View Full Version : Assassins Creed Statue/Figures
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05-14-2013, 08:21 PM
Statue and Figures
05-14-2013, 08:22 PM
First4Figures (
Altair Ibn-La'Ahad
Material: PVC (
Height: 30 cm
Price: 39.99$ (only Statue) / 80 Euro CE
Edition/Ltd. to: European Collectors Edition
Status: Sold out
Crouching Altair
 QYHCggGBolGxQUIjEhJykrLi4uFx8zODMsNyguLi0BCgoKDg0O FxAQFyscHCQsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLSwrLCwsLCwsLCwsLCssLC wsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLP/AABEIAMIBAwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBQYHBAj/xABDEAABBAADBAgCCAMGBgMAAAABAAIDEQQSIQUGMUEHEyJRYX GBkTJCFCNScoKhscFTYrKDk6LC0fAXM2Nk4eIVFiT/xAAZAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBQT/xAAjEQEBAQACAgIBBQEAAAAAAAAAARECEgMhMUETIkJRgcEE/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDeAxSyqzKnlWmVeVPKrKTpFV5U8qsyoyo YhlRlVlIpBXlRSspFKCukUrKRSCukUrKXqw+EtwDu66U0x4aSy q/bEPVtLmmiNfD2WN2dtFs2lZXhodlu7b3j1/ZTsvV6qSyq2kqV1FRCVK2kqTRVSRCtpIhBVSWVWkKJCoqLVEtV xCjSCotUcquLUiEFBakWq7KkQqijKolqvIUaQx5jGhX5U1dTGW pOlKk6UaRARSnSKQRpOlKkUoI0ilOkUghSKU6RSgjSKUqRSBwM t7RysX5LJx6vJ8F4MP8AGPX9F7IX0fwhFY3eN31T/ulaHFiDFjmkfC2RrfwHsOW67wSWwt5kge5WgbQNSB3O3H2es8m uPw6FSVLxYfbWHkAIfV/aFL3tIIBBBB1BGoIVllZssQISpWUkQqiFKNKwhKkFZCRCsIUSE FZCRCsIUSFRWQkQrCFGkFZCRCsIUSEFZCjSspIhVEKSU6Qgy1I AUqTARSpAClSYCgjSKUqTpBGkUpUilBGliNp7z4DCy9ViMTHHI ACWOzEgHhdDRZqlh9vbsYPHisTC1zqoSt7ErR4PGteBsIqOF3o 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OQ/5V2zInkTtTHGWdFGL54iAeTZHf6L0xdE0vzYtv4YD+7l13InkU 2rjlsXRLF82KmP3Wxt/UFe/D9FuCb8Rnk+9Ll/oAXRMqMqbTGoYTcTZ8dVh4zXN4Mh/xWs1htkxximMa0Dk1oA9gsrSKUV5xAAjql6KQVB5+qS6pXlJBR 1aOrV9JUqKMiFdSER6k0kLSJJqKdoJIQhRQlSaEEaQE0KBEKJC mkQghlSpTpFKiFJEKdIpFQpFKSFBEBOlJFIFSKTpCCKKUkkCSU kkEUlJJBEpKRSKgikpJKhIQhEehMKIcmCtIkmFEFSBUVJCVoQM ISTUAkmkgaRRaVoBCE0VFCaSBUgppIBNJNAIQhAJIQoEkmkgCo lNIoAqJTtIlUJK0EpEoBCgXJIi5qmEIW0SCkhCgEwmhRQhNCBF JNCAQhCgEIQgRQhCKSSEIhoQhFCEIRCKSEKKSSEKhIKEIIqJQh QRKi5CFUUEoQhVH//Z
Material: PVC (
Height: 30 cm
Value: 300 - 2000 $
Edition/Ltd. to: about 1000 (Gift from F4F to Ubisoft)
Status: Sold out
Attakus (
Ezio Auditore da Firenze [White Edition]
Material: PVC (
Height: 20 cm
Price: 75 Euro (W Edition) / 79,99$ (MA Edition)
Edition/Ltd. to: White Edition [EU] / Master Assassin Edition [US]
Status: Sold out
Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Material: PVC (
Height: 20 cm
Price: 90 Euro
Edition/Ltd. to: Black Edition [EU]
Status: Sold out
Ezio Auditore da Firenze [Cold Cast Edition]
Material: Cold Cast (
Height: 43 cm
Price: 475 Euro
Edition/Ltd. to: 200
Status: Sold out
Ezio Auditore da Firenze [Cold Cast Ubisoft Deluxe Edition] qSxmjnNBEoo6jd7xqro
Material: Cold Cast (
Height: 39 cm
Value: 800 - 3000 Euro
Edition/Ltd. to: 100 (Gift from Attakus to Ubisoft)
Status: Sold out
Ezio Auditore da Firenze [PVC Edition]
Material: PVC (
Height: 44 cm
Price: 175 $
Edition/Ltd. to: 3000
Status: Never Released
Connor [Life Size]
Material: Resin (
Height: 200cm
Price: 2490 Euro
Edition/Ltd. to: ?
Status: In Stock
[B]HotToys (
Ezio [1/ 6 Scale]
Material: PVC (
Height: 30 cm
Price: 149.99$
Edition/Ltd. to: ?
Status: Sold out
05-14-2013, 08:23 PM
Gaya Entertainment (
AC Brotherhood Ezio [Ubicollectible]
Material: PVC (
Height: 22 cm
Price: 34,99 Euro
Edition/Ltd. to: ?
Status: Sold out
AC Revelations Ezio [Ubicollectible]
Material: PVC (
Height: 22 cm
Price: 34,99 Euro
Edition/Ltd. to: ?
Status: Sold out
Ezios Fury [Ubicollectible]
Manufacture: Tsume
Material: Poly Resin (
Height: 35 cm
Price: 299 Euro
Edition/Ltd. to: 2000
Status: In Stock
Pure Arts (
Rising Connor [Freedom Edition]
Material: PVC (
Height: 24 cm
Price: 46,95 Euro (Figur only) / Freedom Edition 99,00 Euro / Limited Edition 99,00 $
Edition/Ltd. to: ?
Status: In Stock
Connor The Hunter [Ubicollectible]
 oYHiksGBslHRQYIjEiJSkrLi4xFyAzODMsNyktLjABCgoKDg0O GhAQGiwkHyUsLC8sLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLC8sLCw0LCwsLCwsLC wsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLP/AABEIAOEA4QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABwEGAgUIAwT/xABHEAACAQIEAgYIBAIGCQUBAAABAhEAAwQSITEFQQYIEyJRYQ cyNHF0kbPDI0KBhBShUmJygpKxFSQzRHOiwdHwQ2Oy4fEl/8QAGAEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwT/xAAfEQEBAAMAAwEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAQIRIRIxQQMTcSP/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AHjRRRQFI/rMbYD3437FPCkf1mdsB+9+xQJBTWYNeYqaD0miawmiaDOaJrCi gzmpmsBT96BeiCxaVbnEgL15hPZSRYt6bGP9o3nt5GJoELNRNd BdPfQ/hXw9y9w621q+il1tKxNq5GpUK05WI2ggTHjXPc0Elq9cLZNx1R YlyAJ0GvjXga33QTCi7xCyjMySbhBUw2dbbMgn+0o/SpbqbWNPiLZRihiVJBjbQxpXnmr7ekF3Pi77AswN69DN6xGcwW 84rX1UZZqJqKigmaJqKKAmiiigbfVv9vxPww+qtdCVz31b/b8T8MPqrXQlAUUUUBRRRQFFFFAUj+sztgP3v2KeFI/rM7YD3437FAjhWVQKmgKKKKAor2wWGN66llIzXXRFnaWYATHLW 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Material: PVC (
Height: 25 cm
Price: 34,90 Euro
Edition/Ltd. to: ?
Status: In Stock
Connor [Coin Bank] cexSWIpseSX_GHx9AIHPA
Material: PVC (
Height: 20 cm
Price: 19,99 $
Edition/Ltd. to: ?
Status: sold Out
Edward Kenway + Jackdaw [Black Chest]
 wbHCggGholHBcYITIhJSkrLi4uFyAzODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GRAQGiwkICUsLCwvLSwsLywvLCwsLCwsLDQsLCwsLSwyLCwsLC wsLCwsLCwsLC8sLCwsLCwsLCwsLP/AABEIAM4A9QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQFBgcCCAH/xABLEAACAQIEAwUDBQ0GAwkAAAABAgMAEQQSITEFQVEGEyJhcQ eBkTJCUqGxCBQjM2Jyc4KSwdHh8DSisrPC8SRDYxYlRFNUZJPD 0v/EABgBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgME/8QAKREBAQACAQQAAgsAAAAAAAAAAAECESEDEjFBBHETFCIjUWG BkaHB8P/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A3GiiigKKKKAooooCiiigKKrf/bbCjEy4ZnyyRsqganOWQOcoUHRQbGnZ7VYMGxxEa/nHL/itU3DSZoplhuLQSfi5on/NkU/YaeA1R9ooooCiiigKKKKAooooCiiigKKKKAooooCiiigKKKKAo oooCiiigKKKpPtP7ctwuKIpCJXlLBczEKuUKbkAXb5W2m1Bdqg uP9sMFg/7RiI0b6F8z/sLdvqrzlx/2kcRxdxJiDGh+ZD+DX3kHMfQsaqoYancn6/XrQbdx/26LquCwzMeUkxyj1CKbkerKaoWL7W8T4nMkDYlwJGyiOLwIBzL ZdWUKCxzE7VTmk8qv/BDh+G4ed5mR8e0TKsYNzAJBkCnkJCTdhuFHxxllqNSbQPCOI9w Q8QBylipI0vkN9Adt+dd43jskhzMBr9HT95pt2cFu55/hCPijCmpTIbbDp5Hbf4e6pJy1l6LlkYAkC/nalYcZJH+Lllj/Mkdf8JFNEhuwCjUkAep0FLcSw3duVJvaxuOYYXBHuIrbCYw/bPiMfyMdP6M+f8AzA1SmH9qfFU3mST8+JP9OWqK1+R99clz1oN 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Material: PVC (
Height: 55 cm
Price: 129,95 Euro
Edition/Ltd. to: Black Chest [EU]
Status: In Stock
Edward Kennway [Buccaneer Edition]
 UcHSggHB8lHB4cITEhKCkrLi4uGiAzODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGzQmHyQ0LCwsLCwsLCwsLC4sNCwsLCwsLCw0LCwsLCw0LC wsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLP/AABEIALwBDAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABAUDBgcIAgH/xABNEAACAQIDBAYFBgoGCgMAAAABAhEAAwQSIQUxQVEGEyJhcY EHMpGhsSNTkrLB8BQXQlJidKKz0dMVJTM1cnMkNFRkgpPC0uHx FkNj/8QAGQEBAAMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQF/8QALxEAAgEDAgUCBQQDAQAAAAAAAAECAxExEiEEEzJBURRSBSJ hgaFCsdHwcZHxI//aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A7jSlKAUpSgFKUoBSlKAUpSgFKUoBSlKAU pSgFKUoCv6Q32t4W+6EBktOwJEgFVJGlVfQfb6YnDWgzKLyrld CwLyoALQdSDoZjjUvpoY2fjP1a9+7avOuKw1yzbsYkO4zyEdSQ yMhytlYaiQ1s+ZqryWWGeo6Vx/0Z+kYD/R8bdYy3yd64wKqI9W5cYzqdxM6mOVdet3AwDKQQRIIMgg7iDxq xU+qUpQClKUApSlAKUpQClKUApSlAKUqFtvaaYWxdxFzNktKXb KJaBvgUBNpXE9s+nFzIwmGC8nvNJ/5aGP2q0navTTaWLEXcRdyk6qnyaR/wxPmTUNpBK56I210swWE/wBYxFtD+bMv5W1lj7K5/tz044dJGFw9y6eDXD1aeMasfMCuODBnWSBJ4SfHlWRNn2xvzNp xP2CqOoi6gy/296V9p4iVF4WFP5Nhcp/5jS+nMEV+YHp3tWyBlxV8qAIzorjvlriEx3zWrbQVZXIABBmPt q8S8YXI4AA7QkayNNPsqyd1cq1Z2NnwXpn2ghAuLhrg70dWPmG 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mn4l8D89i/p2f5NdJpTlx8D1FX3HNvxL4H57F/Ts/yafiXwPz2L+nZ/k10mlNEfA9RV9xzb8S+B+exf07P8mn4l8D89i/p2f5NdJpTRHwPUVfcc2/EvgfnsX9Oz/Jp+JfA/PYv6dn+TXSaU5cfA9RV9xzb8S+B+exf07P8AJp+JfA/PYv6dn+TXSaU0R8D1FX3Gv9D+iNnZqOllrrC4wZjcKkyBGmVVE VsFKVZKxlKTk7sUpSpIFKUoBSlKAUpSgP/Z
Material: PVC (
Height: 45 cm
Price: 89,95 Euro buc
Edition/Ltd. to: Buccaneer Edition [EU]
Status: In Stock
Edward Kenway: The Assassin Pirate [Ubicollectible]
Material: PVC (
Height: 23,50 cm
Price: 39,95 Euro
Edition/Ltd. to: ?
