View Full Version : 3DS New 3ds models-damn you nintendo
09-10-2014, 11:24 PM
Damn nintendo announcing new models after the news of the new 3ds :hammer:
09-11-2014, 01:37 AM
I hate that their both gamestop exclusives..i always have to deal with employees there who act like pricks, when I request "mint" boxes...they just give me the "take it or leave it" attitude..even though additional units are sitting right behind them or in the backroom.
09-11-2014, 03:07 AM
I hate that their both gamestop exclusives..i always have to deal with employees there who act like pricks, when I request "mint" boxes...they just give me the "take it or leave it" attitude..even though additional units are sitting right behind them or in the backroom.
you cant let a gamestop employee get the upper hand, they're peasants. put them in their place so they know every time you come in that you don't mess around.
09-11-2014, 02:41 PM
you cant let a gamestop employee get the upper hand, they're peasants. put them in their place so they know every time you come in that you don't mess around.
While that sounds a bit harsh, it's mostly true - if there's an employee at the register who is giving you a hard time, buy a piece of candy or one of those $1 things around the counter and then burn him/her on the survey, explaining in detail what happened - if they still have a job the DM will at least give him a stern talking to and possibly personally give you a call too. (Just don't sound like a punk in your survey)
09-11-2014, 11:09 PM
While that sounds a bit harsh, it's mostly true - if there's an employee at the register who is giving you a hard time, buy a piece of candy or one of those $1 things around the counter and then burn him/her on the survey, explaining in detail what happened - if they still have a job the DM will at least give him a stern talking to and possibly personally give you a call too. (Just don't sound like a punk in your survey)
Haha that's awesome, never thought of doing that. I hope a gamestop employee gives me crap soon LOL.
09-12-2014, 03:12 AM
If I get one of these which one do y'all believe would have greater value? I think the NES version would.
09-12-2014, 08:22 PM
If I get one of these which one do y'all believe would have greater value? I think the NES version would.
I would have to agree with you for two reasons.
1) You have a wider audience with the NES model as everyone knows what one of those looks like.
2) The box itself is designed like the system with the 3DS XL like the controller. That is, in a way, an added incentive for completionists of collectors who like CIB.
09-13-2014, 02:43 AM
No sticker seals on 3ds boxes means no one knows if they're actually new means not worth anything extra
09-15-2014, 01:27 AM
Well, I took my bros opinions and pre-ordered the Persona Q 3ds XL. They said it looked cool and it really appealed to them more than the NES version. This will be my last 3ds though until the "new" 3ds or as me and my bros call it the "4ds" come out.
09-15-2014, 10:55 AM
Those are old 3DS not the new 3DS
Sendt fra min Nexus 5 med Tapatalk
09-15-2014, 03:41 PM
09-16-2014, 07:59 PM
Those are old 3DS not the new 3DS
Sendt fra min Nexus 5 med Tapatalk
I should of worded everything better hehe, apologies for the confusion.
I was just bashing nintendo for announcing new old 3ds models coming out after the news of the new 3ds
09-17-2014, 07:21 AM
I. WANT. IT. :nosleep:
Where? When? And how much?
09-19-2014, 06:31 PM
Here is an unboxing video of the JP version of the Persona Q 3ds XL. It's the same besides the fact theirs came with a physical copy of the game and ours does not at all. T-T
09-20-2014, 04:27 AM
yea, i actually have 2 of those Japan versions of Persona Q 3DS LL...there still in the box, i can't believe this identical one will come now stateside..i want to get rid of my Japan ones now,..i wish at least for the US they would have done a variant color, or maybe mix up the design a bit...a purple 3DS XL would have looked awesome for this!
09-23-2014, 01:36 PM
Transparent Red and Blue Nintendo 2DS designs revealed
09-23-2014, 08:47 PM
Unboxing of the Smash bros red 3ds XL:
09-24-2014, 08:18 AM
I really, really, really, hope the 2 NEW clear 2DS come to the US..i actually want to see a whole range of clear colors, like orange, green, purple etc.
09-24-2014, 10:24 AM
New 3DS debut Japanese TV spot
09-24-2014, 12:28 PM
Nintendo Australia has announced today that the New Nintendo 3DS and New Nintendo 3DS XL will launch on November 21, 2014 in Australia and New Zealand. This will follow the October 11 launch of the systems in Japan.
09-24-2014, 01:43 PM
Nice, I wonder if its still 2015 for NA? I won't get one until they release the obvious Zelda themed one in a few months. They have for the last few iterations of their hardware so I'm sure it's coming.
09-24-2014, 02:13 PM
I agree, it would be nice if they remastered the Majoras Mask and made a new 3ds XL for it. My heart would cry. T-T
09-24-2014, 02:18 PM
I agree, it would be nice if they remastered the Majoras Mask and made a new 3ds XL for it. My heart would cry. T-T
Yeah, they very well might. I'm sure if/when they do, whatever system they release it for will have a special edition. They'd be fools not to with how popular that game is.
09-24-2014, 10:47 PM
I agree, it would be nice if they remastered the Majoras Mask and made a new 3ds XL for it. My heart would cry. T-T
I would buy that even after buying the NES themed 3DS XL. That would be amazing.
10-01-2014, 12:33 AM
Here is a commercial for the "new" 3ds:
10-11-2014, 06:40 AM
I just picked up the retro NES edition 3DS XL gamestop exclusive,..the employee there was super cool about allowing me to look for the best box without any dings/dents etc. since I am OCD about collecting, he even brought out a brand new fresh "case" and opened it up for me, and asked me to take whichever one you want,..when I first walked in, they had a few out behind the counter and all of them had those oversized price stickers on the box all lopsided and grimey..and I was horrified, thinking there all gonna have those stickers on them...before I ran into this guy, gamestop would be really annoyed when I asked to look at another mintier box...or wouldn't check in the back,..saying things like "why? whats wrong with this one?"...even thought it would have a giant price sticker on it, and a dinged corner, I mean, these things are important I would think to most get the best package possible,?
10-11-2014, 01:54 PM
I just picked up the retro NES edition 3DS XL gamestop exclusive,..the employee there was super cool about allowing me to look for the best box without any dings/dents etc. since I am OCD about collecting, he even brought out a brand new fresh "case" and opened it up for me, and asked me to take whichever one you want,..when I first walked in, they had a few out behind the counter and all of them had those oversized price stickers on the box all lopsided and grimey..and I was horrified, thinking there all gonna have those stickers on them...before I ran into this guy, gamestop would be really annoyed when I asked to look at another mintier box...or wouldn't check in the back,..saying things like "why? whats wrong with this one?"...even thought it would have a giant price sticker on it, and a dinged corner, I mean, these things are important I would think to most get the best package possible,?
I didn't think to ask if they had any without stickers when I picked mine up. Luckily, I got a box that is in mint condition and the sticker was really easy to get off.
King Peter
10-12-2014, 09:47 PM
so is the NES edition 3DS really worth the money?
10-13-2014, 03:26 AM
i believe it is King Peter, it is a true one store exclusive, and it has nice retro touches on the package,..even a little 8-bit mario on the inside flap on the box when you open it, and those colored red buttons on the inside, which is rare to see in a 3DS, colored buttons that is,...also, it will be a limited run, because the factorys are probably ramping up the new redesigns, i think it's one run and done, when it comes to this model.
King Peter
10-13-2014, 03:58 AM
i believe it is King Peter, it is a true one store exclusive, and it has nice retro touches on the package,..even a little 8-bit mario on the inside flap on the box when you open it, and those colored red buttons on the inside, which is rare to see in a 3DS, colored buttons that is,...also, it will be a limited run, because the factorys are probably ramping up the new redesigns, i think it's one run and done, when it comes to this model.
It ain't a one store exclusive, I've seen it in Future Shop, Best Buy, Wallmart around my area and they were plenty of copy available
The Persona one will be one store exclusive at my Eb Games store
Maybe I'll go buy it tomorrow :P
10-13-2014, 07:13 AM
Really King Peter!!!???..the retro nes edition is widely available in Canada?..i think it's very misleading for Nintendo/Gamestop to claim it's North America exclusive and exclusive to GAMESTOP, and "extremely limited" feel jaded.
