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11-02-2015, 06:34 PM
007 Quantum of Solace Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PS3)
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
2Dark Limited (Steelbook) Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
20th Anniversary PlayStation Steelbook (Game/UK) (PS3,PS4)

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Collector's Edition (JPN) (PS4)/Ace Combat 7: Skies
Unknown Aces at War Bundle (Bandai Namco Entertainment America Online Store/NA)
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON'T KNOW! - Collector's Edition
(Jumbo Steelbook) (Amazon/USA) (N3DS)
Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd you steal our garbage Collector's Edition (Jumbo
Steelbook) (Amazon/USA) (N3DS)
Aeterna Noctis Caos Edition (two steelbooks included) (EU) (PS5,XSX)
Agents of Mayhem Day One Edition (Micromania/FRA,Amazon/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1)/
Steelbook Edition (Gamestop/GER) (PS4,XB1)
Age of Empires Definitve Edition (MediaMarkt,Saturn/GER) (PC)
Aliens vs. Predator Hunter Edition (EU,NA) (PS3)
Alien Isolation Nostromo Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
Alliance Alive HD Remastered Steelbook Edition (KOR) (PS4)
Alone in the Dark Collector's Edition (EU) (PC,PS5,XSX)
Among Us Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PC)
Among Us Ejected Edition (Amazon/NA) (PS5,PS4,XSX)
Anno 1800 Pioneers Edition (EU) (PC)
Anonymous:Code Pre-Order Steelbook (US) (PS4)
Anthem Fluorescent Pre-Order Steelbook (without game)/(with game) (Amazon/
GER,UK,Gamingreplay/POR)) (PS4,XB1)
Anthem Non-Fluorescent Pre-Order Steelbook (without game)/(with game) (BestBuy/USA)
Anthem Pre-Order Steelbook (without game)/(with game) (Amazon/
GER,UK,Gamingreplay/POR) (PS4,XB1)
Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection Ultimate Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Ark: Survival Evolved Explorers Edition/Standard Edition Pre-Order Steelbook (Gamestop/
GER,BestBuy/USA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon Premium Edition/Collector’s Edition (PC, PS5, PS4,
Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel Pre-Order Steelbook (Blockbuster/Latin America,MEX)
Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel Pre-Order Steelbook (Gameplanet/Latin America,MEX)
Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel Pre-Order Steelbook (Gamers/Latin America,MEX) (PS3)
Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation Pre-Order Steelbook (Futureshop/CAN) (PSVita)
Assassin’s Creed III Remastered Signature Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU) (PS4,XB1)
Assassin’s Creed Anthology Edition (EU) (PS3)
Assassin’s Creed Black Flag Limited Edition (USA) (PS3,PS4/XB1)
Assassin's Creed: Mirage Collector's Case (EU,US) (PC,PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Assassin's Creed: Mirage Pre-Order Steelbook (EU,AUS) (PC,PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Assassin's Creed Odyssey Gold Steelbook Edition (NA) (PS4,XB1)
Assassin's Creed Odyssey Pantheon Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Assassin's Creed Odyssey Pre-Order Steelbook (with and without game) (Amazon/GER)
Assassin's Creed Origins Dawn of the Creed Collector's Edition/Legendary Collector's
Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Assassin's Creed Origins Gold Steelbook Edition (NA) (PS4,XB1)
Assassin's Creed Origins Standard/Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1)/Pre-Order
Steelbook without game (Amazon/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Assassin's Creed: Shadows Collector's Edition (US,EU) (PS5,XBX,PC)
Assassin's Creed: Shadows Pre-Order Steelbook (US,EU) (PS5,XBX,PC)
Assassin's Creed Syndicate Special Edition + Steelbook (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Assassin's Creed Unity Pre-Order Steelbook (FutureShop/CAN) (PS4,XB1)
Assassin's Creed Unity (Uplay-Shop/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Assassin's Creed Unity Pre-Order Steelbook (Gamesonly/AUT) (PS4,XB1)
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Collector’s Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Gold Steelbook Edition (NA) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Ultimate Steelbook Edition (Gamestop/USA)
Atlas Fallen Limited Edition (EU) (PC,PS5,XSX)
Atomic Heart Limited Edition Bundle (Focus Entertainment Store) (PS5,XSX,PC)
Atomic Heart Limited Edition (Asia) (PS5,PS4)
Attack on Titan 2 Wings Of Freedom Pre-Order Steelbook (EU)
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS5,XSX)
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Gold Steelbook Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS5,XSX)
Awesomenauts Pre-Order Steelbook (GameStop/NA) (PC)
Axiom Verge Pre-Order Steelbook (GameStop/NA) (PC)
Axiom Verge 2 Collector’s Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)

Babylon's Fall Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PC,PS4,PS5)
Back 4 Blood Standard Edition/Ultimate Edition Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/NA)
Banishers Ghost of New Eden Collector's Edition (NA) (PC,PS5,XSX)
Batman Arkham Collection Steelbook Edition (Amazon/UK) (PS4,XB1)
Batman: Arkham City Steelbook Edition (Catwoman) (EU,FutureShop/CAN) (PS3)
