View Full Version : WTB: KnightOfTruth's "Gimme Zelda or Gimme Death" Thread

11-05-2013, 06:59 PM
Okay, so I didn't want to create a whole new thread for my Zelda requests, so I figured since I had so many helpful people already working with me on this one, I'd just update the title and add a few more things to the list. I'll keep it on-topic for Zelda just so updates don't get ignored.

You all have been so helpful already, thank you! If anyone has (or finds) any of the following items (at or near my asking prices in USD) please let me know! And thanks in advance!

- LoZ: Phantom Hourglass Media/Press Promo Hourglass (? If you find one, we can talk!)
- LoZ: Spirit Tracks Limited Edition (Big Tin) (UK) (~$80)
- LoZ: Minish Cap - Limited Collector's Adventure Set (~$500) (One can hope!)
- F4F Skull Kid Statue (Mint in Box) (~$250)
- F4F Sheik Statue (Mint in Box) (~$225)
- LoZ: TP Trading Cards - G1-G9 (~$20/ea.)

**UPDATE** Still looking for some help importing the gold-foil cover pre-order 3DS case and posted from UK and any pre-order bonuses that might come with them. **UPDATE**

Also, If you've got any of the Greece pre-order bonuses I'll love you forever!

And here's a trophy to prove it! :1:

I'm super excited that there was this really amazing version of one of my all-time favorite games re-released on the DS -- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Ocarina Edition" -- but I'm sad that I just found out about it and do not have it yet.

If you, or anyone you know has this and you, or anyone you know, may be willing to part with it for a reasonable price, then you, or anyone you know are now my best friend! ;)

11-11-2013, 06:52 PM
Also looking for some of the F4F Statues which may be harder to find, so if you happen to have one, particularly with a low#, let me know and we can work something out! :)

11-12-2013, 12:32 AM
:( It will be very very hard to find. I can scavenge the ebay for you constantly. What price are you looking at?

11-12-2013, 05:13 PM
:( It will be very very hard to find. I can scavenge the ebay for you constantly. What price are you looking at?

Well, I was expecting it to be ~$125 or so with the mark-up - but looks like the only ones I've seen anywhere were on Ebay and in AUS at ~$225. Guess I'll keep looking. And thanks!! :)

11-12-2013, 08:29 PM
$225 I knew Aussies were rip offs but damn

11-12-2013, 08:40 PM
The only one on ebay is from a member region_free_gamez

I dont know what to make of this guy, he seems to have multiple copies of some rare edition/collectibles. One stage he had nine fortune hunter editions or something like that

11-13-2013, 05:18 PM
The only one on ebay is from a member region_free_gamez

I dont know what to make of this guy, he seems to have multiple copies of some rare edition/collectibles. One stage he had nine fortune hunter editions or something like that

Yeah - he responded to my original email I sent him regarding the other auction for the "Ocarina Edition less the game" (I think they're the same seller, will have to go back and check later). They said they have them in stock so not really sure... maybe that's just their business model - to buy a bunch of CEs and hold them hostage until they can charge outrageous prices for them?

Has anyone on here purchased from him/them before and can vouch the transaction went smoothly?

11-14-2013, 11:59 AM
A little off topic but can i ask why you want the Kilo squad edition, its the worst CE ever:scratch:

11-14-2013, 12:06 PM
A little off topic but can i ask why you want the Kilo squad edition, its the worst CE ever:scratch:

lol Wasn't it a figure and the game, sent in little more than a shoe box? XD

11-14-2013, 03:35 PM
A little off topic but can i ask why you want the Kilo squad edition, its the worst CE ever:scratch:

Yeah, so I've heard - but its the only CE version I think for that game, right? We didn't get anything over here in The States for Judgment - and I've got the CE of all the other GOW games, so just figured I'd get the whole set -- is it not really a CE but just a bundle?

11-14-2013, 07:57 PM
Yeah, so I've heard - but its the only CE version I think for that game, right? We didn't get anything over here in The States for Judgment - and I've got the CE of all the other GOW games, so just figured I'd get the whole set -- is it not really a CE but just a bundle?

Yeh its the game, DLC, Cogtags and figure in a box three to four times bigger than it should be. Seriously the box is so big its ridiculous

11-26-2013, 04:23 AM
Yeh its the game, DLC, Cogtags and figure in a box three to four times bigger than it should be. Seriously the box is so big its ridiculous

Wow! You're right, I just watched an unboxing video of it -- that thing is HUUUUUUUGE! And completely unnecessary!