Status: In Stock
Blackbeard: The Legendary Pirate [Ubicollectible]
Material: PVC (
Height: 23,00 cm
Price: 39,95 Euro
Edition/Ltd. to: ?
Status: In Stock
05-14-2013, 08:24 PM
Figures:(start from top left, to the right and down)
Assassin's Creed Action Figure Altair
Assassin's Creed 2 Series 1 Action Figure Standard Ezio White
Assassin's Creed 2 Series 1 Action Figure Black Ezio Black
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Action Figure Master Assassin Ezio hood
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Exclusive Action Figure Ezio ivory
Assassin's Creed 2 Series 2 Exclusive Action Figure Ezio ebony
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Action Figure Master Assassin Ezio
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Exclusive Action Figure Ezio ebony
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Exclusive Action Figure Ezio onyx
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood SDCC Exclusive Action Figure Ezio Auditore Eagle Vision
Assassin's Creed Revelations Action Figure Ezio Auditore The Mentor
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Exclusive Vehicle Davinci's Flying Machine
Assassin's Creed Exclusive Ezio Auditore Action Figure 2-Pack Florentine Scarlet & Caspian Teal
Material: PVC (
Height: Figures around 20 cm, Flying Machine 60 cm
Price: Figures between 20.00$ and 35.00$, Flying Machine 30$
Edition/Ltd. to: ?
Status: In Stock
AC Brotherhood
AC Revelations
Material: Resin (
Height: 20.00 cm
Price: 30$
Edition/Ltd. to: ?
Status: In Stock
 QXHCYeFxkjGRQUHy8gIycqLCwtFR4xNTAqNSYrLCkBCQoKBQUF DQUFDSkYEhgpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKS kpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKf/AABEIAHYBqwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIHAwUGBAj/xABGEAACAQMCAwQGBgYJAgcAAAABAgADBBESIQUGMQcTQVEVIl VhlNMUMkJScYEjVGJzgpEIMzZykqGxs8EkskNEdIO08PH/xAAUAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/8QAFBEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8AqUrDTMBMeYGWLEx6oa4E8RGR1w1QMlNYm EB0hmBEmRzJEwEAEmoizHAzKRMoaeYGSBgSqtMJMm5mMwFmAMW YQHGIZi1QB5jzJsZjIgMSRkRHqgSAgREDHmBExYjJkS0AjzFmE B5ihAwDMcjmEBgx5kRJQDVGDIwBgPMC0jmBMCWYsyOYQJBpkLz DmGYGTVGDvMQaGqBlL4MyGpMJEeYEmbMgJEt5SOqBImSDTGI4E 2aHen3yGYswM5EjiZAYiIECIsyZkTAUIwken/7iA1iMksl1gY1mUCJRDMCREiIy20NUCedoFhI6pAmA2aImEUBE RSQhpgAgTGOki0CLSPjHEYBmGYoswJgwJkRCA4CKLMCcWYsxZg PMMyMIEgY8yMYEAElISamAYjIhDMCJEWmMiImAYkTJqCSAN89A OpPunWcH7J+JXIUpbsiN9usRSA3xuret79hvA4+Jtvy8PH+U+h +ROw6nZ1Vr3dQV6qENTRVxSRh0Y53cg9M4A64zjHY808h2l/TZa9JdZB01lULVQn7QcbnoNjsYFJ3vYXcCz+k21encA0xVWmiM GdCNX6M76jgggeMrQgg4OQR1BGMflPpHsXp3FGjd2dwdQs7k0a 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J6YBliXHZ5bcBotfm5qtXp0tNJCwRXuGGMALuynf1TkYyTO+59 54pcLte8cBqjerRo5wXb/hB4n/AJMp/lLlW75hujd8QqN9GRsHqobGSaNuvRVHQt7/ABPQLm5B5pbiFjTuXomiWLDBOVbSca6Z66Cc9fI9es3l5bl6bI GZCylQ6EB1yMalJBGR+E43n/nynwi1VaFNWqAClSpj1adPCjGrHgF0nSN8Y6A5le8of0gKyME4 kgqoT/W0lC1Ez5oMBl/DB/HpArjnDlerYXlShWyxU5SppIFRDuHGfx367g7nrNQBPrS+4dYc ZtBnRXonJSohwyN0JVuqMPEH8xKY5o7Ea1rlqdYVaZJ0Hu2DDx xV0k6dvtAFdjnRtArQCZlnt4ly9Xtj+nplVP1agIei/wDcrISjdD0PhPEBABJU2iECPKB6G6YnnCHymZDMmmB4SYozFA3 g4Na/r9L4W8+VD0Na/r9L4W8+VNIYCBvPQ1r+v0vhbz5Ufoa1/X6Xwl58qaULBtoG5PBrX9fpfCXnyovQ1r+v0vhbz5U0kMQN0eC Wv6/S+EvPlReg7X9fpfC3nyppoQNz6EtfaFL4W8+VD0Ja+0KXwt58q aXTERA3XoS19oUvhbz5UPQlr7QpfC3nyppIQN16DtfaFL4W8+V D0Ha+0KXwt58qaMxQN76DtfaFL4W8+VH6DtfaFL4W8+VNFmSAg bv0Ha+0KXwt58qA4Ha+0KXwt58qaSLMDe+hLX2hS+FvPlR+hbX 2hS+FvPlTQZjzA3voS19oUvhbz5UPQlr7QpfC3nypojDMDeeg7 X2hS+FvPlQPA7X2hS+FvPlTQmEDe+grX2hS+FvPlRegrX2hS+F vPlTRwxA3noK19oUvhbz5UPQVr7Qo/C3nypooQN76CtfaFH4W8+VD0Ha+0KXwt58qaKEDfehLX2hS+Fv 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xFiMCANEDHiGIChCEBZjzFiGIBCGIoBHFHAIQjgLEAJ6bGxaq2 lNAOMkvUSmoHmXcgCbuly9bU8G7vqWMEmnaq9xU93r4FMb/tGBzyie7hPAq902m2pPVP7C5A8d26D8519tzHwi3U/R7F6zjpUvX1g7dVoodIOfAkdes9lLtkqgFURaNPwS3opT365AQ qU3H32z5QJcN7Crkg1L6vQtaajU5Y6yoHnuqdB11bZnT2fK3Bb BRUcVLh1+3X1Irk7eohVQRvsQCOmCTOJ4l2pM2DRolaoIbvqtd qrhh4ooChDq3zvNE/PF27l61Vqz74NVmcLn7tPOhfxxmBdHHu1A29Ad2lKghH6MsMuV OQBSoL1IIOSSNJxlfGVjzLzC7W61luHNZzpdK+r6WFqKXFSmRs lEoV3BGdfTSZxt9etVcvUILEAEhFXOkAZIUDJ23PUnJnnxA9l/xirXSilV9S0KfdUhgDSmc6cgb/AJzf8vclLdWnfiq2s3VO27pKIYrrBdqhZnUYFNXbqANJyRicqB O/5c5q9H2FI21xRao1d6l1aMlT9JSZFprTLldOwDE77ah1xiByXG LKjTqslvWNdFOO97ruwxHig1MSvkTj8J7uBcqtc293WU4W1o95 jxqEMmpVH7KNknwyn3p5OOUqIrFrZs0anrop+vSBO9KoPvKcjI 2YYI64Hc8G5st7Ovb0Fr0ati9B6d0yWhpvqrKe9JJXWRkU8YP2 NxArfM3vEeXlo2Nvc98HNy9QKiow0LSAFTWzYy2plGwx13M1F5 SRarrSfvKYY6H0ldS+BKncH3Td8bvaD2FjTp1CatFa3epobSDV qawVc7HbAIgaENExkFmRYArSJkgsZWAlmTMgFjIgR0x6YtURMC TNFqkYoBmBEWYiYDzAGQzCBItFqhiIiAaoi0DFAYMNUjmECUDE xiBgMxR5hAjHAxYgOImEWYBHCEBwihmARRwgEUcIChCMQCEIoE o8SIMeYDxGBFmGYAYoYhiA8R4hDMAEYMUcCRMjqjkTAYMkGmPM kTAyUzMq+6edTMimBkAkyJiU7ycCartJARBoBhAwYkWPlCEBGR JihAWYQhAIZhCAZjihAURhCAoLHCAiYoQgMQhCAoCEIChCEBiE IQDMMwhAUIQgEcIQFGIQgEDCEAAkoQgEIQgMCEIQCOEICBjhCA QKwhAMRquYQgAEyqsIQJhd5MLCECTJiKEIH//Z
Square Shop (
AC II Ezio Y4bhtRbHP4IY5xUPdhBZA
Material: PVC (
Height: 25 cm
Price: 50 Euro
Edition/Ltd. to: European Collectors Edition
Status: Sold out
AC III Connor
Material: PVC (
Height: 25 cm
Price: 90 Euro
Edition/Ltd. to: ?
