03-09-2015, 10:33 PM
Hi there,
I started my collection with a ps4 promo of the last of us remastered bought on eBay from chev327fox aka flatout and i didnt even know about promo or press copies of games! (September 2014). So at the Moment im trying to find a press copy Of dying light for xbox one but i dont even know if there are xbox one press copies of games or how they look like. I also only saw a darksiders promo copy for the 360 and it only has the yellow stripe on it, but how does it look like for xbone copies? Ive tried to look up a forza and a dead rising promo copy without success.. So yeah is there an xbone copy anywhere? If so how do they look like? Thanks in advance :)
I started my collection with a ps4 promo of the last of us remastered bought on eBay from chev327fox aka flatout and i didnt even know about promo or press copies of games! (September 2014). So at the Moment im trying to find a press copy Of dying light for xbox one but i dont even know if there are xbox one press copies of games or how they look like. I also only saw a darksiders promo copy for the 360 and it only has the yellow stripe on it, but how does it look like for xbone copies? Ive tried to look up a forza and a dead rising promo copy without success.. So yeah is there an xbone copy anywhere? If so how do they look like? Thanks in advance :)