Batman: Arkham City Steelbook Edition (Joker) (EBGames/AUS,EU) (PS3)
Batman: Arkham City Steelbook Edition (Penguin) (Blockbuster/UK) (PS3)
Batman: Arkham City Steelbook Edition (Two-Face) (UK) (PS3)
Batman Arkham Knight Game of the Year Edition/Limited Edition/Special Edition (EU)
Batman Arkham Knight Game of the Year Edition/Limited Edition/Special Edition (NA)
Battleborn - Steelbook Edition (EU) (Amazon/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1)
50 Battle Chef Brigade - Brigadier Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Battlefield 1 Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Battlefield 1 Gamestop Exclusive Steelbook (GameStop/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Battlefield 1 Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PS4,XB1)
Battlefield 3: Limited Edition (EU) (PS3)
Battlefield 4: Deluxe Edition (EU) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
Battlefield V: Pre-Order Steelbook (with or without game) (Amazon/GER)(PC,PS4,XB1)/
Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1)
Battlefield 2042 Pre-Order Steelbook (with game) (EU,Gamestop/USA) without game
(Gamesonly/AUT) (PS5,XSX)
Battlefield 2042 Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/NA) (PS5,XSX)
Battlefield 2042 Pre-Order Steelbook (Walmart/NA) (PS5,XSX)
Battlefield Bad Company Gold Edition (EU) (PS3)
Battlefield Bad Company Gold Edition (AUS) (PS3)
Battlefield Hardline Pre-Order Steelbook (FutureShop/CAN) (PS4,XB1)
Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle Launch Edition (Amazon/EU) (PS4,XB1)
BELOW Steelbook Edition (Amazon,store.serenityforge.com/USA) (PS4)
Beyond a Steel Sky Utopia Collector's Edition/Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Beyond: Two Souls Special Edition (USA) (PS3)
Beyond: Two Souls Special Edition (EU,HKG) (PS3)
Big Bash Boom Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS) (PS4)
Biohazard RE:2 Collector's Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Biohazard RE:2 Steelbook Edition (TWN) (PS4)
Biohazard Village Collector's Edition (JPN) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Biomutant Atomic Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1)
Bioshock: The Collection Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS,Game/UK)/Steelbook
Edition (Amazon/GER) (PS4,XB1)
Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition Ultimate Edition/Collector's Edition
(limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Black Myth: Wukong Collector's Edition/Deluxe Edition (Asia) (PC,PS5)
Blasphemous II Limited Collector's Edition (EU,US) (PS5,XSX)
Bloodborne Collector's Edition (USA) (PS4)
Bloodborne Nightmare Edition (EU) (PS4)
Bloodborne Saw Cleaver Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4)
Bloodbowl 2 Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS4,XB1)
Bloodstained Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Borderlands 2 Ultimate Loot Chest Edition (EU,USA,HKG) (PS3)
Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe Edition (AUS,EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
Brothers In Arms: Hells Highway Steelbook Edition (Game/UK) (PS3)
Buried Stars Steelbook Edition (KOR) (PS4)

Caligula: Overdose Limited Edition (CHN) (PS4)
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Atlas Pro Edition/Atlas Limited Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
Call of Duty: Black Ops Hardened Edition (EU,NA) (PS3)
Call of Duty: Black Ops II Hardened Edition (EU,NA) (PS3)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III Hardened Edition/Juggernog Edition (Amazon/EU,NA)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III Standard Edition (Amazon/GER) (PS4,XB1)
Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII Pro Edition (EU/NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Pre-Order Steelbook (NA,EU) (PS5,PS4,XBX)
Call of Duty: Ghosts: Hardened Edition/Prestige Edition (EU,NA) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Legacy Pro Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Collection (Jumbo Steelbook) (EU) (PS3)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Dark Edition(EU,NA)/Precision Edition (Gamestop/USA)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Steelbook Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook without game
(Gamesonly/AUT) (PS4,XB1)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Pre-Order Steelbook (EU,US) (PC,PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Hardened Edition (EU,NA) (PS3)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Hardened Edition (EU,NA) (PS3)
Call of Duty: World at War Steelbook Edition (HMV/UK) (PS3)
Call of Duty: WWII Pro Edition (AUS,EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Call of Duty: WWII Pre-Order Steelbook without game (MediaMarkt/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions Champions Edition/Collector's Edition/ECommerce Edition/Legends Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Castlevania Advance Collection - Ultimate Edition/Advanced Edition
(limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4,XB1)
Castlevania Anniversary Collection - Ultimate Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Castlevania Lords of Shadow Collection (Zavvi/UK) (PS3)
Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 Dracula Tomb Premium Edition (EU) (PS3)
