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04-07-2013, 09:53 PM
Much Respect. Seller took a gamble and it paid off big time like going to a vegas casino. For people who aren't Will Smith's kid earning 5 million bucks at age 10, this is raiding the flipper's Lost Arc. :trogdor:

04-08-2013, 12:05 AM
I can confirm the buyer has actually paid the winning amount. I've been in direct contact with the seller and he's shown proof. The question at this point is... how rich/crazy is this guy and will he potentially try to scam the seller by doing a chargeback with the CC company.

Sorry to say proving "buyer" paid is easy to fake. Whats to stop him paying himself??? Still shows payment was made & he never looses money.If not,as already has been stated the guy is off his rocker,this is just utter stupidity at its finest for all concerned

04-08-2013, 12:17 AM
Sorry to say proving "buyer" paid is easy to fake. Whats to stop him paying himself??? Still shows payment was made & he never looses money.If not,as already has been stated the guy is off his rocker,this is just utter stupidity at its finest for all concerned

^ This

04-08-2013, 12:31 AM
If this is real then I lost hope for humanity.

Some guys have more money than brain.

04-08-2013, 12:47 AM
My two cents is the seller sounded legit, I talked with him when the auction first started and made him an offer. He said he had been getting a lot of hate emails for selling the piece so quickly. He said he was a big fan who happened to get lucky, he said he checks the irrational store multiple times a day and although he didn't want to to sell he said he has a family and needs as much money as he can get for it so he declined my offer. I thought I was crazy to offer 450 for it, the most I've ever attempted to spend on an item. I laugh at this whole scenario and am sick to my stomach as well, it's almost the death of collecting to me. Believe me there are crazy people out there I grew up with the kid who's father created American gladiators and he would go to any length or price to get what he wanted. I saw him in 1991 pay over 20,000 dollars for the first appearance of the xmen and even more for spiderman number 1. So five thousand dollars is nothing to some collectors, if they are told no or believe this is their only shot a special rare price they will pay up

04-08-2013, 01:04 AM
You may not want to believe it, but I just sold my 9 inch x 6 inch Bioshock Infinite Midnight launch poster for about USD230 on eBay.. And NOT even signed. And yea, I have received the payment in case you are wondering. The bidder just got 2 feedback... and he bought a USD650 Bioshock signed Litho before my small piece of poster.

Mine is the LA midnight launch. My first midnight launch poster was sold for USD50 because of not so perfect condition, and this second one was sold at USD230.

When you met the right and RICH collectors, they will bid whatever they can to get it..

To me, I never expected to reach until USD230... Honestly.

04-08-2013, 01:20 AM
If this is real then I lost hope for humanity.

Some guys have more money than brain.

Man, we should be jumping for joy that this sold that high. This makes our pursuit worth it. Some we keep and display and some we sell for crazy insane prices to crazy insane people. gawd bless that buyer. hope he's looking at my auctions, that's for sure.

04-08-2013, 01:32 AM
If this is real then I lost hope for humanity.

Some guys have more money than brain.

Oh you...
My hope in humanity already lost when I read this (http://1079ishot.com/hated-teenager-instagram/)article.

$5555 for book is justified compared to how this kid use money.

04-08-2013, 01:42 AM
Sigh.. truly when there are kids starved to death in other parts of the world..

04-08-2013, 01:50 AM
You guys certainly have it backwards. You complain about people who resell, then you complain about the people who spend a lot of money to get something they may have not been aware of when it was sold, and then you say they should give that money to the poor instead? If we're going by that logic you should NEVER buy anything ever and instead donate your collectible money.

Can't we just leave it at people will do whatever they must to support themselves and move on? If you buy an item for the enjoyment/collecting that's awesome. If you buy it to resell it and make $5,400 profit so you can pay your bills, fantastic!

04-08-2013, 01:51 AM
Oh you...
My hope in humanity already lost when I read this (http://1079ishot.com/hated-teenager-instagram/)article.

