View Full Version : More Irrational Games Limited Editon Items
03-04-2014, 10:35 PM
I prefer this:
I prefer this:
LOL, oh man I do not want to miss this pre-order!
03-04-2014, 11:21 PM
Open the Irrational Item thread, he says
It'll be safe to look at from work, he says
03-05-2014, 01:33 AM
couldn't possibly be anything else
I take that back, it's probably this:
I meant the type of Elizabeth... I say Burial at sea version. Did not know that part of my guess was such a lock.
03-05-2014, 08:04 AM
Yeah, it's either the Big Daddy or Booker :D
03-08-2014, 06:18 AM
I prefer this:
this is so wonderful that I think I'd actually hate for this to not exist in small batch
03-10-2014, 06:19 PM
The Elizabeth Noir Statue is now live, in both signed and unsigned versions. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I should also note that the first 50 are signed, and that image with the "136" on the bottom was only supposed to be on the unsigned listing.
Both can be found here:
03-10-2014, 06:23 PM
I'm just shocked it's 104 $ shipping cost to me in germany, ugh
03-10-2014, 06:32 PM
I'm just shocked it's 104 $ shipping cost to me in germany, ugh
International Shipping is something that we're always working to reduce, and there will be a small warehouse in Europe shortly that should help this a bunch. Please note that we currently cover all taxes and customs fees (including VAT if necessary), so that there are no surprise charges when it arrives at your door. This is often why our shipping costs are a bit higher initially.
Hope that helps, but I can understand how the shipping charge can be an impact.
03-10-2014, 06:35 PM
So since its pre order, do you guys charge up front?
03-10-2014, 06:37 PM
International Shipping is something that we're always working to reduce, and there will be a small warehouse in Europe shortly that should help this a bunch. Please note that we currently cover all taxes and customs fees (including VAT if necessary), so that there are no surprise charges when it arrives at your door. This is often why our shipping costs are a bit higher initially.
Hope that helps, but I can understand how the shipping charge can be an impact.
Yeah, I thought it would be like 30 - 60 $
But if there is a small warehouse here in Europe shortly and I can get the figure from there, too, then it's alright with me :-)
Thanks, OneLetter!
03-10-2014, 06:41 PM
So since its pre order, do you guys charge up front?
For any pre-order, we charge when the product ships. :thumb:
Yeah, I thought it would be like 30 - 60 $
But if there is a small warehouse here in Europe shortly and I can get the figure from there, too, then it's alright with me :-)
Thanks, OneLetter!
Please note that I do not have an exact timeframe for the European warehouse, but it's something the IG Store is working towards down the road. Likely, a few months out, minimum.
04-04-2014, 05:54 PM
Hi All,
Just wanted to give you a heads up that the Irrational Games Online store is having a sale. The functionality is active already even though they have not posted any advertising or banners.
If you buy any apparel item, you can get up to 50% off art and collectibles. It looks like this includes some of the unsigned vigor bottles.
04-04-2014, 06:02 PM
After you buy the Apparel? Or during your check out will you get the discount?
04-04-2014, 06:12 PM
After you buy the Apparel? Or during your check out will you get the discount?
It reflects at checkout though it isn't 50% for most things. A $350 vigor bottle only gets $50 knocked off, 15%.
04-04-2014, 06:17 PM
It reflects at checkout though it isn't 50% for most things. A $350 vigor bottle only gets $50 knocked off, 15%.
And that's only for the undertow bottle and maybe the devil's vigor bottle
The new Possession vigor doesn't get any discount
04-11-2014, 10:50 PM
And that's only for the undertow bottle and maybe the devil's vigor bottle
The new Possession vigor doesn't get any discount
I does now and you don't need to buy a shirt.
04-12-2014, 07:06 AM
Lol what is 50% off?
I might buy a poster or two...
I still really want that falling poster, but not the signed version lol
05-27-2014, 07:27 PM
Shipping confirmation received for Elizabeth statue. I'll post pics when it lands
05-28-2014, 09:15 AM
I recieved mine yesterday.
Got to say i love the item, I hope they continue to make more items and keep the store open,
the only bad part is there is a very small chip on the base of the model, I can only guess this was a build defect as the item was well protected. I will live with it as i still love the statue, its just a shame
05-29-2014, 04:31 AM
@Stevo Thank you for your thoughts.
@blingaling Thanks! Can't wait for your pics.
05-30-2014, 06:52 PM
As promised, some detail pics of the Elizabeth statue: ( ( ( ( (
WORTH EVERY PENNY. Great sculpt and paint. A good size too, about a foot tall.
06-04-2014, 08:31 AM
Thank you for the pictures, the statue looks really great!
After a few issues with the bank I was able to purchase one today. Can't wait to get her :-)
06-06-2014, 04:20 PM
Elizabeth just arrived at my door! It's really a beautiful figure. I've got number #25, they could have given me #26 to match with Andrew Ryan, haha.
06-06-2014, 07:20 PM
Wow! That was fast delivery!
06-07-2014, 07:04 AM
Yeah, I was stunned, too. At first it was next wednesday and after I got home from work yesterday it said "at the end of today". After an hour the package was here. :D
07-11-2014, 01:25 AM
I was wondering if the irrational games store is going to continue to produce more items?
I'm talking about the stuff that's not "limited like (BioShock Infinite Bronze Vigor Pin Set-BioShock Infinite Lutece Coin-BioShock Infinite Silver Eagle Coin-BioShock Infinite Vigor Pin Set). Or is it that once they are sold out they won't be produced again?
07-11-2014, 02:00 AM
They actually just put up some new artwork a few days ago based on episode 2. So hopefully that is a sign that things are still coming. I would think there is some transition where 2k will take over the store though, so no idea what that could mean. I was really hoping for a full set of vigors, but have a feeling that is not going to happen.
07-11-2014, 09:56 AM
I was really hoping for a full set of vigors, but have a feeling that is not going to happen.
Me too (not my wallet though lol)
Found out yesterday about their new Artworks they put up in the store. I was waiting for them as they were announced a while back
07-11-2014, 07:08 PM
I was hoping for "limited Edition" art.
07-12-2014, 03:51 AM
The art has been a little hit or miss in my opinion. Some items looked great on the store but quality was severely lacking. The last dance was really really poorly done on my opinion.
09-30-2014, 09:10 AM
Does anyone have knowledge about since when Irrational Games had the europe warehouse? As I visited the site a few days earlier it's with EUR Currency, but a lot is not in Stock.
Just curious if they were in stock or not.
09-30-2014, 09:59 AM
Damn - I never knew either. Really after a Falling poster too :(
10-20-2014, 09:18 PM
Up for preorder. $300
I still love me some Infinite, but I don't know if I can keep buying these. I had a falling shelf disaster a little while back and my Devil's Kiss and Elizabeth statue were injured pretty grievously.
10-20-2014, 10:25 PM
I wish I had a bunch of extra money for all these vigors. They are really nice looking, but way too expensive for me.