Castlevania Requiem - Ultimate Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Catherine Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Celeste Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PC)
Chariot Pre-Order Steelbook (Gamestop/NA) (PC)
Chivalry 2 Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PC,PS4,PS5,XB1)
Cities: Skylines II Premium Edition (Amazon/GER) (PC,PS5,XSX)
Clive Barker's Jericho Special Edition (UK) (PS3)
Code Vein Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Colin McRae: Dirt Steelbook Edition (Game/UK,Amazon/GER) (PS3)
Construction Simulator 2022 Day One Edition (Amazon/GER) (PC)
Contra Anniversary Collection - Ultimate Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Contra: Operation Galuga Ultimate Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS5)
Crackdown 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/USA) (XB1)
Crackdown 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS) (XB1)
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion Pre-Order Steelbook (Square Enix Online Store/
EU,JP,Walmart/US) (PC,NSW,PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
CrossCode Collector’s Edition/Steelbook Edition (store.strictlylimitedgames.com/WW)
Crymachina Steelbook Edition (Asia,GEO/JPN) (PS4,PS5)
Crypt of the Necrodancer Collector's Edition (NSW,PS4) (WW)
Crysis 2 Limited Edition (MediaMarkt/GER) (PS3)
Crysis 2 Nano Edition (EU) (PS3)
Crysis 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (Blockbuster/Latin America,MEX) (PS3)
Crysis 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (Gameplanet/Latin America,MEX) (PS3)
Crysis 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (Gamers/Latin America,MEX) (PS3)
Crysis 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (Switzerland,Gamestop/Northern Europe) (PS3)
Crystar Limited Steelbook Edition (TWN) (PS4)
Cyberpunk 2077 Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Cyberpunk 2077 Tiger Claws Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/NA,Amazon/ITA) (PS4,XB1)
Cyberpunk 2077 Valentinos Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/NA,Gamesonly/AUT)
Cyberpunk 2077 Voodo Boys Pre-Order Steelbook (FNAC/FRA,POL) (PS4,XB1)
Cyberpunk 2077 Maelstrom Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS,BestBuy/NA,Amazon/
UK) (PS4,XB1)

Daedalus: The Awakening of Golden Jazz Limited Edition (JPN) (PS4)
Dangun Feveron Limited Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Darksiders III Apocalypse Edition/Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Darksiders Genesis Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
Dark Souls Prepare to die Edition (Zavvi/UK) (PS3)
Dark Souls Remastered (Trilogy Box) [Limited Edition](HKG,TW)/Dark Souls Trilogy
(Amazon/USA) (PS4)
Dauntless Collector's Edition/Steelbook Edition (merch.playdauntless.com/WW,POL) (PC)
Days Gone Collector's Edition/Special Edition (EU) (PS4)
Days Gone Collector's Edition/Limited Edition (NA,GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Days Gone Pre-Order Steelbook (Amazon/EU) (PS4)
Dead Island Definitive Collection - Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1)
Dead Island 2 Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/US) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Dead Island 2 Hell-A Edition (US,EU) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Dead or Alive 6 Steelbook Edition (Amazon/EU) (PS4,XB1)
Dead Rising 2 Zombrex Edition (UK) (PS3)
Dead Rising 2 Zombrex Edition (US) (PS3)
Dead Rising 4 Pre-order Steelbook (AUT,EBGames/AUS) (XB1)
Dead Space Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS5,XSX,PC)
Dead Space Pre-Order Steelbook (JB Hifi, EB Games/AUS) (PS5,XSX,PC)
Dead Space 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (Blockbuster/Latin America) (PS3)
Dead Space 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (Gameplanet/Latin America) (PS3)
Dead Space 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (Gamers/Latin America) (PS3)
Deathloop Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/NA) (PS5,XSX)
Death Stranding Collector's Edition/Special Edition (EU) (PS4)
Death Stranding Collector's Edition/Special Edition (NA) (PS4) (without TM-logo)
Death Stranding Deluxe Edition (Amazon/GER) (PC)
Death Stranding Novelize Steelbook (Amazon/JPN) (PS4)
Deformers Collector's Edition (Gamestop/USA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Destiny Ghost Edition/Limited Edition (EU/NA) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
Destiny: The Taken King Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
Destiny 2 Collector's Edition/Limited Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Destiny 2 Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS,MediaMarkt,Saturn/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Pre-Order Steelbook (FRA) (PS3)
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Collector's Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1)
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Day One Edition (Saturn/Germany)/Limited Edition (Amazon/
ESP)/Steelbook Edition (Game/UK,Micromania/FRA) (PS4,XB1)
Devil May Cry Pre-Order Steelbook (FutureShop/CAN) (PS3)
Devil May Cry 4 Collector's Edition (EU) (PS3)
Devil May Cry 4 Collector's Edition (NA) (PS3)
Devil May Cry 5 Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Devil May Cry 5 Steelbook Edition (Amazon/EU) (PS4,XB1)