$5555 for book is justified compared to how this kid use money.


04-08-2013, 02:39 AM
I want to sell my unsigned one now... this is insane for sure. If mine wasn't a gift, I would have listed it already and still might, it is not at all what i expected and is not worth the original price and seeing what it is potentially worth now i might go for it. I have seen another member get $400 for the unsigned one and I thought that was amazingly high.

I guess congrats to the seller, and pity for the people who wanted one back when our orders were canceled (because you will never get on at these prices).

The bar has been set and there is no going back.

I wash my hands of this thread...

04-08-2013, 03:15 AM
I want to sell my unsigned one now... this is insane for sure. If mine wasn't a gift, I would have listed it already and still might, it is not at all what i expected and is not worth the original price and seeing what it is potentially worth now i might go for it. I have seen another member get $400 for the unsigned one and I thought that was amazingly high.

I guess congrats to the seller, and pity for the people who wanted one back when our orders were canceled (because you will never get on at these prices).

The bar has been set and there is no going back.

I wash my hands of this thread...

There is going back - when the next few follow. It won't sell that high again. I doubt even close. Its just a fluke where 2 people get caught in a bidding war on an item that is hitting ebay for the first time. Happens all the time, albeit not to that extent.

Still though, nice to see video game collectibles selling for so much. Seeing this thread seconds after it was posted, can't say I don't regret not buying one. That price is crazy!

04-08-2013, 03:17 AM
No, i mean overall... you mistook me.

I assume too much... I assume people understand what i am saying but I should know better when text can't portray tone.

I mean the prices will rise more then what they were... yes never that high, but still higher then they were prior. I hope this makes sense.

04-08-2013, 03:21 AM
Higher than what we assumed it would be, yeah absolutely.

04-08-2013, 03:23 AM
Seeing this thread seconds after it was posted, can't say I don't regret not buying one. That price is crazy!

Um do we give out prizes for triple negatives? :scratch:

I'm pretty sure you mean to say you regret not buying one now, right?

lol I guess I'm mad I didn't either but with the way the bioshock store is run

It is a lottery after all is said and done

04-08-2013, 03:25 AM
Um do we give out prizes for triple negatives? :scratch:

I'm pretty sure you mean to say you regret not buying one now, right?

lol I guess I'm mad I didn't either but with the way the bioshock store is run

It is a lottery after all is said and done

Right... i do have a question, at the prices that even the un-signed ones are going of would you sell yours if you had gotten one?

Here i am continuing on this thread :)

04-08-2013, 03:26 AM
I wash my hands as well, the whole bioshock thing has gotten crazy, ive always loved it and it's collectibles but I fear I will never be able to obtain anything, shit even the sky hook, and Columbia statues are sold out now ,this over priced book has caused people to sbag up anything bioshock related, it's for rich only now. Unsigned books selling for 400, one is for sale for 700 seller stating only 40 exist, yeah right. Making me sick. Good luck on your collecting guys I'm moving on to other cool things, for a tiny fraction of one of these books I was able to pick up a whole bunch of really cool signed prints at tampa comic con. This all has helped me move on as I'm disgusted where the bioshock thing is going. Look at the cool tomb raider art for 40 bucks a piece. I'll see you guys on the other threads. Peace

04-08-2013, 03:32 AM
Right... i do have a question, at the prices that even the un-signed ones are going of would you sell yours if you had gotten one?

Here i am continuing on this thread :)

Yeah I would totally just sell it

I honestly can't imagine getting my hands on an unsigned one and being impressed with it in any form given everything I've heard about it

I mean it really doesn't seem like its worth original retail so meh :shrug:

04-08-2013, 03:33 AM
Um do we give out prizes for triple negatives? :scratch:

I'm pretty sure you mean to say you regret not buying one now, right?

lol I guess I'm mad I didn't either but with the way the bioshock store is run

It is a lottery after all is said and done

Yeah I noticed that while I was typing it. :P I feel like that's a common triple negative.