Status: Release Feb. 2014 Preorder (
AC IV Edward 2_01.jpg 0_01.jpg 0_02.jpg 0_03.jpg 0_04.jpg
Material: PVC (
Height: 25 cm
Price: 90 Euro
Edition/Ltd. to: ?
Status: Release Feb. 2014 Preorder (
05-14-2013, 08:26 PM
Gamestars (
Figures:(from left to right)
Assassins Creed Brotherhood
Cesare Borgia
The Doctor
Da Vinci
Ezio Auditore Da Firenze
The Harlequin
Material: PVC (
Height: 8 cm
Price: Figures between 8.00$ and 26.00$
Edition/Ltd. to: ?
Status: In Stock
05-14-2013, 08:27 PM
Spawn (
Assassins creed Series
Material: PVC (
Height: 15 cm
Price: Figures:14.99 $, 3-Pack 39.99 $
Edition/Ltd. to:
Status: In Stock
Edward Kenway Assassin's Creed Resin Statue (Painted)
Material: Cold Cast (
Height: 35 cm
Price: 295 $
Edition/Ltd. to: 950
Status: Release 13. Dec 2013 Preorder (
Edward Kenway Assassin's Creed Resin Statue (Unpainted)
Material: Cold Cast (
Height: 35 cm
Price: 295 $
Edition/Ltd. to: 50
Status: Release 13. Dec 2013 Preorder (
05-14-2013, 09:19 PM
05-14-2013, 09:21 PM
Yes finally we can post now
Meh black beard statue is ok
Don't think he was an assassin though
05-14-2013, 09:25 PM
He's not, he's a legendary pirate :P xx
05-14-2013, 09:25 PM
Character: Blackbeard
Dimensions : tbc (lxhxp mm)
Weight: tbc
Type:cardboard box
Dimensions: tbc (lxhxp mm)
Weight: tbc.
Languages: EFIGSNL
Character: Edward Kenway, the hero of AC4
Dimensions : 120x235x220 (lxhxp mm)
Weight: 650g
Type: tbc
Dimensions:25x28x25 (lxhxp mm)
Weight: 950g.
Languages: EFIGSNL
05-14-2013, 09:33 PM
He's not, he's a legendary pirate :P xx
lol vhal I do know who Blackbeard is in standard literature and history
I was just curious if they retconned his character for the game
I don't really expect an AC game to be historically accurate in any real sense after all even if blackbeard was real
05-14-2013, 09:45 PM
Mathika I would have suggested one post per game release and all figures for the release
As then ac 1-IV only takes up 6 posts
05-15-2013, 02:07 AM
How you gonna pics when AC V comes out then?!
05-15-2013, 03:24 AM
I sure hope the UbiCollectables statue is US bound as well.
05-15-2013, 09:57 AM
How you gonna pics when AC V comes out then?!
This is only a Test
i think it will be better when i make it like my thread
Then Statue and Figures
05-15-2013, 10:10 AM
How you gonna pics when AC V comes out then?!
Get a mid to move a post from a different thread to the start of this thread in order to add extra posts
Cool, blackbeard. nice details and pose. will definitely buy it. though I get the point of swiftdeath. he was not an assassin.
I rather want to see a statue of other assassins that we know.
Aveline,Orelov or DESMOND!!
honestly, I also want to see a statue of Haytam ;)
05-15-2013, 11:41 AM
Cool, blackbeard. nice details and pose. will definitely buy it. though I get the point of swiftdeath. he was not an assassin.
I rather want to see a statue of other assassins that we know.
Aveline,Orelov or DESMOND!!
honestly, I also want to see a statue of Haytam ;)
Or better yet
The original six assassins that we see in the monterigioni crypt, made to the 24cm scale
05-15-2013, 12:48 PM
Hey Look @ the Base of the two ubicollectible AC BF statues
Is it a Little Puzzle diorama
05-15-2013, 01:16 PM
Hey Look @ the Base of the two ubicollectible AC BF statues
Is it a Little Puzzle diorama
Very hard to say
Looks like they fit back to back to make a round base (as Edward has a log on the right, and Blackbeard has a log on the left of the base)
Which is good for those of us with revolving / rotating bases
Not good for the rest of us
Hey Look @ the Base of the two ubicollectible AC BF statues
Is it a Little Puzzle diorama
The base totally match up. it's diorama of them fighting the enemies back to back
05-15-2013, 01:23 PM
Here's the back of Edwards and it is made to slot into something bit they haven't released an image of the back of Blackbeard's base
I'd say well pointed out math but I spotted it as soon as I saw blackbeards statue, but well done first pointing it out math
05-15-2013, 01:42 PM
lol vhal I do know who Blackbeard is in standard literature and history
I was just curious if they retconned his character for the game
I don't really expect an AC game to be historically accurate in any real sense after all even if blackbeard was real
Haha, I wasn't taking the piss saying that you don't know who he is :P
It was because on the image he's listed as "The Legendary Pirate", as opposed to an assassin, so he may not actually be referred to as an assassin in the game, just a pirate whom you work with xx
05-15-2013, 06:40 PM
Here's the back of Edwards and it is made to slot into something bit they haven't released an image of the back of Blackbeard's base
I'd say well pointed out math but I spotted it as soon as I saw blackbeards statue, but well done first pointing it out math
Personally I'm all for matching attaching statues
I mean we all knew Ubi was going to make a transformers AC statue at some point right? :P
Nah should look great on a shelf
Haha, I wasn't taking the piss saying that you don't know who he is :P
It was because on the image he's listed as "The Legendary Pirate", as opposed to an assassin, so he may not actually be referred to as an assassin in the game, just a pirate whom you work with xx
lol no worries vhal
I guess he seems more like an Assassin Associate then an assassin
I wouldn't be opposed to blackbeard being an undercover assassin but I doubt ubi would go for that, probably too much facial hair to join the club
05-15-2013, 07:25 PM
As long as these ubicollectiblesndont come sealed so I don't feel obliged to keep them sealed I'm all for mix and match statues
And I don't think Blackbeard is going to be an assassin associate or assassin
I deal as though a lot of key figures in the next game are going to be mercenary types that bat for both sides, and take the side of who ever pays them the most
05-15-2013, 10:04 PM
Anyone ever seen one of these, packaged like this in a white box with a window?$T2eC16ZHJGkFFm3NY)VRBRk4(SOWig~~60_12.JPG
05-15-2013, 10:11 PM
Anyone ever seen one of these, packaged like this in a white box with a window?$T2eC16ZHJGkFFm3NY)VRBRk4(SOWig~~60_12.JPG
I've never seen that before lily
Just looked to see if I could find anything on it
Picture looks really bad though
You sure a fan didn't make that?
Doubt ubi would release such a rough photo like that
its one of those amazon shitty stock photos or something like that i reckon
05-15-2013, 10:17 PM
its one of those amazon shitty stock photos or something like that i reckon
The picture is courtesy of an Italian eBay listing
So unsure if its an Italian exclusive or just an early stock photograph
And I don't speak Italian so I can't ask for a photograph of the actual item
im gna stick with my assumption then, i mean if italian is off the menu il have a chinese
Want a desmond miles statue for christ sake!!!
05-16-2013, 06:19 AM
Want a desmond miles statue for christ sake!!!
Who is this Desmond Miles you speak of?
Surely if he were an important AC character there would be more collectibles about him :rotf:
05-16-2013, 06:25 AM
Want a desmond miles statue for christ sake!!!
They absolutely should. I thought they were going to make a full game for him.
I also want Aveline and Nikolai statues!!
Problem for Desmond, he won't fit in well with the rest of the Assassins as he doesn't have a proper Assassin's garb.. A modern day hoodie just doesn't cut it..
05-16-2013, 06:41 AM
They absolutely should. I thought they were going to make a full game for him.
I also want Aveline and Nikolai statues!!
Problem for Desmond, he won't fit in well with the rest of the Assassins as he doesn't have a proper Assassin's garb.. A modern day hoodie just doesn't cut it..
He can have a ceremonial robe and a short 3 minute initiation ceremony video
Oh wait he's dead
05-16-2013, 06:41 AM
Anyone ever seen one of these, packaged like this in a white box with a window?$T2eC16ZHJGkFFm3NY)VRBRk4(SOWig~~60_12.JPG
Yep ( exklusive Statue with lithos
whats with the nonsense? duh there is story in assassin's creed without desmond... :thumb:
05-16-2013, 07:05 AM
Yep ( exklusive Statue with lithos
Not an extra life exclusive
Το θέλετε?
Assassin?s Creed III: Connor Rises Freedom Edition PVC Statue (70-75 Ευρώ max)
UBICollectibles is proud to present its new masterpiece based on Ubisoft most acclaimed franchise. This highly detailed collectible is specially crafted based on the image of Connor in the video game. The figure is the one included in the limited Freedom Edition and Connor can be seen on a Stone bearing an American flag. This PVC figure of 25 cm is maintained at maximum detail and adheres to the image of the game.
Release date 25/06/2013
Amazon.DE ( (
Here (
Don't know how its different to the one in LE/Freedom/Asian
05-16-2013, 07:29 AM
?Exclusiva a XtraLife por un tiempo limitado!
Exklusiv for a limited Time to xtralifes
In June it will be available to other sites
05-16-2013, 07:31 AM
The pics on the Amazon sites look like the ones Mike took for the database.
05-16-2013, 07:35 AM
The pics on the Amazon sites look like the ones Mike took for the database.
Mike? Database? Link?
Yea same figure just a repack/ different box
I guess this is what happens when a CE doesn't sell as expected
The badge can be melted down
The flag and book recycled
The figure repackaged and sold
But 50EUR is a bit high, make it 30GBP and its a deal
05-16-2013, 07:45 AM
It seems they took the pics from here. Maybe Twisted/Mike gave them permission...
05-16-2013, 07:56 AM
It seems they took the pics from here. Maybe Twisted/Mike gave them permission...
Yep its the same picture
At first I thought it was just a coincidence like they both used the same framing but the defects appear on both
Well that's how professional his images are
even the lithographs are just the same?
05-16-2013, 08:18 AM
even the lithographs are just the same?
05-16-2013, 08:48 AM
Where are the lithos from?
The freedom edition?
05-16-2013, 09:21 AM
Where are the lithos from?
The freedom edition?
Yep and a few stores in the UK where giving them out with each season pass purchased and a few others giving them out for other reasons like pre order bonuses bit this wasn't like an entire store franchise thing. Just one or 2 stores ( to see if offering different pre order bonuses would effect the number of pre orders and season pass sales)
The base totally match up. it's diorama of them fighting the enemies back to back
I'm thinking of putting a Conner figure on each end...