StayFree( ' 3')
10-20-2014, 10:41 PM
I'm not in a rush to buy one. I got a feeling these won't be sold out for quite some time...
10-20-2014, 10:43 PM
Yeah, but any sales for them are nearly pointless. :(
10-20-2014, 10:53 PM
When do they take money, at time of preorder or shipping? Also any release date made yet?
10-20-2014, 11:46 PM
Bucking Bronco was my favorite vigor... but I still cannot bring myself to buy any of these. I wish they stuck with the original MoC bottle style for all of them... it has a "darker" less cartoony feel.
10-21-2014, 01:10 AM
Bucking Bronco was my favorite vigor... but I still cannot bring myself to buy any of these. I wish they stuck with the original MoC bottle style for all of them... it has a "darker" less cartoony feel.
hahaha I just wish I had an original MoC bottle
10-21-2014, 01:21 AM
hahaha I just wish I had an original MoC bottle
Having the original MoC makes me want bucking bronco so bad.
10-21-2014, 01:46 AM
Looks really well done in the photos. I'm excited for this. I just hope they don't release a signed version of this later on. Maybe with Ken moving on they won't be doing any more signed items -- anyone have a line on that???
I also noticed that Digital River has taken over the Irrational Store. I still haven't had great experience with them and I really hope that changes starting now, because Irrational's customer service was pretty good before they laid everyone off.
Thanks for the heads up blingaling!
10-21-2014, 01:50 AM
Still no word on when they take money? Upon preorder or upon shipment?
10-21-2014, 01:52 AM
Rereading the description: "...this powerful vigor can be used to break even the cruelest wolf."
Isn't it supposed to say "curliest" wolf? Looks like the packaging has it correct, so that's good! :)
10-21-2014, 01:58 AM
Still no word on when they take money? Upon preorder or upon shipment?
Looks like they at least check your card for available credit, but not sure if it will actually process or not yet.
10-21-2014, 06:50 PM
Looks like they at least check your card for available credit, but not sure if it will actually process or not yet.
As far as I recall they put a hold on the funds on your card, so they do not actually charge you but it counts towards your credit limit. Kinda funky.
10-21-2014, 09:41 PM
I also noticed that Digital River has taken over the Irrational Store. I still haven't had great experience with them and I really hope that changes starting now, because Irrational's customer service was pretty good before they laid everyone off.
We've taken over all of 2K's studios.
(I do not speak for DR)
10-21-2014, 11:17 PM
Thanks for the insight usiris. Hope that the things you mentioned come true. Irrational's store has been one of my favorites. So any idea if Levine is still going to have any involvement in the merchandise (signing)? Never liked the markup on those things, but curious if he's hands-on or hands-off with the store at this point.
10-22-2014, 06:17 PM
Thanks for the insight usiris. Hope that the things you mentioned come true. Irrational's store has been one of my favorites. So any idea if Levine is still going to have any involvement in the merchandise (signing)? Never liked the markup on those things, but curious if he's hands-on or hands-off with the store at this point.
I couldn't answer that. Clients deal with items/inventory/catalog on their side.
Sorry, man.
10-23-2014, 01:24 AM
Gotcha! Well, thanks for the news that you can/do share. Always interested in new information. Hope you're enjoying your job too. I think I'm envious of those who work at these companies (treehouse, previous irrational and now dr, C&B, etc). Seems like it would be really fun to be on that side of things, although I'm sure it's like other jobs at times too, and you just have to slog through some things. The grass looks a little greener from here though :)
11-05-2014, 02:52 AM
Anyone seen this MoC Vigor box? Said it was officially designed and made and a PDF was made for fans to make their own.
Download link (courtesy of amb6883): peed.ic.xqbuB5EzX1.jpg
11-05-2014, 03:02 AM
11-05-2014, 03:03 AM
Thanks! :D
Anyone good at this stuff?
11-06-2014, 03:13 PM
Thanks! :D
Anyone good at this stuff?
Ha Ha, it's funny I run into your thread about MoC here :taunt: because I was just thinking the same question for the box. ;)
11-06-2014, 03:15 PM
Ha Ha, it's funny I run into your thread about MoC here :taunt: because I was just thinking the same question for the box. ;)
Can't imagine why you would be interested :haha: :D
11-27-2014, 12:23 AM
haha....well, go figure...
Now, how long until the signed Lutece Statue?
11-27-2014, 12:30 AM
Cuz the bottle are not selling well I am sure. So they had to get him to sing a few of them.
I still don't get how they think on some of their items that Ken's Signature is worth $250. Well I suppose it is, people buy those ones... that is why they price them like that because they still sell.
11-27-2014, 12:42 AM
Pretty good deal on these if anyone was holding out.
StayFree( ' 3')
11-27-2014, 01:58 AM
Pretty good deal on these if anyone was holding out.
Thanks for the heads up.
12-02-2014, 03:06 AM
Awesome. I got my bucking bronco vigor with damage and immediately contacted Digital River. They said nothing could be done since 30 days had elapsed since the order was placed, even though it was a PRE-ORDER and it didn't even arrive until 30 days after I placed the order. Way to go Digital River. Nice job screwing up what used to be a good store with good customer support. Everyone take note of this Digital River policy so you don't get screwed on pre-orders from the Irrational Store in the future.
12-02-2014, 04:47 AM
Awesome. I got my bucking bronco vigor with damage and immediately contacted Digital River. They said nothing could be done since 30 days had elapsed since the order was placed, even though it was a PRE-ORDER and it didn't even arrive until 30 days after I placed the order. Way to go Digital River. Nice job screwing up what used to be a good store with good customer support. Everyone take note of this Digital River policy so you don't get screwed on pre-orders from the Irrational Store in the future.
You cannot accept that... seriously. Get this case to
It's not your fault and it's a freaking pre order. Digital river... wow..
12-02-2014, 11:04 AM
I'm still fighting it, but that is the line they are spewing right now.
12-02-2014, 11:15 AM
Awesome. I got my bucking bronco vigor with damage and immediately contacted Digital River. They said nothing could be done since 30 days had elapsed since the order was placed, even though it was a PRE-ORDER and it didn't even arrive until 30 days after I placed the order. Way to go Digital River. Nice job screwing up what used to be a good store with good customer support. Everyone take note of this Digital River policy so you don't get screwed on pre-orders from the Irrational Store in the future.
Yeah that is bullshit and something they should not ever try to say to you. Wrong.
You do have options if they are not willing to see reason. If you paid by PayPal you have their resolution center (45 days). If you paid by Credit Card... you have the chargeback option (though this option is not a great option... but if you feel screwed enough it is your last line). Or if you paid through PayPal with a CC you have both options.
12-02-2014, 01:12 PM
I'd be bugging them 24/7 about this. That is an unacceptable response from them. If they refuse to do anything, let them know you will be reporting this incident to the BBB and then go through PayPal to get your money back or a chargeback on your credit card.