Yes of course.

On the topic of selling it, if you're going to sell it, do it now. The game just came out to extremely strong reception. So hype is as high as it will ever be! Also, that 5.5k will surely prompt a bunch of people to sell theirs and it will slowly decrease with each auction. Gotta be quick.

04-08-2013, 03:34 AM
Yeah I would totally just sell it

I honestly can't imagine getting my hands on an unsigned one and being impressed with it in any form given everything I've heard about it

I mean it really doesn't seem like its worth original retail so meh :shrug:

Yeah it is nothing special. I get where Mancoon is coming from completely.

But it is not something to lose sleep over, well this book isn't anyways.

I just listed mine, I asked the person who gave it to me first though.

It will help me pay for my other items that i was behind on so whatever.

04-08-2013, 04:29 AM
I wash my hands as well, the whole bioshock thing has gotten crazy, ive always loved it and it's collectibles but I fear I will never be able to obtain anything, shit even the sky hook, and Columbia statues are sold out now ,this over priced book has caused people to sbag up anything bioshock related, it's for rich only now. Unsigned books selling for 400, one is for sale for 700 seller stating only 40 exist, yeah right. Making me sick. Good luck on your collecting guys I'm moving on to other cool things, for a tiny fraction of one of these books I was able to pick up a whole bunch of really cool signed prints at tampa comic con. This all has helped me move on as I'm disgusted where the bioshock thing is going. Look at the cool tomb raider art for 40 bucks a piece. I'll see you guys on the other threads. Peace

:surrender: The SkyHook is still being sold for retail at Gamestop http://www.gamestop.com/collectibles/toys/bioshock-infinite-sky-hook-replica/105902
Columbia Statues are still in stock at retail entertainment earth and gohastings : http://www.entertainmentearth.com/hitlist.asp?collect=Statues&searchorder=col&theme=Bioshock

04-08-2013, 05:13 AM
Faster grab those Columbia Statues Lol.. O_O!!

04-08-2013, 09:41 AM
This is mental! $5k for a book!

Well, my work-mate still hasn't paid for his #4 so sod it, it's going on the Bay.
I don't expect to get even half of what that other seller got but here goes lol

Those MasterCard bills don't pay themselves....

04-08-2013, 11:06 AM
Does make me wonder,if a little 40 page notebook sells for 5 grand,does that mean the Bioshock Breaking the Mould Developers edition is worth triple that since it has more pages & has always been reasonbly hard to get hold of,lol

04-08-2013, 11:24 AM
I really want the LE Mind in Revolt book (the signed one) but I've no chance now, $5k pahahaha xx

04-08-2013, 11:40 AM
Mine is up, I need to get out of credit card debt fast. I started it @ 2.7k.. If it sells it will help me out alot..Don't hate me I need the $$$$.:stop:

04-08-2013, 11:49 AM
Now...who is pointing with the finger???...hehehe...I whish you good luck Smitty, I received another offer for the un-singed one for over 500 Euros but it was to late, I am committed to the first eBay winner...

04-08-2013, 11:51 AM
Does make me wonder,if a little 40 page notebook sells for 5 grand,does that mean the Bioshock Breaking the Mould Developers edition is worth triple that since it has more pages & has always been reasonbly hard to get hold of,lol

To be honest I couldn't believe my eyes that it sold for over $5,000. The user who was the last bidder had 0 feedback. So in all honesty it may have been a fake bidder.

04-08-2013, 11:55 AM
Now...who is pointing with the finger???...hehehe...I whish you good luck Smitty, I received another offer for the un-singed one for over 500 Euros but it was to late, I am committed to the first eBay winner...

I never pointed fingers :protest:You set the bar.. and congrats.

04-08-2013, 01:29 PM
I really want the LE Mind in Revolt book (the signed one) but I've no chance now, $5k pahahaha xx

Trust me it is not special at all... you would just be buying the sigs which you can get somewhere else on something else for much cheaper.

