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04-18-2013, 07:44 AM
I made one last year for ACIII
So here's on this year
I will keep post one updated with all the news and latest pre orders
Every pre order comes with a code for a pre order / VIP programming called the Watch
All maps and DLC in 3rd post

Amazon.co.uk (http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/feature.html/ref=amb_link_174079567_3?ie=UTF8&docId=1000711603&pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=hero-quick-promo&pf_rd_r=14EHZ77B0DS72SGN3KCS&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_p=393398867&pf_rd_i=B00BMRR666)
Trove of Mystery Bonus
Physical treasure map NOT included in pre order

Amazon.DE (http://www.amazon.de/gp/aw/d/B00BZ5VA9Y/ref=redir_mdp_mobile?m=A3JWKAKR8XB7XF&ref_=br_lf_m_1000711323_1_1_ttl&s=videogames)
Trove of Mystery Pre order Pack(physical map included)

Amazon.DE (http://www.amazon.de/Assassins-Creed-Black-Flag-Steelbook/dp/B00FDPEVGQ/ref=br_lf_m_1000750983_1_2_ttl?ie=UTF8&m=A3JWKAKR8XB7XF&s=videogames&pf_rd_p=432731547&pf_rd_s=center-4&pf_rd_t=1401&pf_rd_i=1000750983&pf_rd_m=A3JWKAKR8XB7XF&pf_rd_r=00GPND3YGD3F7HWGRDXZ)
Steelbook (http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/91XCZh4Tt0L._SL1500_.jpg) (same as Czech Republic)

Auchan.FR (http://www.auchan.fr/recherche/assassin$0020creed$0020black$0020flag/?textSearch=assassin%20creed%20black%20flag&category=searchMode:manualSearch|searchDisplayType :2|searchEngine=new)
Only available on Standard edition PS3, PS4, Xbox360 & WiiU
Pocket Watch (http://static.auchan.fr/assets/

BestBuy (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Games-Promotions/Assassins-Creed/pcmcat297100050010.c?id=pcmcat297100050010) (US in store only)
Mini (http://images.bestbuy.com/BestBuy_US/en_US/images/abn/2013/vg/fo/fo_ACBFfootballISO0908.gif) American Football (http://imageshack.us/a/img5/9591/9nkp.jpg)

Ebgames.ca (Canada)
Playing Cards
Map (Same as Gamestop US)

EbGames Australia (https://ebgames.com.au/featured/assassin-s-creed-iv-black-flag)
Pride of The West Indies Map

Futureshop.ca (Canada)
Pre order steelbook (Design unknown as of 31/08/2013)

Game (UK) (http://www.game.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/HubArticleView?hubId=104307&articleId=210777&catalogId=10201&langId=44&storeId=10151)
Pride of the West Indies Treasure map
Dimensions 18*12 Inches

GameLeader.cz (http://www.gameleader.cz/pc-hry/2151/assassins-creed-iv-black-flag-cz-steelbook-edice-darky.html)
Steelbook Version (PC only)
Tshirt (same as plamyan.cz)
Necklace (55cm in pouch)
Standard and skull edition version
Tshirt (same as plamyan.cz)
Necklace (55cm in pouch)

GameStop (USA) (http://www.gamestop.com/collection/assassins-creed-4-black-flag)
Double sided poster Concept art / map by Todd McFarlane
Dimensions 16*24 Inches

GameStop.ES (http://www.gamestop.es/SearchResult/QuickSearch?q=creed+black+flag) (Spain)
Pirate flag (dimensions unknown) (limited to 6000) (http://www.gamestop.es/productImages/Giveaway674.jpg)

GraingerGames.co.uk (http://www.graingergames.co.uk/search?k=assassins%20creed)
Only available on Standard edition PC,PS3,Xbox360 & WiiU
Pin Badge Set (http://www.graingergames.co.uk/graphics/ac4badges.jpg)

JB HiFi (http://www.jbhifi.com.au/games/assassins-creed-4-black-flag/)
Trove of Mystery Treasure Map
Pewter Tankard(only with Skull edition)http://www.jbhifionline.com.au/images/assetimages/cat_585-pre-order-map-offer.jpg

Micromania.FR (http://micromania.fr/vente/rayon.php?titrerecherche=creed+iv+black+flag) (france)
The same as GameStop.es (Spain)
Pirate flag (dimensions unknown) (limited to 6000) (http://www.gamestop.es/productImages/Giveaway674.jpg)

Mighty Ape
Only available with Skull Edition
EDIT: now just the treasure map, the other 2 items are no longer offered with new pre orders from Aus but are currently offered from NZ
Mighty Ape Australia (http://www.mightyape.com.au/newsletter/20130417/EXCLUSIVE-OFFER-on-Assassins-Creed-4-secure-yours-now/2342/)
Pewter Tankard with AC logo (only with Skull Edition)
Castaway's prize Treasure map
Castaway's prize pirate flag

MightyApe New Zealand (http://www.mightyape.co.nz/Brands/Assassins-Creed/Games/Coming-Soon/)
The Castaway's Prize Pirate Map (includes DLC)
Blackbeard's Tankard (engraved)(only with Skull Edition)
Assassin's Creed IV Flag (90cm x 50cm)

Open Games.it (In store Only) (http://www.opengames.it/default.aspx)CORSAIR EDITION
Only available in store (not online) only with the Skull Edition
- Exclusive Spyglass

And this is how you tell an original (the Anvil clothes Tag named after the Assassin'S Creed game engine)

Playman.cz (http://www.playman.cz/clanky/mesec-assassins-creed-iv-blak-flag.html#)
A purse and 3 Coins
Tshirt (Size L or XL)
Steelbook version (PC only)
A purse and 3 Coins
Tshirt (Size L or XL)

SevenSpot (Greece) (http://www.sevenspot.gr/gr/GamesInner/d451c890bae3bb27e0e3ed7960976142/548-33605.html)
The Castaway's Prize Treasure Map
But they currently have the picture for the 'Pride of the West Indies' Treasure map on there info page

Tesco (UK)
Castaway's prize pre order pack containing:

Ubishop (Europe) (http://shop.ubi.com/store/ubiemea/en_GB/html/pbPage.AC4-GB-20130325/ThemeID.8605700)
The Pirate's Trophy Treasure Map
standard DVD case to hold the map

XtraLife (Spain) (http://www.xtralife.es/buscar/assassinscreedivblackflag?utm_source=banners&utm_medium=destacadohome&utm_campaign=assassinscreedi)
Pirate Flag
The Castaway's Prize Treasure Map

04-18-2013, 07:54 AM
mightyape is winning :D

04-18-2013, 07:58 AM
All Maps Discovered

I will update Op in the next few days
It took a lot of my Google tricks but I have uncovered ALL Assassin's creed IV Black Flag The Watch VIP programme Maps
These are the digital maps you get for entering the code for each individual Pre Order Pack
(You can use these for comparing foreign maps to there equivalent English counterparts)

Captain Kenways Legacy

Pride of the West Indies
Trove of Mystery
Castaway's Prize
Pirates Trophy

Here is my super 23 megapixel picture of the pirates trophy
Here (http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8406/8895300363_c45f63c9c3_o.jpg)

The Black Island Pack
The dark and dangerous treasure-hunting quest: Black Island.
The deadly Black Ship.
Legendary silver flintlock pistols used by Captain Morgan.
Valuable multiplayer items including Captain Morgan's costume, picture, and title.http://www.gamestop.com/mrkt/landing/AssassinsCreed4BlackFlag/img/710x330_AC4_blackislandv2.jpg

Trove of Mystery
Single Player Weapon: Dual Gold Swords
Special Wheel
Multiplayer Costume: Treasure Hunter
Multiplayer Relic

Castaway's Prize
Single player
Dual Swords
Dual German Rapiers
Treasure hunter outfit

Pride of The West Indies
Single Player Weapon: Dual Gold Swords
Special Wheel
Multiplayer Costume: Treasure Hunter
Multiplayer Relic

US/NA Pre order DLC
GameStop Black Island pack: The deadly black ship, a Captain Morgan costume, and his silver flintlock pistol.
Amazon Hidden Mystery pack: Extra treasure-hunting mission on Mystery Island, Stede Bonnet's ship and Sted Bonnet costumes, and multiplayer items.
Walmart Sacrificed Secrets pack: Captain Drakehis dual-wield swords and pistols, his picture, title, and relics.
Best Buy Lost Treasures pack: Ivory wheel and spyglass relic.
Target Trove of Mystery pack: Iron wheel and astrolab relic.

More DLC, not pre order DLC, A new form of DLC to boost merchandizing Sales
I hope this doesnt catch on

McFarlane Toys (http://www.spawn.com/news/news6.aspx?id=13918)
per figure: a unique code that unlocks exclusive game content.

"Captain Edward Kenway" figurine, (UBIcollectibles)
Connor Kenway's Sails
Haytam Unique Outfit Color
Edward Kenway's Family Sword

"Blackbeard : The Legendary Pirate" figurine (UBIcollectibles)
Blackbeard's Sails
Black Bart's Sails
Hornigold's Sails

04-18-2013, 08:03 AM
Indeed it is
And as the fly and treasure maps are pre order bonuses it looks unlikely that they are coming in a CE

Can't wait to see what else is announced besides the obligatory 5 different steelbooks

God I hope they don't actually make a jumbo steelbook

Why on earth would there be a jumbo? :facepalm:

04-18-2013, 08:39 AM
i expect an AC eyepatch, hook hand and tri corner hat, maybe a captians log book?

04-18-2013, 08:50 AM
i expect an AC eyepatch, hook hand and tri corner hat, maybe a captians log book?

Captains logbook would be cool.