That's total bullshit.
12-02-2014, 01:32 PM
xhunter... did you copy and paste my response :D LOL
12-02-2014, 01:38 PM
xhunter... did you copy and paste my response :D LOL
No, I didn't even read it... I'm so sick, lol. :nosleep:
12-02-2014, 02:07 PM
Was just teasing :D Thought it was funny as you said almost the exact same thing.
12-02-2014, 03:26 PM
Awesome. I got my bucking bronco vigor with damage and immediately contacted Digital River. They said nothing could be done since 30 days had elapsed since the order was placed, even though it was a PRE-ORDER and it didn't even arrive until 30 days after I placed the order. Way to go Digital River. Nice job screwing up what used to be a good store with good customer support. Everyone take note of this Digital River policy so you don't get screwed on pre-orders from the Irrational Store in the future.
Man, and I thought I got screwed. I had preordered the same as you and as Thanksgiving passes I was curious to know what the status of my order would've been. I look it up and I find out the order doesn't exist. It somehow disappeared. Now, I'm thinking in my head this must be a godsend since I saw the signed one had since been announced so I go to order it. Mind you, I did all this yesterday and after reading your story, I am worried they won't process it and it'll disappear too. Along with that, I ordered some prints from Naughty Dog store and that was ordered on Nov. 21st and that has yet to ship. I'm wondering if my luck during the holidays is running out.
Sorry to deviate but I hope for the best for you. :thumb:
i and i
12-02-2014, 04:00 PM
Digital River is a scam as big as they come... we had a lot of problems with our Mega Man statue from the Capcom store (I’m going mad, and it’s so… Liberating! (
Only thing I can say to you is keep bugging them. Over and over again. Email, call and be firm.
To others, try to keep away from DR. It's the only smart thing to do...
12-04-2014, 01:17 AM
Digital River has reversed course and decided to let me return the damaged statue, which I appreciate. Nice thing was I didn't have to get to the point of threatening them with the BBB or actions through my cc which would have only been a last resort. Although I expect it will be fruitless, I offered some feedback: basically imploring them to consider using packaging materials (anything at all would be better than nothing at all) and that items shouldn't routinely arrive with damage to their customers -- particularly those sold as "collectibles". I can only guess that they continue to operate in this way because the majority of customers just accept what they get. Returns cost them money and you know it all comes down to the bottom line. Only when the returns and complaints begin to cost them more money than they are willing to allow will things change -- this applies to all of these companies not just Digital River though.
12-04-2014, 02:46 AM
Deep breath everyone.....
If anyone has any issues regarding Digital River, please send me a PM. I will forward them on to someone who has the authority to respond.
12-04-2014, 04:32 AM
Appreciate that usiris, and I'll definitely keep that in mind. Certainly I mean no disrespect to you or anyone at DR, I'm sure there are many great people who want to make the company the best it can be and understand your customers, but the pattern I have experienced so far with DR has not been positive. And based on a lot I've read here and elsewhere I'm not the alone. Believe me, as someone who likes to buy LEs and video game memorabilia (don't we all?) I'd love nothing more than to see DR improve and take care of their customers on a more consistent basis. If there is something that you think I or anyone else can do to make our voices heard among an influential audience at DR, let me know. I'd be happy to participate in a healthy discussion.
12-04-2014, 03:12 PM
Appreciate that usiris, and I'll definitely keep that in mind. Certainly I mean no disrespect to you or anyone at DR, I'm sure there are many great people who want to make the company the best it can be and understand your customers, but the pattern I have experienced so far with DR has not been positive. And based on a lot I've read here and elsewhere I'm not the alone. Believe me, as someone who likes to buy LEs and video game memorabilia (don't we all?) I'd love nothing more than to see DR improve and take care of their customers on a more consistent basis. If there is something that you think I or anyone else can do to make our voices heard among an influential audience at DR, let me know. I'd be happy to participate in a healthy discussion.
12-04-2014, 05:02 PM
Sorry to jump in without reading the rest of the topic, just noticed we have a DR employee here, and for the right reasons it would seem. Certainly encouraging to hear about this "transformation."
I wonder what kind of work DR's engineering department does? Does it have much to do with how boxes are packaged, or the systems involved with that?
If you're taking suggestions, I'd really like to see an option available at checkout where a buyer can mark individual items in his cart as collectibles to ensure that an undamaged copy is selected from warehouse stock, carefully handled, and properly packaged with padding on all sides. No sense in applying this kind of care to everything you sell and it's not something that every customer would need, so it makes sense to include it as an option rather than standard practice. You'd have to study what qualifies as "proper packaging" and how much an option like this would increase demand for packing materials/time/labor and charge an appropriate additional fee each time a customer selects the option. But it's an option I know I would pay extra for every time I buy something collectible, if it was an option that was actually offered at any online retailers.
I'm sure I'm not the only one on this forum who would pay more for the assurance that my expensive collectibles were going to arrive in a displayable condition. And imagine the improvement to DR's reputation! Customers would love ordering from you instead of dreading the experience.
Most I've ever gotten from DR in the way of padding was a crumpled up piece of paper. Once.
12-04-2014, 05:51 PM
Gotta give 'em props though - their customer service line is open 24hrs/day. Not sure how much help they'll be (on the phone with them now), but here's to hoping ;)
Also, they got some relaxing musack on their hold lines, not too shabby since they don't interrupt it every 10 seconds with a "we appreciate your patience" - I hate it when they do that...
Scratch that... their C/S is horrible. Put me back on hold please... I can't stand your repeating the same text-book line over and over again and blaming it on Ubisoft! (I SPECIFICALLY asked the Ubisoft rep before he made me call DR if DR was going to tell me they couldn't help me and send me back to Ubisoft and he said "no they shouldn't do that"... maybe somebody should tell DR that!) :rant:
12-05-2014, 12:55 AM
I'll quote this and ask him to respond.
Sounds great! Again, just let me know if I can help.
If you're taking suggestions, I'd really like to see an option available at checkout where a buyer can mark individual items in his cart as collectibles to ensure that an undamaged copy is selected from warehouse stock, carefully handled, and properly packaged with padding on all sides.
I see what you're saying and I agree with you, but not totally. BigBadToyStore does this, and I have selected the option before (it's usually something like $2-$4). The difference is that with BigBadToyStore if you don't select that option, your item is still packaged well and it's still going to arrive in very nice condition (at least in my experience). If I'm buying something advertised as a "collectible", it ought to be in darn near perfect condition without me having to pay extra over and above the several hundred dollar price tag. Appropriate packaging materials should be accounted for in the pricing to begin with, because it has to be shipped anyway. I guess if DR gets to the point of consistently providing near-perfect items, then I might be willing to consider splitting hairs about the differences between a 9 and 10. Right now I'm just thinking about baby steps I guess.
Gotta give 'em props though....
Scratch that...