Back on topic though, thanks to a friendly forum-er I've got the box and Ocarina and song sheets en route! Thanks BigDub :banana:

11-27-2013, 03:03 PM
Just wanted to mention that I'm now just looking for the gold-foil art 3DS game (I think AU and UK both had them right?) and any of the pre-order bonuses would just be a plus! ;)

11-27-2013, 11:34 PM
Just wanted to mention that I'm now just looking for the gold-foil art 3DS game (I think AU and UK both had them right?) and any of the pre-order bonuses would just be a plus! ;)

I think I have a gold foil in a 3ds case that was given as a preorder bonus in the UK in my stash. Let me dig for it tonight and I'll let you know

11-28-2013, 05:43 AM
Thanks chief! You've been a huge help already, I appreciate anything you could help with!:v:

11-28-2013, 06:35 AM
Cheers buddy will PM you tonight ;)

11-28-2013, 07:01 AM
Just wanted to mention that I'm now just looking for the gold-foil art 3DS game (I think AU and UK both had them right?) and any of the pre-order bonuses would just be a plus! ;)

Unless you meant the pre-order pack specifically, the gold foil cover art comes with the game that comes with the Ocarina Edition game and also came in the LE3DS Console bundle in the UK most likely in Europe. The pre-order case was also available in European countries too. I've seen the cases with French and Spanish stickers as well as English. The pre-order case also has an OoT3D poster sealed inside.

The case that comes with console bundle is reversible with the standard cover art on one side and the gold on the other. The Aus case is single sided. The pre-order cover has rupees on the back of the foil cover. :D Just so you know. :D

11-28-2013, 07:11 AM
Unless you meant the pre-order pack specifically, the gold foil cover art comes with the game that comes with the Ocarina Edition game and also came in the LE3DS Console bundle in the UK most likely in Europe. The pre-order case was also available in European countries too. I've seen the cases with French and Spanish stickers as well as English. The pre-order case also has an OoT3D poster sealed inside.

The case that comes with console bundle is reversible with the standard cover art on one side and the gold on the other. The Aus case is single sided. The pre-order cover has rupees on the back of the foil cover. :D Just so you know. :D

when i remember right i must have 3 of 'em sealed

Ah Letrico aided you :D

11-28-2013, 10:38 AM
After digging through half of my collection, I found out that the case I have is Resident Evil Revelations Lenticular Case.

Sorry Knight :(

11-29-2013, 12:47 AM
If it's just the foil cover art that you want, I remember seeing a copy of the game from the console bundle on the shelf in my local CEX. If its there tomorrow when I pop down, ill pick it up for you, if you like and can get it shipped when I ship your Link between Worlds CE. Let me know. ^^

11-29-2013, 03:45 PM
when i remember right i must have 3 of 'em sealed

Ah Letrico aided you :D

Yes, Letrico rules! Looks like there was no extra though, which version do you have sealed? Didn't realize there were so many - but if you've got an extra one of the "special" versions (ie with the poster, or "rupee" cover) I'm sold!

If it's just the foil cover art that you want, I remember seeing a copy of the game from the console bundle on the shelf in my local CEX. If its there tomorrow when I pop down, ill pick it up for you, if you like and can get it shipped when I ship your Link between Worlds CE. Let me know. ^^

Thanks all for the help! Which version is the one from the console bundle? Is that the one with the poster? Thanks!

11-29-2013, 03:55 PM
Thanks all for the help! Which version is the one from the console bundle? Is that the one with the poster? Thanks!

The one that came bundled with the console was a double sided cover with the standard coverart on one side and the gold foil coverart on the other side. The pre-order pack was the on that was sealed with the poster and had the gold foil cover art on one side and the rupees on the other side where the little square holes are in the 3DS cases.

However, after going to my local CEX earlier, they didn't have it anymore, sorry mate. :(

There are a couple of the pre-order cases on ebay though.