04-18-2013, 09:13 AM
Tricorn hat for my redcoat cosplaay please ma'am

04-18-2013, 09:17 AM
God I hope they don't actually make a jumbo steelbook

Why on earth would there be a jumbo? :facepalm:

Skull edition comes in a jumbo steel book swiftness
Was rumoured and now mighty ape has confirmed

04-18-2013, 10:18 AM
Czech preorders will be shown in september or so :D

Sent from my P350 Cyanogenmod 7 using Tapatalk

04-18-2013, 10:29 AM
Hate to admit it but getting really tired of assassins Creed. They are really milking it for all they can. One game for each year the xbox has been out is a bit much. It starts to hurt what could be a great series. A few years need taken off to make it special again. But they sure make cool collectibles though

04-18-2013, 10:38 AM
God I hope they don't actually make a jumbo steelbook

Why on earth would there be a jumbo? :facepalm:

It have been know all the time that they would make a Jumbo Steelbook in the Skull Edition?
It even stand at the picture ubisoft got with the Skull Edition..

And it is jump so there can be a artbook, soundtrack and litographs in it too...

But there will be a normal steelbook size in the Black Chest Edition.. :)

04-18-2013, 11:23 AM
Do want mighty ape thingy . How much is it?

04-18-2013, 11:25 AM
$78, unless your getting the tin and game from other places as well than you could trade them in to cover postage and all that, but mightyape does post internationally for some items

04-18-2013, 11:29 AM
$78? That's damn high..Is there any chance to just get the flag? :<

04-18-2013, 12:03 PM
not unless you work there ore someone buys them to split the pieces up

04-18-2013, 12:09 PM
Kitty can u do that maybe? :D

04-18-2013, 12:13 PM
if i ended up getting my money back from the sales of the parts i could look into it not sure what the flag or mug or tin would go for separately, i can trade in the game for around $50 on release day though

04-18-2013, 12:15 PM
great pm me if so pls

04-18-2013, 12:23 PM
So Mighty Ape will send the preorder gifts to international customers as well?

And what shipping service do they use?

04-18-2013, 12:28 PM
Friend of mine suggested a Ship in a Bottle for a preorder - be nice, but super hard to make.

04-18-2013, 12:36 PM
Hate to admit it but getting really tired of assassins Creed. They are really milking it for all they can. One game for each year the xbox has been out is a bit much. It starts to hurt what could be a great series. A few years need taken off to make it special again. But they sure make cool collectibles though

Friend of mine suggested a Ship in a Bottle for a preorder - be nice, but super hard to make.

That's the only thing that we suggested on the forums that has not been made yet
I'd like a necklace / charm

04-18-2013, 12:43 PM
So Mighty Ape will send the preorder gifts to international customers as well?

And what shipping service do they use?

good question and no idea, not sure why they would leave out preorder items for international customers

04-18-2013, 12:43 PM
$78? That's damn high..Is there any chance to just get the flag? :<

What planet are you on,lol. Think about it for a minute. Average price in european countries is 75 euros for just the Skull edition(with no bonus items at this time) & you have to go in to collect it. Total price to buy the Skull edition through Mighty Ape with the pre-order bonus items included is approximately 74 euros & it gets delivered to your door. Now,i dont know about anyone else but,getting it cheaper,delivered to your door & getting some cooll bonus items seems the best option to me:D

04-18-2013, 01:01 PM
i really dont like splitting up CE's as most people will want all 3 pre order items not just one or 2, i will look into how much i can get back from selling the games buy themselves and if it looks like i can get at least my money back i will open a sale thread for the parts and see if i can take orders, taking payment up front is an option but then i have to cover what people don't want out of pocket :( since mightyape don't take money till release i can preorder 5 for now and test the water to see how interest is at the time its really up to the collectors here if they would prefer just to order a tin and not a game or preorder items ect

04-18-2013, 01:07 PM
You know..I though it's just those bonuses without game lol

04-18-2013, 01:10 PM
i really dont like splitting up CE's as most people will want all 3 pre order items not just one or 2, i will look into how much i can get back from selling the games buy themselves and if it looks like i can get at least my money back i will open a sale thread for the parts and see if i can take orders, taking payment up front is an option but then i have to cover what people don't want out of pocket :( since mightyape don't take money till release i can preorder 5 for now and test the water to see how interest is at the time its really up to the collectors here if they would prefer just to order a tin and not a game or preorder items ect

PC version is 68 I think
So just for items and the CE irrelevant if platform....that's the way too go

04-18-2013, 02:20 PM
You know..I though it's just those bonuses without game lol
:lmao: No,you get the Skull Edition with the game etc & the bonuses. Worth getting for the price it costs,the bonus items & its on average cheaper than anywhere else even if you account for postage costs:D

StayFree( ' 3')
04-18-2013, 03:08 PM
Double sided poster Concept art / map by Seth McFarlane


04-18-2013, 03:54 PM


04-18-2013, 04:56 PM

Ok,its simple you see. It was Todd McFarlane who did the AC Black Flag Posters,not Seth McFarlane:D

04-18-2013, 05:48 PM
It have been know all the time that they would make a Jumbo Steelbook in the Skull Edition?
It even stand at the picture ubisoft got with the Skull Edition..

And it is jump so there can be a artbook, soundtrack and litographs in it too...

But there will be a normal steelbook size in the Black Chest Edition.. :)

Yes, yes that's what I meant

I was annoyed that they might make a jumbo steelbook in the skull edition

I suppose it's not really a pre-order bonus

Anyways you never truly know what metal cases will be until you get your hands on it

I've seen jumbos mentioned before that turned into regular steelbooks on release

04-18-2013, 05:56 PM
The Steelbook here with the mightyape is not the pre-order bonus? :)
It says when you buy the skull edition you will get the mug and the flag as pre-order bonus :p

04-18-2013, 05:57 PM
The Steelbook here with the mightyape is not the pre-order bonus? :)
It says when you buy the skull edition you will get the mug and the flag as pre-order bonus :p

Yes like I said not the right thread to complain about it but what's done is done

I am complaining about the steelbook that might possibly be a jumbo in the skull edition

04-18-2013, 06:07 PM
It is a jumbo. In the press release of all the editions that I received, it states it's a jumbo xx

04-18-2013, 06:10 PM
It is a jumbo. In the press release of all the editions that I received, it states it's a jumbo xx

Well I still find it strange then

Why on earth would they make a jumbo?

It's not a 3DS game or anything :scratch:

Don't like the look of jumbos next to regular steels

04-18-2013, 06:14 PM
It's because it has to fit all of the extras inside it. The other Black Flag CE that has a steelbook isn't a jumbo, since the extra stuff fits inside the big CE box, but the Skull Edition has to fit it all inside the steelbook xx

04-18-2013, 06:15 PM
It's because it has to fit all of the extras inside it. The other Black Flag CE that has a steelbook isn't a jumbo, since the extra stuff fits inside the big CE box, but the Skull Edition has to fit it all inside the steelbook xx

Wait how foes a tankard fit in a jumbo?

04-18-2013, 06:16 PM
No, that's a preorder bonus, that's not included inside the edition xx

04-18-2013, 06:17 PM
Wait how foes a tankard fit in a jumbo?

They use a hammer and flatten them for us. When we get it we need to pop it back ourselves.

04-18-2013, 06:19 PM
It's because it has to fit all of the extras inside it. The other Black Flag CE that has a steelbook isn't a jumbo, since the extra stuff fits inside the big CE box, but the Skull Edition has to fit it all inside the steelbook xx

Ahhh that makes sense then

Will be interesting to see an art book inside a steelbook

That's a first for me

Guess I'll have to buy the skull edition too :rotf:

Only makes 3 editions I want now.....

04-18-2013, 06:45 PM
Why do you first understand it when vhal write it because of the artbook and that? xD
It was the same I wrote before :p

I wrote: And it is jump so there can be a artbook, soundtrack and litographs in it too...

And with jump I meant jumbo :D

04-18-2013, 06:46 PM
Why do you first understand it when vhal write it because of the artbook and that? xD
It was the same I wrote before :p

I wrote: And it is jump so there can be a artbook, soundtrack and litographs in it too...

And with jump I meant jumbo :D

Ah my bad theto

I was never very good at reading comprehension

I usually have to be explained things a couple of times before it sinks in :P

04-18-2013, 06:48 PM
Ahhh that makes sense then

Will be interesting to see an art book inside a steelbook

That's a first for me

Guess I'll have to buy the skull edition too :rotf:

Only makes 3 editions I want now.....

Want isn't the right word

04-27-2013, 01:19 PM
Just to let people know, as they are more likely to read this thread than my forwarding thread. :P

My local GAME store has quite a few of the Treasure Map pre-order posters available and I will be offering a group buy for those who are interested who haven't got one already. :D

04-29-2013, 07:32 AM
Exclusive content for AC IV in the McFarlane Figures

n February, McFarlane Toys announced its partnership with Ubisoft to create action figures from the blockbuster Assassin's Creed? series of video games. Each individual highly detailed and articulated 6? figure in Assassin?s Creed series 1 will include a unique code that unlocks exclusive video game content in the upcoming Assassin?s Creed IV: Black Flag?.

I'm thinking it's going to be extra Characters for the Multiplayer but who knows? Also I wonder how exclusive is exclusive?

I usually only buy figures of the Assassins, not that interested in the supporting characters but this might change my plan :P

Full Details:

04-29-2013, 07:06 PM
Exclusive content for AC IV in the McFarlane Figures

I'm thinking it's going to be extra Characters for the Multiplayer but who knows? Also I wonder how exclusive is exclusive?

I usually only buy figures of the Assassins, not that interested in the supporting characters but this might change my plan :P

Full Details:

This is crap, because I do buy all of the figures but I never open them.

04-29-2013, 07:30 PM
This is crap, because I do buy all of the figures but I never open them.

Either email manufacturer and say my figure came with NO DLC code
Or wait 2 months and it'll be included in a DLCpackage somewhere down the line

Added to first post

05-02-2013, 10:29 AM
In Spain

In Spain Xtralife gives




05-02-2013, 10:56 AM
Might tape have removed the pewter tankard and pirate flag from there pre order items
So I missed that dammit

05-02-2013, 12:41 PM
Javius can you get me those preorder bonuses? Pretty please :D

05-02-2013, 12:54 PM
Javius can you get me those preorder bonuses? Pretty please :D

I'm gonna need a pirate flag too seeing as mightyape aren't doing them anymore

05-02-2013, 01:04 PM
Might tape have removed the pewter tankard and pirate flag from there pre order items
So I missed that dammit

Didnt know that,thought they were a permanent thing. Glad i ordered mine when they first anounced the bonus items.. Thing is now those tankards are likely to go for hell money on fleabay etc if they are as limited as they appear. Unless of course somewhere else gets them.