Sorry Knight. I empathize.
12-05-2014, 01:44 AM
I see what you're saying and I agree with you, but not totally. BigBadToyStore does this, and I have selected the option before (it's usually something like $2-$4). The difference is that with BigBadToyStore if you don't select that option, your item is still packaged well and it's still going to arrive in very nice condition (at least in my experience). If I'm buying something advertised as a "collectible", it ought to be in darn near perfect condition without me having to pay extra over and above the several hundred dollar price tag. Appropriate packaging materials should be accounted for in the pricing to begin with, because it has to be shipped anyway. I guess if DR gets to the point of consistently providing near-perfect items, then I might be willing to consider splitting hairs about the differences between a 9 and 10. Right now I'm just thinking about baby steps I guess.
You got me excited to hear there is a retailer out there who cares about collectible condition and proper packaging. But I went to their site, added some things to the cart, created an account, and got all the way to the place order screen without seeing the $2-$4 option you're talking about. :( Is it only for certain items?
Good point that packaging materials should be accounted for in the price tag of collectibles. I somehow doubt that's standard practice. If it is, then DR is pocketing that portion of revenue as profit and screwing its customers with shitty packaging. If it's not, then DR is just trying to provide packaging and shipping services at the lowest possible cost. In that case, what I'm saying is if they need more money to actually do it right, I'm willing to pay for more than their cheapest possible option (a thin, oversized, unpadded box). :thumb: Problem is that's the only option they offer.
12-05-2014, 02:09 AM
Is it only for certain items?
If it's not, then DR is just trying to provide packaging and shipping services at the lowest possible cost. In that case, what I'm saying is if they need more money to actually do it right, I'm willing to pay for more than their cheapest possible option (a thin, oversized, unpadded box). :thumb: Problem is that's the only option they offer.
Haha! Sorry to get you worked up! Yes, it is just for certain items. I'm not sure how they decide...maybe only when they set eyes on the stock and know that they can guarantee some to be collector quality (they do limit the offering to only a portion of the stock they have).
The goal of every business is to make money, so I do think that where they are at right now is to ship for the lowest possible cost. Since it sounds like shipping physical goods is a new-ish practice for DR, this shouldn't be too surprising. There will come a point where the lowest shipping cost begins to effect the bottom line though --through return costs and lost sales, that's usually when executives take notice and recognize that things need to be balanced out. You might be right, they may just need to increase prices by a few dollars in order to make these changes (that can affect sales too though) -- it's all about the balance.
12-05-2014, 07:11 AM
Haha! Sorry to get you worked up! Yes, it is just for certain items. I'm not sure how they decide...maybe only when they set eyes on the stock and know that they can guarantee some to be collector quality (they do limit the offering to only a portion of the stock they have).
The goal of every business is to make money, so I do think that where they are at right now is to ship for the lowest possible cost. Since it sounds like shipping physical goods is a new-ish practice for DR, this shouldn't be too surprising. There will come a point where the lowest shipping cost begins to effect the bottom line though --through return costs and lost sales, that's usually when executives take notice and recognize that things need to be balanced out. You might be right, they may just need to increase prices by a few dollars in order to make these changes (that can affect sales too though) -- it's all about the balance.
Darn! Well, still, if they do it for some items that's a good start. And if their standard shipping practices are top notch anyway then that's even better!
Yeah, that was my assumption about DR, that they're just trying to save themselves and their customers money on packaging/shipping, which is fine. If I bought like a shirt or a plushie, or something I was planning on using instead of collecting, cheapest available shipping would be perfect. But for purchases of collectibles I want an upgraded packaging option, that's all.
I know what you mean about how if the price goes up sales go down, but if it was just an option, then other people could still buy the product at the regular price and get the cheap shipping and not see any difference. Meanwhile I could optionally pay a little more to get the product in mint condition for my collection.
12-05-2014, 03:00 PM
The bucking Bronco was always my favorite Vigor in game. They did a good job with the bottle. The logos on all expect the Devils Kiss look decent.
Can anyone tell me if the bottom part has leather on it? Just curios from the pics if that was a leather saddle like material on bottom?
Scratch that... their C/S is horrible. Put me back on hold please... I can't stand your repeating the same text-book line over and over again and blaming it on Ubisoft! (I SPECIFICALLY asked the Ubisoft rep before he made me call DR if DR was going to tell me they couldn't help me and send me back to Ubisoft and he said "no they shouldn't do that"... maybe somebody should tell DR that!) :rant:
Sorry to hear that Knight.
12-05-2014, 03:53 PM
The bucking Bronco was always my favorite Vigor in game. They did a good job with the bottle. The logos on all expect the Devils Kiss look decent.
Can anyone tell me if the bottom part has leather on it? Just curios from the pics if that was a leather saddle like material on bottom?
Sorry to hear that Knight.
It's not leather from what I can tell. They did a good job of making it look like leather though. The only thing that I can see that set it apart from the usual is the saddle rope is an actual string. I was going to post this as part of my update but I'll post this here. It may not help but maybe you can see it.
12-05-2014, 08:47 PM
Ahh... yeah stock pics are always hard to tell specifics from. Looks good though.
12-12-2014, 12:35 AM
So far, so terrible. Things continue to be impossible. After telling me they would send me a return label it's still not been sent. Now they say they have to escalate my case to get the label created -- really??? How hard can this possibly be?
01-19-2015, 01:03 AM
UPDATE: After a brutal month of back and forth, Digital River has returned my money. They did eventually send that return label, which I used, and the delivery was signed for by their warehouse manager. After they had it back in their possession they tried to tell me that they had no record of even generating the return label. Needless to say, I had to fight hard for many weeks to get my money back!
Usiris, I would never wish you ill, nor for anyones' jobs to be in jeopardy, but this company has a long, long way to go.
Everyone else: vote with your wallets if you can. Decide if that limited/exclusive item is really worth dealing with the current state of Digital River. I'm sure I'll have my own struggles with this as tantalizing new items are put up for sale....
01-19-2015, 01:08 AM
UPDATE: After a brutal month of back and forth, Digital River has returned my money. They did eventually send that return label, which I used, and the delivery was signed for by their warehouse manager. After they had it back in their possession they tried to tell me that they had no record of even generating the return label. Needless to say, I had to fight hard for many weeks to get my money back!
Usiris, I would never wish you ill, nor for anyones' jobs to be in jeopardy, but this company has a long, long way to go.
Everyone else: vote with your wallets if you can. Decide if that limited/exclusive item is really worth dealing with the current state of Digital River. I'm sure I'll have my own struggles with this as tantalizing new items are put up for sale....
Glad you finally got it worked out. Sucks you had to go through so much though... they are really bad IMO. They need to take notes from Treehouse.
Here is the simple fact of it though... it seems the company itself does not care how it is viewed. That has to be the case. You should complain to their employer (in this case 2K)... that might be the only thing that will change them if enough complaints to the hiring company get through.