I just sold my MIR book for $400, I could have gotten more but I didn't want to get too greedy as I think it is retarded as it is... but if the book can pay for my Press Kit then i am happy.

04-08-2013, 11:58 PM
Trust me it is not special at all... you would just be buying the sigs which you can get somewhere else on something else for much cheaper.

I just sold my MIR book for $400, I could have gotten more but I didn't want to get too greedy as I think it is retarded as it is... but if the book can pay for my Press Kit then i am happy.

This is why I made my comment the other day regarding US members here to get data to resell, not to collect. Why buy things for profit when a fellow collector here, perhaps an international member, couldn't buy something? Help them while being a member of the community, not screw them over.

Yes it's a 'free country', though just because it's legal doesn't mean it's morally sound.

04-09-2013, 04:11 AM
Wonder what the buyer would have paid for #1....

04-09-2013, 06:06 AM
This is why I made my comment the other day regarding US members here to get data to resell, not to collect. Why buy things for profit when a fellow collector here, perhaps an international member, couldn't buy something? Help them while being a member of the community, not screw them over.

Yes it's a 'free country', though just because it's legal doesn't mean it's morally sound.

Yes but you made this comment without even reading the others!

I DID NOT BUY MY BOOK! It was given to me... so I did not buy it to sell it. The person that gave it to me said to go ahead and sell it because I could get something MUCH better with the money.

I know you saw my comment real quick and thought it made your old comment hold water but I have to say it is still empty.

And I have said this before, capitalism is completely indifferent. Really it is downright cruel. I mix my morality in with my profit as much as possible but it is the only way I am making money right now so here is the question... say your boss is having issues with his business, are you willing to sacrifice 75% of your check each week to help him out? Or would that make it impossible to live? Would you accept a bonus for doing good work at the expense that the second best worker didn't get the bonus... knowing you had bills due? Seriously think before you speak.

StayFree( ' 3')
04-11-2013, 11:33 AM
So guys, here are those photos I promised to upload. I'm using this new photo sharing site called ebay...


lol...ok, I tried, but the temptation consumed me...That, and my gf kinda talked/beat some sense into me after I showed her how much they were going for.

I will hold solace that I was able to hold out longer than you all. :D

04-11-2013, 12:41 PM
So guys, here are those photos I promised to upload. I'm using this new photo sharing site called ebay...


lol...ok, I tried, but the temptation consumed me...That, and my gf kinda talked/beat some sense into me after I showed her how much they were going for.

I will hold solace that I was able to hold out longer than you all. :D

Lol... I don't think a sale like $5,555 will happen again... and you are asking much more then that so I assert you are still holding out.


04-11-2013, 12:53 PM
So guys, here are those photos I promised to upload. I'm using this new photo sharing site called ebay...


lol...ok, I tried, but the temptation consumed me...That, and my gf kinda talked/beat some sense into me after I showed her how much they were going for.

I will hold solace that I was able to hold out longer than you all. :D

i dont believe the other got paid.

But anyways...i was tempted untill i saw no free shipping.

04-11-2013, 01:01 PM
i dont believe the other got paid.

But anyways...i was tempted untill i saw no free shipping.

That's what I have been told as well.. can anyone confirm???

04-11-2013, 01:39 PM
i dont believe the other got paid.

But anyways...i was tempted untill i saw no free shipping.

Wait really? People were pretty adamant that he did pay.

The same person who bought that book bought my poster and paid... he also bout someones Litho set for almost $700 and when i contacted them to make sure he was legit they said he paid.

I am curious now.

04-11-2013, 03:33 PM
flatout...can you send me his ebay id in a pm. I want to sell my bioshock pk to him ;)

04-11-2013, 03:35 PM
flatout...can you send me his ebay id in a pm. I want to sell my bioshock pk to him ;)

Hahaha... lol. NO! I want it... it is mine!!!

I am sure if you listed it again he would find you.