Devil May Cry 5 Steelbook Edition (TWN) (PS4)
Diablo IV Steelbook Edition (EBGames/AUS,NZL) (PC,PS5,XSX)
Dirt Rally Steelbook Legend Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1)
Dirt Rally 2.0 Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS, EU) (PS4,XB1)
Dirt 4 Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS4,XB1)
Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny - Complete Limited Edition (Store.nisamerica.com/NA)
Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtuless Limited Edition (Store.nisamerica.com/NA) (PS5)
Dishonored 2 - Collector’s Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Dishonored 2 - Corvo at the Edge of the World Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Dishonored 2 - Throne Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Dishonored 2 - Throne Pre-Order Steelbook (NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Limited Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4)
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Steelbook Brawler Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4)
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Steelbook Brawler Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4)
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Steelbook Brawler Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4)
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Ultimate Collector's Edition (Square Enix Online Store/EU,NA)
Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition (EBGames/AUS,EU) (PS4,XB1)
Doom Collector's Edition (Amazon/EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Doom D1 Edition including Steelbook (Amazon/DE,FR) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Doom UAC Bundle (BestBuy/NA) (PS4/XB1)
Doom Eternal Collectors Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Doom Eternal JB Edition(JB-HIFI/AUS)/Pre-Order Steelbook with or without game
(Gamesonly/AUT,FNAC/FRA) (PS4,XB1)
Doom Eternal Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Doom: The Classics Collection Collector's Edition/Special Edition (limitedrungames.com/
WW) (PS4)
Dragon Age: Origins Collector's Edition (EU) (PS3) (Jumbo Steelbook)
Dragon Age Inquisition Inquisitor`s Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
Dragon Age Inquisition Pre-Order Steelbook (FutureShop/CAN) (PS4,XB1)
Dragon Ball Fighter Z CollectorZ Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast Limited Edition (AUS,EU) (PS3)
Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2 - Collector's Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot - Collector's Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1)
Dragon Ball: The Breakers Limited Edition (Bandai Namco Store/EU)
Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Collector's Edition (US,EU) (PC,PS5,XSX)
Dragon Quest Heroes Pre-Order Steelbook (HKG) (PS4)
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an elusive Age Edition of Light (Amazon/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an elusive Age Edition of Lost Time (Square Enix Online
Store/EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
Dragon’s Dogma II Pre-Order Steelbook (US) (PS5,XSX)
Dragon’s Dogma II Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS5,XSX)
Driveclub Pre-Order Steelbook/Special Edition (EU) (PS4)
Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance - Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER,EU,NA)
Dying Light Premium Edition/Collector's Edition (POL,AUT) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Dying Light Pre-Order Steelbook (Gamesonly/AUT) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Dying Light 2 Collector's Edition/Steelbook Edition (NA) (PC,PS5,XSX)
Dying Light 2 Collector's Edition/Steelbook Edition (EU) (PC,PS5,XSX)
Dynasty Warriors 9 Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS4,XB1)
Dynasty Warriors 9 Steelbook (Asia) (PS4,XB1)

EA Sports College Football 25 Pre-Order Steelbook (US/Walmart) (EU,US) (PS5,XSX)
EA Sport FC 24 Founder's Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook (EU,AUS,UK,UAE)
Elden Ring - Collector's Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Elden Ring - Collector's Edition (JPN,NA) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Elden Ring Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/NA) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Elex II: Collector's Edition (EU) (PC,PS5,XSX)
Empire of Ants Limited Edition (EU) (PS5,XBX)
Epic Mickey: Rebrushed Collector's Edition (US,EU) (PC,PS5,XBX)
Ether One Limited Edition (EU) (PS4,XBX1)
Everspace 2: Stellar Edition (NA) (PS5,XSX)
Evil Dead: The Game Collector's Edition/Ultimate Edition (limitedprintgames.com/WW)

F1 2016 Pre-Order Steelbook (GameStop/GER,Gameware/AUT) (PS4,XB1)
F1 2017 Pre-Order Steelbook (GameStop/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1)
F1 2018 Headline Steelbook Edition (AUT)/without game (games2game/AUT)
F1 2019 - Anniversary Edition (EU)/without game (Gamesonly/AUT) (PC,PS4,XB1)
F1 2020 Schumacher Deluxe Edition (Amazon/GER) (PS4)/Pre-Order Steelbook
(EBGames/AUS) (PS4)
Fallout 4 Steelbook Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XBX1)
Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XBX1)
Fallout 4 Nuka Cola Steelbook without Game (Game/UK) (PS4,XB1)