"Conner your not alive yet and already had your game, gtfo here"
05-16-2013, 09:59 PM
Ok main Statues and Figures added except First limited edition mini statue and the two jack of the box puppets
and the inofficial Firefigures
05-16-2013, 11:11 PM
You have an import dragon 5inch Connor bust
And pure arts Connor coin bank missing
Heh, I seem to be late to the party on the Blackbeard figure.
I only got my discount e-mail last night, it's a pretty cool thing to do.
One thing though that I've not spotted yet is how big they are, I'm really curious about that.
Also nice call on the bases, they look like they could fit together.
05-17-2013, 04:00 AM
You have an import dragon 5inch Connor bust
And pure arts Connor coin bank missing
I was going to get one of those busts,but i had a good look at the paint job on it & it looks like a bloody monkey painted it. Its damn awful.
The AC Revelations 9 inch PVC figure is still available for a retail price of $115 (with free shipping to most places i think),if you know where to look:) Stupid thing is just double checked it still was available & the price has gone up as it was only $76 last week
05-17-2013, 04:37 AM
Nice spotting on the connecting bases. Didn't see that.
But I did notice the pose of Edward Kenway set it up for a brilliant diorama. With his 2 hands up with guns on each, he seems to be holding off an enemy on each side. Guess there's still time for another figure to be announced..
05-17-2013, 06:39 AM
You have an import dragon 5inch Connor bust
And pure arts Connor coin bank missing
Shame on purearts for this Bad piece :(
Is the purearts Logo of the Box?
05-17-2013, 07:23 AM
Shame on purearts for this Bad piece :(
Is the purearts Logo of the Box?
Yes that's how I known they made it
05-17-2013, 07:24 AM
So what is the best way for American members to buy these statues do you think?
Anyone know any american online toy stores that will likely get these?
Or perhaps an european amazon that will ship it?
05-17-2013, 08:08 AM
So what is the best way for American members to buy these statues do you think?
Anyone know any american online toy stores that will likely get these?
Or perhaps an european amazon that will ship it?
Forbidden planet
UK member to forward them? As only ubistore/Bishop/uplay are going to offer the multi buy discount
05-17-2013, 01:41 PM
Between these two statues, and the new gauntlet, AC merchandise seems to be slowly cleaning my wallet out.
05-17-2013, 02:23 PM
Between these two statues, and the new gauntlet, AC merchandise seems to be slowly cleaning my wallet out.
New gauntlet!?? Where when? How much
05-17-2013, 02:29 PM
What new gauntlet??!
05-17-2013, 03:13 PM
I spotted it this afternoon on MightyApe when I was checking my orders.
05-17-2013, 03:27 PM
I spotted it this afternoon on MightyApe when I was checking my orders.
I need a video or a pic of the gauntlet itself
the NECA one was realy bad and look like for little kids
05-17-2013, 03:27 PM
I spotted it this afternoon on MightyApe when I was checking my orders.
Damn there own McFarlane website is so far behind the times
They don't have any info on any assassins creed products
05-17-2013, 03:47 PM
Oh the McFarlane one.. Yea they were planning on making one but I didn't know it was going to be base on Edward Kenway. Now I want the Ezio gauntlets even more
05-17-2013, 03:52 PM
They've also got a three pack of figures listed that I'm tempted to buy. I'm in the same boat though, for that price it better be way more impressive than the last one, I'm still watching the prices drop on that.
05-17-2013, 03:53 PM
I need a video or a pic of the gauntlet itself
the NECA one was realy bad and look like for little kids
Yea I agree that the NECA gauntlet looks a little cheap and childish which is why I haven't gotten it yet. Still not fully convinced about it. But I still think it looks pretty cool and might make a cool display. Plenty of those for cheap on eBay directly from China but not sure if they are fake ones or real..
What's the other gauntlet replica that Tiao has in his collection? What's the story behind that?
05-17-2013, 04:12 PM
I do believe there was a Press Kit/Launch Kit containing another one.
On Topic: The Blackbeard and Edward Kenway figurines are probably cheapest through Ubistore at the moment?
05-17-2013, 04:17 PM
Crap that ubistore, doesn't work for me. I think buying from Game Uk is a better option for me as shipping is 5 pounds.
Shipping for the buccaneer edition is also 5 pounds to Singapore. That cheap?
Crap that ubistore, doesn't work for me. I think buying from Game Uk is a better option for me as shipping is 5 pounds.
Shipping for the buccaneer edition is also 5 pounds to Singapore. That cheap?
only 5 pounds?
but I'm sure they will charge you high custom tax in when it arrives it SG.
05-17-2013, 04:30 PM
If the Buccaneer edition is over 2kg in weight (or maybe 1kg, can't remember) then GAME won't ship outside of the UK as far as I know xx
05-17-2013, 05:43 PM
Blackbeard'll be the first AC statue to have the face fully exposed. They've always skimped on the quality of the face sculpt because they're partially obscured with the hoodie... not anymore! :dance:
05-17-2013, 05:58 PM
Ahh it went until the order confirmation page. No taxes in SG unless the value is declared above SGD$400
Between these two statues, and the new gauntlet, AC merchandise seems to be slowly cleaning my wallet out.
Easy for you to say, my wallet is being polished :(
Ahh it went until the order confirmation page. No taxes in SG unless the value is declared above SGD$400
I remember my Ezio fury, I only paid $15 on shipment. but our post office charged me around $50 upon receiving.
05-19-2013, 06:03 AM
Those Ezio fury statues are only AU$250 at the moment,must have a load leftover they want to sell:)
Heres a little vid that some others might find of interest. Especially the bit about some huge 3d type posters in the works:)
05-19-2013, 07:02 AM
I remember my Ezio fury, I only paid $15 on shipment. but our post office charged me around $50 upon receiving.
That's crap, where did you buy it from? Game UK?
05-19-2013, 08:18 AM
Those Ezio fury statues are only AU$250 at the moment,must have a load leftover they want to sell:)
Heres a little vid that some others might find of interest. Especially the bit about some huge 3d type posters in the works:)
15-24 inch figures/statues of Altair, Ezio, Connor, Aveline, Edward, and Nikolai orelov
ERM yes please
I don't think he meant 3d poster I think he meant recreating the poster with figures, but that's just me being hopeful
They have free reign over the AC franchise to make anything
So we could well see a Desmond and Daniel cross if enough people pester them and ask for it
05-20-2013, 06:12 AM
15-24 inch figures/statues of Altair, Ezio, Connor, Aveline, Edward, and Nikolai orelov
ERM yes please
I don't think he meant 3d poster I think he meant recreating the poster with figures, but that's just me being hopeful
They have free reign over the AC franchise to make anything
So we could well see a Desmond and Daniel cross if enough people pester them and ask for it
Sounded like he meant posters of that size but I'm not going to say no to larger figures! :drool:
05-20-2013, 07:21 AM
Sounded like he meant posters of that size but I'm not going to say no to larger figures! :drool:
He probably did mean posters
But he also said he had free reign
So anything is possible
05-26-2013, 12:21 AM
Hey Everyone:wave: I Don't Post Often Because Most Of The Time, I'm Reading (Old/New/EVERY Page). Also Because I Don't Know The Proper One To Post Some Of My Questions In (Which Is Why I Read Every Page).... Anyway I've Seen A Few Cool Looking AC Figures (7") And Statues That I Don't Think Are Licensed. My Question Is, If It's Not Licensed What's The Most I Should Pay For Them? I Wasn't Sure If This Should Be Here Or In The "Value Of" Thread.
05-26-2013, 08:56 AM
Hey Everyone:wave: I Don't Post Often Because Most Of The Time, I'm Reading (Old/New/EVERY Page). Also Because I Don't Know The Proper One To Post Some Of My Questions In (Which Is Why I Read Every Page).... Anyway I've Seen A Few Cool Looking AC Figures (7") And Statues That I Don't Think Are Licensed. My Question Is, If It's Not Licensed What's The Most I Should Pay For Them? I Wasn't Sure If This Should Be Here Or In The "Value Of" Thread.
Depends on the size and quality
So if you link to them people can give you an idea
But you should pay what ever you are happy to pay
06-05-2013, 09:57 AM
Something that has slipped through most peoples radar
I present the final ACIII figure
06-05-2013, 10:43 AM
Something that has slipped through most peoples radar
I present the final ACIII figure
And the final solution to getting rid of left overs. I would like to get just the empty box to display my spare but no way would i buy this edition. Especially considering you could buy the Freedom edition cheaper & get a game with it,lol
06-05-2013, 11:02 AM
Blackbeard and Edward Kenway figures are available to order through EBgames Aus for $65 as well as the Blackbeard and Black Bart figures (only the statues are on the website currently)
Kenway (
Blackbeard (
06-05-2013, 11:11 AM
Blackbeard and Edward Kenway figures are available to order through EBgames Aus for $65 as well as the Blackbeard and Black Bart figures (only the statues are on the website currently)
Kenway (
Blackbeard (
black bart?
kind find any details on that one
06-05-2013, 11:22 AM
black bart?
kind find any details on that one
The only Black Bart i can think of the the sails DLC.
Still waiting & hoping for a complete pirate ship to show up:D
06-05-2013, 11:28 AM
The only Black Bart i can think of the the sails DLC.
Still waiting & hoping for a complete pirate ship to show up:D
1.2 millions dollars buys you a complete pirate ship
what sort of size was you hoping for
i am sure there will be a LEGO tie in Assassin's Creed pirate collection this time around
06-05-2013, 11:43 AM
My preorder reciept says "Black Bart fi" which I can only assume was a figure considering they were both $25 each
06-05-2013, 11:55 AM
My preorder reciept says "Black Bart fi" which I can only assume was a figure considering they were both $25 each
where you pre order from store or online?
maybe its the mcfarlane figures
06-05-2013, 12:00 PM
My preorder reciept says "Black Bart fi" which I can only assume was a figure considering they were both $25 each
Could be the Mc Farlane figures????
1.2 millions dollars buys you a complete pirate ship
what sort of size was you hoping for
i am sure there will be a LEGO tie in Assassin's Creed pirate collection this time around
Lego,pfft.Already lego pirates of the caribean anyways:)
This sort of ship,Blackbeards Queen Anne:D (
06-05-2013, 12:07 PM
Could be the Mc Farlane figures????
Lego,pfft.Already lego pirates of the caribean anyways:)
This sort of ship,Blackbeards Queen Anne:D (
why not just buy that one
06-05-2013, 12:25 PM
why not just buy that one
If nothing comes out officialy,i probably will buy something like this. I think it would make a nice background piece for all the pre-order bits,figures & everything else we are already at overload with:)
06-05-2013, 12:32 PM
If nothing comes out officialy,i probably will buy something like this. I think it would make a nice background piece for all the pre-order bits,figures & everything else we are already at overload with:)
Hippie shush stop giving them ideas for more merch
06-05-2013, 12:46 PM
I'd suspect they were the Mcfarlane figures too. I have a feeling that they'll come down to $50 each for the statues at release, and i'll be picking them up myself instore so I'm content.