Nintendo 3DS XL New Super Mario Bros 2 Limited Edition Handheld
12-02-2014, 09:20 AM
YES!!..I have this wal mart one..the box packaging is really this one officially available anywhere outside of US/CANADA?
12-02-2014, 09:21 AM
one of the best ways to protect your NTSC 3DS XL consoles
12-02-2014, 01:06 PM
Aww, it is out of stock. :(
12-02-2014, 01:23 PM
one of the best ways to protect your NTSC 3DS XL consoles
Yeah, had an order I was placing with that guy! He's great! Sells on eBay too! I actually never finished ordering from him though cuz we moved -- gotta get on that, got too many unprotected boxes stacking up :hammer:
12-02-2014, 01:27 PM
I just ordered one of those protectors for my NES 3DS XL box. Not a bad price!
01-06-2015, 01:07 PM
01-06-2015, 05:07 PM
Just ordered mine!! ^^ FUCK YEAH!!!!!!! :woohoo:
01-06-2015, 05:10 PM
Just ordered mine!! ^^ FU** YEAH!!!!!!! :woohoo:
Nice. I'm going to wait til the XL versions are out (or a Zelda version is released) -- even though I KNOW it'll be worth more money keeping it sealed, I just don't collect like that... and I'm not just saying that because I didn't get an email from CN about it either :(
01-06-2015, 05:12 PM
Nice. I'm going to wait til the XL versions are out (or a Zelda version is released) -- even though I KNOW it'll be worth more money keeping it sealed, I just don't collect like that... and I'm not just saying that because I didn't get an email from CN about it either :(
Lol well I'll prob end up using this console since the faceplates are likely to be the main exclusive part of this bundle. Atleast if I have this one, when a Zelda bundle does inevitably come out, I won't be tempted to use it and it came stay a nice display piece like my 3DS XL! ^^
01-06-2015, 06:09 PM
And it's been dispatched and should be here tomorrow! ^^ So excited. :D
Just curious, but are there any other members here who are eligible to purchase one and if you are, have you? :D
Also, one more thing, does anybody know of any sites where you can import some of the Jap faceplates from for the New 3DS? 0.o
01-06-2015, 07:30 PM
So annoyed that we didn't received a code despite being loyal customers for ages while people who have a huge collection of two games got a code or people who are such big fans that they went straight to ebay to sell the 3DS. Is there anyone who has received an email but doesn't want to buy the 3DS and would be willing to help out? We would of course compensate for the troubles :(
We even sent a huge mail to complain at Nintendo with pictures of our whole collection. Not that it will help but it feels really bad to be treated like this. Saying that this is for the most loyal customers while it's clearly not.
01-06-2015, 07:38 PM
So annoyed that we didn't received a code despite being loyal customers for ages while people who have a huge collection of two games got a code or people who are such big fans that they went straight to ebay to sell the 3DS. Is there anyone who has received an email but doesn't want to buy the 3DS and would be willing to help out? We would of course compensate for the troubles :(
We even sent a huge mail to complain at Nintendo with pictures of our whole collection. Not that it will help but it feels really bad to be treated like this. Saying that this is for the most loyal customers while it's clearly not.
Yeah it does make me wonder what the criteria is to be eligible for one of these consoles... 0.o I wonder whether my GF was eligible. She's at work atm, so I don't know if she did or not. Lol Was you an Ambassador for the original 3DS? I was one of the first 3000 people in Europe to register my 3DS console, and I have the T-Shirt to prove it (literally)!!! XD
01-06-2015, 07:45 PM
Yeah, we bought the old 3DS pretty much day one and were Ambassadors and also have that shirt. :(
01-06-2015, 07:50 PM
Yeah, we bought the old 3DS pretty much day one and were Ambassadors and also have that shirt. :(
I dunno then? :shrug: I register literally every game I get on my CN account. I have all of Nintendo's consoles registered on my account all the way back to GBA. I have also made a fairly few purchases direct from the Nintendo online store too.
What number shirt did you get btw? ^^
01-06-2015, 08:31 PM
It's the number 2849.
01-06-2015, 08:40 PM
It's the number 2849.
I got 1104 for my 3DS and I got another T-Shirt off eBay with a Zelda OoT3D Pre-order case for £15. ^^ The other shirt was number 800. Lol
01-06-2015, 10:52 PM
Those are great numbers ^^
If we remember correctly, we've seen the number 800 shirt on ebay back then xD
On another note:
We've found someone who was so kind to help us with it, so not mad anymore.
01-06-2015, 11:14 PM
Those are great numbers ^^
If we remember correctly, we've seen the number 800 shirt on ebay back then xD
On another note:
We've found someone who was so kind to help us with it, so not mad anymore.
Lol yeah it was quite sometime ago. Back when OoT3D was released since I was completely clueless and didn't know anything about GAME having these pre-order cases, so I had to suck it up and eBay one and that one was the cheapest. ^^ Won it on an auction with the shirt. :D Thought it was a pretty good result. Now the shirt is in my drawer in a jiffy bag with the other one as they're too small for me!! XD
Congrats on finding somebody to help you with getting a 3DS. ^^ Mine should be here tomorrow, so keep an eye on this thread for pics. :D
01-07-2015, 04:26 AM
And it's been dispatched and should be here tomorrow! ^^ So excited. :D
Just curious, but are there any other members here who are eligible to purchase one and if you are, have you? :D
Also, one more thing, does anybody know of any sites where you can import some of the Jap faceplates from for the New 3DS? 0.o
I got the email and ordered one too :) I was going to get an XL, but I just can't resist something that is exclusive/rare hehe
01-07-2015, 05:51 AM
i bet if something like this comes to the will be at the NYC Nintendo store..i'm sure Nintendo wants to make a huge splash with the re-intro of 3DS..and wants people to buzz about it, so i figure something like this would happen in NYC since we technically don't have an on-line official Nintendo store like Europe,. but unlike Europe have an official Nintendo store in NYC
01-07-2015, 10:57 PM
It's here!! ^^ Was surprised it dispatched so quickly after purchasing it. Paid extra for next day. :D Was so happy to have received an email to purchase one of these yesterday! It will be cherished! ^^ ( ( ( ( ( (
Now for the console box and contents of the box! ^^ ( ( (
The lid faceplate comes detached from the console when it's packaged. Unfortunately the console doesn't come with plain faceplates like I had hoped for either. (
Faceplate installed! ^^ ( ( ( (
01-07-2015, 11:38 PM
Congrats! :D
How do you like the improved 3D viewing angle?
Nice pics! :thumb:
01-07-2015, 11:53 PM
Congrats! :D
How do you like the improved 3D viewing angle?
Nice pics! :thumb:
I haven't actually used the console and if I'm honest I don't think I will be using this one now. >.< Can see the White getting incredibly grubby, so I think I migt still look at importing a black one. Lol The faceplates are glossy, but the borders and inside of the console are Matt and in my experience with the Matt White DSi, it doesn't take long before they tarnish, especially with how much I play my DS and the fact that it goes everywhere with me. Lol
01-08-2015, 12:13 AM
That's a gorgeous piece bud! I love how they plastered the "Ambassador Edition" on it and the inside boxes, very nice! Definitely a fantastic item, thanks for sharing!
01-08-2015, 12:28 AM
I haven't actually used the console and if I'm honest I don't think I will be using this one now. >.< Can see the White getting incredibly grubby, so I think I migt still look at importing a black one. Lol The faceplates are glossy, but the borders and inside of the console are Matt and in my experience with the Matt White DSi, it doesn't take long before they tarnish, especially with how much I play my DS and the fact that it goes everywhere with me. Lol
Yeah, fair enough. You don't wanna turn it on just once though to check out the enhancements?