Fallout 4 G.O.T.Y. Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PS4,XB1)
Fallout 76 Power Armor Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Fallout 76 Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Fallout 76 Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS4,XB1)
Fallout 76 Steelbook Edition (Walmart/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Far Cry 2 Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS3)
Far Cry 3 Limited Edition (Saturn/GER) (PS3)
Far Cry 4 Pre-Order Steelbook (Ubisoft Store/USA) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
Far Cry 4 Pre-Order Steelbook (FutureShop/CAN) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
Far Cry 4 Pre-Order Steelbook (Gamesonly/AUT) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
Far Cry 5 Hope County-Collector's Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU)/The Father Edition (Ubisoft
Store/EU,EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Far Cry 5 X Mondo Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Far Cry 5 Hope County-Collector's Edition (Ubisoft Store/NA)/Steelbook Gold Edition
(Amazon/USA,Ubisoft Store/NA) (PS4,XB1)/The Father Edition (Ubisoft Store/NA)
Far Cry 6 Collector's Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Far Cry 6 Ultimate Edition Steelbook (Gamestop/USA)
Far Cry 6 Gold SteelBook Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Far Cry 6 Pre-Order Steelbook (JB Hifi/AUS,NZL)
Far Cry Primal Collector's Edition (Amazon/GER,Ubisoft Store/EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Far Cry Primal Deluxe Edition (NA) (PS4,XB1)
Far Cry Primal Fire and Stone Edition (JB Hifi/AUS,NZL)/Special Day 1 Steelbook Edition
(EU) (PS4,XB1)
Far Cry New Dawn Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Fate/Extella Link Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
F.E.A.R. 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (FutureShop/CAN) (PS3)
F.E.A.R. 3 Limited Edition (Saturn/GER/EU) (PS3)
FIFA 11 Pre-Order Steelbook (GameStop/ITA) (PS3)
FIFA 14 Ultimate Edition (EU,NA) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
FIFA 15 Club Edition Al-Ahli S.F.C. Pre-Order Steelbook (SAU) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
FIFA 15 Club Edition Al-Hilal FC Pre-Order Steelbook (SAU) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
FIFA 15 Club Edition Al-Ittihad Club Pre-Order Steelbook (SAU) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
FIFA 15 Club Edition Al-Nassr FC Pre-Order Steelbook (SAU) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
FIFA 15 Pre-Order Steelbook (GameStop/ITA) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Edition (EU/NA) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
FIFA 16 Abdul Latif Jameel League Pre-Order Steelbook (UAE) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
FIFA 16 Deluxe Edition/Steelbook Edition (PS3,PS4,XB1)
FIFA 16 Pre-Order Steelbook with Ball (Game/UK,Amazon/USA) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
FIFA 17 Deluxe Steelbook Edition/Steelbook Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook (Amazon/
FIFA 18 Club Edition Ajax Amsterdam Pre-Order Steelbook (NLD) (PC,PS4,XB1)
FIFA 18 Club Edition PSV Eindhoven Pre-Order Steelbook (NLD) (PC,PS4,XB1)
FIFA 18 Pre-Order Steelbook/Ronaldo Edition+Steelbook/Standard Edition+Steelbook
(Amazon/GER) (PS4,XB1)
FIFA 18 Special Edition (SAU) (PS4,XB1)
FIFA 18 Ultimate Team Edition (NA) (PS4,XB1)
FIFA 18 Ultimate Team Edition (EU/NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
FIFA 19 Club Edition Ajax Amsterdam Pre-Order Steelbook (NLD) (PC,PS4,XB1)
FIFA 19 Club Edition Feyenoord Rotterdam Pre-Order Steelbook (NLD) (PC,PS4,XB1)
FIFA 19 Club Edition PSV Eindhoven Pre-Order Steelbook (PSVfanstore/NLD)
FIFA 19 Edition Collector 2 Etoiles (Amazon/FRA) (PS4,XB1)
FIFA 19 Limited Champions Steelbook Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook with or without game
(EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
FIFA 19 Pre-Order Steelbook (blue) (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
FIFA 20 Club Edition Ajax Amsterdam Pre-Order Steelbook (Ajaxfanstore/NLD)
FIFA 20 Club Edition Feyenoord Rotterdam Pre-Order Steelbook (Feyernoordfanstore/
FIFA 20 Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1) (Eden Hazard Artwork)
FIFA 20 Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)/without game (Gamesonly/AUT)
FIFA 21 Steelbook Edition (EU)/without game (Gamesonly/AUT) (PC,PS4,XB1)
FIFA 23 Pre-Order Steelbook (EU,UAE) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Collector's Edition (EU/NA) (PS4,XB1)
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Steelbook Edition (EU/NA) (PS4,XB1)
Final Fantasy VII Remake - Deluxe Edition (Square Enix Online Store/EU,EU,EBGames/
AUS) (PS4)
Final Fantasy VII Remake - Deluxe Edition (Square Enix Online Store/NA,NA) (PS4)
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade - Pre-Order Steelbook with game/without game
(Amazon/GER) (PS5)
Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth Collector's Edition/Deluxe Edition (EU,US,JP) (PS5)
Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth Pre-Order Steelbook (EU,US,JP) (PS5)
Final Fantasy XII - The Zodiac Age Collector's Edition (Square Enix Online Store/EU,NA)