06-05-2013, 02:30 PM
Not sure whether this should be in another thread or not, (please move if so :)) but ubi just announced another hidden blade to be released with ac IV, you can preorder at gamestop or in europe at a later date:
Looks pretty good, but arent mcfarlane supposed to be also releasing a connor replica as well?
Looks pretty good,
Yes, where's connor replica?
and they should make the others hidden blade.
06-22-2013, 04:18 AM
Connor rises has surfaced
Expected on Tuesday 30 July, 2013
I expect other sources to announce soon although expect quite announcements not really front page news but more silent releases
Forbidden ( listed at 49.99 GBP with pre order discount lowering it to 39.99
Listed on ubishop UK for 29.99 GBP
07-09-2013, 11:50 AM
Todd McFarlane and his crew at the ubiblog have released a few pictures for your enjoyment
And then the gauntlet
07-09-2013, 11:51 AM
I am looking forward to which statues he choices to make
There is supposed to be at sscc (not for sale but to show off)
I wonder who it is and what scale it will be
07-09-2013, 12:24 PM
I have a feeling it will be a resin statue relating to AC Black Flag more than AC 3. While some AC 3 items still sell well a decent statue for black flag may help boost the sales of the new game. In saying that,if they do a AC 3 resin statue this may boost interest in the game again. The anticipation is killing me,would love to know what the heck it will be & how big it will be:) Still waiting for a ship to be released:D
07-09-2013, 12:31 PM
Figures look great, hope they look just as good on person. I'm getting them all for sure.
07-09-2013, 02:33 PM
I thought the ac1 crouching and 10inch altair and white black and master edition statues and nrptherhood and revelations seperate statues where resin
And the newer
Connor the hunter and Connor rises from US level and freedom where called cold cast
07-10-2013, 02:48 PM
Wow the Gauntlet looks good way better the the other (NECA)
I thought the ac1 crouching and 10inch altair and white black and master edition statues and nrptherhood and revelations seperate statues where resin
And the newer
Connor the hunter and Connor rises from US level and freedom where called cold cast
then the freedom Edition would cost min. 300 - 400 Euro
07-10-2013, 03:24 PM
dont know if this was already postet, but i found this one on the shop where i buy my statues (its a german site)
if this is right, there well be coming a set with all 4 Ezios statues from ubisoft in december for 99 Euro... since the Brotherhood and Revelations figure is sold out and the prices on ebay are high, this is a pretty good deal
07-10-2013, 03:25 PM
dont know if this was already postet, but i found this one on the shop where i buy my statues (its a german site)
if this is right, there well be coming a set with all 4 Ezios statues from ubisoft in december for 99 Euro... since the Brotherhood and Revelations figure is sold out and the prices on ebay are high, this is a pretty good deal
I look forward to this.
07-10-2013, 05:34 PM
Well that's not cool. I own 3/4 of those.
07-10-2013, 05:36 PM
23 cm height seems kinda small? Not sure as I don't really collect statues.
07-10-2013, 05:46 PM
Dammit I can't view the page because my network provider thinks I'm under 18 just because I don't have a credit card
07-10-2013, 05:49 PM
23 cm height seems kinda small? Not sure as I don't really collect statues.
I think there the same height as originals. What they have done is proabaly just dust off the moulds of the original ones & re-release them in a package bundle. Like to see what the packaging will be,wether its individual or a true box set with all in one. Problem is most will already have at least 2 of these already from the black & white editions. Be interesting to see if they will also sell individually or in sets of two or something:think:
07-10-2013, 05:52 PM
Can some one link to a picture pweez
Or just copy and paste the info for me
07-10-2013, 05:54 PM
• 1x ASSASSIN'S CREED II - Ezio Auditore Black
• 1x ASSASSIN'S CREED II - Ezio Auditore White
07-10-2013, 05:54 PM
Can some one link to a picture pweez
Or just copy and paste the info for me
Try this RlbGx1bmdlbi1uYWNoLU1vbmF0L0RlemVtYmVyL0FTU0FTU0lO LVMtQ1JFRUQtLS1FemlvLUF1ZGl0b3JlLVBWQy1TdGF0dWVuLT Rlci1TZXQtLVViaXNvZnQtLmh0bWw%3D&hl=2ed
Oh and strange to think you're ISP can age lock your account :think:
07-10-2013, 05:57 PM
Try this RlbGx1bmdlbi1uYWNoLU1vbmF0L0RlemVtYmVyL0FTU0FTU0lO LVMtQ1JFRUQtLS1FemlvLUF1ZGl0b3JlLVBWQy1TdGF0dWVuLT Rlci1TZXQtLVViaXNvZnQtLmh0bWw%3D&hl=2ed
Oh and strange to think you're ISP can age lock your account :think:I'm on mobile so its not ISP its mobile phone operator
they block way too much stuff :(
That link was blocked too :(
Of we are just going by names then I have all of them
But Without more info I can't possibly comment
As I don't know if there action figures or statues
07-10-2013, 06:04 PM
I'm on mobile so its not ISP its mobile phone operator
they block way too much stuff :(
That link was blocked too :(
Of we are just going by names then I have all of them
But Without more info I can't possibly comment
As I don't know if there action figures or statues
Sorry to hear that but can't really be helped from here
You should talk to your phone company then
Anyways def statues
ASSASSIN`S CREED - Ezio Auditore PVC Statuen 4er Set (Ubisoft)
Plus picture is pretty damn clear to me
07-10-2013, 06:08 PM
Sorry to hear that but can't really be helped from here
You should talk to your phone company then
Anyways def statues
Plus picture is pretty damn clear to me
That's why I asked someone to link the picture
As I can't see it :p
But :censored: it
I quiet
07-10-2013, 06:09 PM
So these are just re-releases of the statues from previous editions? That is basically screwing the people who bought the earlier editions for the statues. :nono:
07-10-2013, 06:13 PM
That's why I asked someone to link the picture
As I can't see it :p
But :censored: it
I quiet
You can't see deathhounds post?
? 1x ASSASSIN'S CREED II - Ezio Auditore Black
? 1x ASSASSIN'S CREED II - Ezio Auditore White
If not I'll take a screen grab and post it on photobucker
Maybe you could see that
Photo shows each statue btw
07-10-2013, 06:17 PM
Nope I see no pictures right now
And on a side note
Thank you for your help
Thank death bound for the information
McFarlane owns ALL rights to figures statues and toys for the brand that is Assassin'S Creed
So these would have to be new statues or as far as I can tell it would breech UBisoft contract and license to McFarlane toys if they where not made by his company
Because, although it may be a repack, it is the first time they have been on general sale and therefore a new statue which goes against the sole rights that we where led to believe the McFarlane toys had
UBisoft you are a major screwup
07-10-2013, 06:26 PM
Pure Arts and Gaya Entertainment have them too
07-10-2013, 06:27 PM
Pure Arts and Gaya Entertainment have them too
Have what?
The statues?
The license to do anything?
07-10-2013, 06:27 PM
Not sure if the Link here works for you, Lily. You can try.
07-10-2013, 06:35 PM
they making the statues from Black Chest -, Buccaneer Edition
and they make Edward and Blackbeard
07-10-2013, 06:53 PM
Nope I see no pictures right now
And on a side note
Thank you for your help
Thank death bound for the information
McFarlane owns ALL rights to figures statues and toys for the brand that is Assassin'S Creed
So these would have to be new statues or as far as I can tell it would breech UBisoft contract and license to McFarlane toys if they where not made by his company
Because, although it may be a repack, it is the first time they have been on general sale and therefore a new statue which goes against the sole rights that we where led to believe the McFarlane toys had
UBisoft you are a major screwup (
If you can't see this lily I really don't know what to tell you
07-10-2013, 06:58 PM
Not sure if the Link here works for you, Lily. You can try.
Thank you but there entire website and all its content has a 18plus rating so I can't view any of it
Thanks swift death
ERM it must be me but something looks wrong with that picture
The gold sword on the master assassin ac2 Ezio does not look right too me
07-10-2013, 07:26 PM
Nice figures!!
07-10-2013, 07:29 PM
Thank you but there entire website and all its content has a 18plus rating so I can't view any of it
Thanks swift death
ERM it must be me but something looks wrong with that picture
The gold sword on the master assassin ac2 Ezio does not look right too me
You're welcome :D
Glad you can finally see it
Only statue with a golden sword I can see is the ACB statue
ACII master assassin statue is in the back left
Here's an official pic of the "old" ACB statue
07-10-2013, 08:53 PM
Bummer! i have all 4 of those :blackeye:
07-10-2013, 09:27 PM
You're welcome :D
Glad you can finally see it
Only statue with a golden sword I can see is the ACB statue
ACII master assassin statue is in the back left
Here's an official pic of the "old" ACB statue
Take a look at the assassin in the top right
He has a sword too
(That's the black ed figure but the outfit is called master assassin) (not the figure from master assassin edition)
Just looked at 3 of my four figures and they look identical
07-10-2013, 09:29 PM
Take a look at the assassin in the top right
He has a sword too
(That's the black ed figure but the outfit is called master assassin) (not the figure from master assassin edition)
Just looked at 3 of my four figures and they look identical
Well I am a blind panda this much should be known
Still look the same statues to me
Which one have you yet to check, lily?
07-10-2013, 09:31 PM
Well I am a blind panda this much should be known
Still look the same statues to me
Which one have you yet to check, lily?
Haven't checked the top left / white edition / master assassin edition
As that involves actually opening a box and well I was feeling lazy
07-10-2013, 09:38 PM
Sorry to all you statue collectors
Here's another re packaging of the NA LE /freedom edition / Asian LE / Connor Rises
This makes it the 5th yes fifth re packaging of this statue
I am torn as to whether I am going to buy this one
Here is one picture from the eBay as I have just found it now g
(Link to the sellers unboxing pictures (
I do love the simplicity of this box but I also love the Connor rises box that I already have
It would have been perfect if this simple box had the other box inside but it does not :(
07-11-2013, 12:55 AM
Nope I see no pictures right now
And on a side note
Thank you for your help
Thank death bound for the information
McFarlane owns ALL rights to figures statues and toys for the brand that is Assassin'S Creed
So these would have to be new statues or as far as I can tell it would breech UBisoft contract and license to McFarlane toys if they where not made by his company
Because, although it may be a repack, it is the first time they have been on general sale and therefore a new statue which goes against the sole rights that we where led to believe the McFarlane toys had
UBisoft you are a major screwup
I'm not sure if all rights means Exclusive rights. I'm not very good at terms. But like mentioned before, Pure Arts also seem to have the license as they have been producing most if bit all of the recent CE statues but those seem to be branded under UbiCollectibles. Connor the Hunter had the SycoCollectibles brand on it as well.