01-19-2015, 01:20 AM
Here is the simple fact of it though... it seems the company itself does not care how it is viewed. That has to be the case. You should complain to their employer (in this case 2K)... that might be the only thing that will change them if enough complaints to the hiring company get through.
Agreed. Once the emotions cool down I'll give it a go. I'm too keyed up right now though.
Practically a dead thread eh? Irrational Games store is having a sale. Insane deals for anyone who wants a vigor bottle or statue. $180 off original price for a signed vigor bottle. Check it out!
03-27-2015, 03:52 AM
Practically a dead thread eh? Irrational Games store is having a sale. Insane deals for anyone who wants a vigor bottle or statue. $180 off original price for a signed vigor bottle. Check it out!
Thanks for the head's up! Bought myself some stuff. Will show everyone one once they arrive on my intro page.
Awesome! Cant wait to see your new additions~!
03-30-2015, 10:10 PM
I hate this.
I want it. I want all of it.
But I had to choose for one..
So I ordered this statue of Elizabeth as seen in Burial At Sea!
I went for a signed version, can't wait until it arrives <3
03-30-2015, 10:11 PM
I hate this.
I want it. I want all of it.
But I had to choose for one..
So I ordered this statue of Elizabeth as seen in Burial At Sea!
I went for a signed version, can't wait until it arrives <3
Grats, hope you enjoy it ;)
03-31-2015, 05:57 AM
I absolutely love my Noir Elizabeth statue. The thing is AMAZING. I hope Irrational/2K/whoever is in charge of Bioshock merch at this point makes a few more of these high quality statues (maybe some from Bioshock 1 and 2, as well). I wouldn't mind a Booker and Elizabeth duo statue.
04-02-2015, 07:48 PM
I absolutely love my Noir Elizabeth statue. The thing is AMAZING. I hope Irrational/2K/whoever is in charge of Bioshock merch at this point makes a few more of these high quality statues (maybe some from Bioshock 1 and 2, as well). I wouldn't mind a Booker and Elizabeth duo statue.
I'd love to see a smaller version of this;
Suddenly the Irrational game store has what I wanted to order back in stock. Just in time for no sale discount. not impressed.
04-03-2015, 12:18 AM
Suddenly the Irrational game store has what I wanted to order back in stock. Just in time for no sale discount. not impressed.
What is back in stock that you wanted?
04-03-2015, 12:27 AM
At least they aren't too expensive at regular price.
04-03-2015, 06:55 PM
The disappointment of receiving a damaged statue.
04-03-2015, 06:56 PM
Is it your Elizabeth Statue? What's damaged?
04-03-2015, 07:03 PM
The cigarette she's holding is loose in the package.. On her finger is a little thingy too where it should be (if I'm right) though it just looks like a bit of glue..
I mailed the store to see what they'd reply.
04-03-2015, 07:47 PM
The cigarette she's holding is loose in the package.. On her finger is a little thingy too where it should be (if I'm right) though it just looks like a bit of glue..
I mailed the store to see what they'd reply.
Hopefully you have better luck than I do. I had ordered the signed Elizabeth Noir statue and received the non-signed version. I got a reply stating they can't issue reshipment. All I ask is for an exchange in order to get what I payed for. They stated all they can do is issue a refund but I wouldn't want that as I bought it during their sale... Not happy right now.
I was hoping to post pics of the new additions but this is delaying it. I might just post pics anyways and update if I can resolve this... ugh.
04-03-2015, 08:39 PM
Their customer service is pretty awful...
04-04-2015, 02:07 AM
Well, I hope they respect their customers enough to see that a package damaged on arrival should be fixed..
No reply yet, hope to get one soon.
04-04-2015, 08:04 AM
Ugh, I hope for the best, WaxWeazle!
I'd be pretty mad if this would happen to me
Oh wow. "All they can do is issue a refund". Thats poor on their part. They should replace it by having you return it and them mailing you a new one. Hoping this issue gets fixed right.
04-05-2015, 01:06 PM
Well, it's like you said!
I just had a reply.
The fun thing about their site is, the most images aren't in a big resolution so some things aren't clear. Nonetheless, I'm quite sure of the issue.
On top of the mail they said;
Thank you for contacting the Irrational Games online store.
We apologize for the issue that you encountered.
You can confirm from the website the exact appearance of the product. We
have provided a link below:
Moving on, they're telling me the following;
If you may need to replace the product, a new order needs to be placed
and a refund will be applied on the order.
We will provide you with a FedEx electronic return label (e-label) via
email within 2-3 business days so you may return your product(s). Once
received, please print the return label, affix it to the return package,
and take it to any FedEx shipping location.
A refund? I don't want my money back, I want a complete statue that hasn't damaged parts. Why's that so hard to get? Why not just 'send it back with the label we'll send you and we'll send you a new one'? I don't get this.
Besides that, I don't get why it seems to take them 2 - 3 days to send an E-LABEL. I'll have to print it myself, attach it to the box in which I'm sending the product back. Why the hell does that take 2/3 days? Also funny that it HAS to be a FedEx location.. I have no clue in the region here where the hell I can find that, so I guess I'll have to search my ass off.
Some types of shipments does not have tracking numbers associated with
Another fun note is that I ordered 'Track & Trace', which should include a code to follow the package. Funny how they say that some packages have no track and trace. Why the fuck do you give us the option to pay for it then? That literally costed quite a bit more, so I payed for nothing?
I see what you guys mean with shitty customer support, really disappointed how they handle things...
But on the bright side, I'm glad they're giving me a solution at least, so I can fix it..
04-05-2015, 04:42 PM
Sorry to hear about all the issues you are having. If you've been reading this thread you know that I've had my own share of problems with them since Digital River took over. Digital River is a disease, they have ruined every website that they've taken over. All I can say is just keep at it and be relentless. It is the only way you will get what they should have provided to you on their own. They will not take any action unless you persistently contact them about your problem. I wish you well in this endeavor my friend.
04-05-2015, 07:11 PM
Thanks toxic :)
I asked them specifically why I had to pay more for Track & Trace when I didn't get a track & trace and why it's not noted with those products.
What's the use of paying quite a bit more for something when you aren't getting it anyway?
04-06-2015, 04:36 AM
Sorry to hear about all the issues you are having. If you've been reading this thread you know that I've had my own share of problems with them since Digital River took over. Digital River is a disease, they have ruined every website that they've taken over. All I can say is just keep at it and be relentless. It is the only way you will get what they should have provided to you on their own. They will not take any action unless you persistently contact them about your problem. I wish you well in this endeavor my friend.
Whenever you have a chance, could you PM a list of any and all complaints you have with DR so I can pass them on to the teams that handle them.
04-06-2015, 03:08 PM
Whenever you have a chance, could you PM a list of any and all complaints you have with DR so I can pass them on to the teams that handle them.