You have more resolve than I would in your position ;)
01-08-2015, 05:21 AM
i hope something like this comes to the US as well..and we all know if it will be NYC store exclusive.
01-08-2015, 07:25 PM
I got the email and ordered one too :) I was going to get an XL, but I just can't resist something that is exclusive/rare hehe
Missed your post. lol Glad to see there were other member's here who got the email to purchase one. ^o^ Feels like I'm part of an exclusive club... :P
Yeah, fair enough. You don't wanna turn it on just once though to check out the enhancements?
You have more resolve than I would in your position ;)
lol I fired it up earlier with my Zelda OoT demo cart in it and the improved 3D screen is exactly that. It's worlds better than the original 3DS screen. The "sweet spot" for the 3D viewing on the previous console has gone. :D It has such a wide 3D viewing angle. You can even see it altering itself if you turn the console away from you and quickly turn it back. XD I would most likely use the 3D more on this model if not all the time because of this. The 3D felt like a gimmick for me on the old model as I'd use it once one new games I buy and then the 3D would stay off as it feels like a hassle to make sure the console is in the precise spot. I haven't been able to try the extra thumb stick as I don't have any cartridge games that would support it anyway. I personally don't like the feel of it as it is... :S It may feel better when being used for a game, but I don't know. >.<
i hope something like this comes to the US as well..and we all know if it will be NYC store exclusive.
Given NoA's track record, I can't see it reaching US shores and if it did, as you said, most likely a NYC Exclusive.
That's a gorgeous piece bud! I love how they plastered the "Ambassador Edition" on it and the inside boxes, very nice! Definitely a fantastic item, thanks for sharing!
Yeah, I was happy to see that the inner console box was a properly branded "Ambassador Edition" box and not just a standard white console with the faceplates as separate items inside the bundle box.
01-08-2015, 09:31 PM
lol I fired it up earlier with my Zelda OoT demo cart in it and the improved 3D screen is exactly that. It's worlds better than the original 3DS screen. The "sweet spot" for the 3D viewing on the previous console has gone. :D It has such a wide 3D viewing angle. You can even see it altering itself if you turn the console away from you and quickly turn it back. XD I would most likely use the 3D more on this model if not all the time because of this. The 3D felt like a gimmick for me on the old model as I'd use it once one new games I buy and then the 3D would stay off as it feels like a hassle to make sure the console is in the precise spot. I haven't been able to try the extra thumb stick as I don't have any cartridge games that would support it anyway. I personally don't like the feel of it as it is... :S It may feel better when being used for a game, but I don't know. >.<
Thanks for the response :thumb:
Makes me excited to get one of these New 3DS's, probably the XL.
If they ever come to the US.
01-09-2015, 09:15 PM
I just got the e-mail to buy one aswell, shame it wasnt the new LL.
Im going to buy it but wont be using it as want an LL really but cant turn down the chance of owning this as im sure it will hold its value.
Edit: Dam you Nintendo, why have i paid £180 for somthing i wont be using......
01-14-2015, 11:46 AM
01-14-2015, 01:05 PM
They will be doing a nintendo direct today a 9am eastern time and 6am pacific time.
01-14-2015, 02:44 PM
The new 3ds XL will be available Feb. 14 and a Special Edition Monster Hunter 4 new 3ds XL will also be available then as well! Plus a Majoras mask 3ds XL as well!!!! Hype!
01-14-2015, 02:46 PM
The new 3ds XL will be available Feb. 14 and a Special Edition Monster Hunter 4 new 3ds XL will also be available then as well!
News on Majora's Mask? I've not had chance to see the reveal. Literally just got in from work! >.< I hope its not a Feb release for MM. Gonna cry if it is... ;_;
01-14-2015, 02:47 PM
It releases on 2/13! I will be furiously refreshing GameStop and Amazon all day. Not missing out on this one.
01-14-2015, 02:52 PM
It releases on 2/13! I will be furiously refreshing GameStop and Amazon all day. Not missing out on this one.
Yep the release date for MM is Feb. 13 as well as the Special Edition new 3ds xl for it. I doing the same xhunter!!:bday:
01-14-2015, 02:53 PM
Yep the release date for MM is Feb. 13 as well as the Special Edition new 3ds xl for it. I doing the same xhunter!!:bday:
My life feels so complete! :P
01-14-2015, 02:53 PM
Its gold color can't link PIC as twitter pic
01-14-2015, 02:54 PM
01-14-2015, 02:55 PM
Give us a sec and I'll screenshot
01-14-2015, 03:00 PM
01-14-2015, 03:01 PM
Monster bunter is GameStop only in us
01-14-2015, 03:02 PM
Monster bunter is GameStop only in us
Indeed it is.
01-14-2015, 03:08 PM
While I'm definitely getting one, I'm still a little sad that the MM wasn't doesn't look... I dunno... "good". It just looks like it has a faceplate on it.
Also of note - they never announced a New 3DS in the America's - guess we're not getting one.
01-14-2015, 03:08 PM
Majora's Mask New 3DS XL up for pre-order on
Got mine pre-ordered. Hoping they will show up on Amazon today so I don't have to pay tax and shipping on it.
01-14-2015, 03:17 PM
Majora's Mask New 3DS XL up for pre-order on
Got mine pre-ordered. Hoping they will show up on Amazon today so I don't have to pay tax and shipping on it.
Me too, but Amazon doesn't typically carry Nintendo consoles (at least in the past they haven't).
Edit: and darn, looks like it sold out on G/S?? Can't process through checkout now??
01-14-2015, 03:17 PM
Majora's Mask New 3DS XL up for pre-order on
Got mine pre-ordered. Hoping they will show up on Amazon today so I don't have to pay tax and shipping on it.
Thanks luv got mine too!!!!:notworthy: This is going to be a good and broke year!
01-14-2015, 03:24 PM
why is the monster hunter 4 new 3ds xl 30 bucks more???????
01-14-2015, 03:24 PM
While I'm definitely getting one, I'm still a little sad that the MM wasn't doesn't look... I dunno... "good". It just looks like it has a faceplate on it.
Also of note - they never announced a New 3DS in the America's - guess we're not getting one.
Yeah I feel the same. I was hoping it would be purple at the very least. The monster hunter one is kind of sexy, tempted to get both.
01-14-2015, 03:28 PM
Well that stinks. Been clicking on it since it went live and it kept being removed from my cart!?!? :banghead:
01-14-2015, 03:29 PM
Yeah I feel the same. I was hoping it would be purple at the very least. The monster hunter one is kind of sexy, tempted to get both.
I was hoping it would be purple too. Bad nintendo bad!! :hammer:
I want to get the monster hunt version too but way does limited money have to be a prick.:poke:
01-14-2015, 03:41 PM
well, the zelda new 3ds has been removed.
01-14-2015, 03:42 PM
well, the zelda new 3ds has been removed.
Also known as "sold out"... :(
01-14-2015, 03:42 PM
well, the zelda new 3ds has been removed.
It is still listed, just not available. Sold out already? My order hasn't been cancelled.
01-14-2015, 03:45 PM
Good thing we snagged one. ^_^
01-14-2015, 03:46 PM
Good thing we snagged one. ^_^
I am so excited I snagged one. I missed out on so many other collectible/special versions of 3DS consoles. Hopefully it is just a glitch in the system for others here who want one.
01-14-2015, 03:48 PM
Don't even understand how others got in before me? I was F5'ing the site and clicked it as soon as I saw it... but it just kept kicking it out of my cart saying "unavailable"... :(
01-14-2015, 03:48 PM
well, the zelda new 3ds has been removed.
Soo glad I got mine in. Hopefully it wasn't a faulty listing.
01-14-2015, 03:49 PM
Don't even understand how others got in before me? I was F5'ing the site and clicked it as soon as I saw it... but it just kept kicking it out of my cart saying "unavailable"... :(
I was refreshing about once every 10 seconds, so I think I got it seconds after it went up.