Barran also noted a Assassin's Creed statue from Sideshow which could be revealed at SDCC so I doubt McFarlane has exclusive rights. So not sure what "all rights" mean..
07-11-2013, 07:24 AM
Whoa the square enix play-arts Edward and Connor figures look really detailed. Do you guys prefer Todd's or Play's?
07-11-2013, 07:34 AM
Whoa the square enix play-arts Edward and Connor figures look really detailed. Do you guys prefer Todd's or Play's?
I have only seen Todd's action figures for Edward hay than and Connor
07-11-2013, 07:40 AM
I'm not sure if all rights means Exclusive rights. I'm not very good at terms. But like mentioned before, Pure Arts also seem to have the license as they have been producing most if bit all of the recent CE statues but those seem to be branded under UbiCollectibles. Connor the Hunter had the SycoCollectibles brand on it as well.
Barran also noted a Assassin's Creed statue from Sideshow which could be revealed at SDCC so I doubt McFarlane has exclusive rights. So not sure what "all rights" mean..
Sideshow and McFarlane are revealing a statue at sdcc
Wow this is going to get hectic and very confusing
Especially when there's already two Edward and Blackbeard statues(one of each) under the brand ubicollectibles
07-11-2013, 07:43 AM
Hi Lily, here:
Dang can't wait for sideshow's teaser. :O
wow.. play arts :)
like the quality
07-11-2013, 09:53 AM
Hi Lily, here:
Dang can't wait for sideshow's teaser. :O
Just wow
That is good
Expected price for these things is how much usually?
07-11-2013, 03:15 PM
I'm not sure, but I notice that the price lingers around $50 when play-arts initially release their figures. Use that as a really rough estimate just to be on the safe side. :P:think:
07-11-2013, 05:11 PM
So only germany is selling that set of 4 statues? It's tempting since they're so cheap!
07-11-2013, 06:13 PM
So only germany is selling that set of 4 statues? It's tempting since they're so cheap!
i dont know, fistco was the only shop i found who has this offer, i tryed to find some more infos but i found nothing... even Ubishop has no infos yet... i will try to contact the shop and ask them if they can give me some more infos
07-11-2013, 06:29 PM
Just wait for all the schmucks to come out of the woodwork,buy the sets & then re-sell them as individual loose figures at a stupid price before anyone realises it.
07-11-2013, 06:42 PM
07-11-2013, 06:44 PM
Ubisoft has announced their SDCC plans ? and they?re huge. As in pirate ship huge. To support the next Assassin?s Creed game they?re bringing the Jackdaw:drool: to the convention center, which will be docked at the 5th Avenue Landing. Todd McFarlane will be on board on the 19th from 4-7PM signing an exclusive Assassin?s Creed and showcasing McFarlane Toys? latest Assassin?s Creed figures and statues. For all the details on Ubisoft?s SDCC plans, keep reading after the jump!
San Diego Comic Con 2013 is right around the corner, and Ubisoft will be there with a jam-packed lineup, including Watch Dogs, Assassin?s Creed IV Black Flag, Splinter Cell Blacklist, Rayman Legends and South Park: The Stick of Truth. Along with a full show-floor presence, Ubisoft also has four panels (details below). But the highlight of Comic Con might just be Black Flag?s infamous ship itself, the Jackdaw.
Docked at the 5th Avenue Landing behind the San Diego Convention Center, the ship?s three expansive levels will be open to the public on July 19 and 20 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. On board, attendees will experience a new single-player demo and get hands-on time with the multiplayer and Game Lab. Legendary artist Todd McFarlane will be on the Jackdaw on July 19 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. and July 20 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. signing an exclusive Assassin?s Creed poster and showing off the new McFarlane Toys? Assassin?s Creed figure line and RESIN STATUE :quote:. Fans can also receive inflatable cutlass swords, art booklets from Titan, prizes and more. Also located on the Jackdaw will be a live weapon demonstration from noted pirate weapon historian Mike Loades.
Gamers who pre-order Black Flag will receive a free t-shirt while supplies last. When it?s time to debark the Jackdaw, head to the San Diego Civic Center on July 20 for a free concert, brought to you by Amazon Video Games and Assassin?s Creed. The concert will be open to all ? no Comic Con badge necessary.
Inside the Convention Center players will find themselves in a fully connected recreation of Chicago at the Ubisoft booth (#135) from July 18 to 21 in the Exhibition hall. Visitors will have access to never-before-released footage of the game. Fans who preorder Watch Dogs from will receive an exclusive free t-shirt while supplies last.
Rayman Legends will be available to check out at the GameSpot booth in the Exhibition hall. If you are unable to attend Comic Con you can still experience Rayman Legends at the Xbox Gaming Lounge, located at the Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel at 1 Market Place or the Nintendo Gaming Lounge at the San Diego Marriott Marquis and Marina at 333 W Harbor Drive. (
:beg:I realy hope for a good looking statue from McFarlane (but i have bad feelings with it; i mean look at the figures then you know what i mean)
I realy want to see a Sideshow Statue :drool:
07-11-2013, 08:34 PM
Close mathika but at no point did UBisoft call it the jackdaw
They just said pirate ship
The story you linked to has taken the liberty of naming it the jackdaw
When it is not
07-11-2013, 09:52 PM
every page i seen, write it is the jackdaw
but if its not the jackdaw; what should it be?:shrug:
i mean the jackdaw is the second main charakter in the game!
Example pages. ( ( (
07-11-2013, 11:29 PM
For the first two posts on ubis blog about sdcc it was not called the jackdaw
The jack saw has 2 decks
The pirate ship that will be at SDCC has 3 decks
So they can call it the jackdaw
but its more like a man o' war (I guess that's me being pedantic)
07-12-2013, 05:18 AM
I wish I could be there. Of course being 3000mi away puts a small barrier to me getting there.
07-12-2013, 07:22 AM
I realy like when i make you angry :D
3000 Miles :D
From my home to sdcc :
Around 6000 Miles :D
07-12-2013, 07:31 AM
I realy like when i make you angry :D
3000 Miles :D
From my home to sdcc :
Around 6000 Miles :D
Those miles are no problem if someone bought me a plane. :1:
07-12-2013, 07:56 AM
I realy like when i make you angry :D
3000 Miles :D
From my home to sdcc :
Around 6000 Miles :D
Not angry
Just don't like it when people make up lies (not you but other people)
Also don't like it when UBisoft edit there information 2 weeks after posting it,
07-12-2013, 09:18 AM
The pack of 4 figures is available for pre-order on many sites, not just in Germany. Here are few of them: t%2FSearchResult%2FQuickSearch%3Fq%3Dezio%2Bpack
Ubisoft already confirmed that they don't know anything about this initiative, and neither Attakus (that made the AC2 black and white figures).
Here's an answer directly from
07-12-2013, 09:34 AM
Eagle strike
Who did you ask in UBisoft about this package/bundle?
07-12-2013, 09:44 AM
Eagle strike
Who did you ask in UBisoft about this package/bundle?
I didn't ask Ubi/Attakus directly, just got the info's and that screenshot from a friend that did it... I guess he asked them by customer care.
07-12-2013, 09:58 AM
As expected, the model of the Jackdaw came out, scale 1/100 (this one is not a fake :rotf:)
It costs 30 EUR, or 10 EUR if you also purchase the game. Release date: 31/10/2013
07-12-2013, 09:59 AM
I didn't ask Ubi/Attakus directly, just got the info's and that screenshot from a friend that did it... I guess he asked them by customer care.
I am going to say
UBisoft DO know about this
But as always it is a question of which country ubisoft, is responsible for it
And UBisoft HQ aren't very friendly at answering questions of future products
07-12-2013, 10:04 AM
As expected, the model of the Jackdaw came out, scale 1/100 (this one is not a fake :rotf:)
It costs 30 EUR, or 10 EUR if you also purchase the game. Release date: 31/10/2013
That is made of polystyrene / Styrofoam
Its a model kit
So I don't like it
I'll wait for one that is not covered in white bits
And a 1/6th or 1/18th scale version so the action figures will be more at home on it (30foot by 5 foot :) )
07-12-2013, 11:52 AM
i contacted fistco, they said that these 4 ezio statues will also available seperatly to buy and they come all seperatly packed in a printed window box... i already found another shop who sell them seperatly, 29,90 Euro per figure... somehow it doesnt surprise me really that they will do a reprint since the prices for these figures are really high on ebay, so UbiSoft also want to milk the cashcow again (like that connor rises figure)... so the prices on ebay went down cuz its available again and UbiSoft earn all the money... anyway, im glad i sold me revelations and brotherhood figure for a good price, now i can get them back for a good price :haha:
thanks EagleStrike for that info
07-12-2013, 12:18 PM
i contacted fistco, they said that these 4 ezio statues will also available seperatly to buy and they come all seperatly packed in a printed window box... i already found another shop who sell them seperatly, 29,90 Euro per figure... somehow it doesnt surprise me really that they will do a reprint since the prices for these figures are really high on ebay, so UbiSoft also want to milk the cashcow again (like that connor rises figure)... so the prices on ebay went down cuz its available again and UbiSoft earn all the money... anyway, im glad i sold me revelations and brotherhood figure for a good price, now i can get them back for a good price :haha:
thanks EagleStrike for that info
I guess that for collectors the "old statues" will keep their high value.
If this pack is a new print means that the new statues wont have the lettering under the base "Sculpted by Attakus Collection", and will have 2013 as fabrication date. Plus they'll not be in the original boxes.
So i think that this new bundle is just for fans of the franchise that don't wanna spend too much. Not for collectors.
07-12-2013, 12:23 PM
Problem is out the box they may look no different so you will still get some bugger flogging them off as first editions loose for stupid money. So far this seems a Europe only deal as these are where its mainly been offered.
Ships real,well thats good to know.Still,it seems poor quality really. May consider getting one but,never assembling the damn thing. Looks ugly,lol
07-12-2013, 11:04 PM
That Jackdaw model! Awesome.
07-12-2013, 11:18 PM
That Jackdaw model! Awesome.
Take a closer look
See all that white
07-12-2013, 11:25 PM
I like the ship but would prefer a real model, not Styrofoam or whatever it is
07-12-2013, 11:42 PM
I like the ship but would prefer a real model, not Styrofoam or whatever it is
There's nothing wrong with the parts that have detail on it as after all its only a printed picture
But its all the places without that I don't like
And your right again :thumb:
07-13-2013, 12:21 AM
There's nothing wrong with the parts that have detail on it as after all its only a printed picture
But its all the places without that I don't like
And your right again :thumb:
Careful lily
All the praise will create a monster
My small ego couldn't handle it :D
I suppose if they made a wood/plastic model it would be smaller than this one right?
07-13-2013, 06:33 AM
Careful lily
All the praise will create a monster
My small ego couldn't handle it :D
I suppose if they made a wood/plastic model it would be smaller than this one right?
