View Full Version : Ntsc kid icarus game for 3ds out of print?

10-20-2013, 03:26 AM
I was looking at the possibility of getting Kid Icarus for 3DS..but outside of ebay resellers, some small time boutiques and TARGET..it is completely SOLD OUT and UNAVAILABLE at most major retailers I can think of AMAZON, BEST BUY, TOYS R US, AND WAL MART ALL SOLD OUT....being that it is "double boxed", has AR cards in the package, and a plastic special stand and the studio that developed the game has closed it doors.i don't think Nintendo will go thru the effort of doing more prints or reprints, since it is more involved than a standard boxed 3ds game.do you think it will be future collectable and "rare"? to an extent?..go check amazon, best buy, wal mart.com, toys r us, can't find it new other than secondary sellers and limited availability at target. so what gives?

10-20-2013, 04:01 AM
Not at all. I see it at all stores around me.

10-20-2013, 04:11 AM
are you meaning NEW copies?..because you can check best buy online right now, alongside walmart.com and amazon.com and toys r us.com and kmart.com and gamestop.com and even "check in stores" with those retailers..NO ONE has it in stock..ONLY TARGET and EBAY

StayFree( ' 3')
10-20-2013, 09:01 AM
All Targets around me have it. Is buying from Target forbidden?

10-20-2013, 01:32 PM
nobody finds it peculiar that ONLY target has it?..NO other MAJOR retailer has it?..GAMESTOP doesn't even have used copies?

10-20-2013, 02:39 PM
A lot of stores tend to just get rid of old stock after a while if nobody buys it even at rock bottom prices, so they may have sent it back to a distributor or something, then Target thought "oh, we should take those" since then if anybody wants it, they'll have to go to them.

Some of my local stores do stuff like this, where if they have sale stuff out, after so long of it not selling, it just disappears. I remember asking once in Tesco (might have been somewhere else, but I think it was Tesco) about some games I'd seen on their sale shelf a few days before (and I'm talking, multiple copies of these games, so not like someone just came in and bought the last one of each) and they said that as they'd been out so long (on display) and nobody wanted them, they returned them (so they couldn't just go into the stockroom to get them for me).

And obviously when things go back to distributors or whatever, they will want to sell them to somewhere else, to make money, rather than just destroy them, therefore other stores can then purchase the old stock.

Similar to how sometimes something can be listed as a store exclusive, then after like a year or so, other shops have them for sale - DVD and Bluray "Reel Heroes" line (has comic art style covers) were exclusive to HMV here, and had been for aaaages, then one day, HMV no longer had the "HMV Exclusive" stickers on them, and barely had any stock (despite having millions beforehand) and they were now available in like Asda and Tesco!

So it seems that Target just bought up all of the old stock of Kid Icarus maybe, rather than just a percentage of it :)

WHOA, sorry for the novel! xx

10-20-2013, 09:27 PM
thank you for your insight Vhal...I still can't believe at gamestop usa..you can't even find a used copy at any store..the thing is I am not sure if the theory presented by Vhal is accurate in this situation,..LOL..maybe I should launch an investigation into it ;)...I didn't realize but till just now, that around March of this year Best Buy held a mass liquidation "fire sale" on Kid Icarus 3ds and sold all there copies off for just $15 as opposed to retail $40....if they could of sent it back to the distributer, why presumably they would take a huge loss?..i am confident there was no profit to be made by best buy by selling at the $15 pricepoint...it was NEVER restocked afterwards with exception of returns and used trade in copies.

10-20-2013, 09:32 PM
Sending back to the distributor means a loss too, as they don't get the full amount back, so it's literally a last resort kinda thing :) xx