05-02-2013, 01:29 PM
Didnt know that,thought they were a permanent thing. Glad i ordered mine when they first anounced the bonus items.. Thing is now those tankards are likely to go for hell money on fleabay etc if they are as limited as they appear. Unless of course somewhere else gets them.
I am very annoyed as they did not say that
But I see the chance that a lot of fakes will emerge

05-02-2013, 01:43 PM
Might tape have removed the pewter tankard and pirate flag from there pre order items
So I missed that dammit

Bollocks! I was ordering that today :(

05-02-2013, 02:21 PM
I am very annoyed as they did not say that
But I see the chance that a lot of fakes will emerge

Thats half the problem,lack of info to let you know this is a limited run,the other half is knowing when as well as where these things are available. They must of had x amount of items & once there were gone it was removed. I just checked my order,so far its still showing i get the flag & the tankard:) Hopefully i dont get some bs letter near release saying sorry we cant send them.
Fakes or semi fakes will emerge,its bound to happen. Some seller will either put a bunch of tankards up with some logo on it & say drink like a pirate buy my tankard with a warning these arent official or just an outright fake item with no disclosure that its fake

Bollocks! I was ordering that today :(

Sorry you missed out,it looks like it was one of those be quick or get nothing offers. As has been said,would have been nice for them to put that they were limited items somewhere.

05-02-2013, 03:30 PM
Bollocks! I was ordering that today :(

Yep I only knew because I went to order it and it wasn't there

05-02-2013, 03:47 PM
Yep I only knew because I went to order it and it wasn't there

I have written to them about this now missing some pre-order items. I have basically said i have ordered one already & would like another one but if i do order another will i be able to get all the bonus items with it the same as the first i ordered. Hopefully i get a reply & hopeully since i ordered one already they will somehow be able to add all the bonus items on. I will let you all know what happens:)

05-02-2013, 04:09 PM
Well blast, hadn't seen this thread before - looks like the treasure map is different from what they're offering us over here in the States. I'd absolutely LOVE one of those pewter mugs - if anyone happens to have a spare Pre-order that someone hasn't paid for, or if they re-open distribution of those, throw my name in there please! (Just PM me for payment info etc). Thanks a ton!

(still patiently waiting to see what they offer us here... c'mon Ubisoft you're killing me here)

05-03-2013, 12:33 AM
if anybody wants the flag PM me but is necessary buy the game, is impossible to get only the flag

05-03-2013, 09:51 AM
My first email

initially the assassin's creed iv skull edition (all platforms) was listed as coming with a pre order bonus of, a pirate flag, a paper map and a assassin's creed pewter tankard
i have just gone to pre order the item and noticed that now it is only listed as coming with a paper map
now i am really annoyed and confused as to why... If they where limited... Why didn't it say so
as i put off pre ordering it until i had enough money in my account
why is the pewter tankard and the cloth flag no longer offered?
Is it possible to get one of these even though the pre orders have changed?
First Reply

hi lily,

thanks for getting in touch with us. :)

this bonus is being offered with the skull edition from what i can see. Which platform were you specifically looking at purchasing?

Here is a link to the current listings we have for this product: http://www.mightyape.co.nz/brands/assassins-creed/games/coming-soon/

please let me know if there is anything else i can help you with. :)
kind regards

mighty ape limited

My second email
I noticed that the items are no longer stated on the Australian version of the site
If I order from the Australian site do instill get all 3 items?
Thank you very much for your swift reply, I do appreciate it

05-03-2013, 10:08 AM
My first email

First Reply

Difference being this was put in this forum/thread with a link to the Australian site,which is now not showing the bonus items. However the link you provided is the New Zealand site which is still showing the bonus items. My advice,order the bloody thing before they catch up with the Australian site,lol

05-03-2013, 10:21 AM
Difference being this was put in this forum/thread with a link to the Australian site,which is now not showing the bonus items. However the link you provided is the New Zealand site which is still showing the bonus items. My advice,order the bloody thing before they catch up with the Australian site,lol

I did reply asking if they where available on the Australian site
As when first announced the NZ site did not list them
Bit I have since order 3 xbox360 ones (woops)

Edit ... Updated first post with all current details and pics

05-03-2013, 10:32 AM
I did reply asking if they where available on the Australian site
As when first announced the NZ site did not list them
Bit I have since order 3 xbox360 ones (woops)

Edit ... Updated first post with all current details and pics

You must know by now some countries are a hell of alot behind,the US is still waiting for some form of CE,lol. I would have to say that the tankard & flag are limited items with only a certain amount allocated for each country(AU & NZ). Once the amount allocated is gone,the bonuses are removed. So,i would hazard a guess at saying that NZ site will soon follow AU site & remove them evenually. This is why i said order the bloody thing while you can:D
Problem is,once re-sellers cotton onto this they may sell out even quicker & end up on fleabay for twice the price

05-03-2013, 10:37 AM
You must know by now some countries are a hell of alot behind,the US is still waiting for some form of CE,lol. I would have to say that the tankard & flag are limited items with only a certain amount allocated for each country(AU & NZ). Once the amount allocated is gone,the bonuses are removed. So,i would hazard a guess at saying that NZ site will soon follow AU site & remove them evenually. This is why i said order the bloody thing while you can:D
Problem is,once re-sellers cotton onto this they may sell out even quicker & end up on fleabay for twice the price
Now my concern is... If I choose PayPal do they take payment now?
And yes the guys that missed out will see this later today

05-03-2013, 10:39 AM
Now my concern is... If I choose PayPal do they take payment now?
And yes the guys that missed out will see this later today

Yes,i paid by paypal & the money is definately gone:) I am not worried though,its one less lot of money i have to find when the release date draws near

05-03-2013, 10:49 AM
i can only see the bonuses being offered with the black skull edition on mighty ape now?? thought they were with the standard/special editions?

05-03-2013, 10:54 AM
i can only see the bonuses being offered with the black skull edition on mighty ape now?? thought they were with the standard/special editions?

Was always skull edition only
Which site you in gu8?

05-03-2013, 10:59 AM
dont mind me lil im blind as a batman. mighty ape NZ. debating it but that skull steelbook looks shit

05-03-2013, 11:01 AM
dont mind me lil im blind as a batman. mighty ape NZ. debating it but that skull steelbook looks shit

Just think is a pewter mug and pirate flag worth an extra 20GBP Gu8 bringing it to 80GBP
If not then hold off and pick up skull edition from game for 60

05-03-2013, 11:03 AM
its only the preorder bits i want though haha, how much is shipping and stuff lil? will we get fucked on the customs?

05-03-2013, 11:14 AM
its only the preorder bits i want though haha, how much is shipping and stuff lil? will we get fucked on the customs?

Just cost me 83.33 including shipping
Shipping was 16 NZD
Item is listed in NZD on NZ not AUD
And yea plus customs when it gets here
But my little brother ordered halo17 game from mightyapeNZ and didn't get charged customs (weird)

05-03-2013, 11:29 AM
thanks for the clarification lil. il probably leave it, cant be paying customs on top, will bring it to over ?100. ?40 for the preorders is a bit out of it for me

05-03-2013, 08:45 PM
its only the preorder bits i want though haha, how much is shipping and stuff lil? will we get fucked on the customs?

I'm in the same boat (figuratively speaking). I only want the pre-order bonuses. Going to pre-order it today through .nz and hope I can sell the game later I guess. Since I still don't know what we're getting here in the US I need to somehow justify spending $$ on TWO CEs with the wife! ;)

05-07-2013, 03:45 AM
If I pre-order from Game UK, do I get the "Watch" access and the map? I'm not from UK, Singapore actually

05-08-2013, 01:02 AM
NOO!! This Is The Reason Why I've Been:drool:<3 Over Pre-Orders.... Any Early Birds With Multiple Pre-Orders Willing To Share 1 Worm?;):hug:

05-08-2013, 01:12 AM
Update on the mighty ape Australia pre ordersHi Lily,

Thanks for getting in touch with us. :)

I will check this with our product manager and let you know.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. :)
Kind Regards

05-08-2013, 06:54 AM
JB Hi-fi now stocking Tankard on all Skull edition Preorders.


The Preorder maps all being different is starting to get annoying as well.

05-08-2013, 08:59 AM
4 Treasure Maps so far
Castaways prize
Trove of mystery
Pride of the west Indies
Pirates trophy

05-08-2013, 10:09 AM
Customer service at mighty ape are getting in touch with the product manager to discover if the Pewter tankard and pirate flag are still being offered with new pre orders from mightyape Australian site

05-08-2013, 10:47 AM
A store in Greece will offer the Τhe Castaway’s Prize Preorder Pack (it includes the physical map).

Strange thing is they offer it only with the regular edition. I don't know why.

05-08-2013, 10:54 AM
A store in Greece will offer the Τhe Castaway?s Prize Preorder Pack (it includes the physical map).

Strange thing is they offer it only with the regular edition. I don't know why.

What is the name of the store?
Do they have a website?
Do you get the map today? Or have to wait until the game is out?

05-08-2013, 11:33 AM
Check here the listing


Unfortunately it doesn't have an english version.

They will send it now (basically after 15/05), we will pay 5E deposit that they will eventually remove it from the cost of the game.

I haven't bought online from them before, they have franchise type stores, If I find time I'll go and ask them (many times the stores don't know what the online store offers).

I will also wait to see if other stores offer this preorder pack.

05-08-2013, 11:38 AM
Check here the listing


Unfortunately it doesn't have an english version.

They will send it now (basically after 15/05), we will pay 5E deposit that they will eventually remove it from the cost of the game.

I haven't bought online from them before, they have franchise type stores, If I find time I'll go and ask them (many times the stores don't know what the online store offers).

I will also wait to see if other stores offer this preorder pack.
its interesting how they use the prize of the west indies picture for the map and not the xastaways prize picture for the map

Can you contact them to discover which physical map we receive
The pride of the west indies or castaways prize please

05-08-2013, 11:56 AM
Typical mistake, using the wrong photos.