Final Fantasy XII - The Zodiac Age Limited Steelbook Edition (Square Enix Online Store/
NA,Amazon/GER,USA) (PS4)
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Pre-Order Steelbook (FutureShop/CAN) (PS3)
Final Fantasy XIII-3 Lightning Returns empty Pre-Order Steelbook (without game) (EU)
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Pre-Order Steelbook (FRA) (PS3,PS4)
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood Pre-Order Steelbook (Game/ESP,Micromania/FRA)
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remastered Limited Edition (EU) (PS3,PS4)
Final Fantasy XV Deluxe Edition (Asia,EU) (PS4,XB1) (different position of inside artwork)
Final Fantasy XV Deluxe Edition (NA) (PS4,XB1) (different position of inside artwork)
Final Fantasy XV Limited Steelbook Edition (Mediamarkt/GER)/Special Edition (Amazon/
Final Fantasy XV Steelbook Edition (CHN) (PS4,XB1) (same artwork inside and outside
like the asian and european deluxe edition but no deluxe edition on the spine and only one
disc holder)
Final Fantasy XV Ultimate Collector's Edition (Square Enix Online Store/EU,NA)
Final Fantasy XV Ultimate Collector's Edition (Square Enix Online Store/EU,NA)
Final Fantasy XVI Collector’s Edition (EU,US,JP) (PS5)
Final Fantasy XVI Deluxe Edition (EU,US,JP) (PS5)
Final Fantasy XVI Steelbook Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook (EU,US,JP) (PS5)
F.I.S.T.:Forged in Shadow Torch Limited Edition (JB Hifi/AUS,NZL,EU) (PS5)
F.I.S.T.:Forged in Shadow Torch Limited Edition (Asia) (PS5)
Five Nights At Freddy's: Security Breach Collectors Edition (US,EU) (PS4,PS5)
Flashback 2 Collector’s Edition/Limited Edition (EU,US) (PS5, PS4)
Forspoken Special Edition (EU) (PC,PS5)
Forza Horizon 3 - Ultimate Edition (EBGames,JB Hi-Fi/AUS,Mediamarkt/GER,USA) (XB1)
Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate Edition (EU,NA) +Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS) (XB1)
Forza Motorsport 5 Limited Edition (EU/NA) (XB1)
Forza Motorsport 6 Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS) (XB1)
Forza Motorsport 7 Ultimate Edition (Amazon/GER,USA,Gamestop/USA) (XB1)
Friday the 13th Collector's Edition Steelbook (Kickstarter/USA) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Gargoyles Remastered Collector’s Edition/Classic Edition (limitedrungames.com)
Gears of War 4 Collector's Edition/Ultimate Edition (EU) (XB1)
Gears 5 Ultimate Edition (Amazon/UK) (XB1)
Generation Zero Collector's Edition (POL) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Ghost of Tsushima Collector's Edition/Special Edition (EU/NA) (PS4)
Ghost of Tsushima Collector's Edition/Special Edition (Asia) (PS4)
Ghostwire: Tokyo Pre-Order Stellbook (Amazon/JPN,EU) (PS5)
Ghostwire: Tokyo Pre-Order Stellbook (GEO/JPN) (PS5)
Ghostwire: Tokyo Pre-Order Stellbook (BestBuy/NA) (PS5)
Giga Wrecker Alt. Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Goat Simulator 3 Goat in a Box Edition (EU) (PC,XSX,PS5)
God Eater 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
God of War: Ascension Pre-Order Steelbook (NA,HKG) (FutureShop/CAN) (PS3)
God of War: Ascension Special Edition (EU) (PS3)
God of War: Collector's Edition/Limited Edition (EU) (PS4)
God of War: Collector's Edition/Limited Edition (NA)/Stone Mason Edition (GameStop/
USA) (PS4)
God of War: Ragnarök Collector's Edition/Jötnar Edition (EU,NA) (PS5)
God of War: Omega Edition (Latin America) (PS3)
Gotham Knights Pre-Order Steelbook (Best Buy/CAN, Walmart/US) (PS5,XSX)
Gran Turismo 6 15th Anniversary Edition (EU) (PS3)
Gran Turismo 7 25th Anniversary Edition (EU/NA) (PS5)
Gran Turismo 7 25th Anniversary Edition (Asia) (PS5)
Gran Turismo Sport Collector's Edition/Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4)
Gran Turismo Sport Collector's Edition/Steelbook Edition (NA) (PS4)
Gran Turismo Sport Pre-Order Steelbook (FNAC/FRA) (PS4)
GTA 5 Collector's Edition/Special Edition (EU/NA) (PS3)
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition Pre-Order Steelbook (GameStop/NA)
Guilty Gear Strive Ultimate Edition (store.arcsystemworks.com/WW) (PS5)
Gundam Breker 4 Collector's Edition (EU,US) (PS5,PS4)

Halo - The Masterchief Collection (Game/UK) (XB1)
Halo 5: Guardians Limited Edition/Limited Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (XB1) (Jumbo
Halo Halo Infinite Standard Edition Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS,EU,BestBuy/NA)
Halo Wars 2 Atriox Edition/Ultimate Atriox Edition (EBGames/AUS,AUT) (XB1)
Hatsune Miku Project Diva X Steelbook Edition (Asia) (PSVita)
Hitman: Definitve Edition - Steelbook Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
Hitman: The Complete First Season - Steelbook Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
Hitman: World of Assassinations IO Interactive Employee Welcome Package (-//-) (-//)
Hokuto Ga Gotoku Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Homefront Pre-Order Stickerbook (BEL) (PC)
Homefront: The Revolution - Goliath Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Homefront: The Revolution - Exclusive Steelbook Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook (Amazon/
ITA,BestBuy/NA,GameStop/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Horizon: Zero Dawn - Collector's Edition/Limited Edition (EU) (PS4)
Horizon: Zero Dawn - Collector's Edition (NA) (PS4)
Horizon: Zero Dawn Pre-Order Steelbook (Game/ESP,Amazon/UK) (PS4)