Usiris, I don't mean to single you out but if I recollect, you had mentioned you were working for Digital River and WaxWeazle and I have had the exact same problem. We were both given refunds for the resolution to the problem but what we want is essentially an exchange.
In my scenario, I had paid for the signed Elizabeth Noir statue but was given the non-signed one. If I was given the refund and was asked to "re-buy" the signed one, wouldn't I be paying full price for it? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the sale price? I don't understand why your support department does not understand this and I don't understand why, if they can just send shipping labels, that they can't just resend the correct item? I have contacted support through Facebook but I really believe there should be some kind of live support to resolve these types of matters faster.
Now, I'm not just a one-off customer. I have bought several really expensive items from Bioshock's website, and I'm sure other Digital River websites as well, but things like this really deter collectors from collecting. If I am to believe that Digital River is getting better, then please show me that your support team has empathy and understanding and not something that they are copying and pasting for every complaint they get.
Edit: Usiris, I know you don't work in the Customer Support department and I don't know how much you impact them but it seems you are the closest person I can contact that will actually do something... and that is sad.
04-06-2015, 04:10 PM
Usiris, I don't mean to single you out but if I recollect, you had mentioned you were working for Digital River and WaxWeazle and I have had the exact same problem. We were both given refunds for the resolution to the problem but what we want is essentially an exchange.
In my scenario, I had paid for the signed Elizabeth Noir statue but was given the non-signed one. If I was given the refund and was asked to "re-buy" the signed one, wouldn't I be paying full price for it? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the sale price? I don't understand why your support department does not understand this and I don't understand why, if they can just send shipping labels, that they can't just resend the correct item? I have contacted support through Facebook but I really believe there should be some kind of live support to resolve these types of matters faster.
Now, I'm not just a one-off customer. I have bought several really expensive items from Bioshock's website, and I'm sure other Digital River websites as well, but things like this really deter collectors from collecting. If I am to believe that Digital River is getting better, then please show me that your support team has empathy and understanding and not something that they are copying and pasting for every complaint they get.
Edit: Usiris, I know you don't work in the Customer Support department and I don't know how much you impact them but it seems you are the closest person I can contact that will actually do something... and that is sad.
Yeah, the same here too, I replied to Usiris in a PM as well :)
I had ordered the signed Elizabeth Noir statue and received it, but it had (slight) damage. Obviously as a collector you don't want a damaged product, so I'm not thinking about fixing it myself with some glue because that'd be stupid, so I contacted the store and as well as they said to g6t9ed, they told me to buy the product again and that they'll give me a refund once my product arrives back at their store...
I'm planning on buying more products in the future from them, as I love the Bioshock series, but I do hope that the customer service can be made better. If you buy a product and it's damaged, don't tell them to buy it again and send it back, no, tell'm to send back the product and tell them they'll receive a replacement of the exact same product when the damaged one arrives. That's not too hard is it?
We don't know how much in stock there are, so perhaps if I send mine back and get a refund, suddenly the signed Elizabeth Noir is out of stock. What then? I can't get them anymore because those guys didn't replace the product I actually payed for? Really bad way of working imo...
04-07-2015, 02:42 AM
Usiris, thank you again for reaching out. I don't have any new or open complaints, so nothing new to pass along. That said, my comment wasn't based upon a single issue, it's based upon a long history of disrespect for customers -- Ni No Kuni was a nightmare with so many of us here having our orders cancelled by DR only to then see 'PlayCanada' selling who knows how many hundreds or thousands of copies of the edition through eBay for 2.5x the original retail. The first I really remember of the terrible CS (beyond that) was when DR took over the Square Enix store. As mentioned by others the canned responses are so disrespectful because they don't often even address the situation and it feels so frustrating just trying to find someone who will help find a solution. And now with Irrational (one of my favorite stores) it took me over two months of correspondence to get my issue addressed and closer to 3 months to get it resolved.. It should never take one of your customers that much time to get the attention of anyone in CS. Just show us a little bit of respect, that's all we're asking.
04-07-2015, 01:50 PM
Whenever you have a chance, could you PM a list of any and all complaints you have with DR so I can pass them on to the teams that handle them.
Their customer service needs help. They need to start being a bit more trusting and lenient. I know not every company can be like Amazon or even Treehouse but DR is way too far the other way. The issue must be training and policy.
It is sad but almost every member here who has ordered from them and had to contact DR has has a very bad experience.
04-07-2015, 02:06 PM
I'm just going to do a general response as a place holder.
Like g6 said, I dont work in Customer Service, so I'm trying to find the best way of sending info to the right person.
I have a meeting with my manager today at 930(CST), I'm hoping to get some info on where to forward feedback.
All employees also signed an NDA when dealing with media issues, so I'm also trying to toe that line as well.
04-07-2015, 02:46 PM
Usiris, you're doing your company a huge service just by trying to get attention on these types of issues. I could be totally off base with this, but do you think it is just related to the physical merchandise side of things? DR seems to specialize more in software support from what I've seen.
04-07-2015, 03:04 PM
Well, to give you guys an update on my situation. I have contacted someone through their Facebook website and received another email from their support email. The support email stated the following now:
Thank you for contacting the Irrational Games online store.
We understand that you were given a discount when you have ordered the
BioShock Infinite Signed Elizabeth Noir Statue.
For your convenience, since we are unable to give you a discount code,
you may place a new order with the original price listed on the website.
Once the order is completed, please email us back with your new order
number so we may match the price from your original order number.
The Facebook PMs seemed to have stronger traction and whomever I'm dealing with apparently works for a different sort of support. This person has been extremely helpful and does not sound like a drone. They stated they will need to see what they can do to escalate internally in order to get this corrected and I stated I will wait for their reply.
WaxWeasle, there may be hope for you yet.
04-07-2015, 06:06 PM
Well, to give you guys an update on my situation. I have contacted someone through their Facebook website and received another email from their support email. The support email stated the following now:
Thank you for contacting the Irrational Games online store.
We understand that you were given a discount when you have ordered the
BioShock Infinite Signed Elizabeth Noir Statue.
For your convenience, since we are unable to give you a discount code,
you may place a new order with the original price listed on the website.
Once the order is completed, please email us back with your new order
number so we may match the price from your original order number.
The Facebook PMs seemed to have stronger traction and whomever I'm dealing with apparently works for a different sort of support. This person has been extremely helpful and does not sound like a drone. They stated they will need to see what they can do to escalate internally in order to get this corrected and I stated I will wait for their reply.
WaxWeasle, there may be hope for you yet.
Good thing that you noticed that!
I'm going to have to note this as well, I bought mine on second last day of the sale.. They give you a discount code for that then?
04-07-2015, 06:42 PM
Good thing that you noticed that!
I'm going to have to note this as well, I bought mine on second last day of the sale.. They give you a discount code for that then?
They probably won't. If anything, you might have to look at going the same route I did (through Facebook or Twitter). I did try an Irrational Games phone number in Boston but it always took me to a voicemail. It seemed like a dead end.