It will definitely be the Castaways Prize Map.

05-08-2013, 12:10 PM
Typical mistake, using the wrong photos.

It will definitely be the Castaways Prize Map.

Thanks.. Added to the list

05-08-2013, 01:14 PM
I know it has probably been asked already, but can't seem to find it.

Does anyone know when Ubisoft take payment when preordering the Black Chest Edition of AC 4?
Is it as soon as you payment details in, or on despatch?

05-08-2013, 01:46 PM
I know it has probably been asked already, but can't seem to find it.

Does anyone know when Ubisoft take payment when preordering the Black Chest Edition of AC 4?
Is it as soon as you payment details in, or on despatch?
They take money to check there are sufficient funds and that your account details are correct then they refund you then take payment upon despatch

05-08-2013, 02:13 PM
They take money to check there are sufficient funds and that your account details are correct then they refund you then take payment upon despatch

Serious? Never heard of such a thing..

05-08-2013, 02:16 PM
Serious? Never heard of such a thing..

Amazon.com does it too
I think a lot of companies do it
But generally the transactions happen that fast they don't show up on statements as they don't get fully processed

05-08-2013, 02:35 PM
Lowly, amazon.com never do anything like that in my orders. :)

05-08-2013, 02:57 PM
Lowly, amazon.com never do anything like that in my orders. :)

I spoke to amazon customer service
They said they charge this card but don't fully process the order so your account try isn't charged and you don't noticed it
This is done to ensure you have sufficient funds in your account and then when payment is due they fully charge the account t and that's when it shows up as payment being taken
Its a lot more complicated then I am explaining
I have made 2 amazon.com orders and that's what happened on both occasions
I only found out they had made the charges as my banks fruad department froze my account upon a large sum of money going out so amazon where unable to refund the amount back into my account untill u confirmed with my bank that I had authorized the payment
It was a bit complicated
And I am not explain in it properly

05-08-2013, 03:37 PM
I've never heard of that in over 5 yrs I'm buying from amazon.com (dozens of orders).

While I will take your word on this, there are so many people who use prepaid/debit cards and make preorders without problems (with insufficient funds at the time of preordering, but sufficient when it actually shipping time).

I don't insist though, since you've encountered this as an actual problem!

05-08-2013, 04:02 PM
Maybe not always full payments, sometimes they probably just charge a dollar to test of the card is valid then refund it back. I always have a dollar missing from my account but it comes back after a while so maybe that's why it is.. Just a guess though

05-11-2013, 03:45 AM
Photo of Game UK poster showing size difference with G1 steelbook:


05-11-2013, 05:54 AM
Photo of Game UK poster showing size difference with G1 steelbook:


Thank you for the PIC but we also have dimensions and pics for the game UK map although I did forget the steel book for sizing in my pictures

05-11-2013, 06:42 AM
Thank you for the PIC but we also have dimensions and pics for the game UK map although I did forget the steel book for sizing in my pictures

Somehow I did too. Must be slipping

05-14-2013, 02:14 PM

In the preorder bonus map from UBI, there are two marks more than the one for preorder in Europe...


05-14-2013, 02:19 PM

In the preorder bonus map from UBI, there are two marks more than the one for preorder in Europe...

Yes it is a different map
It has a different name
This one it "pirates prize"
The European one we have seen before is
"Pride of the west indies"
We have yet too see
"the castaways trophy" or
"Trove of mystery"

05-14-2013, 02:22 PM
And the last one will came with the CE...my guess...

No more preorders, right? Ffffff....

Hate the map bended in a box...like them rolled... Can imagine those three maps framed... So smooth....

Was cheaper this way for UBI for sure...

05-14-2013, 02:26 PM
And the last one will came with the CE...my guess...

No more preorders, right? Ffffff....

Hate the map bended in a box...like them rolled... Can imagine those three maps framed... So smooth....

Was cheaper this way for UBI for sure...

None come inside any collectors editions
All four are pre order bonuses
Total of 5 pre order maps
One from america
Then 4 from Europe / rest of the world

05-14-2013, 02:31 PM
Are NOT offering the flag with the pre order
I have checked with our product team and they have checked clearly and they informed that the item doesn't come with physical Map with it.

05-14-2013, 02:33 PM
Holy s***...

They are like Pokemons... Catch 'em all!!!! lol

Ffffff...so soon and so many preorder stuff...makes me worry...

By the way, amazon.co.uk sends you the map now, or the release date?

(Thinking something wicked...muahahahaha)

P.d: ok...no phisical map...so the trove at JB HIFI....fffff

05-14-2013, 02:40 PM
Holy s***...

They are like Pokemons... Catch 'em all!!!! lol

Ffffff...so soon and so many preorder stuff...makes me worry...

By the way, amazon.co.uk sends you the map now, or the release date?

(Thinking something wicked...muahahahaha)

no map from Amazon.co.uk said customer service
I have not ordered to find out

05-14-2013, 03:51 PM
if you missed the tankard



05-14-2013, 07:12 PM
if you missed the tankard


Already in First post
That's why I was asking you about jbhifi giving out pre order items early as I only wanted The paper map
And I was hoping that they would be giving these out early

05-14-2013, 07:36 PM
Do they take money upfront?

Will they send the preorder at the lauch date? Or before?

05-14-2013, 10:22 PM
More DLC
But not pre order DLC
A new form of DLC to boost merchandizing Sales
I hope this doeant catch on

This year, for every purchase of the "Captain Edward Kenway" figurine, UBIcollectibles offers you three items of additional digital content to use in Assassin’s Creed? IV Black Flag™:
Connor Kenway's Sails
Haytam Unique Outfit Color
Edward Kenway's Family Sword

This year, for every purchase of the "Blackbeard : The Legendary Pirate" figurine, UBIcollectibles offers you three items of ADDITIONAL DIGITAL CONTENT to use in Assassin’s Creed? IV Black Flag™:
Blackbeard's Sails
Black Bart's Sails
Hornigold's Sails

05-14-2013, 10:24 PM
More DLC
But not pre order DLC
A new form of DLC to boost merchandizing Sales
I hope this doeant catch on

This year, for every purchase of the "Captain Edward Kenway" figurine, UBIcollectibles offers you three items of additional digital content to use in Assassin?s Creed? IV Black Flag?:
Connor Kenway's Sails
Haytam Unique Outfit Color
Edward Kenway's Family Sword

This year, for every purchase of the "Blackbeard : The Legendary Pirate" figurine, UBIcollectibles offers you three items of ADDITIONAL DIGITAL CONTENT to use in Assassin?s Creed? IV Black Flag?:
Blackbeard's Sails
Black Bart's Sails
Hornigold's Sails

and so the cashcow rolls on, wtf next:suicide:

05-14-2013, 10:27 PM
and so the cashcow rolls on, wtf next:suicide:

I've always disliked the idea of DLC as an incentive of any kind

Anyone going to play 'gotta catchem all' with the DLC?

05-14-2013, 10:31 PM
I've always disliked the idea of DLC as an incentive of any kind

Anyone going to play 'gotta catchem all' with the DLC?

I like UBisofts idea of
Make 6,000 pre order DLCs then bundle them all in the first or last paid DLC
Means we are not playing the dlc game
We are playing it with the physical real world items

05-14-2013, 10:32 PM
And is nobody wondering what or who haytam is?
I sure am
I don't remember anyone called haytam

05-15-2013, 01:25 AM
And is nobody wondering what or who haytam is?
I sure am
I don't remember anyone called haytam

Haytham Kenway, son of Edward Kenway, father of Connor Kenway, I'm sure you remember him now from ACIII :)

05-15-2013, 02:57 AM
More DLC
But not pre order DLC
A new form of DLC to boost merchandizing Sales
I hope this doeant catch on

This year, for every purchase of the "Captain Edward Kenway" figurine, UBIcollectibles offers you three items of additional digital content to use in Assassin?s Creed? IV Black Flag?:
Connor Kenway's Sails
Haytam Unique Outfit Color
Edward Kenway's Family Sword

This year, for every purchase of the "Blackbeard : The Legendary Pirate" figurine, UBIcollectibles offers you three items of ADDITIONAL DIGITAL CONTENT to use in Assassin?s Creed? IV Black Flag?:
Blackbeard's Sails
Black Bart's Sails
Hornigold's Sails

Oh wow.. they adding DLC in these as well??
I'm definitely getting Edward Kenway, but was thinking of getting Blackbeard as well. Starting to become a fan of the UBICollectibles line and not just the Assassin figures. The Far Cry and Ghost Recon one are also pretty well done and there's the Aiden Pearce one coming as well.

I'm guessing the DLC will end up as paid DLC later on so those who have no interest in the figures will need not buy them just for the DLC. Unless of course, you want to have all content on purchase day :P

05-15-2013, 03:49 AM
Do they take money upfront?

Will they send the preorder at the lauch date? Or before?

no idea i usually preorder in store, but its always launch date for the majority of australian preorder items

05-15-2013, 09:05 AM
Oh wow.. they adding DLC in these as well??
I'm definitely getting Edward Kenway, but was thinking of getting Blackbeard as well. Starting to become a fan of the UBICollectibles line and not just the Assassin figures. The Far Cry and Ghost Recon one are also pretty well done and there's the Aiden Pearce one coming as well.

I'm guessing the DLC will end up as paid DLC later on so those who have no interest in the figures will need not buy them just for the DLC. Unless of course, you want to have all content on purchase day :P
It does seem ubisofts policy is all pre order dlc to be bundled and released in one dLC package but does this qualify.. Who knows

05-15-2013, 09:33 AM
The only DLC that I have seen remained exclusive was some content in the Prince of Persia: TFS Collectors Edition.

99% of DLC don't remain exclusive, they end up as paid DLC later on. Even the weapon DLC from the Darksiders 2 Novel ended up on PSN some time later.

Anyway, for the AC IV which region will the DLC be for? Will we have to go to online to exchange for a PSN code?

05-15-2013, 09:55 AM
The only DLC that I have seen remained exclusive was some content in the Prince of Persia: TFS Collectors Edition.