01-14-2015, 04:00 PM
Whew. Crisis Averted. Called up a GS friend of mine who processed a Web-In-Store for me and I'll just swing by and pay it later today! :whew: :woohoo:
01-14-2015, 04:13 PM
Bah! >.< This release is going to cost me so much monies. :( Hopefully GAME will be carrying the MM 3DSXL. :beg:
01-14-2015, 04:16 PM
Bah! >.< This release is going to cost me so much monies. :( Hopefully GAME will be carrying the MM 3DSXL. :beg:
Yeah im hoping game or amazon do it for the UK.
That confirms it my New 3DS ambasador edition that came through yesterday will now stay sealed.
And will be getting the zelda 3ds XL to use.
01-14-2015, 04:30 PM
I really wonder what the inside of the MM LE New 3DS XL (:whew: Out of breath!....) looks like? I doubt they'll keep the cool classic colored buttons... probably just use the colors that are on the black N3DSXL.
01-14-2015, 04:30 PM
Yeah im hoping game or amazon do it for the UK.
That confirms it my New 3DS ambasador edition that came through yesterday will now stay sealed.
And will be getting the zelda 3ds XL to use.
I'll get the MM console, Ofcourse. I really want a standard size N3DS to use though! >.< Fingers crossed for a black one. :D
01-14-2015, 04:32 PM
I really wonder what the inside of the MM LE New 3DS XL (:whew: Out of breath!....) looks like? I doubt they'll keep the cool classic colored buttons... probably just use the colors that are on the black N3DSXL.
01-14-2015, 04:33 PM
Is this US only? Or is it coming to EU/AU as well?
01-14-2015, 04:34 PM
Thanks, just saw that on another site, was gonna respond, but you beat me to it! :)
01-14-2015, 04:39 PM
Is this US only? Or is it coming to EU/AU as well?
It'll be coming to Europe Atleast. Couldn't say about AUS. I would assume so though.
Just anxiously waiting for pre-order links to come up. Fingers crossed I can make a pre-order instore tomorrow too, assuming GAME stock it. That way I can trade in my standard copies towards the cost of the console.
Was a price point mentioned for the new console? 0.o
01-14-2015, 04:40 PM
I'll get the MM console, Ofcourse. I really want a standard size N3DS to use though! >.< Fingers crossed for a black one. :D
I prefer to use the XL's now since i upgraded to one last year. so the smaller screen on the normal one will feel odd to use.
01-14-2015, 04:41 PM
Wonder why the US didn't get a New 3DS (Regular)? Guess they're just hating on us again.
Also, you guys got the game included in your MM bundle. We didn't. Its $199 USD w/o a game.
01-14-2015, 04:42 PM
According to GAME Digital on Twitter, the new consoles will be available for pre-order today. Nothing has been said about the LE consoles though.
01-14-2015, 04:45 PM
I prefer to use the XL's now since i upgraded to one last year. so the smaller screen on the normal one will feel odd to use.
I do quite like the new screen size though for the smaller model! ^^ I've personally never had a problem with the screen sizes anyway. Lol
Also, you guys got the game included in your MM bundle. We didn't. Its $199 USD w/o a game.
Yeah, but the game is pre-installed which is useless to me since I won't be using the console! >.< Wish they just put them on download codes like they did before, or better yet, just include a damn cartridge! >.< Cheap bastards... -_-
01-14-2015, 04:56 PM
I like that they didn't completely do away with the color on the buttons. I'm okay with the same colored buttons that have different colored letters. Looks nice.
01-14-2015, 05:08 PM
Did everyone get their e-mail from nintendo for the monster hunter demo codes?
01-14-2015, 05:10 PM
If anyone in the US Preordered 2 of them please let me know, I missed it :(
01-14-2015, 05:12 PM
If anyone in the US Preordered 2 of them please let me know, I missed it :(
You can still do web-in-store at GS locations right now bud. Also, it doesn't appear to be a GS exclusive, so BB will probably have them up soon. Keep checking them!
01-14-2015, 05:14 PM
Did everyone get their e-mail from nintendo for the monster hunter demo codes?
I did! ^^
01-14-2015, 05:14 PM
You can still do web-in-store at GS locations right now bud. Also, it doesn't appear to be a GS exclusive, so BB will probably have them up soon. Keep checking them!
Can't do web in store pre order, tells me none of the stores in my area has it...
01-14-2015, 06:02 PM
Zelda 3ds at Nintendo store game not getting it
Prob they can't be trusted
01-14-2015, 06:24 PM
Zelda 3ds at Nintendo store game not getting it
Prob they can't be trusted
I was going to pop into game tomorrow and ask. Are you sure they are not getting it?
01-14-2015, 06:32 PM
I was going to pop into game tomorrow and ask. Are you sure they are not getting it?
They've confirmed they won't be selling it:
01-14-2015, 06:37 PM
Thanks for the confirmation :suicide: - looks like ill be stalking the Nintendo store for the next few day then!
01-14-2015, 06:37 PM
Well, that was quick. Looks like GS is sold out of their web-pre-orders from in-store now as well? (At least according to THIS ( article)
01-14-2015, 06:39 PM
Thanks for the confirmation :suicide: - looks like ill be stalking the Nintendo store for the next few day then!
Same - and I was hoping to trade my XL in towards it too :facepalm:
01-14-2015, 06:44 PM
Same - and I was hoping to trade my XL in towards it too :facepalm:
Same - If i manage to get one ordered ill be selling my XL straight away before the prices bomb
01-14-2015, 06:46 PM
Same - If i manage to get one ordered ill be selling my XL straight away before the prices bomb
I wish I could do that, but I need to transfer my data :(
01-14-2015, 06:51 PM
Same - If i manage to get one ordered ill be selling my XL straight away before the prices bomb
I noticed that the Zelda 3DS has already dropped by about $100 even for sealed/CIB auctions in the past month or so. Hopefully there'll be quite a few more out there with this announcement as I still need to get one of those. :beg:
01-14-2015, 06:57 PM
I noticed that the Zelda 3DS has already dropped by about $100 even for sealed/CIB auctions in the past month or so. Hopefully there'll be quite a few more out there with this announcement as I still need to get one of those. :beg:
Fingers crossed for you bud, i'm sure they will drop more as people will be trying to raise funds for this one.
01-14-2015, 07:06 PM
tz want that .... still nothing on *grmpf*
01-14-2015, 07:08 PM
They've confirmed they won't be selling it:
Bah! >.< Gonna have to pony up the cash for this then. :( Guessing the price will be about £210 since it comes with the game... >.<
01-14-2015, 07:10 PM
Not another copy of the game! That'll be 6 If I manage to pick one up. Hopefully CEX offer a decent price for it.
01-14-2015, 08:06 PM
quick, someone help me get this T_T
01-14-2015, 08:22 PM
I noticed that the Zelda 3DS has already dropped by about $100 even for sealed/CIB auctions in the past month or so. Hopefully there'll be quite a few more out there with this announcement as I still need to get one of those. :beg:
Oh, good point! Looks like I'll be stalking eBay for one now. Was it for A Link Between Worlds?
01-14-2015, 08:39 PM
Oh, good point! Looks like I'll be stalking eBay for one now. Was it for A Link Between Worlds?
Yes..... that is exactly the one you should be looking for on eBay. The Link Between Worlds 3DS XL. That is the one I'm referring to as well. Continue to search for that one and do not bid on any other types of Zelda 3DS' and all shall be well with you...
01-14-2015, 08:56 PM
Yes..... that is exactly the one you should be looking for on eBay. The Link Between Worlds 3DS XL. That is the one I'm referring to as well. Continue to search for that one and do not bid on any other types of Zelda 3DS' and all shall be well with you...
I'm sensing sarcasm :p
01-14-2015, 08:57 PM
Yes..... that is exactly the one you should be looking for on eBay. The Link Between Worlds 3DS XL. That is the one I'm referring to as well. Continue to search for that one and do not bid on any other types of Zelda 3DS' and all shall be well with you...