04-11-2013, 04:11 PM
Just list it on ebay US to be sure and he will find you if interested

04-11-2013, 04:16 PM
That guy is on a mission of find Infinite items... and has the cash to back it up.

He is the high bidder on my black Infinite book...

04-11-2013, 07:39 PM
The buyer legitimately paid $5,555.00 as I mentioned in an earlier post. I spoke to an eBay rep because that same buyer purchased an item from me. He's legit. He's clearly insane, but he paid. You guys can stop the doubting, it's just making you look silly.

04-11-2013, 07:48 PM
The buyer legitimately paid $5,555.00 as I mentioned in an earlier post. I spoke to an eBay rep because that same buyer purchased an item from me. He's legit. He's clearly insane, but he paid. You guys can stop the doubting, it's just making you look silly.

There is no doubt in the last few comments, so I would say you are the one looking silly... :facepalm:

04-11-2013, 07:50 PM
The buyer legitimately paid $5,555.00 as I mentioned in an earlier post. I spoke to an eBay rep because that same buyer purchased an item from me. He's legit. He's clearly insane, but he paid. You guys can stop the doubting, it's just making you look silly.

I'm not saying I don't believe you (not saying I don't believe the person paid either), but why would you contact an eBay rep at all, and why would an eBay rep tell you anything about a completely different transaction that you had absolutely nothing to do with? I mean, ebay goes so far as to keep buyer IDs private now. Why would ebay tell you anything at all? I guess it just seems weird to me.

04-11-2013, 07:51 PM
I'm not saying I don't believe you (not saying I don't believe the person paid either), but why would you contact an eBay rep at all, and why would an eBay rep tell you anything about a completely different transaction that you had nothing to do with? I guess it just seems weird to me.

True, I imagine he was just saying that the rep said that the payment on his own auction was legit... because that is all they could say (or should say).

04-11-2013, 07:53 PM
Because that same seller contacted me asking if he was legit which got me thinking. I asked the rep about my particular purchase and if I have anything to worry about since he was obviously a very lavish spender and it set off a few alarms. She in fact looked into other purchases the guy has made and said "He just REALLY loves Bioshock". That's really all there is to it. I can't blame the guy for buying up Bioshock Merch.

04-11-2013, 07:56 PM
Because that same seller contacted me asking if he was legit which got me thinking. I asked the rep about my particular purchase and if I have anything to worry about since he was obviously a very lavish spender and it set off a few alarms. She in fact looked into other purchases the guy has made and said "He just REALLY loves Bioshock". That's really all there is to it. I can't blame the guy for buying up Bioshock Merch.

Oh, ok. I suppose that makes sense. I'm guessing that other seller found that buyer in your feedback profile then? What did you sell him?

StayFree( ' 3')
04-11-2013, 09:55 PM
Lol... I don't think a sale like $5,555 will happen again... and you are asking much more then that so I assert you are still holding out.


oh yeah, I'm not letting this one go without a fight. Like I said earlier, you have to pry this outta my cold dead fingers...and for the dead part I'd need to be suffocating in cash. :D

i dont believe the other got paid.

But anyways...i was tempted untill i saw no free shipping.

lol. sorry, free shipping is only for the true patriots...foreigner.

but yeeah, the guy's legit. He too is the highest bidder on my other auction. I can assume he looks very much like the monopoly guy with the monocle and starts all his bids at $1 million each. Like seriously, he has yet to be outbid in my auction.

Oh, and him and the seller of the 5k book already left positive feedback for each other...just wow....he should just buy Irrational Games at this point.

She in fact looked into other purchases the guy has made and said "He just REALLY loves Bioshock". That's really all there is to it. I can't blame the guy for buying up Bioshock Merch.

we shall she just how much he loves his bioshock (evil laughter).

04-11-2013, 09:58 PM
Well.. the SAME guy that bought the 5k book bought my Midnight Launch Handbill for USD230. :)

04-11-2013, 10:00 PM
I don't see the feedback exchange between the two. Link? Thanks.