99% of DLC don't remain exclusive, they end up as paid DLC later on. Even the weapon DLC from the Darksiders 2 Novel ended up on PSN some time later.

Anyway, for the AC IV which region will the DLC be for? Will we have to go to online to exchange for a PSN code?
UBisoft does dlc different to everyone else
There dlc is activated through there uplay service, do it is linked to your uplay account, which means that the watch codes we are entering into the website are more then likely unlocking the content for us right now (so far I have entered 3 different codes)

05-15-2013, 11:02 AM
Hi Lily,

Thanks for getting in touch with us. :)

It looks like unfortunately we are not able to offer this bonus to Australian customers due to restrictions from the publisher. :(

Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Kind Regards

Mighty Ape Limited
So the pewter tankard is no longer offered on Australian mighty ape but they are on the new Zealand mighty ape
I have asked how this effects anyone that has already ordered, where the pewter tankard and map
I am awaiting response now

This is because JBhiFi has the distribution rights for the tankard in australia now, but mighty ape will honour all orders listed as coming with the tankard for mightyape. Co.au orders

05-20-2013, 10:41 AM
Added pre order bonus and pee order SLC for ebgames.com.au Australia Pride of the west Indies dlc and map
ALL AMERICAN Pre order DLC has been announced
Link Here courtesy if crunchyroll (http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2013/05/16-1/assassins-creed-iv-black-flag-unveils-pre-order-booty)
I will get around to adding all of these to the first post

GameStop Black Island pack: The deadly black ship, a Captain Morgan costume, and his silver flintlock pistol.
Amazon Hidden Mystery pack: Extra treasure-hunting mission on Mystery Island, Stede Bonnet's ship and Sted Bonnet costumes, and multiplayer items.
Walmart Sacrificed Secrets pack: Captain Drakehis dual-wield swords and pistols, his picture, title, and relics.
Best Buy Lost Treasures pack: Ivory wheel and spyglass relic.
Target Trove of Mystery pack: Iron wheel and astrolab relic.

05-20-2013, 04:42 PM
So the pewter figures are no longer offered on Australian mighty ape but they are on the new Zealand mighty ape
I have asked how this effects anyone that has already ordered, where the pewter tankard and map
I am awaiting response now

This is probably because JBhiFi has the tankard now

Pewter figures??? What pewter figures??? More broken ones to be expected or perhaps you mean pewter tankard:D

05-20-2013, 07:27 PM
Pewter figures??? What pewter figures??? More broken ones to be expected or perhaps you mean pewter tankard:D

Fixed .. Sorry

05-20-2013, 11:49 PM
Does anyone know of xtralife or seven spot give out the maps early?

05-20-2013, 11:53 PM
Xtralife always send the preorder gifts together in the launch date...

So no maps... :(

Will try to contact tomorrow and asking them to be sure...

05-21-2013, 09:54 PM
Playman.cz (http://www.playman.cz/clanky/mesec-assassins-creed-iv-blak-flag.html#)
For the first 100 pre orders of PC normal and skull edition
A purse and 3 Coins

05-21-2013, 09:55 PM
Playman.cz (http://www.playman.cz/clanky/mesec-a...lak-flag.html)
For the first 100 pre orders of PC normal and skull edition
A purse and 3 Coins

quite cool

05-21-2013, 09:57 PM
So my gb is running in AC4 thread :)

05-21-2013, 10:03 PM
So my gb is running in AC4 thread :)

Is it first 100 in store pre orders or online or both?

05-21-2013, 10:08 PM
Playman is like distributor. He makes subtitles etc and they have only site. Its only online shop. http://www.playman.cz/obchod/assassins-creed-iv-black-flag-leb.html
If theres the bold line with number 100 the preorder bonus should be still available. Once its gone, no more bonuses. But I think more shops will pop up with their editions and bonuses.
xzone editon, gameleader edition/gameleader bonus, gamecz/jrc (big, but awful shop. things are damaged etc...they will have bonus as well. We are small country, but with a lot bonuses :D Sorry for english now, I cant spell properly. I'm tired as fuck and cant think and write :D

05-22-2013, 03:01 AM
Playman.cz (http://www.playman.cz/clanky/mesec-assassins-creed-iv-blak-flag.html#)
For the first 100 pre orders of PC normal and skull edition
A purse and 3 Coins

Wow those look cool. Best PO bonus so far I have seen for AC IV. Those are official right? They didn't produce them in their own? Anyone can help hook me up with those?

05-22-2013, 08:00 AM
Its only for PC skull and normal edition. Normal is for 1079 and skull for 1499 czk.

Sent from my P350 Cyanogenmod 7 using Tapatalk

05-22-2013, 08:05 PM
Playman.cz (http://www.playman.cz/clanky/mesec-assassins-creed-iv-blak-flag.html#)
For the first 100 pre orders of PC normal and skull edition
A purse and 3 Coins

Okay, Ubisoft better tell us what we're getting as a CE over here - I now have a list of "must haves" totaling far too much:

- Pewter Tankard
- Black Chest Edition
- Gold Coins + Pouch


05-22-2013, 08:12 PM
Put me down for two Skull CE if it's possible platfus.

Do you need upfront money?

Thanks for helping with this one mate!!

05-22-2013, 08:14 PM
Okay, Ubisoft better tell us what we're getting as a CE over here - I now have a list of "must haves" totaling far too much:

- Pewter Tankard
- Black Chest Edition
- Gold Coins + Pouch

So because NA moaned and got Georges Washington's note book last time, UBisoft this tine are going to give all of the above as a CE called Lost Treasure Edition, it will contain all of the ROW maps, pewter tankard, pouch and coins, pirate flag and something else yet to be announced, but no figure or diorama
That would be nice, but not true

05-22-2013, 08:20 PM
So because NA moaned and got Georges Washington's note book last time, UBisoft this tine are going to give all of the above as a CE called Lost Treasure Edition, it will contain all of the ROW maps, pewter tankard, pouch and coins, pirate flag and something else yet to be announced, but no figure or diorama
That would be nice, but not true

So lily you think NA is getting a ACIV CE right?

If so when do expect the announcement for CE?

When has NA CE's normally been announced for AC?

05-22-2013, 08:25 PM
So lily you think NA is getting a ACIV CE right?

If so when do expect the announcement for CE?

When has NA CE's normally been announced for AC?

I think UBi NA is being cagey as last time they had tens of thousands of complaints they didn't include Washington's journal when Washington was "american"
So I think they are waiting to see what NA Moaners on the forum moan about and then bundle it on a package that will work
And within 2-3 weeks of the end of E3 is what I have been thinking for around 2 months now, I actually think it will be at e3 as ubi have a stale and a show so it offers the best coverage and publicitiy as they know how big that thing is these days

But I also think that piracy and pirates setting up trading posts in america might have been the early beginnings of the slave trade, (I would like an incite from an American)
As without the pirate ports and shipping routes setup by pirates then slavery would have happened differently,
So it may be that UBisoft is trying not to offend the descendants of the slave trade
But this is less likely as I think that link and jump from pirates in Havana has little to do with slavery and the slave trade

05-27-2013, 02:08 AM
Hello Everyone:wave: Seems Like The P.O's Are Getting Better And Better!!:drool:.... I Have A Dilemma. I Want The Map/Tankard/Flag P.O. It Would Mean Having To Order The Skull Ed. But, I Want The One With The Ship And There STILL Hasn't Been A N.A. CE Announcement Or Talks Of Any Other P.O.'s. Any Advice? Did Anyone Start Receiving There P.O.'s Besides Maps Yet? Did It Take Long?:help:

05-27-2013, 03:03 AM
Hello Everyone:wave: Seems Like The P.O's Are Getting Better And Better!!:drool:.... I Have A Dilemma. I Want The Map/Tankard/Flag P.O. It Would Mean Having To Order The Skull Ed. But, I Want The One With The Ship And There STILL Hasn't Been A N.A. CE Announcement Or Talks Of Any Other P.O.'s. Any Advice? Did Anyone Start Receiving There P.O.'s Besides Maps Yet? Did It Take Long?:help:

My advice,Assassins Creed is like pokemon-gotta catch them all,lol:D

At this stage there are three worth having; Black chest edition,Buccaner edition & the Skulll edition with the pre-order bonus items of tankard/flag. This is what i have ordered....so far. Well that plus the Blackbeard & Kenway figures. I am not sure about the bonus with three coins as i dont collect PC but,i can see those coins coming up on ebay for stupid money somewhere along the way so its a bit of should or shouldnt i on that one.

05-27-2013, 03:50 AM
Hey Hippee:) Black Chest That's The One!!.... Are You Still Waiting On Your P.O.'s Or Are They Being Delivered With Your Game? Did You Also Oder From Mighty Ape? How Good Are They?.... Exscuse Me If I'm Asking Lots Of Questions. I've Never Ordered Games From Overseas Gaming Stores/Companies. I Don't Want To Miss Out As I See Some Games Are More Than 2-4X The Amount On EBay:swoon:

05-27-2013, 05:16 AM
Hey Hippee:) Black Chest That's The One!!.... Are You Still Waiting On Your P.O.'s Or Are They Being Delivered With Your Game? Did You Also Oder From Mighty Ape? How Good Are They?.... Exscuse Me If I'm Asking Lots Of Questions. I've Never Ordered Games From Overseas Gaming Stores/Companies. I Don't Want To Miss Out As I See Some Games Are More Than 2-4X The Amount On EBay:swoon:

Gots the pre-order map from the bucaneer edition,waiting for the pre-order bonus for the black chest is supposed to come soon & the skull edition from mightape usually comes all as one package. Never really had any problems with Mightyape as yet,things are packed ok & no reall issues. My advice get in there quick,Mightyape AU has already removed all the pre-order bonus items & Mightyape NZ is the only one giving the pre-order bonus item tankard with flag.

05-27-2013, 05:34 AM
Thanks Hippee:)

05-28-2013, 01:04 AM
Yo hippe I explained why mighty ape .AU removed the tankard and flag and put it onto the NZ site

Also where did you get your buccaneer edition flag from ? And which flag is is pweez.?

05-28-2013, 06:12 PM
So lily you think NA is getting a ACIV CE right?