It is almost like you don't want me looking for something else... :think:
01-14-2015, 09:14 PM
:whew: :whew: :whew:
West Coast folks got screwed on this deal.
Hey wake up at 6am Nintendo has yet another product to announce that will be sold out within 15 minutes!
*wakes up at 9* Great what did I miss. Yay more Zelda crap. Sold out online OF COURSE but available for web-in-store FOR THE MOMENT. Great. Stores don't open for another hour.
Third in line when GameStop opened at 10:00, it took 10 minutes to get to the counter and I asked specifically for a "web-in-store order" for the MM N3DS. Clerk is like, "yeah, it's sold out, sorry." So I said, "Yeah I know it's sold out online, I asked for a 'web-in-store order.'" But it was out of stock for web-in-store too. Which means by the time West Coast GameStops opened this morning, few if any copies were left for us.
The upshot of too much time on my hands and dogged persistence?
Called another GameStop 10:15: "Oh it was sold out for a little bit there. I just checked and it looks like they added some more. You better get here quick!"
I turned around and walked back in the store I was still standing in front of, told the clerk to please check again. It was re-available so he took my info and tried to place the order. Error, please try again, if this problem persists, please call tech support. He tried a couple more times, still got an error. Tech support was no help. They said because of the MM N3DS that everyone across the US was trying to order all at once, the web-in-store system was being overloaded, hence the error. Only thing to do is just keep trying.
10:45ish, out of stock again. There was a nationwide, system-wide processing overload error so how could anyone place any orders to make it out of stock again? :rant:
Got home, ready to spend rest of day F5ing Best Buy and Amazon when I noticed I had 3 order confirmation e-mails. Each time the clerk had tried to put in the order and gotten an error on his end, it had actually processed and sent me an order confirmation email. But I'd never paid for them.
I called CS expecting to be told they would have to cancel them. The CS rep told me 90% of his calls today have been about the MM N3DS, and if you call right now you're on hold for 30 minutes before receiving assistance because "we are experiencing higher than normal call volumes."
The CS rep told me he would indeed have to cancel my orders...but only two of them! If I could pay for one I could keep one. :yahoo: :notworthy: :whew:
Nintendo has me jumping through hoops for their shit like a trained monkey. I want to kick them in the balls. No one can say this is the right way to release a new product. They do everything completely wrong and leave it up to GameStop to pick up the pieces for them. "Well look at all the hype and buzz and tweets" Oh, you mean the ones saying 'fuck you Nintendo stop pulling this shit?'
01-14-2015, 09:17 PM
:whew: :whew: :whew:
West Coast folks got screwed on this deal.
Hey wake up at 6am Nintendo has yet another product to announce that will be sold out within 15 minutes!
*wakes up at 9* Great what did I miss. Yay more Zelda crap. Sold out online OF COURSE but available for web-in-store FOR THE MOMENT. Great. Stores don't open for another hour.
Third in line when GameStop opened at 10:00, it took 10 minutes to get to the counter and I asked specifically for a "web-in-store order" for the MM N3DS. Clerk is like, "yeah, it's sold out, sorry." So I said, "Yeah I know it's sold out online, I asked for a 'web-in-store order.'" But it was out of stock for web-in-store too. Which means by the time West Coast GameStops opened this morning, few if any copies were left for us.
The upshot of too much time on my hands and dogged persistence?
Called another GameStop 10:15: "Oh it was sold out for a little bit there. I just checked and it looks like they added some more. You better get here quick!"
I turned around and walked back in the store I was still standing in front of, told the clerk to please check again. It was re-available so he took my info and tried to place the order. Error, please try again, if this problem persists, please call tech support. He tried a couple more times, still got an error. Tech support was no help. They said because of the MM N3DS that everyone across the US was trying to order all at once, the web-in-store system was being overloaded, hence the error. Only thing to do is just keep trying.
10:45ish, out of stock again. There was a nationwide, system-wide processing overload error so how could anyone place any orders to make it out of stock again? :rant:
Got home, ready to spend rest of day F5ing Best Buy and Amazon when I noticed I had 3 order confirmation e-mails. Each time the clerk had tried to put in the order and gotten an error on his end, it had actually processed and sent me an order confirmation email. But I'd never paid for them.
I called CS expecting to be told they would have to cancel them. The CS rep told me 90% of his calls today have been about the MM N3DS, and if you call right now you're on hold for 30 minutes before receiving assistance because "we are experiencing higher than normal call volumes."
The CS rep told me he would indeed have to cancel my orders...but only two of them! If I could pay for one I could keep one. :yahoo: :notworthy: :whew:
Nintendo has me jumping through hoops for their shit like a trained monkey. I want to kick them in the balls. No one can say this is the right way to release a new product. They do everything completely wrong and leave it up to GameStop to pick up the pieces for them. "Well look at all the hype and buzz and tweets" Oh, you mean the ones saying 'fuck you Nintendo stop pulling this shit?'
Could you cancel only one and let me have one? :sorry:
01-14-2015, 09:20 PM
:whew: :whew: :whew:
West Coast folks got screwed on this deal.
Hey wake up at 6am Nintendo has yet another product to announce that will be sold out within 15 minutes!
*wakes up at 9* Great what did I miss. Yay more Zelda crap. Sold out online OF COURSE but available for web-in-store FOR THE MOMENT. Great. Stores don't open for another hour.
Third in line when GameStop opened at 10:00, it took 10 minutes to get to the counter and I asked specifically for a "web-in-store order" for the MM N3DS. Clerk is like, "yeah, it's sold out, sorry." So I said, "Yeah I know it's sold out online, I asked for a 'web-in-store order.'" But it was out of stock for web-in-store too. Which means by the time West Coast GameStops opened this morning, few if any copies were left for us.
The upshot of too much time on my hands and dogged persistence?
Called another GameStop 10:15: "Oh it was sold out for a little bit there. I just checked and it looks like they added some more. You better get here quick!"
I turned around and walked back in the store I was still standing in front of, told the clerk to please check again. It was re-available so he took my info and tried to place the order. Error, please try again, if this problem persists, please call tech support. He tried a couple more times, still got an error. Tech support was no help. They said because of the MM N3DS that everyone across the US was trying to order all at once, the web-in-store system was being overloaded, hence the error. Only thing to do is just keep trying.
10:45ish, out of stock again. There was a nationwide, system-wide processing overload error so how could anyone place any orders to make it out of stock again? :rant:
Got home, ready to spend rest of day F5ing Best Buy and Amazon when I noticed I had 3 order confirmation e-mails. Each time the clerk had tried to put in the order and gotten an error on his end, it had actually processed and sent me an order confirmation email. But I'd never paid for them.
I called CS expecting to be told they would have to cancel them. The CS rep told me 90% of his calls today have been about the MM N3DS, and if you call right now you're on hold for 30 minutes before receiving assistance because "we are experiencing higher than normal call volumes."
The CS rep told me he would indeed have to cancel my orders...but only two of them! If I could pay for one I could keep one. :yahoo: :notworthy: :whew:
Nintendo has me jumping through hoops for their shit like a trained monkey. I want to kick them in the balls. No one can say this is the right way to release a new product. They do everything completely wrong and leave it up to GameStop to pick up the pieces for them. "Well look at all the hype and buzz and tweets" Oh, you mean the ones saying 'fuck you Nintendo stop pulling this shit?'
That's what you call commitment, I'm glad your persistance paid off in the end. Nintendo seen to like sending people on wild goose chase's! :D
01-14-2015, 09:22 PM
Looking for anyone who can preorder one of each New 3DS Xl models, as in Majora's Mask and Monster Hunter 4. Not Sure I'm going to have much luck, but one can pray right?
01-14-2015, 09:39 PM
Keep looking at nintendo store but no pre-order yet
01-14-2015, 10:10 PM
Could you cancel only one and let me have one? :sorry:
That's what you call commitment, I'm glad your persistance paid off in the end. Nintendo seen to like sending people on wild goose chase's! :D
I'm not sure if there's a 1 per customer limit or not, but when I called CS the rep pretty much automatically canceled two of my orders without giving me any say about it. Maybe I could have stopped him, but I don't have $600 to pay for 3 orders. :( I seriously did consider keeping them to help forum members but I just couldn't afford to. Sorry man. Best of luck on your wild goose chase.