04-11-2013, 10:04 PM
oh yeah, I'm not letting this one go without a fight. Like I said earlier, you have to pry this outta my cold dead fingers...and for the dead part I'd need to be suffocating in cash. :D

we shall she just how much he loves his bioshock (evil laughter).

Yeah that is fair... so basically you were just listing to keep the significant other quite ;)

He already has a signed one (one that the inside is signed).

Is yours signed inside and out or just out?

StayFree( ' 3')
04-11-2013, 11:24 PM
Yeah that is fair... so basically you were just listing to keep the significant other quite ;)

He already has a signed one (one that the inside is signed).

Is yours signed inside and out or just out?

how can he just settle with one?? He must have them all to settle his Bioshock Infinite lust!

...and yeah, about the book being signed, quite honestly I'm not sure anymore. The IG marketing rep said it was picked out of the 15 signed editions but I couldn't just go on her word alone (especially for the auction description). And despite what I said earlier about not wanting to open it I actually did try but it seems like they used super glue on the sealing sticker. Definitely didn't want to rip the seal. To make matters worse one of the signatures (Troy Baker's) put a #1 next to his name as if to troll me!

At this point I'm satisfied with the signatures on the case, and if I do sell it and it happens to be one of the 15, It'll be a cool bonus for the buyer.

StayFree( ' 3')
04-11-2013, 11:45 PM
I don't see the feedback exchange between the two. Link? Thanks.

my bad. you're right, only the seller left feedback...

"Very fast payment, excellent communication, highly valued customer. Thank you!"

He has yet to leave feedback for any of his purchases..hmmmm...

04-12-2013, 02:58 AM
Well.. the SAME guy that bought the 5k book bought my Midnight Launch Handbill for USD230. :)

10 dollars says it's ol' Kenny....

04-12-2013, 08:07 AM
10 dollars says it's ol' Kenny....

I can tell you for a fact his name is not Ken or Kenny.

04-12-2013, 08:31 AM
how can he just settle with one?? He must have them all to settle his Bioshock Infinite lust!

...and yeah, about the book being signed, quite honestly I'm not sure anymore. The IG marketing rep said it was picked out of the 15 signed editions but I couldn't just go on her word alone (especially for the auction description). And despite what I said earlier about not wanting to open it I actually did try but it seems like they used super glue on the sealing sticker. Definitely didn't want to rip the seal. To make matters worse one of the signatures (Troy Baker's) put a #1 next to his name as if to troll me!

At this point I'm satisfied with the signatures on the case, and if I do sell it and it happens to be one of the 15, It'll be a cool bonus for the buyer.

Lol, Troy Baker's such a lad!

04-13-2013, 07:30 AM

Not sure if this has been posted before.. but there.. I wonder if that 'rich' guy will be getting this. HE cannot MISS this one.

04-13-2013, 07:43 AM

Not sure if this has been posted before.. but there.. I wonder if that 'rich' guy will be getting this. HE cannot MISS this one.

Owned & listed by a member. Third time its been listed i think,thats if its the same one. First time it was listed awhile ago then it was removed before auction end,2nd time it was listed at 10000 & now its either been re-listed or the price upped to 25000. Can anybody say a big:wtf: or an even bigger :wtf: to the three offers already sent in. This is a seriously hard to find item i will admit but,c'mon rich or not you have to have a serious mental deficiancy to pay this much for a friggin statue. The whole mentality of prices paid recently for some things is getting a little ridiculous me thinks. I mean,i can see the good in it but,i also can see the bad in it

04-13-2013, 07:49 AM
Since there is a crazy demand, it is time to cash in then. I bet the seller is hoping the same crazy guy would spend this kinda money...

StayFree( ' 3')
04-13-2013, 09:58 AM
Since there is a crazy demand, it is time to cash in then. I bet the seller is hoping the same crazy guy would spend this kinda money...