If so when do expect the announcement for CE?

When has NA CE's normally been announced for AC?

From the official Ubisoft forums we "are" getting one:

Posted by UbiSoft US Forum Manager on 5/24/13:
"NA Editions will be announced. I know you guys are anticipating the details greatly and as soon as we have the information regarding the contents I promise we will let you know. That may not be soon enough for some of you but you will have to be a bit more patient. "

But the REAL question is not when (though that's important too) but rather what is going to be included?

I agree, I think if forum-goers make a big enough stink and blast their forums about things, THEN they may make adjustments like last time- its just unfortunate that it seems it comes to this - I suppose that's what happens when the US gamer-world is given months to stew without any inclination of what to expect - we all go stir-crazy haha.

I've revised my own stance personally, now I'd like to see us get the Black Chest Edition with the money bag + coins, and the tankard. But hey, until they say what they're giving us, I can still dream right? ;)

05-28-2013, 06:15 PM
From the official Ubisoft forums we "are" getting one:

Posted by UbiSoft US Forum Manager on 5/24/13:
"NA Editions will be announced. I know you guys are anticipating the details greatly and as soon as we have the information regarding the contents I promise we will let you know. That may not be soon enough for some of you but you will have to be a bit more patient. "

But the REAL question is not when (though that's important to) but rather what is going to be included?

I agree, I think if forum-goers make a big enough stink and blast their forums about things, THEN they may make adjustments like last time- its just unfortunate that it seems it comes to this - I suppose that's what happens when the US gamer-world is given months to stew without any inclination of what to expect - we all go stir-crazy haha.

I've revised my own stance personally, now I'd like to see us get the Black Chest Edition with the money bag + coins, and the tankard. But hey, until they say what they're giving us, I can still dream right? ;)

Yeah...and what else included... A parrot for the shoulder?? lol

05-28-2013, 06:17 PM
From the official Ubisoft forums we "are" getting one:

Posted by UbiSoft US Forum Manager on 5/24/13:
"NA Editions will be announced. I know you guys are anticipating the details greatly and as soon as we have the information regarding the contents I promise we will let you know. That may not be soon enough for some of you but you will have to be a bit more patient. "

But the REAL question is not when (though that's important to) but rather what is going to be included?

I agree, I think if forum-goers make a big enough stink and blast their forums about things, THEN they may make adjustments like last time- its just unfortunate that it seems it comes to this - I suppose that's what happens when the US gamer-world is given months to stew without any inclination of what to expect - we all go stir-crazy haha.

I've revised my own stance personally, now I'd like to see us get the Black Chest Edition with the money bag + coins, and the tankard. But hey, until they say what they're giving us, I can still dream right? ;)
Link to thread
As ibis forum are so complicated they have a section for off topic per game and then split into PC and consoles
And people UST hold offtopic chats all over the place
Like Xbox one and ps4 chats in AC4 console section

05-28-2013, 06:19 PM
From the official Ubisoft forums we "are" getting one:

Posted by UbiSoft US Forum Manager on 5/24/13:
"NA Editions will be announced. I know you guys are anticipating the details greatly and as soon as we have the information regarding the contents I promise we will let you know. That may not be soon enough for some of you but you will have to be a bit more patient. "

But the REAL question is not when (though that's important to) but rather what is going to be included?

I agree, I think if forum-goers make a big enough stink and blast their forums about things, THEN they may make adjustments like last time- its just unfortunate that it seems it comes to this - I suppose that's what happens when the US gamer-world is given months to stew without any inclination of what to expect - we all go stir-crazy haha.

I've revised my own stance personally, now I'd like to see us get the Black Chest Edition with the money bag + coins, and the tankard. But hey, until they say what they're giving us, I can still dream right? ;)

I expected a CE to be honest but after the ACIII CE it certainly feels like the US CE is an after thought and they throw together a CE mostly from components already in European CE's

I would love for us to get the Black Chest Edition at least, don't think we'll get the tankard or coins as those are pre-order bonuses licensed by small Ubisoft divisions

05-28-2013, 06:35 PM
But I also think that piracy and pirates setting up trading posts in america might have been the early beginnings of the slave trade, (I would like an incite from an American)
As without the pirate ports and shipping routes setup by pirates then slavery would have happened differently,
So it may be that UBisoft is trying not to offend the descendants of the slave trade
But this is less likely as I think that link and jump from pirates in Havana has little to do with slavery and the slave trade

No. I don't think we would make that sort of jump. I'm sure there's SOMEONE out there that might, but certainly not the other 99.999999999% of Americans (even regardless of our skin-color/heritage). The only way Ubisoft could potentially open up a can of worms there would be if they included some sort of "little slave-child addition" to the ship dioarama/statue. In which case they deserve to be slapped!

I believe you are correct that the pirates in Havana are not tied (at least in the hive-minds of US) to the sordid history of slave-trade here in the US.

Where Ubisoft could run into trouble down the road may be if they did a civil-war era based AC. That could potentially ruffle some feathers on the slavery topic, particularly in the US media outlets who seem to thrive on making big issues of these types of things (i.e. trying to insinuate race wars etc. where there might not be).

That's my $.02 worth ;)

P.s. Just in case there's any confusion that may come across in text, I'm a firm believer in racism - there's just ONE race, the HUMAN one! And members of this race should all be treated equally and fairly! ;)

05-28-2013, 06:38 PM
Link to thread
As ibis forum are so complicated they have a section for off topic per game and then split into PC and consoles
And people UST hold offtopic chats all over the place
Like Xbox one and ps4 chats in AC4 console section

Ooo good call, here's the link -


The post in question was #366, but there are plenty of them strewn throughout the 37+ page thread ;)

05-28-2013, 07:40 PM
Hey, could anyone explain what tankard is for AC4 plattt potter?

Sent from my P350 Cyanogenmod 7 using Tapatalk

05-28-2013, 07:45 PM
Hey, could anyone explain what tankard is for AC4 plattt potter?

Sent from my P350 Cyanogenmod 7 using Tapatalk

This tankard its pewter and has the ACIV logo on it

05-28-2013, 07:49 PM
Ok...so two tankards??

One for Edward and for Blackbeard...

So much preorders are driving me totally insane...

05-28-2013, 07:53 PM
Ok...so two tankards??

One for Edward and for Blackbeard...

So much preorders are driving me totally insane...

Where is the second one?

05-28-2013, 07:56 PM
No no...just asking...couse some websites call it the blackbeard tankard...

Was confused...

05-28-2013, 07:58 PM
No no...just asking...couse some websites call it the blackbeard tankard...

Was confused...

Which websites?
Its only available from 2 websites
Unless you know other places and are not telling us

Also did you find out if anyone in Spain was giving out the maps yet Viking?

05-30-2013, 11:43 PM
It took a lot of my Google tricks but I have uncovered ALL Assassin's creed IV Black Flag The Watch VIP programme Maps
These are the digital maps you get for entering the code for each individual Pre Order Pack
(You can use these for comparing foreign maps to there equivalent English counterparts)

Captain Kenways Legacy
Pride of the West Indies
Trove of Mystery
Castaway's Prize
Pirates Trophy

Here is my super 23 megapixel picture of the pirates trophy

05-31-2013, 12:32 AM
am glad ubi made it about pirates

i have made my feelings clear about pirates in the past

my wallet breathes easy this year in regards to assassins creed

05-31-2013, 12:39 AM
Same as me Coma...love piracy stuff...

For sure this AC will be my fav...

Dead Men Tell No Tales!!!! Hahahaha

Long live piracy!!!!! Aaarrrgghhhh

And now some good piracy stuff for some headbanging!!! \,,/

Getting ready for the weekend!!! lol


05-31-2013, 12:50 AM
Same as me Coma...love piracy stuff...

For sure this AC will be my fav...

Dead Men Tell No Tales!!!! Hahahaha

Long live piracy!!!!! Aaarrrgghhhh

Love me some pirates but I'm quite sure coma is happy ubi made ACIV about pirates because coma doesn't like pirates and therefore won't feel the need to spend any money on ACIV

Need to get all those maps lol

05-31-2013, 12:54 AM
Love me some pirates but I'm quite sure coma is happy ubi made ACIV about pirates because coma doesn't like pirates and therefore won't feel the need to spend any money on ACIV

Need to get all those maps lol

correct whereas ac 3 love the theme, and that period of time bit before and after i seen gettysburg and its sequel whatever its called love american history

i even has this on me shelf indoors


05-31-2013, 12:56 AM

You should be thrown away by a side of the boat Coma, and let the sharks eat you!!!

05-31-2013, 12:58 AM
Hope to see some assassin's in the Second World War...fighting again Hitler... lol...

It's normal that he loves that part of the American history...I do too indeed...

05-31-2013, 01:00 AM
Yep everybody finds the American Civil War fascinating and it certainly is

Would make for an interesting AC game to say the least

Not sure they'll get as far as WWII though, hidden blades might be of less worth then :rotf:

05-31-2013, 01:17 AM

You should be thrown away by a side of the boat Coma, and let the sharks eat you!!!

sharks would not last a minute

05-31-2013, 03:00 AM
Hope to see some assassin's in the Second World War...fighting again Hitler... lol...

It's normal that he loves that part of the American history...I do too indeed...

Second Worlld War would be possible,Hitler potrayed as a Templar,no problems there. The fact he was into the dark arts etc works in well with the whole Templar & apple of eden thing. Then you also have the fact there was several assassination attempts solves the role the assassins would play nicely. So this theme could actually work.

05-31-2013, 03:13 AM
Second Worlld War would be possible,Hitler potrayed as a Templar,no problems there. The fact he was into the dark arts etc works in well with the whole Templar & apple of eden thing. Then you also have the fact there was several assassination attempts solves the role the assassins would play nicely. So this theme could actually work.

Absolutely right...

Hitler was looking for so many dark ancient secrets like the alliance ark, holy grail, etc...

This should be a good idea for a future AC...