01-14-2015, 10:33 PM
The monster hunter version is back up
01-14-2015, 10:48 PM
The manager at my local GS told me the MM version of the new 3DS XL is completely sold out...
01-14-2015, 10:55 PM
damn was at work when all this started happening missed out on the majoras mask version :facepalm:
01-14-2015, 11:07 PM
If the MM Console comes up for sale on the UK Nintendo site tomorrow between now and 3pm, I would be indebted if somebody would be able to order an extra one just incase they sell out. :beg:
Unfortunately due to where I work, I don't get a phone reception so I an unable to keep an eye on it! >.<
Thanks in advance anybody who does help. :thumb:
Looking for anyone who can preorder one of each New 3DS Xl models, as in Majora's Mask and Monster Hunter 4. Not Sure I'm going to have much luck, but one can pray right?
Both are up for pre-order on ebgames australia
01-14-2015, 11:11 PM
If the MM Console comes up for sale on the UK Nintendo site tomorrow between now and 3pm, I would be indebted if somebody would be able to order an extra one just incase they sell out. :beg:
Unfortunately due to where I work, I don't get a phone reception so I an unable to keep an eye on it! >.<
Thanks in advance anybody who does help. :thumb:
Cosmic I will definitely help if I can, I'm going to be stalking there site so if I can I will order you one.
01-14-2015, 11:12 PM
Cosmic I will definitely help if I can, I'm going to be stalking there site so if I can I will order you one.
Cheers mate, I appreciate it! ^^ Hopefully it won't come to that and I'll just be able to put an order in when I get home, but just incase. :thumb:
01-14-2015, 11:17 PM
Cheers mate, I appreciate it! ^^ Hopefully it won't come to that and I'll just be able to put an order in when I get home, but just incase. :thumb:
No worries mate! if you manage to catch the pre order I'd apreciate it if you could order me one just in case I miss It aswel.
01-14-2015, 11:29 PM
No worries mate! if you manage to catch the pre order I'd apreciate it if you could order me one just in case I miss It aswel.
Ofcourse. :D Not a problem. ^^ I'll ok you and let you know. :D As I said though, I most definitely won't be online until after 3. >.< Anyway, time to sleep.
Good night all! ^^
01-14-2015, 11:41 PM
Available from Best Buy!!!
01-15-2015, 12:03 AM
Both are up for pre-order on ebgames australia
Ordered. But it's a bit shit that it doesn't come with the game. Or the AC adapter. Seriously, no AC adapter? What the fuck?
The last Zelda 3DSXL bundle I bought (Link between worlds) had both
01-15-2015, 12:53 AM
...and Best Buy is sold out.
01-15-2015, 01:11 AM
...and Best Buy is sold out.
Of course it is. With Zelda items it only takes minutes.:sorry:
01-15-2015, 02:45 AM
I gave in and got the monster hunter edition as well. The gold and silver will look nice together. I'll be crying Feb. 13th T-T
Who got extra and willing to help
I would be appreciate :'( and will repay The favor
Wow, just saw the article and its sold out. So who else (amz/walmart/target/toysrus) is selling this? Much appreciated for posted links
01-15-2015, 06:42 AM
Wow sold out already in Australia EB Games. I'm surprised.
01-15-2015, 06:58 AM
Busy day at work today i know im gonna miss this when it goes up for pre-order in uk now
01-15-2015, 07:12 AM
I got an extra one from EB. It's good to see the demand is there. Excellent. Ha. Haha. Hahahaha. MWUWHAAHAHAHAHHAW
01-15-2015, 07:39 AM
i need help with this, gamestop and such dont accept forwarding addresses T_T
01-15-2015, 08:59 AM
They're not even available for preorder in Denmark yet -.-
01-15-2015, 10:12 AM
Sold out at JB within hours too
Some are selling for between $300 and $450 on ebay already
01-15-2015, 11:12 AM
I've contacted Nintendo to see when they will be up for pre order in UK. Ill update as soon as I hear back
01-15-2015, 12:10 PM
Sold out at JB within hours too
Some are selling for between $300 and $450 on ebay already
I completely missed out on the Zelda CE from jb. Seems like the listing went up after the XL.
01-15-2015, 12:54 PM
I've contacted Nintendo to see when they will be up for pre order in UK. Ill update as soon as I hear back
Not sure if this has been posted here or not, but if you're in the UK (or anywhere else in Europe) and want to put a pre-order down just to be safe, Amazon France appear to have some up (and they won't take payment yet like all Amazon!)
So if you're able to get a UK one you can just cancel it!
01-15-2015, 12:56 PM
Just looked but I can't see it can u provide a link?
01-15-2015, 01:03 PM
Just looked but I can't see it can u provide a link?
Sold by Amazon as well
01-15-2015, 01:06 PM
Thanks man! Could see it at all, I've ordered it to guarantee I've got one, I'll still be watching for the Nintendo store ones to come on.
01-15-2015, 01:11 PM
Wish I wasn't so worried about selling pre-orders on eBay. Seems like people are making easy flips with their Zelda pre-orders. Seems a bit much with the N3DS's though since we don't even know what other retailers will be selling these. I don't think Nintendo ever used the word "limited" or "exclusive", just "special edition". Normally I wouldn't care, but funding is tight right now so they've got me thinking :think: If there's people out there who have got buckets of money and want to spend it, I can't say that I'm morally opposed to them giving it to me... but what about the people who DONT have $ and just want these editions?? The Collector vs. Reseller dilemma is REAL!
01-15-2015, 01:30 PM
It's up
Not happy with the price though!!!
01-15-2015, 01:35 PM
Thanks Matt managed to get it ordered from here aswel, it works out 30odd quid dearer than the one.
01-15-2015, 01:49 PM
Do nintendo take money upfront?
01-15-2015, 01:50 PM
On dispatch
01-15-2015, 01:53 PM
01-15-2015, 01:56 PM
Placed my order. Woo hoo
01-15-2015, 01:58 PM
Pre'z have been up 30mins can't be many left now....
01-15-2015, 01:58 PM
Thanks Matt managed to get it ordered from here aswel, it works out 30odd quid dearer than the one.
Have you ordered one for Cosmic yet? If not, I can if you need?
01-15-2015, 01:59 PM
It's up
Not happy with the price though!!!
Considering it includes the statue from the US SE, I'm definitely OK with the price :D
01-15-2015, 02:00 PM
Have you ordered one for Cosmic yet? If not, I can if you need?
Yeah I have him one on order from and Nintendo store until he contacts me about it when he finishes work!
01-15-2015, 02:07 PM
Considering it includes the statue from the US SE, I'm definitely OK with the price :D
The US console plus CE of the game would be $250 which is about 165gbp (plus tax I think) so much cheaper than ours. Of course if someone missed out on the US CE of the game then it's probably cheaper than paying ebay scalpers so isn't so bad :shrug:
I think it's overpriced though... but I still bought it so must be a mug.
01-15-2015, 02:10 PM
The US console plus CE of the game would be $250 which is about 165gbp (plus tax I think) so much cheaper than ours. Of course if someone missed out on the US CE of the game then it's probably cheaper than paying ebay scalpers so isn't so bad :shrug:
I think it's overpriced though... but I still bought it so must be a mug.
There's not much point comparing it to the US though, as they're always going to get a better deal :(
Look at it this way, Game is selling the regular New 3DS XL for £180 - so we're only paying £30 more for the SE design + charger + statue + download copy of MM which is a pretty good deal really :D
01-15-2015, 02:26 PM
There's not much point comparing it to the US though, as they're always going to get a better deal :(
Look at it this way, Game is selling the regular New 3DS XL for £180 - so we're only paying £30 more for the SE design + charger + statue + download copy of MM which is a pretty good deal really :D
Yeah, makes me a bit more cheerful looking at it that way.