04-07-2015, 09:39 PM
So heres the deal:
I'm going to pass along this thread to some internal people, most of what I found out goes beyond that NDA that I talked about above.
04-14-2015, 12:42 PM
Meanwhile, still awaiting to receive my so called E-label to send my package back...
I don't get this. How the hell can it take so long to send a goddamn E-LABEL to send it back?!
They don't give a single f*ck about their customers do they?
04-16-2015, 02:21 PM
Meanwhile, still awaiting to receive my so called E-label to send my package back...
I don't get this. How the hell can it take so long to send a goddamn E-LABEL to send it back?!
They don't give a single f*ck about their customers do they?
In your signed Bioshock Elizabeth Noir Statue, where did Ken sign it? Was it on the bottom of the base? And did yours come with a COA?
The reason I asked is I was able to get mine "exchanged" and they sent me another non-signed one without COA. Going to send them another email for this and see what happens.
04-16-2015, 10:42 PM
Actually, on the bottom of the statue it's got a number. Mine, e.g. had 12/400 on it.
But beware, it's pretty fishy indeed, for me, the certificate wasn't IN the box of the statue, it was in the box of delivery. It was just loose in there, not even protected, disappointing though, but yeah. I almost almost even ripped it, so I was glad I didn't do that.
So yeah, it's a certificate that's signed, statue, as far as I know, isn't signed.
04-17-2015, 02:12 AM
Actually, on the bottom of the statue it's got a number. Mine, e.g. had 12/400 on it.
But beware, it's pretty fishy indeed, for me, the certificate wasn't IN the box of the statue, it was in the box of delivery. It was just loose in there, not even protected, disappointing though, but yeah. I almost almost even ripped it, so I was glad I didn't do that.
So yeah, it's a certificate that's signed, statue, as far as I know, isn't signed.
Hmm.. I received both 399 and 398 and both were not signed or had a COA. Tracking shows they received my first return. I'm curious to see what they find out and tell me.
04-18-2015, 12:11 PM
I hope they can fix it for you mate.
I sent another mail to their store with the question where my e-label is and how they'd even out the price if I'd order a new one.
As you said, they told me to order a new one and send the details or such and they'll even the price.
Besides that, they claim that their departments are still hard at work to get the e-label done.
Someone, please, explain to me, how it could be that creating an e-label takes OVER A WEEK. An E-LABEL. I'm pretty damn sure that, if I could, I could create one myself in less than 10 MINUTES. How is that even possible... This is just depressing really.
I can't order another statue yet as I need the refund first but at this rate I'll get a refund when I'm 50.
04-27-2015, 02:32 PM
Still no god damn mail from these guys.
What the hell are they even doing??
Sent them ANOTHER mail, curious if they actually CARE and reply.
04-28-2015, 01:40 AM
That's terrible. No excuses for that. Hope you get a response soon.
04-28-2015, 11:46 AM
I hope so soon Toxic!
There is no excuse for it, indeed, though they don't seem to care about that. They just use standard replies to say 'sorry for any inconvenience this has caused'. Okay, good and well, but I'd be a LOT happier if they actually DID something instead of sending me a standard reply.
I hope they'll actually send me an e-label today...
04-28-2015, 02:09 PM
I went through the same issues with the canned responses. Best encouragement I can offer is to just keep at it and not give up. It took a long time to resolve my situation with them, but I got there....eventually.
04-28-2015, 04:44 PM
I would have to agree with toxicatom5. I finally got my issue resolved with them. The only thing different I did than you was that I had to purchase another statue to get the ball rolling. It was definitely a big hit to the wallet as I had to do this a total of three times at their retail price and not the discount. They would refund the discount afterwards. Luckily, I was able to get the refunds prior to the final purchase.
Keep us updated!
04-28-2015, 05:24 PM
Here's a fun little update!
Really pissed, what the hell is it that they need A MONTH to generate a fucking label to have me return the goods.
This just complete bullshit right here...
04-28-2015, 05:50 PM
Hmmm, that email looks familiar. I think I've seen that one somewhere before...
You might want to contact your credit card company at this point and consider a chargeback. I don't know what the timeframe is, but you don't want to lose your only option for recourse if they keep this up.
05-04-2015, 06:58 PM
I'm wondering why they don't give a shit about their customers. I really do.
I've sent them yet ANOTHER e-mail, hoping to actually get an e-label THIS year...
Again, I'm sending you a mail to ask if you have gotten the e-label for me to return my product.
I've been waiting for the e-label a whole month now, while on your website that it'd take 1 - 3 days to receive one. I've received feedback from someone else who also had a problem with the same purchase at your store and apparently he had the same thing where he didn't receive an e-label until he actually bought another one, suddenly he received an e-label.
I want to know how long I'll have to wait to be able to send my product back and order the new one.
Why is it taking so long? I can't order the same product again due to the high price (especially if we see that the price is a lot higher now than it was when I bought it) and I've been waiting for a month. I want to get the same order again, which is a SIGNED statue of Elizabeth Noir. Seeing you don't swap the damaged goods for new ones but actually make us order again, it should be possible to send it back AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, not after (more than) a month of waiting.
I'm really disappointed in your support, I was expected to have a better treatment.
Hoping to see an e-label arrive soon,
So far, they always just ignore what you actually say and just give you a standard shit reply. If I'd run a company and know that my support is like this, I'd be ashamed...
EDIT: Well, I noticed I made a typo in there [I was expected] but I don't even care anymore, they can't even make a simple e-label.
05-04-2015, 07:07 PM
The sad truth of the matter is not much will change unless you stop buying from them. But they have items you want so you risk it anyways not knowing that you are just encouraging them to keep up this bad support practice (when their bottom line is not being hurt they feel there is no reason to change).
Or get enough people to complain to the companies that hire them to run their stores (like 2K/Take Two and Ubisoft for examples).
These are the only REAL ways to change a company like this one. Complaints to them obviously have not done a thing so they will not change that way. I have always said this and it is true, what is moral and right does not usually play into a company's business strategy. Most of the time only short term profits do.
Sadly only a few companies have realized that really good CS does lead to better long term profits and more loyal customers (like Treehouse and Amazon for example).
Long term solution. No matter how much you want an item from them, do not buy from them. Also file complaints about your bad experience with them to their parent company and encourage others to as well.
05-05-2015, 05:09 PM
After about a good month, I've FINALLY received my E-label today. Still doesn't take away I'm very disappointed in their shitty support though...
05-06-2015, 12:44 AM
Woo hoo! Finally! Glad you got it and hope you can get this behind you.
Flatout is completely right though. Only way to force a change is for the diehards like us to take a stand. That's been pretty easy over the last several months because they haven't released anything new, but it'll definitely put our mettle to the test if/when they do.
Also, letting the folks at Irrational would be a good thing, but their accounts have been pretty inactive these days. Not sure how much they are even monitored.