Horizon II: Forbidden West Collector's Edition/Regalla Edition/Special Edition (EU/US)
Horizon II: Forbidden West Collector's Edition/Regalla Edition/Special Edition (Asia/
Hot Wheels Unleashed™ - Challenge Accepted™ Edition (EU) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)

Indigo Prophecy Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Injustice: Gods Among Us Collector’s Edition (EU) (with text) (PS3)
Injustice: Gods Among Us Pre-Order Steelbook (FutureShop/CAN) (without text) (PS3)
Injustice: Gods Among Us - Red Son Edition (EU,HKG) (PS3)
Injustice 2 Deluxe Edition with Steelbook (Game/UK) (PS4,XB1)
Injustice 2 Ultimate Edition (EBGames/AUS,Amazon/GER) (PS4,XB1)
Injustice 2 Ultimate Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Iron Harvest: Collector's Edition (EU) (PC)

Jotun: Valhalla Edition Pre-Order Steelbook (GameStop/NA) (PC)
Jump Force Collector's Edition (USA) (PS4,XB1)
Jump Force Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN)/Collector's Edition (Asia) (PS4)
Jurassic Park: Classic Games Collection Prehistoric Edition/Classic Edition
(limitedrungames.com) (PS5,PS4,XSX)
Just Cause 3 Pre-Order Steelbook(FRA)/ Steelbook Edition (BestBuy/CAN,MediaMarkt/
Saturn/AUT/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Just Cause 4 Steelbook Edition (EBGames/AUS,Amazon/FRA,Game/UK) (PS4,XB1)

Killzone 2 Limited Edition Collector's Box (EU) (PS3)
Killzone 3 Collector's Edition/Helghast Edition/Limited Helghast Edition (EU) (PS3)
Killzone 3 Pre-Order Stickerbook (BEL) (PS3)
Killzone Shadow Fall Special Edition (Game/UK) (PS4)
Kingdom Come Deliverance Collector’s Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)/Steelbook Edition
(RUS) (PS4,XB1)
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMix Collector's Edition (EU) (PS3)
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMix Collector's Edition (NA) (PS3)
Kingdom Hearts III Deluxe Edition (Amazon/GER)/Deluxe Edition + Bring Arts Figures
(Square Enix Online Store/EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
Kingdom Hearts III Deluxe Edition (JPN) (PS4,XB1)
Kingdom New Lands Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PC)

Left Alive Mech Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4)
LEGO DC Super-Villains Deluxe Edition + Steelbook (Gamestop/USA) (PS4,XB1)
LEGO Games Steelbook without game (Amazon/ESP) (PS4,XB1)
LEGO Minifigures Online Steelbook Edition (Tesco/UK) (PC)
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Deluxe Steelbook Edition (Amazon/UK) (PS4,XB1)
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Pre-Order Steelbook (Amazon/ESP) (PS4,XB1)
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/USA)/Carbonite
Edition (Game/UK) (PS4,XB1)
Lies of P Steellbook Edition (Amazon/JPN,EU,US) (PC,PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Life Is Strange: True Colors Pre-Order Steelbook (FNAC/FRA,Square Enix Online Store/
Life is Strange: Double Exposure Pre-Order Steelbook (NA,EU) (PS5,XBX)
Like a Dragon: Ishin! Pre-Order Steelbook (NA) (PS5,XSX)
Little Big Planet 2 Collectors Edition (EU) (PS3)
Little Big Planet 3 Preorder Steelbook (GameStop/GER) (PS4)
Little Nightmares II - TV-Edition (Bandai Namco Entertainment Online Store/EU,Amazon/
UK) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Lords of The Fallen Collector’s Edition (EU,US) (PS5,XSX)
Lords of The Fallen Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS5,XSX)
Lords of The Fallen Pre-Order Steelbook (US) (PS5,XSX)
Lost Horizon 2 Limited Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PC)
Lost Judgement - Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/NA) (PS5)
Lost Judgement - Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS5)

Madden NFL 16 Steelbook Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Madden NFL 22 Bo Knows Pre-Order Steelbook (Walmart/USA) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Madden NFL 23 Pre-Order Steelbook (Walmart/USA) (PS5,XSX)
Mad Max Post-Apocalypse Edition (EBGames/AUS) (PS4,XB1)
Mafia Definitive Edition Pre-Order Steelbook (CZE,POL,SVK)
Mafia II Steelbook Edition (EU,USA) (PS3)
Mafia III - Steelbook Edition (EBGames/AUS,Gamesonly/AUT,Amazon/EU)/Steelbook
Edition (Amazon/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1)
MAG Collector's Edition (EU) (PS3)
Mario Kart 7 Pre-Order Steelbook (Jumbo Steelbook) (Game/FRA) (N3DS)
Marvel’s Avengers – Earth’s Mightiest Collector´s Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
Marvel’s Avengers – Pre-Order Steelbook (EU,GEO/JPN)/empty pre-order box without
game (MediaMarkt) (PS4,XB1)
Marvel’s Avengers – Pre-Order Steelbook (NA) (PS4,XB1)
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Deluxe Edition (Square Enix Online Store/
EU,Amazon/NA) (PC,PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PC,PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite Collector's Edition/Deluxe Steelbook Edition (EU,NA)
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds Special Edition (EU) (different words on the
back) (PS3)
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds Special Edition (USA) (different words on the
back) (PS3)
Mass Effect: Andromeda Collector's Edition Diecast Replica Nomad ND1/Collector’s
Edition Remote Control Nomad ND1 (without game) (GamesStop/GER,USA)
Mass Effect: Andromeda Limited Edition (Gamesonly/AUT)/Pre-Order Steelbook