Smaller then. 1:100 scale
Its only 60 cm long
Much smaller and you lost the detail
And it seems its not about he scale but there's an average size for things that is about 23cm/9 inches high maximum
So maybe 200 or 150 scale
07-16-2013, 03:11 PM
Take a closer look
See all that white
Indeed I saw those, still love it! :drool:
07-20-2013, 07:32 AM
What is it they say
Size matters
15 inch Edward resting statue
First glimpse from sdcc
07-20-2013, 07:43 AM
great, another statue.
But its fifteen inches tall
That's the biggest so far
That's 1/5 scale
07-20-2013, 08:03 AM
It does look big on that picture. Nice
But its fifteen inches tall
That's the biggest so far
That's 1/5 scale
Oh right, didn't noticed the size, indeed it is big and sure heavy :(
probably, it has a huge base as well like the Fury.
07-20-2013, 08:13 AM
Oh right, didn't noticed the size, indeed it is big and sure heavy :(
probably, it has a huge base as well like the Fury.
We will know tomorrow
Once UBisoft upload the hour long ac4 panel video and we can all watch it and see it in all its its grey prototype glory
somehow, I'm a bit disappointed. their statue is getting taller, bigger and heavier. it will be more hard for me get it.
and besides, it will be difficult for me to display those tall statue :(
07-20-2013, 09:40 AM
McFarland then displayed a 15-inch tall Captain Edward Kenway figure with a translucent water detail.
Source: The (
Todd McFarlane was on-hand to make a few announcements, “For the first time since I’ve been making toys, we’re including rewards with each figure you can redeem in-game,”
So it may be that even the 1:5th 15inch Edward has in game rewards/ ULC, unless Todd was only talking about figures in which case the new 15inch statue isn't a figure as it has no moving parts, but more detail will undoubtedly become clear in the coming weeks/months
07-20-2013, 10:12 AM
I like it, can't wait to see it all painted. Pose is slightly similar to the UbiCollectibles one but it will stand out as unique. Hopefully price is reasonable enough.
07-20-2013, 10:20 AM
But its fifteen inches tall
That's the biggest so far
That's 1/5 scale
HM not the biggest
Attakus Ezio is also 1:5 Scale
07-20-2013, 10:22 AM
HM not the biggest
Attakus Ezio is also 1:5 Scale
So it is
I thought that was a 1:6 but that is 16.7 inches
07-20-2013, 10:42 AM
Awesome :D
07-20-2013, 10:50 AM
Awesome :D
Now I want to know what the picture is in the background on the right
A picture of 11 assassins creed action figures
07-20-2013, 11:45 AM
Awesome :D
ERM nobody else see
07-20-2013, 12:13 PM
Now I want to know what the picture is in the background on the right
A picture of 11 assassins creed action figures
AC figures on the right..
Connor, Haytham, Edward then.. There should be 2 pirate figures which haven't been revealed. 1 could be Adewale, Edward's first mate and the character in the DLC. The other one not sure yet.
There should be a Capt BlackBeard, can't figure out which one is him in that pic. Probably last one on the second row.
Ratohnhak? ton should be another figure so not sure about the rest, read there were few Connor variants so could be some of those or else some important characters in AC IV
07-20-2013, 12:15 PM
ERM nobody else see
Cloth map would be cool, more authentic than the printed maps
07-20-2013, 12:29 PM
Hmm the top row is the first Series/set
Ratonahke , Connor, haythm, Edward
Second row
Edward Blackbeard maybe adewale
3rd row no idea
07-20-2013, 01:04 PM
The Base is a keg ;)
It is like ezio fury
@where did you find the Info with Scale 1:5? and 15 Zoll?
07-20-2013, 01:08 PM
Yea.. Hope someone took a clear shot of it
07-20-2013, 01:14 PM
The Base is a keg ;)
It is like ezio fury
@where did you find the Info with Scale 1:5? and 15 Zoll?
Right here in this news story
Source: The (
So it may be that even the 1:5th 15inch Edward has in game rewards/ ULC, unless Todd was only talking about figures in which case the new 15inch statue isn't a figure as it has no moving parts, but more detail will undoubtedly become clear in the coming weeks/months
07-20-2013, 02:48 PM
The Base is a keg ;)
It is like ezio fury
@where did you find the Info with Scale 1:5? and 15 Zoll?
Is it in scale with Ezio Fury then? From the looks doesn't seem like it though
07-20-2013, 03:25 PM
Well the statue is now on my want list & next mission is to try to find a cloth map:) Like to see what Sidehow is offering as well
07-20-2013, 03:27 PM
Well the statue is now on my want list & next mission is to try to find a cloth map:) Like to see what Sidehow is offering as well
I don't think slideshow are offering a cloth map
I knew o should not have pointed it out then I would have been the only one looking for it
07-20-2013, 03:43 PM
I don't think slideshow are offering a cloth map
I knew o should not have pointed it out then I would have been the only one looking for it
Already noticed before i noticed you mentioned it:D My guess is its one of those limited items for display/promo only purposes,not a retail item & is likely to be bloody hard to get. Can only hope they show up at Ubiworkshop:beg:
07-22-2013, 04:44 PM
Damn I can't wait to see the full reveal of the McFarlane statue. Checked out some of their previous statues, pretty good I have to say.
I know it's a cliche when a new character comes out, everyone says he's their favourite but Edward Kenway seems to be favourite now
07-22-2013, 05:23 PM
Damn I can't wait to see the full reveal of the McFarlane statue. Checked out some of their previous statues, pretty good I have to say.
I know it's a cliche when a new character comes out, everyone says he's their favourite but Edward Kenway seems to be favourite now
My favourite is the attakus Ezio. Love that face! :taunt:
07-22-2013, 07:49 PM
<a href="" title="mcfarlane figures creed collection by Lowly Assassin, on Flickr"><img src="" width="537" height="594" alt="mcfarlane figures creed collection"></a>
So I am thinking the in named pirate is black Bart as he is the only pirate I can think of
07-23-2013, 01:58 AM
So there aren't more figures. It was the 3-pack. I was right about the Coonor variant though.
I'm not too keen in the extra characters though even though they are all legendary pirates..
07-23-2013, 05:28 AM
My favourite is the attakus Ezio. Love that face! :taunt:
:rotf: I know you do!
07-26-2013, 08:22 AM
Here's the list of all the bonus content for the McFarlane Assassins Creed figures
Edit: It's a long list so didn't want to post it here. Mathika, maybe you want to add it to your first post?
Mostly all cosmetic stuff, different costume, a Kenway Family Sword and sails for your Jackdaw.
Except for one Assassin's Creed Initiates Emblem thingy. Initiates is The Watch thingy, am I right? Speaking of which, if I PO from Game UK, do I get access? Even thought I'm from Singapore?
07-26-2013, 09:38 AM
Here's the list of all the bonus content for the McFarlane Assassins Creed figures
It's a long list so didn't want to post it here. Lily, maybe you want to add it to your first post?
Mostly all cosmetic stuff, different costume, a Kenway Family Sword and sails for your Jackdaw.
Except for one Assassin's Creed Initiates Emblem thingy. Initiates is The Watch thingy, am I right? Speaking of which, if I PO from Game UK, do I get access? Even thought I'm from Singapore?
I dont own this thread, Mathika owns this one
Initiates is NOT the watch, they are different, initiates is better and still in closed alpha i believe so due to a NDA anyone that is in it is only allowed to reveal its name and nothing more
it appears that the achievement is redeemable/for use in initiates and not The Watch or the multiplayer side of AC4
nobody has noticed that Blackbeard is not available as a separate blister pack /figure, he is only available in the triple pack of Blackbeard, hornigold and the secret pirate
07-26-2013, 10:01 AM
I dont own this thread, Mathika owns this one
Initiates is NOT the watch, they are different, initiates is better and still in closed alpha i believe so due to a NDA anyone that is in it is only allowed to reveal its name and nothing more
it appears that the achievement is redeemable/for use in initiates and not The Watch or the multiplayer side of AC4
nobody has noticed that Blackbeard is not available as a separate blister pack /figure, he is only available in the triple pack of Blackbeard, hornigold and the secret pirate
Ahh my bad, was at work so I assumed everything AC-Related belongs to you. Can't blame me for that!
Thanks for the clarification on the Initiates.
I did notice the BlackBeard figure being only available in the triple pack ;)
07-26-2013, 10:24 AM
I will add the rest when im @ home
ComicCon is over
Is anyone here with New Info for the Edward statue?
I cant find anything in i-net!
07-27-2013, 08:26 AM
Out from this picture that StayFree upload in Comic Con exclusive topic the price will be 295 dollars..
Over 14 inch tall, 12 inch wide, 13.75 inch deep..
07-27-2013, 08:42 AM
Hmmm Limited quantity available
That's specific
Still looks cool to me
How I wish it is available worldwide :beg:
07-27-2013, 09:44 AM
How I wish it is available worldwide :beg:
There online store is ;)
Great, I'm not going to miss this chance no more.
07-27-2013, 10:15 AM
Out from this picture that StayFree upload in Comic Con exclusive topic the price will be 295 dollars..
Over 14 inch tall, 12 inch wide, 13.75 inch deep..
Jahuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :1:
Great thx Thetof91
and now
waiting for preorder in Ubishop :thumb:
07-27-2013, 10:25 AM
Oh great i found a video
go to 20:00 then you can see the statue
07-27-2013, 10:34 AM
Jahuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :1:
Great thx Thetof91
and now
waiting for preorder in Ubishop :thumb:
Say thx to StayFree, he posted it in the other topic..
StayFree( ' 3')
07-27-2013, 10:44 AM
After getting a hold of their Michonne statue I can confidently say this will probably be the best AC statue released thus far.
The video was just the cherry on the top.
07-27-2013, 12:31 PM
After getting a hold of their Michonne statue I can confidently say this will probably be the best AC statue released thus far.
The video was just the cherry on the top.
Big THX for Stayfree:thumb:
07-27-2013, 03:27 PM
$295 is a little ex for a 14" statue IMO. Of course if they are doing International Shipping together with that, I wouldn't complain.. But I doubt that will happen.
07-27-2013, 03:34 PM
Oh great i found a video
go to 20:00 then you can see the statue
Holy Crap! 1 hour video? I'm gonna get my popcorn! :popcorn:
07-28-2013, 01:18 PM
I have good reason to believe that the secret pirate is this guy
My reasoning is the silhouette is a pretty good match
07-28-2013, 02:53 PM
Definitely a better option than another pirate. I would prefer the line to focus on Assassin figures rather than supporting characters from the game.
07-28-2013, 05:46 PM
$295 is a little ex for a 14" statue IMO. Of course if they are doing International Shipping together with that, I wouldn't complain.. But I doubt that will happen.