01-15-2015, 02:32 PM
I've got one ordered guys! ^^ Thanks a lot everybody. :D
01-15-2015, 06:50 PM
Sold out now
01-15-2015, 07:35 PM
Got mine ordered at about 2:30 - 3pm
Might return my ambassador console so seems a waste to keep it sealed in a box. Or do you think they will be worth money in future?
01-15-2015, 07:38 PM
Sold out now
Oh wow! :swoon: I didn't think it would sell out so fast from the UK Nintendo store. People must REALLY want this 3DS! 0.0 So glad I got an order in! ^^
01-15-2015, 07:40 PM
Got mine ordered at about 2:30 - 3pm
Might return my ambassador console so seems a waste to keep it sealed in a box. Or do you think they will be worth money in future?
If you really don't want the ambassador edition, just stick it on eBay. No point returning it when you can make a little extra on top from it! :thumb: I personally will be keeping mine, but I'm just a hoarder!! XD
01-15-2015, 07:43 PM
Oh wow! :swoon: I didn't think it would sell out so fast from the UK Nintendo store. People must REALLY want this 3DS! 0.0 So glad I got an order in! ^^
Same here, thought it would be like the Majora's Mask CE and be available forever.
01-15-2015, 07:50 PM
I just hope that everybody here who wanted one, got one. :beg:
I can't believe the CE is still in stock though. Lol How many consoles do you think have been bought by scalpers? >.<
01-15-2015, 07:56 PM
If you really don't want the ambassador edition, just stick it on eBay. No point returning it when you can make a little extra on top from it! :thumb: I personally will be keeping mine, but I'm just a hoarder!! XD
Dont think they are making much profit on ebay are they?
Yeah im also a hoarder and have tried to cut down (thats why havent been on this site much for past few months)
01-15-2015, 07:57 PM
Thanks Matt16 for sharing link earlier, I ordered mine before 2pm then shared to link to friends. :)
01-15-2015, 08:02 PM
Dont think they are making much profit on ebay are they?
Yeah im also a hoarder and have tried to cut down (thats why havent been on this site much for past few months)
I dunno, I haven't looked! Lol Any profit is better than nothing to some people though. Lol I've been trying to cut down too, but I am failing miserably! >.< I am thinking of selling some stuff, but have yet to decide what. For any who read this, my Zelda items will be staying put, so move on... :P
01-15-2015, 08:04 PM
I dunno, I haven't looked! Lol Any profit is better than nothing to some people though. Lol I've been trying to cut down too, but I am failing miserably! >.< I am thinking of selling some stuff, but have yet to decide what. For any who read this, my Zelda items will be staying put, so move on... :P
Yeah im the same buit couldnt part with my zelda items as they are special to me.
I must put some updated pics as havent posted since i moved to my new house and have my own man cave now :)
01-15-2015, 08:09 PM
for those in france, micromania has it
look for it on all the nintendo european stores btw! good luck!
(on the french nintendo store, its advertised on the side, but i didnt find it to order)
01-15-2015, 08:20 PM
I am thinking of selling some stuff, but have yet to decide what. For any who read this, my Zelda items will be going first :P
I get first dibs :P
01-15-2015, 08:40 PM
I get first dibs :P
Dream on! :P
Just curious but is anybody here going to be getting the standard N3DS and is anybody going to be getting any cover plates for the new consoles? I've pre-ordered a Pokemans set. :D I also saw a sweet looking set of Zelda MM cover plates on a N3DS Advertisement video on the Wii U yesterday which I would love to get! ^^
I wonder when and where these will be available... 0.o
01-15-2015, 08:49 PM
Dream on! :P
Just curious but is anybody here going to be getting the standard N3DS and is anybody going to be getting any cover plates for the new consoles? I've pre-ordered a Pokemans set. :D I also saw a sweet looking set of Zelda MM cover plates on a N3DS Advertisement video on the Wii U yesterday which I would love to get! ^^
I wonder when and where these will be available... 0.o
Aw man that looks sweet. Do they make plates like that for tye XL versions too?
01-15-2015, 09:11 PM
Aw man that looks sweet. Do they make plates like that for tye XL versions too?
No they don't. Only the standard size console has the interchangeable cover plates. It's the main reason for me getting a black standard N3DS as well. Lol won't be using the MM XL. lol
01-16-2015, 08:23 AM
Aw man that looks sweet. Do they make plates like that for tye XL versions too?
No they don't. Only the standard size console has the interchangeable cover plates. It's the main reason for me getting a black standard N3DS as well. Lol won't be using the MM XL. lol
And the US isn't getting the standard size N3DS at all, at least for the time being.
01-16-2015, 09:10 AM
Preorder on
01-16-2015, 09:36 PM
Just wondering, might be a stupid question, or answered before, but will the MM special edition new 3ds have a removable faceplate?
01-16-2015, 09:45 PM
Just wondering, might be a stupid question, or answered before, but will the MM special edition new 3ds have a removable faceplate?
No, that's not possible. Only the standard new 3DS will allow you to change the faceplates. The XL versions have a fixed cover.
01-17-2015, 10:49 PM
Majora's Mask N3DS Cover Plates. :D
Haven't seen anywhere in the west that I can order this from. Can import from here ( though! :D
01-18-2015, 07:52 AM
I think the standard 3DS size will come to the US in holiday 2015..and my theory is 2DS will be phased out by then.
01-23-2015, 08:13 AM
I funda nexus 6 ( just ordered two of those protectors for my NES funda galaxy A7 ( 3DS XL box.
01-23-2015, 01:08 PM
Anyone know of a way to protect a 3DS XL while having it on display? I don't want to leave my MM New 3DS XL in the box, but wouldn't mind protecting it while it sits on the shelf.
01-23-2015, 03:36 PM
Look here:
Bought on Amazon with keywords 3ds xl clear hardcase
01-25-2015, 11:44 PM
may some of you have some luck!
01-28-2015, 10:37 AM
Dream on! :P
Just curious but is anybody here going to be getting the standard N3DS and is anybody going to be getting any cover plates for the new consoles? I've pre-ordered a Pokemans set. :D I also saw a sweet looking set of Zelda MM cover plates on a N3DS Advertisement video on the Wii U yesterday which I would love to get! ^^
I wonder when and where these will be available... 0.o
I posted a link for these from Nippon-Yasan the other day. It appears they have now sold out. Looks like play-Asia should be taking pre-orders soon for those who might be interested, but never got one.
Not sure if these are going to be a limited run, and there doesn't seem to be any indication of a western release atm. :( Might be a good idea to snag one while you can. :thumb:
02-01-2015, 03:27 PM
Less than 2 weeks until I have that Majora's Mask New 3DS XL in my hands! :D
02-01-2015, 03:31 PM
Less than 2 weeks until I have that Majora's Mask New 3DS XL in my hands! :D
Indeed!!! Can't wait for the money to come out my bank account for all my things.
02-01-2015, 03:32 PM
Indeed!!! Can't wait for the money to come out my bank account for all my things.
Between this and the Majora's Mask limited edition (with guide), I only owe Gamestop about $190. Got the rest paid off with credit. Can't complain!
Just ordered my protector case for the MM 3DS box. :thumb:
02-02-2015, 08:43 PM
I have an EU version of the Zelda New 3DS pre-ordered from, if anyone is interested please contact me. I can sell it to whoever is interested for the listing price.
02-03-2015, 02:34 PM
I have an EU version of the Zelda New 3DS pre-ordered from, if anyone is interested please contact me. I can sell it to whoever is interested for the listing price.
02-06-2015, 03:16 PM
Nintendo announced new Zelda faceplate today:
02-06-2015, 03:17 PM
Nintendo announced new Zelda faceplate today:
Not in the US, though. :(
02-06-2015, 03:18 PM
Not in the US, though. :(
I understand that NA will get only XL model?
So no need to worry ;)
02-06-2015, 03:19 PM
I understand that NA will get only XL model?
