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View Full Version : Metal Gear for NES - Michael Biehn

01-29-2013, 11:10 PM
There used to be some questioning regarding who was illustrated on the original Metal Gear game for NES. Was it Michael Biehn from Aliens?

It just so happens I was at a Sci Fi convention in Sweden and Michael Biehn is there and wouldn?t you know it, I also find a copy of the original Metal Gear for NES. So, I had him sign it.

He looked at it all confused, flipped it around while chewing gum, looked at the date then stopped chewing as if trying to recall when he approved of this.
Then he signed it.

He had never seen it before that?s for sure.

Anyways, would it be worth anything? I have it as one of my prized collections.


01-30-2013, 01:36 AM
It's worth something, whether the Michael Biehn signature would appeal to a Metal Gear collector is unknown (it doesn't to me really) but a general NES collector or Terminator collector might love it. The pic is him as Kyle Reese in The Terminator I believe.

Oh and BTW I don't think he or whoever the Terminator rights belonged to at the time ever 'approved' it...Konami just kinda ripped it off.

01-30-2013, 09:55 AM

It was in Terminator.

But yea me meeting him totally confirms he has no idea about it. And since it was the first time he noticed it, you can count on this being the only copy to exist with his signature on.

Only a true collector would value it so money wise it probably isnt worth much, but I have a copy :)

01-30-2013, 11:16 AM
I'd pay for it so its definitely worth something!

I think its pretty cool