View Full Version : cancelling ce's
02-05-2013, 06:48 PM
My god, i spend to much and had some unforseen bills, i now canceled 2 of my dead island orders (rigor mortis, and the bloody bust one), canceled my metal gear rising USA CE (hope it does not sell out, dont expect it at that price, but who knows?). And i really wanted the zavvi CE, but i think its overpriced so i never ordered it, hope i can get it cheap a few months down the line).
Its hard to make the right decission what to keep and what to cancel!
Orders i currently have are:
god of war ascension ce (got this for 60 pounds at amazon).
tomb raider Ce
hyperdimension neptunia
star craft ce (might cancel this one as well, but blizzard ce do tend to sell out right?).
April: Bioshock songbird edition
May: Last of US various CE
The above are not really safe CEs to cancel (my bday is in late april so should be able to afford bioshock and last of us). But march is going to be a real bitch.
02-05-2013, 06:53 PM
Hmmm cancel the god of war or tomb raider CE, both come with common figures/statues.
02-05-2013, 07:00 PM
The god of war i got for a really good price! And god of war tends to sell out? Also its one of my favorite franchises! TR, im thinking about a cancel, but somehow i always cancel the wrong ones (last time i canceled the far cry insane edition, who expected that one to sell out).
02-05-2013, 07:01 PM
The god of war i got for a really good price! And god of war tends to sell out? Also its one of my favorite franchises! TR, im thinking about a cancel, but somehow i always cancel the wrong ones (last time i canceled the far cry insane edition, who expected that one to sell out).
You can still find the insane edition for relatively good prices though
Might be a bit higher than retail but not much
02-05-2013, 07:07 PM
Yeah but i expected it to bomb hard lol :D
And besides all the CE's i also get press kits offered now and than by my contacts so i hope they dont write me anytime soon lol :P
02-05-2013, 07:11 PM
Would say keep the God of War..
I would like order it to that price you get, and I don't even have a ps3 xD
Else I think the tomb raider CE is ugly.. The figurine looks like a barbie doll with those arms and that..
02-05-2013, 07:34 PM
would of kep the zombie bait and rigour mortis, i think when they are gone they are if the first is anything to go buy
tomb raider i am sure you can pick up at a later date
02-05-2013, 07:44 PM
Well the zombiebait, i had the 360 version on pre order, i think its to expensive at gamesonly. Also im not really a fan of the game, and of the first game i didnt got all the CE, so i have no dead island 'collection' to keep complete.
And the other one is expensive with shipping cost and customs.
Might cancel the TR as well than.
02-05-2013, 07:50 PM
If it makes you feel better, pretty much everyone I've been talking to is hurting right now
We all expected a next gen console release this year but don't think anyone put 2 and 2 together and realized just how many releases would be crammed into the first half of this year :(
02-05-2013, 08:10 PM
im not hurting
02-05-2013, 08:24 PM
I think you should cancel Starcraft. I think GoW is pretty nice and its my favourite franchise too :)
02-05-2013, 08:27 PM
i have just a huge weak spot for starcraft, played the first game years. And also got the SC2 CE.
02-05-2013, 08:32 PM
I'm not a big starcraft fan, but that purple box is sooo sexy, that's why I can't wait for a Warcraft IV CE, make it happen blizzard :(
02-05-2013, 08:34 PM
I think its your choice then. Every single CE on that list is very cool, except hyperdimension neptunia, couse I dont know what it is :D Maybe tomb raider, yes, its cool, but Survival edition is cool too and lot cheaper.
02-05-2013, 08:48 PM
Defiantly tomb raider and possibly god of war or starcraft.
02-05-2013, 08:48 PM
cancel all of them convert to scientology and run around town covered in nothing but nuttella
02-05-2013, 09:00 PM
I think its your choice then. Every single CE on that list is very cool, except hyperdimension neptunia, couse I dont know what it is :D Maybe tomb raider, yes, its cool, but Survival edition is cool too and lot cheaper.
Its CE from Nis america, they publish/translate niche japanese games in usa. They have a great line of ce's which almost always sell out and are hard to get later (most of the time). This ce is also already sold out long before release.
02-05-2013, 09:30 PM
Thanks :) I dont know how big you are fan. In my opinion, GoW is very cool franchise, and it will be hard to find again. The figure from Tomb Raider isn't as awesome as Kratos, and you can buy it separately. Also, if you dont prefer action figures as me, don't cancel GoW. The Last of us is very cool, i started watching it more like gameplays or so. Plus theres some big ND fans, and after release, the price could rise up to...i dont know. Nothing like FH edition, but still cool. Probably cancel Lara. Starcraft will be hard to find too I think. I never played Bioshock, because when I saw Bioshock 1, I was like 7 or so (dont know) Big Daddy was so scary and I don't played it yet. Anyway, the statue in it is very very cool and it contains bunch of other cool stuff.
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02-05-2013, 09:56 PM
Really BioShock is April now?
02-05-2013, 10:10 PM
Really BioShock is April now?
Well its 26-03, but i had it under april since i have two weeks to pay after release at the store where i ordered, so than i have my salary from april :)
02-06-2013, 12:55 AM
Really if you cancel the SC2 CE you might not have a chance on it later on because these kind of CE's sell out quickly, i cancelled my tomb raider CE aswell, because the game just doesn't interest me too much at all
02-06-2013, 10:24 AM
I would cancel Tomb Raider CE (you will find it from sale later). Don't know what hyperdimension is and Heart of Swarm CE is not as good as Wings of liberty but will have nice price rise just like that one. :/ If I had to pick another.. Maybe God of War. Songbird is already so sold out that something can be
02-19-2013, 10:13 PM
I cancelled my 'Reveangance' pre-order the other day. With the steelbook. Just decided that after viewing some online footage that it wasn't really for me and those funds could go to those games that I know (hope) I'm going to enjoy.
02-20-2013, 09:51 PM
the metal gear one is really expensive to order from usa...hope it will be around 2-3 months from now when i get some taxes back,
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