So no need to worry ;)
Yeah, but I want those faceplates, haha.
02-06-2015, 03:20 PM
Nintendo announced new Zelda faceplate today:
Nintendo them turds! :poke:
02-07-2015, 11:58 AM
Nintendo announced new Zelda faceplate today:
Will have to keep my eyes open for that black one. It's nice! ^^
02-12-2015, 10:34 AM
Nintendo announced new Zelda faceplate today:
It appears that the black Triforce faceplate was available on ( 3%AC%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88-No-055-%E3%82%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%83%80%E3%81%AE%E4%BC%9D%E8%A A%AC/dp/B00T73HPMM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1423737165&sr=8-1&keywords=3DS+055) and sold out very quickly. >.<
Hopefully there is another opportunity to purchase this. Nippon-Yasan or Play-Asia never had it listed... :(
02-12-2015, 11:54 PM
I guess that answers my question about whether to import these or not. Oh well.
Looks like the first one is now a limited edition poster at Nintendo World Store.
Source (
02-13-2015, 05:19 PM
Did anyone else know about this? I never saw this on their website before. I'm curious to know if this truly sold out or if they are preparing for another bundle stock for those they cancelled?
Gamestop Majora's Mask 3DS XL Console and CE (
02-13-2015, 05:31 PM
Did anyone else know about this? I never saw this on their website before. I'm curious to know if this truly sold out or if they are preparing for another bundle stock for those they cancelled?
Gamestop Majora's Mask 3DS XL Console and CE (
I don't think GS is preparing for anything. The bundle was available for a few minutes now it's sold out
02-13-2015, 05:47 PM
I don't think GS is preparing for anything. The bundle was available for a few minutes now it's sold out
Yeah, I was just trying to get my hopes up since I wasn't able to preorder one. Sucks to know I had another chance at it, albeit with another MM CE, but still better than second hand markups.
02-13-2015, 07:35 PM
So many people were at my gamestop for monster hunter. zelda MM, and the new 3ds xl. I was the only one their for the amiibo.
02-14-2015, 05:06 AM
Has any US member's MM New 3DS XL been shipped yet? My best buy order is still not shipped :(
02-14-2015, 05:07 AM
Has any US member's MM New 3DS XL been shipped yet? My best buy order is still not shipped :(
Mine shipped yesterday from Gamestop
02-14-2015, 05:09 AM
Mine shipped yesterday from Gamestop
My MH New 3DS was shipped yesterday and delivered today. But what I really care about is my MM one from Best Buy. Don't think I can sleep well until my order is shipped
02-14-2015, 05:13 AM
I'm surprised mine did not ship from gamestop with the rest of my stuff. I'm more worried about the MM 3ds xl as well.
02-14-2015, 05:18 AM
I'm surprised mine did not ship from gamestop with the rest of my stuff. I'm more worried about the MM 3ds xl as well.
Best Buy never cancelled my pre-order before, neither did GS. But still very worried. Hopefully when I wake up tomorrow I can see the shipping confirmation from BB
02-14-2015, 05:18 AM
Best Buy never cancelled my pre-order before, neither did GS. But still very worried. Hopefully when I wake up tomorrow I can see the shipping confirmation from BB
Me too luv.
02-14-2015, 11:16 AM
They canceled my MM new 3ds xl........................ T-T(sob)
02-14-2015, 01:39 PM
They canceled my MM new 3ds xl........................ T-T(sob)
That sucks! So sorry to hear that. My order is still in Process...
02-14-2015, 01:46 PM
They canceled my MM new 3ds xl........................ T-T(sob)
Noooooooo. :( That sucks so much! So sorry to hear that, hopefully you can find one somewhere to pickup without having to pay absurd scalper prices.
02-14-2015, 03:48 PM
I was crushed when I found out.....:sorry:
02-14-2015, 04:26 PM
Well I just got off the phone with gamestop and apparently PayPal was screwing a lot of people over if they paid through them. That's how my order got canceled..I'm soo pissed off right now and crying at the same time.
02-14-2015, 04:34 PM
If anyone manages to find one at normal price online I would be eternally grateful if you got it for me.
02-14-2015, 05:05 PM
Well I just got off the phone with gamestop and apparently PayPal was screwing a lot of people over if they paid through them. That's how my order got canceled..I'm soo pissed off right now and crying at the same time.
That would explain the failed payment email I got from PayPal about my Gamestop order for the MM 3DS LE game and guide combo (luckily I had paid the order with store credit after using PayPal to order it in January). That is really awful on PayPal's part.
02-14-2015, 05:09 PM
That would explain the failed payment email I got from PayPal about my Gamestop order for the MM 3DS LE game and guide combo (luckily I had paid the order with store credit after using PayPal to order it in January). That is really awful on PayPal's part.
That might be why my Zelda MM special edition kept getting canceled from GAME UK.
02-14-2015, 05:10 PM
That might be why my Zelda MM special edition kept getting canceled from GAME UK.
Ugh. Sorry you've had it so rough with this. If, by some miracle, I spot an MM New 3DS XL in the wild, I'll pick it up for you.
02-14-2015, 05:11 PM
Ugh. Sorry you've had it so rough with this. If, by some miracle, I spot an MM New 3DS XL in the wild, I'll pick it up for you.
I would very much appreciate it luv. :hug:
02-14-2015, 06:02 PM
The inventory checker on shows there's a store near me has it, I called and they told me they have one. I drove 1 hour there and they told me they didn't have one, it was sold out yesterday...
02-14-2015, 06:11 PM
The inventory checker on shows there's a store near me has it, I called and they told me they have one. I drove 1 hour there and they told me they didn't have one, it was sold out yesterday...
That's weird.
Texas Fire
02-21-2015, 12:07 AM
While that sounds a bit harsh, it's mostly true - if there's an employee at the register who is giving you a hard time, buy a piece of candy or one of those $1 things around the counter and then burn him/her on the survey, explaining in detail what happened - if they still have a job the DM will at least give him a stern talking to and possibly personally give you a call too. (Just don't sound like a punk in your survey)
Well played...
02-27-2015, 05:58 AM
does anybody think Nintendo will do a special edition Xenoblade 3DS XL console for at least the US Market?
02-27-2015, 06:26 PM
does anybody think Nintendo will do a special edition Xenoblade 3DS XL console for at least the US Market?
Nah, JAP only. Or, JAP/UK/and NYC NWS only.
02-27-2015, 06:30 PM
They actually might considering it sold the most in the US by a long shot but time will tell.
06-01-2015, 10:20 AM,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/whriimpltyxlkcei8biv.jpg
06-01-2015, 07:17 PM,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/whriimpltyxlkcei8biv.jpg
I still wish they would have made a Xenoblade one!:poke:
King Peter
06-01-2015, 10:30 PM
I'm waiting for the new japanese 3DS Fire Emblem console in August, I'll buy DQVIII to play with it. Morrie is god :P
06-06-2015, 06:11 PM
I still wish they would have made a Xenoblade one!:poke:
I do believe there are xenoblade covers out though.. Its not a real limited edition but its something ! tes_confirmed_for_2nd_april_launch_in_europe/attachment/0/630x.jpg
06-06-2015, 11:08 PM
I do believe there are xenoblade covers out though.. Its not a real limited edition but its something ! tes_confirmed_for_2nd_april_launch_in_europe/attachment/0/630x.jpg
Yeah the covers are nice but a limited edition console would have made them some money. ;)
06-10-2015, 08:50 PM
Yeah the covers are nice but a limited edition console would have made them some money. ;)
It's a lot cheaper to collect cover plates than limited edition consoles!
Nintendo must be banking on people buying a lot of cover plates instead of multiple consoles.
06-11-2015, 02:41 AM
I imagine their margins are WAY better than with the consoles (they might even sell those at a loss honestly). I'm sure it's more profitable for them though.
new 3ds with exclusive plates.
07-06-2015, 12:58 AM
new 3ds xl with exclusive plates.
That isn't XL model ;)
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