One with the standard game which is sealed (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LEGEND-OF-ZELDA-OCARINA-OF-TIME-3DS-MINT-SEALED-LIMITED-EDITION-PRE-ORDER-CASE-/190983781965?pt=UK_PC_Video_Games_Video_Games_JS&hash=item2c77853e4d)

One which is just the pre-order case on it's own but isn't sealed (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MEGA-RARE-ZELDA-OCARINA-OF-TIME-3D-3DS-GOLD-GAME-CASE-COLLECTORS-ITEM-RARE-/121222317981?pt=UK_VideoGames_Merchandise_RL&hash=item1c3969c79d)

11-29-2013, 10:39 PM
Ah, I didn't know the preorder cases ever came sealed, and I didn't know there was an AUS version. I have a UK copy with the poster inside but not for sale unfortunately. You know the preorder bonus was just the case/poster and no game inside? The game came inside a standard case, so you ended up with 1 cart and 2 cases if you preordered it. Get the UK or AUS version so you get one with English text on the sticker.

Seems totally random to me but yeah Greece (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFgLkUlQzs4) definitely had the best preorder bonuses for this game. The US got no bonuses. Greece got a hat, 3DS slipcase, keychain, plastic ocarina, and best of all a little can of Deku seeds.

12-02-2013, 03:11 PM
Thanks for all the clarifications everyone...Just got my Ocarina Edition in today (thanks BigDub) still looking for an English-text case though (preferably one with the poster) if anyone has it :)

12-02-2013, 09:49 PM
Pleasure dealing with you Knight!

12-04-2013, 05:46 AM

Sorry for beeing late posting this. And of course as i recognize now .... the pictures are a bit odd ... D:

12-04-2013, 03:09 PM
WOOHOO! Yay! Thanks Sylf! Appreciate the pics, and they aren't that bad at all. So just want to confirm (cuz I don't have one nearby) but this art is different from the NA art - is it shinier? It looks the same to me in terms of design, but now I'm just not sure if our copies have the gold-foil look? I think that they don't, but its been awhile since I looked at a case.

Also, do you happen to have a spare European case too (the colored one with Epona)? Thanks again, and feel free to PM me with what you're looking for for this!

12-04-2013, 11:33 PM

I hope you mean the standard game .... i don't know any other versions ^^

12-04-2013, 11:53 PM
:drool: and PM sent! :)

Edit: oh and just realized the regular case you have isn't in English, I may have to pass on that one good sir. But definitely still interested in the gold one!

12-05-2013, 07:09 AM
ah i just reply on you pm :D

Okay, can sell you that one of course - need some space.

Btw. the german preorder was like this:

12-05-2013, 05:17 PM
Ugh, okay, after literally hours of researching this, it looks like I've been looking for the AUS version - that seems to be the only one with the actual Gold Foil shine as opposed to the one you've got here with the poster inside (which looks identical to the US version with the exception of the rupees inside). The other difference I suppose is that the AUS and the pre-order one you show don't have the annoying "7 year old" warning breaking up the art like the US one has...

I thought that the pre-order case was the same gold foil as the AUS version, but it apparently isn't. They're two different colors/foils.

I haven't been able to find anyone selling the reversible cover-art one (or at least anyone that has claimed it is), though I've found this pre-order case and the regular European covers for sale on Ebay.co.uk for reasonable prices... the AUS one is still a bit much on their sites.

Since I'm going to pick up a copy of the US version anyway not sure if I want to have 3 different versions of the case (theoretically tossing the US version as the pre-order case is better)... let me do a little thinking and get back to you on this! Thanks for all your help (and everyone else's too!) thus far!

I'll shoot you a PM though and let you know!

12-05-2013, 05:38 PM
do you have a picture of what you are looking for as im a bit confused. Is this what you are looking for?


12-05-2013, 06:26 PM

The AUS EDI includes this

12-05-2013, 07:32 PM
Prepared to be informed. :P

End Views of the case from Left to right, UK Standard, UK Console Bundle Case, Aus Case, UK pre-order case.

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Games%20and%20Stuffs/Zelda%20Stuff/IMG_1508_zps322f7895.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Games%20and%20Stuffs/Zelda%20Stuff/IMG_1508_zps322f7895.jpg.html)

Front and rear views:

UK Standard Case - Top Left
UK Pre-order Case - Top Right
Aus Ocarina Ed Case - Bottom Left
UK Console Bundle Case - Bottom Right

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Games%20and%20Stuffs/Zelda%20Stuff/IMG_1510_zps4bd2480e.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Games%20and%20Stuffs/Zelda%20Stuff/IMG_1510_zps4bd2480e.jpg.html)

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Games%20and%20Stuffs/Zelda%20Stuff/IMG_1514_zps92106c00.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Games%20and%20Stuffs/Zelda%20Stuff/IMG_1514_zps92106c00.jpg.html)

I also tried to get some light reflection on the UK Console bundle case and the Aus case to show it's foil reflection.