05-31-2013, 07:07 AM
First they have to sack Alex Hutchinson lead creative of assassins creed
And half of the assassins creed team before.they make.a world war II period assassins creed game as he said a couple years back its not going to happen ever and that's why they put all the snippets and hints and clues in brotherhood that Churchill Roosevelt and Hitler where all templars working together

05-31-2013, 07:10 AM
First they have to sack Alex Hutchinson lead creative of assassins creed
And half of the assassins creed team before.they make.a world war II period assassins creed game as he said a couple years back its not going to happen ever and that's why they put all the snippets and hints and clues in brotherhood that Churchill Roosevelt and Hitler where all templars working together

But think about it, if they make a world war II game then they can just combine franchises with Call of duty

AC 6 = Call of Duty 1


Then Soap and Price could be modern day Assassin's :D

Combine the two most formulaic games lol

05-31-2013, 06:28 PM
But think about it, if they make a world war II game then they can just combine franchises with Call of duty

AC 6 = Call of Duty 1


Then Soap and Price could be modern day Assassin's :D

Combine the two most formulaic games lol
But watchdogs is assassins creed 6

And I don't know who soap and price are

05-31-2013, 06:42 PM
But watchdogs is assassins creed 6

And I don't know who soap and price are

lol it does seem that way

soap and price are main charectors in some of the newer COD Modern Warfare games

Earlier COD games were WWII based

05-31-2013, 08:35 PM
lol it does seem that way

soap and price are main charectors in some of the newer COD Modern Warfare games

Earlier COD games were WWII based

I will explain how watchdogs is the next logical step from from what we have seen of Assassin'S Creed modern day,
But when I get home in a couple hours

05-31-2013, 08:39 PM
But watchdogs is assassins creed 6

And I don't know who soap and price are

watchdogs will be great and the dedsec is almost the perfect ce

hope they do another far cry soon as well

05-31-2013, 08:41 PM
watchdogs will be great and the dedsec is almost the perfect ce

hope they do another far cry soon as well

I don't know what's in dead sec end
Just that I have ordered a ps3 and sexbox version

06-01-2013, 04:46 PM
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag CORSAIR EDITION
Opengames.it (http://www.opengames.it/default.aspx)

- All contents of Skull Edition
- Exclusive Spyglass

X360/PS3: 99,90 EUR
PC: 79,90 EUR



06-01-2013, 04:49 PM
Ooh, I want that spyglass! xx

06-01-2013, 04:59 PM
Yet another we have to buy to get a decent pre-order item. At this rate i am going to have skull editions coming out me ears:( Whats the 19.90 euros??Deposit or price of spyglass??

06-01-2013, 05:02 PM
Yet another we have to buy to get a decent pre-order item. At this rate i am going to have skull editions coming out me ears:( Whats the 19.90 euros??Deposit or price of spyglass??

It's the price that you pay giving away 3 old X360/PS3 games. This version can be pre-ordered only in stores.

06-01-2013, 05:03 PM
And they accept all old games?

06-01-2013, 05:07 PM
And they accept all old games?

I don't think so. It depends on the games value...

06-01-2013, 05:07 PM
I want that spyglass, too. That's awesome

06-01-2013, 05:14 PM
Ahh.. another one.. Looks nice!

But I can't keep buying so many Editions! Anyone want to sell me one? :P

06-01-2013, 05:15 PM
Damn & bugger. Guess me haves to get one of these now. I can see that spy glass ending up on flea bay for $50-$100 no problems at all:( Maybe Ubisoft should just create one ultimate edition with everything possible in one edition,would save us all a few dollars

06-01-2013, 05:45 PM
Damn & bugger. Guess me haves to get one of these now. I can see that spy glass ending up on flea bay for $50-$100 no problems at all:( Maybe Ubisoft should just create one ultimate edition with everything possible in one edition,would save us all a few dollars

Sadly that won't happen.. Even the AC III Charity Edition didn't have everything. I'm starting to go broke even before the press items are out. :2cool:

06-01-2013, 05:52 PM
Wow that spy glass is awesome. :bday:

06-01-2013, 06:02 PM
wouldn't mind the tankard the spyglass and the coins

06-01-2013, 06:14 PM
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag CORSAIR EDITION
Opengames.it (http://www.opengames.it/default.aspx)

- All contents of Skull Edition
- Exclusive Spyglass

X360/PS3: 99,90 EUR
PC: 79,90 EUR


Hey are you going to do a group buy on this
I'd love that spyglass
Oh and yet another skull edition :)

Oh yea I saw that spy glass on eBay last night but without the ac4 logo

06-01-2013, 06:21 PM
Yeah need a group buy for the spy glass for sure :thumb:

06-01-2013, 06:23 PM
So that's how they sell the Skull Edition which initially wasn't as popular as the rest.. :lmao:

06-01-2013, 06:34 PM
Yeah need a group buy for the spy glass for sure :thumb:
Totally agree
So that's how they sell the Skull Edition which initially wasn't as popular as the rest.. :lmao:
Yep I have 4 ordered not including this one

06-01-2013, 07:00 PM
Yes, i'm trying to organize a group buy for this edition but it's not easy because it can't be ordered online, and the nearest Opengames store is 25 Km away from where i live.
Plus i should pick up from Paypal the money of your payments, that means extra fees...

Opengames also didn't specify how many of these editions are in stock, so i have no idea of how limited it is...

06-01-2013, 07:08 PM
Yes, i'm trying to organize a group buy for this edition but it's not easy because it can't be ordered online, and the nearest Opengames store is 25 Km away from where i live.
Plus i should pick up from Paypal the money of your payments, that means extra fees...

Opengames also didn't specify how many of these editions are in stock, so i have no idea of how limited it is...
If it has only just been announced then every order that is made for the next week Should get fulfilled

06-01-2013, 07:29 PM
If it has only just been announced then every order that is made for the next week Should get fulfilled

Yeh, but i can't drive 50 Km for every single order... the only feasible thing would be to open the orders here for a limited time, waiting for all payments and then going to the store to make all orders in once. But honestly i don't know if a store is able to accept many orders..

I should also check how much costs to ship from Italy to other countries...

06-01-2013, 10:30 PM
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag CORSAIR EDITION
Opengames.it (http://www.opengames.it/default.aspx)

- All contents of Skull Edition
- Exclusive Spyglass

X360/PS3: 99,90 EUR
PC: 79,90 EUR


Added to the list

06-01-2013, 10:40 PM
Is not possible to preorder on that website, don't?

Any Italian member willing to help doing a BG???

I see no way to get this... :(

06-01-2013, 11:04 PM
Is not possible to preorder on that website, don't?

Any Italian member willing to help doing a BG???

I see no way to get this... :(

No, it's available for pre-order only in stores...

I just made a group buy for it:

06-01-2013, 11:05 PM
Is not possible to preorder on that website, don't?

Any Italian member willing to help doing a BG???

I see no way to get this... :(

Get what?
You mean group buy?

Maybe here

06-02-2013, 12:06 AM
Beautiful! This might turn out to be one of the best pre-order itens in AC history!

06-02-2013, 12:19 AM
And still five months to launch date...no news about US or NA...

fffffff....don't even want to think about it...

06-02-2013, 12:24 AM
Beautiful! This might turn out to be one of the best pre-order itens in AC history!

Its nothing special
Its available on eBay for like 18 USD
Only difference is they have put a gold AC4 logo on the box

06-02-2013, 12:25 AM
And the AC4: BF logo on the scope! ;)

06-02-2013, 12:31 AM
And the AC4: BF logo on the scope! ;)

That's just a leather wrap and easy to fake / reproduce
But they are expensive though
I though it was only a 6 inch but it looks lime a 9 inch which is like 60 euro/ usd

06-02-2013, 12:35 AM
I own one exactly the same... But no AC on the leather...

And the wood box is amazing...


Just on the right side of the Blade Runner Bluray case...

What make this preorder totally special is the wood box...

Would like to know how limited run will be this preorder...

Would like something like the bag of coins...

Coins are cheaper to make, so this should be more limited... IMO

06-02-2013, 01:16 AM
I think it's not correct to define it a pre-order bonus, by calling it "Corsair edition" means that it has a signed outer box, like it's been for the Templar Edition of ACR...

06-02-2013, 01:22 AM
Don't think they're gonna make an outer box to include the spyglass...

Jumbo steel plus the wooden box? Kind of weird edition...would look strange...

I think that the shop have put Corsair Edition name, nothing official, not UBI... It's not like the bucaneer edition...that is truly a UBI edition...

Corsair edition is just a name for more advertisement to the shop...

Maybe I'm wrong and they make something like the templar edition or "El Cazador" edition here in Spain, but the outer box would be quiet weird and strange...

They say nothing about preorder item, and they say Corsair Edition...uuummmm...not sure about this one...

06-02-2013, 01:25 AM
Pricing really stinks for this one sadly, Just worked out what it costs to buy,what the postage would costs etc & for the same price i could get the Black chest edition including delivery to me,actually the Black Chest with delivery would be $3 cheaper:( That is a bit ridiculous really,much as i want this it kind of goes in the stupid basket

06-02-2013, 02:56 AM
Lily, this is the one I own... Have put it besides an xbox game, so you can make an idea of the size...



Had to check some boxes as I am moving...but had the pirate stuff box near... lol

I'm sure will be the same as they will give in this CE. In the leather is embossed in little letters "Hand Telescope 10x30mm".

I bought in a shop where sell lot of strange, old stuff for rare collectors, but so so amazing... :)

06-03-2013, 04:59 PM
For the first 100 pre orders of PC normal and skull edition
A purse and 3 Coins

I'm wondering how big these coins will be... You guys think it will be something near to real size or smaller? :scratch:

06-03-2013, 05:31 PM
I think they will be like the Skyrim on line hat gave on PaX this year...don't expect too much than this...

06-03-2013, 05:38 PM
The same size as an american quarter or smaller
Its hard to tell the exact size as doubloons are bigger and pieces of 8 are smaller

06-03-2013, 08:36 PM
I dont know, but I think it will be good.
Bear tooth last year was ceramic, good quality :)

06-05-2013, 02:48 AM
I might have missed it above but I've got a question about the DLC that I can't find an answer to.

Is it safe to activate more than one code at a time on your account?