05-07-2015, 02:27 PM
I'm glad as well! Package is now on the way, they picked it up today. Hoping they receive it soon and that the refund won't take ages again, so I can hopefully order another signed copy..
05-07-2015, 02:49 PM
I'm glad as well! Package is now on the way, they picked it up today. Hoping they receive it soon and that the refund won't take ages again, so I can hopefully order another signed copy..
Glad for the update going in the right direction. If the one you sent is like what you told me, you're going to be happy about the replacement since the signature will be on the base. I believe my Introduction page update shows it if you need to compare.
05-07-2015, 02:49 PM
Fingers crossed! ;)
05-19-2015, 02:03 PM
My fingers hurt from crossing.
I'm fairly confused at the moment..
I checked my package last week, it seemed to have arrived at its destination, so that was good news. I was checking my account daily to see the refund come up, but haven't seen any refund so far. I haven't ordered a new one either, as I had doubts whether I'd order a the store if there's an issue..
Eventually today, I actually received a mail saying 'your item has been shipped'. What in the world..? I have no clue at this point whether they're sending me a new one or if this is the broken one back? Irrational Store.. The hell are you even doing..
05-26-2015, 01:24 PM
Thanks Irrational Gaming! Yet again, you've shown me how much you do NOT care at ALL about your services nor about your customers.
Seriously.. I'm damn pissed off now!
Statue has been sent already on the 7th of May, received by them a few days later.
But it seems like they don't actually keep a damn eye out for what's happening, because I received a mail around the 19th saying 'Your item has been shipped', which is pretty interesting considering I haven't ordered anything else and they don't send replacements.
I received another e-mail on the same day concerning the payment information..
Then, funny enough, yesterday I received another email telling me that a request has been made for a return.
I the following e-mail to them;
I’m wondering what exactly is currently going on with this situation.
To give you a full explanation from my end;
I ordered an Elizabeth Noir Signed statue on the last day of sales.
When I received it, the statue was damaged (the cigarette she was holding wasn’t attached anymore, it fell in the box). I requested an e-label so I could send it back and receive the refund (as it seems you don’t give people a replacement instead).
After waiting for a month, I finally received an e-label (mind you that we checked ourselves how long it would take to create one, it didn’t take us 20 minutes to do so).
I finally was able to send back my product. I checked whether it has arrived or not and the code said you should have received it.
I was checking the bank often to see if I would receive a refund and I check my mail daily to see if you would respond with ‘we received your returned product and will process a refund’ but nothing popped up.
After waiting for another while, I got the first mail (See attachments, mail was sent the 19th of May) which clearly states ‘your item has been shipped’.
This came as a surprise as I thought you don’t send people a replacement but make them buy it instead after they had a refund.
The same day, I received a second mail about ‘payment information’.
The 25th, I received yet another mail which states that a return has been initiated on request and that I will receive yet another mail soon concerning the completion of my return request and process the refund.
I would like to have a clear view of what is currently going on around this situation.
Am I getting a refund? Or will I receive another signed statue?
See attachment for the mails.
And now suddenly today I receive the zillionth e-mail, telling me that "At your request, a return has been initiated. Your request to return items ordered will expire in 30 days. You must follow the instructions below before your request expires. We cannot issue a refund before these instructions are followed."
Interesting enough, they gave an address of the UK where I would have to send it to, whereas the label THEY sent to me before, was an address in the US.
Whatever the hell they are doing, they better clear this up soon, really pissed off at this...
05-26-2015, 03:54 PM
Thanks Irrational Gaming! Yet again, you've shown me how much you do NOT care at ALL about your services nor about your customers.
Seriously.. I'm damn pissed off now!
Statue has been sent already on the 7th of May, received by them a few days later.
But it seems like they don't actually keep a damn eye out for what's happening, because I received a mail around the 19th saying 'Your item has been shipped', which is pretty interesting considering I haven't ordered anything else and they don't send replacements.
I received another e-mail on the same day concerning the payment information..
Then, funny enough, yesterday I received another email telling me that a request has been made for a return.
I the following e-mail to them;
I’m wondering what exactly is currently going on with this situation.
To give you a full explanation from my end;
I ordered an Elizabeth Noir Signed statue on the last day of sales.
When I received it, the statue was damaged (the cigarette she was holding wasn’t attached anymore, it fell in the box). I requested an e-label so I could send it back and receive the refund (as it seems you don’t give people a replacement instead).
After waiting for a month, I finally received an e-label (mind you that we checked ourselves how long it would take to create one, it didn’t take us 20 minutes to do so).
I finally was able to send back my product. I checked whether it has arrived or not and the code said you should have received it.
I was checking the bank often to see if I would receive a refund and I check my mail daily to see if you would respond with ‘we received your returned product and will process a refund’ but nothing popped up.
After waiting for another while, I got the first mail (See attachments, mail was sent the 19th of May) which clearly states ‘your item has been shipped’.
This came as a surprise as I thought you don’t send people a replacement but make them buy it instead after they had a refund.
The same day, I received a second mail about ‘payment information’.
The 25th, I received yet another mail which states that a return has been initiated on request and that I will receive yet another mail soon concerning the completion of my return request and process the refund.
I would like to have a clear view of what is currently going on around this situation.
Am I getting a refund? Or will I receive another signed statue?
See attachment for the mails.
And now suddenly today I receive the zillionth e-mail, telling me that "At your request, a return has been initiated. Your request to return items ordered will expire in 30 days. You must follow the instructions below before your request expires. We cannot issue a refund before these instructions are followed."
Interesting enough, they gave an address of the UK where I would have to send it to, whereas the label THEY sent to me before, was an address in the US.
Whatever the hell they are doing, they better clear this up soon, really pissed off at this...
Have you gotten your refund yet? If not, how long has it been? At this point, I'd be ready to pursue a charge back with my credit card company as you have mailed back the item. Get your money back, then start a whole new case with the store to get them to honor the sale price.
05-26-2015, 04:30 PM
Have you gotten your refund yet? If not, how long has it been? At this point, I'd be ready to pursue a charge back with my credit card company as you have mailed back the item. Get your money back, then start a whole new case with the store to get them to honor the sale price.
Haven't gotten a refund yet, that's the whole point really..
I sent my broken statue back after waiting for a whole month for an e-label which can be made in less than 20 minutes.
Then after almost 2/3 weeks, they send me mails as if I bought another item and requested a return and refund for it? There's no logic in this, whatsoever.
And interestingly enough, the first time they were like 'blabla elabel this elabel that' and this time they just said 'return the product to this address' which is a UK address, whereas the e-label was some address in Minnesota in the US...
I'm going to the bank tomorrow and explain the situation, see if they can help me out.
07-28-2015, 08:34 PM
Do have a 2K merc store voucher at 25% off - don't intend to use it so if anybody wants it shoot me a PM (first come first serve basis)
Taken sorry - given to the 1st PM I had
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