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Games%20and%20Stuffs/Zelda%20Stuff/IMG_1509_zps7eb23cf6.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Games%20and%20Stuffs/Zelda%20Stuff/IMG_1509_zps7eb23cf6.jpg.html)

UK cover on top, Aus Cover below.

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Games%20and%20Stuffs/Zelda%20Stuff/IMG_1511_zps3821b307.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Games%20and%20Stuffs/Zelda%20Stuff/IMG_1511_zps3821b307.jpg.html)

UK Console Bundle reversible cover

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Games%20and%20Stuffs/Zelda%20Stuff/IMG_1512_zps6517dd4a.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Games%20and%20Stuffs/Zelda%20Stuff/IMG_1512_zps6517dd4a.jpg.html)

The outer artwork on the UK Console bundle cover and the UK pre-order cover are the same, which is why I used that to show you that it is a foil case. The rear of each case differs slightly though.

Also, the Aus Game card and UK Game card differ too. From Left to right, Demo Cart, Uk Cart, Aus Cart.

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Games%20and%20Stuffs/Zelda%20Stuff/IMG_1513_zpse86a1987.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Games%20and%20Stuffs/Zelda%20Stuff/IMG_1513_zpse86a1987.jpg.html)

12-05-2013, 07:34 PM
Yes, those be the ones! :) (I would've uploaded the pics I've got, but can't seem to remember my login for the photoupload site haha)

I had THOUGHT that the pre-order one with the poster was the same case, but they're definitely different. Since I wanted the poster too that's why I was asking for it. I got one of those AUS Ocarina Editions, but I declined to get the AUS case with it as it was beat up a little too much for my liking.

For whatever reason, the Aussie one looks really sharp compared to the US/Promo one, and thus my last message regarding me deciding which one(s) I actually think are worth me dishing out some $ for as I don't usually make it a habit of collecting a ton of different cover-arts for games.

Edit: (must've posted at the same time as cosmic) WOW! Thanks... I've been schooled :) Let me look at all that and get back to everyone! (Nice collection by the way!)

12-05-2013, 07:44 PM
awesome post Cosmic, everything explained top to bottom

12-05-2013, 07:58 PM
Edit: (must've posted at the same time as cosmic) WOW! Thanks... I've been schooled :) Let me look at all that and get back to everyone! (Nice collection by the way!)

No problem. :D Though they're not the best pics in the world, I'm glad they have helped. :D

awesome post Cosmic, everything explained top to bottom

Cheers mate! ^o^ Glad they're going to help somebody. lol

12-06-2013, 06:47 AM
So even pre-order case and consol bundle are diffrent? jesus nintendo :D

12-17-2013, 10:55 PM
Yeah -- is a bit crazy with this one for sure. Big thanks to everyone for all the clarification though.

Looks like I'll just be happy with the Pre-order case+poster and maybe I'll try and find the white case down the road..., so Sylf, if you're still wanting to sell, feel free to PM me an asking price ;)

Also, I've updated the first post and title of this thread with my most-current Zelda wants, so if anybody wants to make a few extra bucks for the holidays or happens to find a great deal, just let me know.

And lastly, does anyone know if F4F is planning on making an actual "Zelda" Zelda Statue? It makes me so sad to know that there's a Link, a Ganon, a Sheik, etc, but NO Zelda??!?

12-18-2013, 01:36 AM
Yeah -- is a bit crazy with this one for sure. Big thanks to everyone for all the clarification though.

Looks like I'll just be happy with the Pre-order case+poster and maybe I'll try and find the white case down the road..., so Sylf, if you're still wanting to sell, feel free to PM me an asking price ;)

Also, I've updated the first post and title of this thread with my most-current Zelda wants, so if anybody wants to make a few extra bucks for the holidays or happens to find a great deal, just let me know.

And lastly, does anyone know if F4F is planning on making an actual "Zelda" Zelda Statue? It makes me so sad to know that there's a Link, a Ganon, a Sheik, etc, but NO Zelda??!?