See, it might sound silly but I activated the one I got from UbiShop first but then I got one from game and now Amazon has sent me one but I'm worried that if I activate a new one it'll overwrite my old one and I'll miss out on items.

Like I said, I can't find any answer for this so any help would be appreciated.

06-05-2013, 08:23 AM
Nobody asked tat question
But UBisoft will send the DLC codes to your email address later / closer to release date
So you should just receive multiple emails

06-05-2013, 04:37 PM
Nobody asked tat question
But UBisoft will send the DLC codes to your email address later / closer to release date
So you should just receive multiple emails

That's not quite what I'm meaning sorry.

I already have three different codes, the Ubishop one, the Game one and the Amazon UK one, what I was asking was if anybody knew if it was safe to activate all of them to get as many DLC items as possible (although I don't know if the Game one really gives anything I don't already have with the Ubi one but the Amazon one says that's the code for the "Trove of Mystery bonus") or if putting a new one in would overwrite the older one you've already redeemed if you see what I mean.

06-05-2013, 05:26 PM
That's not quite what I'm meaning sorry.

I already have three different codes, the Ubishop one, the Game one and the Amazon UK one, what I was asking was if anybody knew if it was safe to activate all of them to get as many DLC items as possible (although I don't know if the Game one really gives anything I don't already have with the Ubi one but the Amazon one says that's the code for the "Trove of Mystery bonus") or if putting a new one in would overwrite the older one you've already redeemed if you see what I mean.

Nobodies knows the answer as nobody has asked the question before
But the ubi black chest DLC includes both the Amazon and game DLC

What I meant from my previous order was. If UBisoft will send put DLC codes at a later date, then you should receive multiple emails with all the ULC codes you have redeemed
But I have an understanding in part as to how uplay works, and I would say that within your uplay profilE there is a file that holds all activated ACIV ULC and it will be like a database file, so there will be a database entry For each ULC code you have redeemed, as with previous UBisoft games it is possible to redeem multiple ULC codes for a single game/profile/account

06-07-2013, 09:48 PM
Added tesco UK

06-11-2013, 02:03 PM
you said you made before a pre order list for AC3? does it still exist?
just want to check.

06-11-2013, 02:10 PM
you said you made before a pre order list for AC3? does it still exist?
just want to check.

It wasn't as extensive as nobody commented on ITT or supplied additional info
But its either on this forum somewhere
And there is one on ubiworkshop

06-11-2013, 02:19 PM
not a problem.

06-12-2013, 07:57 PM
you said you made before a pre order list for AC3? does it still exist?
just want to check.

CElexter, look here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.568033959895213.1073741832.457884850910125&type=3 :wave:

06-13-2013, 10:01 AM
CElexter, look here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.568033959895213.1073741832.457884850910125&type=3 :wave:

There is so so much missing from your list

06-13-2013, 10:02 AM
PS new items released for AC IV not sure if they are pre order or just promo so I won't reveal the items until I find out

06-13-2013, 10:13 AM
PS new items released for AC IV not sure if they are pre order or just promo so I won't reveal the items until I find out

List them!!!!! :rant: We can worry about their origin later..

06-13-2013, 10:33 AM
There is so so much missing from your list

Lot missing indeed.

PS new items released for AC IV not sure if they are pre order or just promo so I won't reveal the items until I find out

Yes, please show us :clap:. we can't wait to see it

06-13-2013, 10:58 AM
List them!!!!! :rant: We can worry about their origin later..

Yes, please show us :clap:. we can't wait to see it

I don't know which ones are pre order bonuses right now so I will list them in the relevant places in good time

But most of you don't do apparel and clothing so don't worry about it

06-13-2013, 11:04 AM
oh apparel
I collect some tees and hoodie from ubiworkshop, but only if it interest me :v:

06-13-2013, 11:47 AM
oh apparel
I collect some tees and hoodie from ubiworkshop, but only if it interest me :v:

Yep where as I collect pre order, promo and dev team apparel

06-28-2013, 10:58 AM
xzone.cuz PC pre order bonus announced
Trove of mystery DLC and Treasure Map
Not the revelation I was hoping for
Major disappointment

06-28-2013, 02:06 PM
Speaking of disappointment... still waiting to hear what we're getting in the US, hope its something amazing so I can help out all of you over the pond - I'm sure my good friend who manages a small GS store would be happy to have a ton more reserves ;)

I think they released the info to us last year around the 4th of July or so... hope we're not waiting longer than that this year!

06-28-2013, 03:16 PM
Maybe they will release it on Speak like a Pirate Day? (Sep 19) But that seems awfully close to release date.

06-28-2013, 03:26 PM
Maybe they will release it on Speak like a Pirate Day? (Sep 19) But that seems awfully close to release date.

Hah! If that's the case, I hope next year the game involves some sort of furry ninja groundhog clan so we can have the CE announced by Feb 2nd! ;)

06-28-2013, 05:27 PM
Yea last year the press kits where shipped in time for July the 1st to ensure everyone had them in time for July 4th

06-28-2013, 09:15 PM
Im still hoping for someone to give us a ship in a bottle or mini treasure chest, whether its part of an edition or a pre order item i dont care :thumb:

06-29-2013, 09:03 AM
Im still hoping for someone to give us a ship in a bottle or mini treasure chest, whether its part of an edition or a pre order item i dont care :thumb:

How big do you want the treasure chest to be?
Anything bigger then the codex box and you looking at an expensive item especially if you want it made of wood
Maybe you want the ac3 ultimate charity chest kind of size and UBisoft would have to fill it with junk as who is going to spend 80gbp/ 100usd on a empty box, so the price would be around 160usd and that kind of price is not something ubi would do in the US as there economy is not to good right now

06-29-2013, 11:40 AM
How big do you want the treasure chest to be?
Anything bigger then the codex box and you looking at an expensive item especially if you want it made of wood
Maybe you want the ac3 ultimate charity chest kind of size and UBisoft would have to fill it with junk as who is going to spend 80gbp/ 100usd on a empty box, so the price would be around 160usd and that kind of price is not something ubi would do in the US as there economy is not to good right now

Id assume it would be made of plastic like the codex edition, though a proper wooden one would be better/highly expensive i agree. Im sure those charity chests were only about 30 Dollars with an AC logo stamped on though? I suppose it depends how much profit they want to make if it was an actual edition. If it was a limited promo item it wouldnt matter as much.

07-04-2013, 01:40 AM
New Amazon.de exclusive with preorder box:



Really don't know what kind of phisical map will come in as exclusive...but gonna take a pair of preorder boxes..

07-04-2013, 06:15 AM
New Amazon.de exclusive with preorder box:



Really don't know what kind of phisical map will come in as exclusive...but gonna take a pair of preorder boxes..
Could you ask them and find out
Or better yet
Let me know which map once you receive yours

07-04-2013, 11:57 AM
The problem is that they do not say an stimate shipping date, just the same as the launch date.

Really don't know if I will reveive it earlier or not.

Let's see if some dutsch appears for any help...

07-05-2013, 09:23 PM
Uh guys, I think I forgot to show you somethin...
gameleader.cz preorder bonus

Necklace on 55cm long strip in leather case

07-05-2013, 09:28 PM
Now that is cool! What editions does it come with?

07-05-2013, 09:40 PM
Nice find platfus
I will update the original post soon
Hey crixdoomsday
Can we expect any pre order bonuses from Poland?

07-05-2013, 09:50 PM
Plus it will include:
T-shirt L, XL after sending email. Design tba.

07-06-2013, 02:39 AM
Uh guys, I think I forgot to show you somethin...
gameleader.cz preorder bonus

Necklace on 55cm long strip in leather case

Nice find but,i am sure you are trying to make us all poor:twisted:

Another it seems i may have to get:think: I know lowly by now must have enough AC 4 pre-orders in place to open her own shop:lmao:

07-06-2013, 04:13 AM
Nice find but,i am sure you are trying to make us all poor:twisted:

Another it seems i may have to get:think: I know lowly by now must have enough AC 4 pre-orders in place to open her own shop:lmao:

You got me
Ii have enough to make my own 8 person multiplayer team

07-06-2013, 05:17 AM
Do you have enough consoles? :2cool:

07-06-2013, 05:37 AM
Uh guys, I think I forgot to show you somethin...
gameleader.cz preorder bonus

Necklace on 55cm long strip in leather case

Nice.. but does anyone know if Edward Kenway is seen wearing this necklace. The necklace is cool but is it an in-game replica or just a themed item?

07-07-2013, 07:25 PM
Sdcc 2013 to have an exclusive pre order tee shirt
No pictures yet
Possibly the same as the pax tee shirts but may be different
We will know in 13 days

07-07-2013, 07:40 PM
Nice.. but does anyone know if Edward Kenway is seen wearing this necklace. The necklace is cool but is it an in-game replica or just a themed item?

Honestly dont know. Anyone else saw it worn by Edward? I think only themed item.

07-08-2013, 02:18 PM
Lily, have you get any clue about Amazon.de exclusive preorder box content?

I emailed them, but had no answer at all...

07-08-2013, 02:30 PM
Lily, have you get any clue about Amazon.de exclusive preorder box content?

I emailed them, but had no answer at all...

Is .de German or Holland?
I will ask ayiu nicely if she can live chat them and get some sort of answer

07-08-2013, 02:37 PM
Is amazon.de exclusive preorder box...

So hope Aiyu can help us and give us some info... I will preorder the boxes anyway to collect them, but maybe it's the last phisical map that have to appear...so will be good to know.

And some more info about the worlwide exclusives will be well received for keeping updating the list.

07-08-2013, 02:39 PM
Is amazon.de exclusive preorder box...

So hope Aiyu can help us and give us some info... I will preorder the boxes anyway to collect them, but maybe it's the last phisical map that have to appear...so will be good to know.

And some more info about the worlwide exclusives will be well received for keeping updating the list.

Yep I'm getting one too
Just incase

07-08-2013, 10:33 PM
The wonderful ayiu informs me the pre order pack from Amazon.de is the missing trove of mystery map
This map is available at other locations
Bit anyone just wanting the map and not having to buy or pre order another game, it is best to buy the map from Amazon.de
It will he shipped out at the time of the games release in November/october