He already made an offer and was declined...finally met his match. lol

04-13-2013, 10:02 AM
He already made an offer and was declined...finally met his match. lol

:rotf: he probably overspent on the book! I guess time for him to give up :surrender:

04-13-2013, 10:19 AM
Owned & listed by a member. Third time its been listed i think,thats if its the same one. First time it was listed awhile ago then it was removed before auction end,2nd time it was listed at 10000 & now its either been re-listed or the price upped to 25000. Can anybody say a big:wtf: or an even bigger :wtf: to the three offers already sent in. This is a seriously hard to find item i will admit but,c'mon rich or not you have to have a serious mental deficiancy to pay this much for a friggin statue. The whole mentality of prices paid recently for some things is getting a little ridiculous me thinks. I mean,i can see the good in it but,i also can see the bad in it

Yep - this is a member. This was up a couple of years back at $5k. I saw it up at $10k and then change to $25k. Pretty crazy asking price especially considering they have apparently sold in the past for $500!

Anyway, I gotta say, I'm quickly becoming quite jaded on the whole collecting scene after seeing some of the ludicrous prices and scalping.

04-13-2013, 04:15 PM
Yep - this is a member. This was up a couple of years back at $5k. I saw it up at $10k and then change to $25k. Pretty crazy asking price especially considering they have apparently sold in the past for $500!

Anyway, I gotta say, I'm quickly becoming quite jaded on the whole collecting scene after seeing some of the ludicrous prices and scalping.

This nonstop talk about scalping is ruining my thoughts on this very forum. Every time I come here it's always about "I bought four copies of this and sold two for 4x what I paid!" bragging nonsense, and nothing about collecting.

04-13-2013, 04:22 PM
This nonstop talk about scalping is ruining my thoughts on this very forum. Every time I come here it's always about "I bought four copies of this and sold two for 4x what I paid!" bragging nonsense, and nothing about collecting.

I have seen something like this said maybe two or three times on here? :scratch:

It is certainly not constantly being said

Granted a lot of members do buy to resell but how often do they actually brag about it?

04-13-2013, 04:26 PM
It is just because it is all he is paying attention to so it seems that is all there is on here.

People have a way of seeing, hearing, or reading only what they want.

The same member tried to make his point about members buying and re-selling stuff after I sold my book. The thing he FAILED to read was that my book was not bought then sold, it was a gift. So he reads only what he wants.

04-13-2013, 08:10 PM
I have seen something like this said maybe two or three times on here? :scratch:

It is certainly not constantly being said

Granted a lot of members do buy to resell but how often do they actually brag about it?

This particular thread is what I'm referring to in my previous post. There's essentially no discussion about the collecting aspect, just how much items are being sold for and how much money can be made.

In my opinion, no discussion of ebay/bragging/reselling should be allowed in these 'collecting' threads.

04-13-2013, 08:38 PM
This nonstop talk about scalping is ruining my thoughts on this very forum. Every time I come here it's always about "I bought four copies of this and sold two for 4x what I paid!" bragging nonsense, and nothing about collecting.

its gonna happen, although i do not believe it is as constant as you say it is

fact of life people will discuss the value of things some will sell at a high price

best thing to do is ignore it, not inflame it

04-16-2013, 09:20 PM
Hi all! I was just wondering if anyone had any idea at all on how to display one of these books. It's kind of an odd thing to want to frame, but I'd like to show it off instead of leaving it among the other books on the shelf.

04-16-2013, 09:21 PM
Hi all! I was just wondering if anyone had any idea at all on how to display one of these books. It's kind of an odd thing to want to frame, but I'd like to show it off instead of leaving it among the other books on the shelf.

A glass display cube would probably be best

Have the book open on a stand inside

That's my opinion of course

04-16-2013, 09:30 PM
That would probably work. I was just at a michael's last weekend, they've got football sized cases with a removable ball pedestal, might be a good fit. Good idea!