Fingers crossed there will be a Zelda. Hopefully a Twilight Princess Zelda statue to go with Ganondorf. ^^

12-18-2013, 01:44 AM
I saw a few zelda games here second hand quite cheap. The Zelda with golden wiimote is 60 and different cover art Zelda games as well

12-18-2013, 03:02 PM
I saw a few zelda games here second hand quite cheap. The Zelda with golden wiimote is 60 and different cover art Zelda games as well

Did you mean "here" as in Australia or Japan? :)

Fingers crossed there will be a Zelda. Hopefully a Twilight Princess Zelda statue to go with Ganondorf. ^^

YES! That's exactly what I want, but maybe they just haven't found a design yet that they think will work? It'd be a real shame if they don't do that...

12-18-2013, 03:10 PM
In Japan heh. I will be in Japan until 1st january

12-19-2013, 05:26 AM
Oh wow, I've seen quite a few Japan versions that looked really nice, but think I might still be waiting on the US versions mostly for now - was the SkywardSword Bundle the US version? Or Japanese? I'll look up some of the Japanese ones I'm interested in and let you know :) thanks for thinking of me and hope you're having a great time in Japan! You'll have to post some pics of your trip when you get back!

12-31-2013, 03:58 PM
Just thought I'd bump this! I'll keep updating the 1st post to save people from having to search through the last 5 pages of awesomeness. Thanks again for all the help thus far!

01-06-2014, 12:03 AM
Any finds? Also, does anyone know if the Zelda Feather DS Stylus that Nintendo gave out for registering Phantom Hourglass came with any documentation/card/or note from them regarding it, or did it just come in the gold box?

01-06-2014, 03:50 AM
There are 2 different feather packaging. One in golden box and one in rupee case.

01-09-2014, 01:27 PM
There are 2 different feather packaging. One in golden box and one in rupee case.

Yes but I believe the rupee case was for Spirit Tracks not for registering Phantom Hourglass right? I picked up the golden box one, but couldn't find anything regarding a note or insert that Nintendo might have included in original shipping -- they seem to like to do that a lot, but I haven't found one for this yet or if there even was one.

01-10-2014, 03:47 AM
I got mine straight from NOA back in 2007 or whenever it was and I'm sure if there had been an insert I would have kept it, but I don't have one for it. Maybe someone else can be slightly more conclusive, but I'm 95% sure it didn't come with one.

Edit: If you're interested in Zelda styluses (styli?) there are three official ones (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_yR89FUKrnfY/S5qH_b20fZI/AAAAAAAAACU/DIsBW62djuQ/s1600-h/trilogy+feather+stylus.JPG), and I think quite a few licensed third party ones.

01-10-2014, 06:58 PM
I got mine straight from NOA back in 2007 or whenever it was and I'm sure if there had been an insert I would have kept it, but I don't have one for it. Maybe someone else can be slightly more conclusive, but I'm 95% sure it didn't come with one.

Edit: If you're interested in Zelda styluses (styli?) there are three official ones (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_yR89FUKrnfY/S5qH_b20fZI/AAAAAAAAACU/DIsBW62djuQ/s1600-h/trilogy+feather+stylus.JPG), and I think quite a few licensed third party ones.

Thanks for the pic and info -- I SWORE that there was another feather one for Spirit Tracks but haven't been able to find it at all. Now I see that it does in fact exist!

The Zelda PH one I've got also doesn't have any documentation and the person I got it from said they never received anything, but I just wanted to make sure. It sounds like that is the case. Thanks again! (Sorry I can't thumb-up your post in this area of the site)

02-06-2014, 02:01 PM
*BUMP* for hump-day... oh wait, its Thursday.

02-17-2014, 03:06 AM
*Sigh* Knight... I thought I was a Zelda collector until I saw the stuff you were looking for 😫😫😫. Now I feel like I have to go out and buy a bunch of variants and merch.

02-25-2014, 06:07 PM
*Sigh* Knight... I thought I was a Zelda collector until I saw the stuff you were looking for 😫😫😫. Now I feel like I have to go out and buy a bunch of variants and merch.

Yeah, that's pretty much how I felt coming on here too! Luckily I'm not THAT into getting different cover arts or variants etc. I'd just like to have one of every main edition.

Also, just a bump as I've updated my "want" list on the first page -- yet another thing I just discovered that I never knew existed haha. :)