View Full Version : Are there Xbox One game promos?

03-09-2015, 10:33 PM
Hi there,

I started my collection with a ps4 promo of the last of us remastered bought on eBay from chev327fox aka flatout and i didnt even know about promo or press copies of games! (September 2014). So at the Moment im trying to find a press copy Of dying light for xbox one but i dont even know if there are xbox one press copies of games or how they look like. I also only saw a darksiders promo copy for the 360 and it only has the yellow stripe on it, but how does it look like for xbone copies? Ive tried to look up a forza and a dead rising promo copy without success.. So yeah is there an xbone copy anywhere? If so how do they look like? Thanks in advance :)

03-09-2015, 11:23 PM
There are promo copies for both xbox 360 and xbox one ,they all have the yellow stripe or box with "Promotional copy not for resale " ,Across it,they are available for most games ,but not all as it depends on the publisher in question.
They are given out to the gaming press,reviewers ,journalists and even employees and some find there way to eBay others are handed down,if I can help you obtain any let me know as I have about 40 xbox 360 duplicate ones from my personal collection ,some are sealed and some are not and 2 for the xbox one .

03-10-2015, 02:18 PM
There are promo copies for both xbox 360 and xbox one ,they all have the yellow stripe or box with "Promotional copy not for resale " ,Across it,they are available for most games ,but not all as it depends on the publisher in question.
They are given out to the gaming press,reviewers ,journalists and even employees and some find there way to eBay others are handed down,if I can help you obtain any let me know as I have about 40 xbox 360 duplicate ones from my personal collection ,some are sealed and some are not and 2 for the xbox one .
So they look pretty much the same Huh... Alright then.

Only looking for a dying light press disc (or kit, if there is one) atm, thanks! :)