A glass display cube would probably be best

Have the book open on a stand inside

That's my opinion of course

04-16-2013, 09:40 PM
That would probably work. I was just at a michael's last weekend, they've got football sized cases with a removable ball pedestal, might be a good fit. Good idea!

Yeah might be nice!

Maybe a stand with in the box (like the football one but for a book) that is angled for a book.

04-18-2013, 05:51 PM
I've been trying to find a stand like you suggested there, there's a picture in my mind of how I want everything to look. I'll post it here when I get it all set up. Thanks for your ideas guys!

Yeah might be nice!

Maybe a stand with in the box (like the football one but for a book) that is angled for a book.

04-18-2013, 06:06 PM
Yeah let us know!

If you had to you could easily make it from some nice pieces of wood (the stand).

05-22-2013, 02:32 AM
Unsigned version is back in stock for anyone that wants one! Doesn't appear to be limited this time though. Can attempt check out without an error for up to 99 copies.

05-22-2013, 02:42 AM
Unsigned version is back in stock for anyone that wants one! Doesn't appear to be limited this time though. Can attempt check out without an error for up to 99 copies.


I remember someone paying like 700 USD for an unsigned copy

05-22-2013, 03:44 AM
Unsigned version is back in stock for anyone that wants one! Doesn't appear to be limited this time though. Can attempt check out without an error for up to 99 copies.

:lmao: had an idea that would happen,sucks big donkey sausage for all those who paid big money for them. Reckon theres a few re-sellers who are pissing themselves laughing all the way to the bank on this one, Unless of course they say somewhere on them 1st print or second print,may be a differnt story.
I remember someone paying like 700 USD for an unsigned copy

Agree,bloody stupid. Reckon the bubble has popped on this one but there could be a few who may buy in bulk again just in case

05-22-2013, 06:47 AM
Thanks for telling me. Wouldn't have looked though I always tell myself to take a look at the store. Lol.

Now I don't have to watch those at eBay

05-22-2013, 07:05 AM

I remember someone paying like 700 USD for an unsigned copy

Really that is not funny.

While I am happy I sold the one I was gifted but I feel bad now for the people who bought them.

05-22-2013, 08:52 AM
I placed my order now and wanted to checkout with Credit Card. Now as soon as I clicked on checkout it said they would check, but nothing happened for now. I am still on the site, where you type your address in.

Is that normal?

05-22-2013, 09:09 AM
I placed my order now and wanted to checkout with Credit Card. Now as soon as I clicked on checkout it said they would check, but nothing happened for now. I am still on the site, where you type your address in.

Is that normal?

Unfortunately yes it is normal... if you look back in this thread near the beginning me and other has this issue. Their website has had issues.

Use your PayPal account.

05-22-2013, 09:26 AM
I see. Thank you! Used PayPal now and everythings okay.

05-22-2013, 09:30 AM
I see. Thank you! Used PayPal now and everythings okay.

Glad I could help.

Not sure why PayPal works but regular CCs don't.

StayFree( ' 3')
05-22-2013, 11:59 PM
can't believe they're still charging 100 bones for this book...once you actually hold one in your hand you'll know what I mean.

05-25-2013, 03:22 AM
And the book is gone again, not even showing up. They must have only found a couple extra copies in the warehouse

05-25-2013, 03:32 AM
And the book is gone again, not even showing up. They must have only found a couple extra copies in the warehouse

A couple?

I could agree with you to make everyone feel better... but I think they found more then a couple.

There are more then a couple new ones on eBay just yesterday let alone when they came back in stock (there are 7 on eBay right now, 2 are the signed ones and 5 unsigned... that is more then a couple already).

I think s few people bought a few per person again thinking of re-selling them.

If I had to guess I would say at least the amount they had listed the first time.

05-25-2013, 04:28 AM
If only they can "chance upon" a few more M.O.C. bottles in their warehouse too... Like check every single corner of your facility please! Haha..