Didnt it say 15"? Size matter to some,lol. That was my question to,it does say $295 s/h included but my guess is thats only within the US. How this works for iinternational is simple,we are poo out of luck. They dont ship international,chances of other retailers/stockists outside US getting are slim/ Only option get someone to forward it to you a this stage:think:
Now i know i definately have to get more cabinets or shelf space
07-29-2013, 09:10 AM
It said "Over 14 inches tall", so I guess between 14-15 inches?
Size does matter! Ask the ladies! :poke:
Other stores not going to stock this? Or is it similar to the Spawn LE statues they sold sometime back? Only available from their own online store and no shipping internationally.
07-29-2013, 09:20 AM
It said "Over 14 inches tall", so I guess between 14-15 inches?
Size does matter! Ask the ladies! :poke:
Other stores not going to stock this? Or is it similar to the Spawn LE statues they sold sometime back? Only available from their own online store and no shipping internationally.
I checked the online store & in one part it says something about any problems,returns etc on items sent internationally shipping must be paid by the purchaser. Then further down it sates no international shipping at this time. So even the website cant decide,lol. I have written to them about this but i am not holding my breath for a reply. At this stage until further details of the statue are released its a US only item. To me,if they do this they are going to shoot themselves in the foot a little. Not only that but expect some dipshite to buy several & triple the price on fleabay.All else fails i suppose its up to a nice fellow member to do a group buy for all the members not in the US who want one
07-29-2013, 10:02 AM
In my experience and communication with forbidden planet
They are trying to get into the video game market as much as possible and seeing as they are already into the comic book and figures markets
It seems very plausible that one of the 2 forbidden planet websites will stock these
And if the whole thing plus base is 15 inches then the base is an inch thick and the figure is 14 inch tall
human anatomy lesson
amazingly about size
It doesn't matter
07-29-2013, 03:57 PM
I checked the online store & in one part it says something about any problems,returns etc on items sent internationally shipping must be paid by the purchaser. Then further down it sates no international shipping at this time. So even the website cant decide,lol. I have written to them about this but i am not holding my breath for a reply. At this stage until further details of the statue are released its a US only item. To me,if they do this they are going to shoot themselves in the foot a little. Not only that but expect some dipshite to buy several & triple the price on fleabay.All else fails i suppose its up to a nice fellow member to do a group buy for all the members not in the US who want one
Do update if they reply Hippeedude! Or else we are on the same boat hoping for someone to do a group buy, but what if McFarlane restricts no. of purchases per buyer. I have seen some Limited Edition statues being restricted to 1 or 2 per buyer..
In my experience and communication with forbidden planet
They are trying to get into the video game market as much as possible and seeing as they are already into the comic book and figures markets
It seems very plausible that one of the 2 forbidden planet websites will stock these
And if the whole thing plus base is 15 inches then the base is an inch thick and the figure is 14 inch tall
human anatomy lesson
amazingly about size
It doesn't matter
I don't know to respond to that Lily :shrug:
07-29-2013, 04:31 PM
Do update if they reply Hippeedude! Or else we are on the same boat hoping for someone to do a group buy, but what if McFarlane restricts no. of purchases per buyer. I have seen some Limited Edition statues being restricted to 1 or 2 per buyer..
Your wish is my command. This is the email as recieved just now from McFarlane Toys/Spawn online. Basically i asked will these be available only through McFarlane Toys,will they be available shipped internationally,how many will be made,if not being shipped internationally will other places stock them in limited quatities & will there be a cert of authenticity. Simple questions but,seems they arent even exactly sure of things themselves just yet.
Thank you for the email Karl.
We have not been provided the specific information you have requested below to date. The company decided to reveal this new product at the San Diego Comic Convention and our advertising department will reveal specific details on the company website ( in due time. We suggest you check the company website out for updates every couple of weeks as this is, generally, where initial information or updates are provided.
McFarlane Toys online store customer service
07-30-2013, 09:35 AM
Cool, thanks! Hope to hear some good news soon!
07-30-2013, 03:23 PM
Cool, thanks! Hope to hear some good news soon!
I bloody hope so. I still would have thought with something in development for so long they would have figured out stupidly simple things like how many will be made & will they be available internationally. To me thats part of the whole development process
08-02-2013, 08:08 AM
I can't believe how little info I'm finding about the statue online, I thought I'd just look up the info later.
About the sdcc "jackdaw", it was just the Star of India from hired out from the San Diego Maritime Museum from up the street. they just covered up the name on the stern with a piece of cloth printed with Jackdaw. Still it was one of the cooler outside setups at sdcc. the ship is 150 years old, 3 masted vs the Jackdaw's 2 masts. I hope some company will be able to get the license to sell a wood model of the ship.
08-02-2013, 12:45 PM
I can't believe how little info I'm finding about the statue online, I thought I'd just look up the info later.
About the sdcc "jackdaw", it was just the Star of India from hired out from the San Diego Maritime Museum from up the street. they just covered up the name on the stern with a piece of cloth printed with Jackdaw. Still it was one of the cooler outside setups at sdcc. the ship is 150 years old, 3 masted vs the Jackdaw's 2 masts. I hope some company will be able to get the license to sell a wood model of the ship.
Are you sure?
The jackdaw has 2 masts?
I thought it had 2 main mast and a third small mast(my memory is bad?
Also the jackdaw had 2 cannon decks and the star of India only had 1
Oh and the huge wooden carved jackdaw that was missing from the stern of the ship
08-03-2013, 09:07 AM
2 masts and rigged as a brig
Can't wait to sail her :bunny:
I'm dying for more info on that resin figure! Like when and how it will
Be released.
08-06-2013, 03:41 PM
Aw, no sideshow statue huh? Oh well, there's always next time.
08-06-2013, 06:41 PM
The new McFarlane figures still aren't out in my area yet. They were shipping last week from amazon too, would have had them already if ordered though I didn't want to risk any damage to them.
08-07-2013, 03:37 PM
can someone tell me which Attakus AC2 Ezio Statue is the exclusive one, the one with the big base and the numbered plaque or the one with the flat base and no numbered plaque... im confused, cuz the one with the flat base is limited to 100 worldwide, and the one with the big base which looks exclusive to me is limited to 200 worldwide.
08-07-2013, 03:47 PM
can someone tell me which Attakus AC2 Ezio Statue is the exclusive one, the one with the big base and the numbered plaque or the one with the flat base and no numbered plaque... im confused, cuz the one with the flat base is limited to 100 worldwide, and the one with the big base which looks exclusive to me is limited to 200 worldwide.
Well,i have both & i just had a look at the boxes to make sure. Both say deluxe edition with the number out of either 100 or 200. The one with the flat base was supposedly an employee only thing from memory & the one with the big base was for general public sales. To me the exclusive version is the one limited to 100 & theres probably a few who will agree.
08-07-2013, 03:53 PM
oh, both boxes say deluxe edition? well, good to know, thanx Hippee! Awesome that you have BOTH, wow! do you know what happens to the Attakus Ezio standing on a roof top, this one was supposed to be the regular editon i think, but i never saw it anywhere...
08-07-2013, 04:23 PM
oh, both boxes say deluxe edition? well, good to know, thanx Hippee! Awesome that you have BOTH, wow! do you know what happens to the Attakus Ezio standing on a roof top, this one was supposed to be the regular editon i think, but i never saw it anywhere...
The one standing on a rooftop never went into production sadly. I dont know exactly why,maybe not enough interest or pre-orders,maybe Ubisoft told them to not produce it,who knows. I was told that there were a few made,maybe 10?? I think they were like a demo version to show the finished product or something like that. What exactly happened to them,where they are or even if what i was told is true i cant say for certain. But,if you find pics of the statue with Ezio on a roof,in some it doesnt look like a rendered image or anything,it to me in some pics looks like a finished product.
08-07-2013, 06:28 PM
Well,i have both & i just had a look at the boxes to make sure. Both say deluxe edition with the number out of either 100 or 200. The one with the flat base was supposedly an employee only thing from memory & the one with the big base was for general public sales. To me the exclusive version is the one limited to 100 & theres probably a few who will agree.
Do you have a photo of both together, and what number editions do you have?
I have the Attakus statue 111/200 and the Brotherhood statue 1115/2000.
08-07-2013, 06:47 PM
thanks HIPPEEDUDE for all the infos, you are good informed sir, thats good!
btw. my Ezios Fury Statue has the Nr. 0008 / 2000, and i was like :nosleep: when i saw that ^^
08-08-2013, 12:41 PM
Why did i made the first Page
with all the info of the statues and figures
when nobody read them ?
08-08-2013, 02:04 PM
08-09-2013, 06:05 AM
Has anyone put any close up pictures of the buccaneer statue yet? There's one at the local EB games that I managed to get a few pictures of.
08-09-2013, 07:02 AM
What are u waiting for? Post it up!
Has anyone put any close up pictures of the buccaneer statue yet? There's one at the local EB games that I managed to get a few pictures of.
Just share it to us, mate :poke: :drool:
08-09-2013, 07:53 AM
Here they are
The person i had spoken to said that the mast was in 3 pieces. The noticeable join near the knee does sit in further but it was really hard and he didn't want to force it and risk breaking it. Kenway as well as the base were separate pieces too. I can try to take a better picture tommorrow if i get the chance.
Thanks for providing this photos. can you possibly confirm if this statue is the same as the statue that comes in LE?
08-09-2013, 08:33 AM
LE as in the US edition? i assume so, i can't see any differences between the pictures. The Black Chest edition will probably come with the 3 pieces of the mast, Kenway, and then a different base piece. As a side note, the box this come in was pretty big and well packed, so if they are anything like the CEs then they should be very well protected. i forgot to ask whether the rope comes similar to the Injustice CE and you have to bend/shape it yourself.
08-09-2013, 12:16 PM
thanx for the pics I_BE_WILL, really awesome! cant wait to see the black chest diorama!
08-09-2013, 12:34 PM
Nice! It looks awesome! Just hope there won't be any issues with pegs fitting into holes. Did you get to see the face sculpt? Was it decent?
08-09-2013, 01:04 PM
I'll try to get a picture of the face, but the box and the angle make it hard to get a decent picture. They said the mast joins was a bit stiff and they were hesitant to use force in case they break the display model haha. I couldn't make out any detail for how the figure and base fitted together.
The rope comes separately similar to the Injustice CE so you can shape your own rope.
08-10-2013, 02:46 AM
08-10-2013, 09:10 AM
He is sad :(
He's grumpy Edward!
08-10-2013, 12:29 PM
He's grumpy because he just plundered you and you had nothing! :taunt:
I think he looks ok, more like eyeing his next victim. Thanks for the pics I_BE_WILL, can't wait for AC IV to be out!
AC face sculpture is getting better and better IMO
08-10-2013, 02:33 PM
AC face sculpture is getting better and better IMO
Yup true.. but will have to see the final mass-produced statue. Will be a pity that I won't be able to display the AC IV statues including the one from McFarlane but I'll be updating with a group shot
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