get CE`s of the xbox exclusive titles (excluding overpriced halo)
and that is about me i think
unless i`m lying its hard to tell these days ;)
01-15-2013, 11:19 AM
well i dunno what to say, except that its fun
sleeping in my room at night, lying in bed, surrounded by games and collectibles....
sweet dreams ~~~~~~~~ !
01-15-2013, 04:26 PM
I bought a copy of Battlefield Bad Company and some idiot sent me it in a wierd metal case instead of the standard plastic Playstation case and I thought 'what are they trying to pull here with this weird shit??'
Then I noticed how this shiny gold case was glinting in the light with its cute little grenade on the front so I opened it and inside was the game I'd been after along with a great poster!
I hit google and found out what I'd got and discovered that there are editions of games with extra stuff and amazing cases and lots of add ons and the rest, as they say, is history
Officially, without reserve, collecting junkie.... :barsong:
01-15-2013, 04:59 PM
to escape the pain
01-15-2013, 07:33 PM
I bought Star Wars the Force Unleashed II CE for 20 dollars brand new
Game was terrible (well just too short) but I quite liked the CE
BUT it was really the steelbook that came with it that got to me, I just thought it was beautiful, not cool looking, not nice, but truly beautiful
After that I was buying some other games on ebay and saw the same metal cases available for other games
And so I decided to try and get a steelbook for every game I was going to purchase in the Fall 2011 release window (That included Dead Island & Saints Row the third :()
In order to complete the above task, I had to innovate how I ebayed.
Went off book as you might say and visited foreign ebays for the first time. Starting talking to random people around the world and just fell in loving with collecting steelbooks
Granted those early days were bad. Paid way too much for FS steelies but you live and learn. That's just a part of collecting....or you know life :rotf:
01-15-2013, 08:22 PM
I specifically started buying Video Game CEs over standard games as I was sick of paying 40 quid for a disk in a box and ultimately wanted more for my money and a keepsake for if I really enjoyed a game.
Long before Video game collecting, like a few people here, I was always collecting something, be it pokemon cards, POGs, Tazos, Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Most of my teens years were spent collecting Yu-Gi-Oh cards and playing in local tournaments. It was always the excitement of buying a booster pack in the hope of getting that one card you've been dying to get for ages but couldn't afford to pay the price the guy in the shop wanted for it on it's own! >.< Pretty much like here. Waiting for that 1 good deal to come up when you can't afford what other people are charging. ;)
So yeah, my main reason for video game CE collecting is my dissatisfaction of standard Ed games and my want to have the best version of things tat get released which I may want anyway! :D
01-15-2013, 08:56 PM
I never really collected things before MGS and Mass Effect, TBH I can't even give a reason of why I started collecting other than I really enjoy it.
01-15-2013, 08:57 PM
It seems a massive step forward from the stamps and triangle cheese spread labels I used to collect.....
01-15-2013, 09:02 PM
It seems a massive step forward from the stamps and triangle cheese spread labels I used to collect.....
ww2 ration book stamps> yeh i done it!! called you old 8D
before games i used to collect pogs and spongebob plushies
01-16-2013, 12:20 PM
Id explain mine but lowly seems to be some kind of creepy uk clone of me born 1 month later than i was...
But i started collecting with the hopes of creating an interactive gaming museum.. Australia doesnt seem to have a propper permanent one, just a 3 month convention.. Its just difficulft to get funding or a grant.. Or donations
01-17-2013, 11:55 AM
Id explain mine but lowly seems to be some kind of creepy uk clone of me born 1 month later than i was...
But i started collecting with the hopes of creating an interactive gaming museum.. Australia doesnt seem to have a propper permanent one, just a 3 month convention.. Its just difficulft to get funding or a grant.. Or donations
i always felt some underlying connection with audstralia and now i know why
01-19-2013, 10:11 PM
Briefly explained why I started in my introduction thread, but...
I started playing World of Warcraft back in 2007-2008 and that is where my real love to Blizzard games started. I was introduced to Diablo and Starcraft with D3 and SC2 and I have been wanting to make a real collection of their old games and memorabilia for a a while now. I decided that there is only so long you can think about something, and just snapped and started to collect.
My collecting is almost complete now in terms of games, I really dont want to overspend as I only just graduated Uni and money isn't exactly a vast resource right now...but the addiction has begun :P
02-14-2013, 08:57 AM
Wasn't interested in collecting but I did own Castlevania SOTN with artbook and music cd.
After years of pondering I eventually sold it and regretted it straight away:hammer:
That's why I started collecting.
I'll eventually get Castlevania back one day,but so far my collection looks pretty good for the short time I've been doing it.:2cool:
02-14-2013, 10:50 AM
I got my first CE in 2010 - Halo Reach. I didn't know what I was buying, honestly - a bulky case with a diary and DLC codes. 'This is... awesome.'
The next year, I had some Birthday money and whatnot to buy what I wanted - Saints Row 3 and AC: Revelations were out at the time: oh hang on. Are those special editions? FOR THE SAME PRICE AS THE NORMAL ONES? Heck yeah! And then it spread.
02-14-2013, 10:55 AM
My first CE that I bought was AC R CE 1.12.2011, i won one so I sold it and from that money bought Codex edition. That got me into it.
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02-14-2013, 10:55 AM
Depends if the question only applies to CE.
Gaming in general, I've been keeping complete copies of my games since my NES days. I always thought they looked neat on a shelf, even as a kid. I'm really glad I did. Only a few of our very first games no longer had boxes --- and it was expensive enough to hunt back complete copies on eBay! No way I would have done that for all of them! I guess I just always had this "collector" mindset. Now it just makes me happy. Games always bring back so many great memories. I like to sit down, look at all my games and then just pick one to play. :)
As for CEs, well, I mostly started picking those up because they tend to look amazing... and of course, I love the extra stuff! Especially figures/statues and the such. Looks great in a collection! I don't always pick the CE over the regular edition, though. Some just don't come with anything I really want and I'd rather put the extra money on hunting down other complete games (Earthbound, you're finally mine)! This is pretty much why I haven't been around here as much. I feel like I have nothing to share. ;;;;
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