View Full Version : Kickstarter - VideoGamer The Movie Steelbook/Metal Case

04-04-2013, 07:21 PM
So I was wondering if any kickstarter project had churned out a steelbook as one of the edition bonuses

Found this


It is a film of course not a video game but it is about video games and how they're made

Although a 150 USD price tag is a bit steep and it refers to it as a steel case on the kickstarter page which is a bit disheartening although on their page they refer to it as a steelbook :scratch:

I don't consider it to be a VG steel so I'm not going after it but thought movie steelbook collectors might be interested as it says it's only available from the kickstarter campaign

I've contacted them asking if it's an actual steelbook or not but considering that edition has 1 backer I'm not entirely sure how they would order it from Scanovo....

Edit: Movie looks quite interesting actually, may buy one of the lesser edition although with only 5 days to go and 95k still needed I highly doubt this one will hit it's mark