Mass Effect: Andromeda Pre-Order Steelbook (Amazon/GER,BestBuy/USA)
Mass Effect Legendary Edition Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/NA) (PS4,PS5,XB1)
Master Detective Archives: Rain Code+ Lucid-Noir Limited Edition (NA) (PS5)
Medal of Honor Warfighter Pre-Order Steelbook (FutureShop/CAN) (PS3)
Medal of Honor Warfighter Pre-Order Steelbook (Game/FRA) (PS3)
MediEvil Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER,Game/UK) (PS4)
Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Premium Package/Premium Package Konami Style
Special Edition (Konamistyle/JPN) (PS3)
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Pre-Order Steelbook (FutureShop/CAN) (PS3)
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Pre-Order Steelbook (Amazon/GER,Game/UK) (PS3)
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS3)
Metal Gear Solid: Ultimate HD Collection (AUS,EU) (PS3)
Metal Gear Solid Delta Snake Eater Collector's Edition (NA) (PS5,XSX)/Deluxe Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS5,XSX)
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Special Edition (JPN) (PS3)
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Collector's Edition (NA,EU) (PS4,XB1)
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Pre-Order Steelbook (NA,EU) (PS4,XB1)
Metaphor: ReFantazio Collector’s Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,PS5,XSX)
Metaphor: ReFantazio Pre-Order Edition (KOR) (PS4,PS5,XSX)
Metro Exodus: Aurora Limited Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Special Edition (GER) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
Minecraft: PS4 Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PS4)
Minecraft: XB1 Steelbook Edition (Saturn/GER) (XB1)
Mirror's Edge Steelbook Edition (Game/ESP) (PS3)
Mirror's Edge: Catalyst - Collector's Edition (Amazon/EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Mirror's Edge: Catalyst - Dice Edition (Amazon/UK) (PC,PS4,XB1)
MLB The Show 15: 10th Anniversary Edition (Asia) (PS4)
MLB The Show 15: 10th Anniversary Edition (USA) (PS4)
MLB The Show 16: MVP-Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4)
MLB The Show 17: Hall of Fame Edition (GameStop/USA,EBGames/CAN)/MVP Edition
(NA) (PS4)
MLB The Show 18: All Rise Edition (Gamestop/USA)/MVP-Edition (USA) (PS4)
MLB The Show 19: Gone Yard Edition/MVP-Edition (NA) (PS4)
MLB The Show 20: 15th Anniversary Edition/MVP-Edition (NA) (PS4)
MLB The Show 21: Jackie Robinson Edition/MVP-Edition/The Jackie Robinson Deluxe
Edition (NA) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
MLB The Show 22: MVP-Edition (NA) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
MLB The Show 23: The Captain Edition (PlayStation Direct) (PS5,PS4)
MLB The Show 24: Negro-Leagues Edition (PlayStation Direct) (PS5,PS4)
Monster Hunter: World Pre-Order Steelbook (without game)/Steelbook Edition (Amazon/
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition Deluxe (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition Deluxe (Asia) (PS4,XB1)
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Monster Jam Steel Titans Collector's Edition (Amazon/GER,NA,UK) (PS4,XB1)
Mortal Kombat Collectors Edition (USA) Pre-Order Steelbook (FutureShop/CAN) (PS3)
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER, Game/UK)(PS3)
Mortal Kombat 11 Special Edition (Gamestop/GER) (PS4,XB1)
Mortal Kombat 11 Premium Edition (USA) (PS4,XB1)
Mortal Shell Enhanced Edition (Game of the Year Edition) (EU) (PC,PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
MotoGP19 - Deluxe Edition (Amazon/ESP) (PS4)
Music Racer Ultimate Steelbook Edition (premiumeditiongames.com) (PS5,PS4)
My Hero One's Justice 2 Collector's Edition (AUS,EU,NA) (PS4)

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Collector's Edition (EU) (PS3)
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Collector's Edition (USA) (PS3)
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Pre-Order Limited Edition Steelbook (BestBuy/
NA) (PS4,XB1)
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 - Road to Boruto Pre-Order Steelbook (Name of
the Game written in Mandarin on the spine) (HKG,TWN) (PS4,XB1)
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 - Road to Boruto Pre-Order Steelbook (Name of
the Game written in English on the spine) (SGP) (PS4,XB1)
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Legacy (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Naruto x Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm: Connections Premium Collector's Edition/Collector's
Edition (EU,US) (PC,PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
NBA 2K18 Pre-Order Steelbook (without game)/Standard Edition (Amazon/UK) (PS4,XB1)
NBA 2K19 Steelbook Edition (Amazon/ITA) (PS4,XB1)
NBA 2K20 Legend Edition (Amazon,Micromania/FRA) (PS4,XB1)
NBA 2K21 Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PS4,XB1)
NBA 2K21 Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PS5/XSX)
NBA 2K22 75th Anniversary Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook (EU,NA) (PS5,XSX)
Need for Speed - Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PS4,XB1)
Need for Speed - Steelbook Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Need for Speed Heat - Pre-Order Steelbook without game/Ultimate Edition without game
(Amazon/GER) (PS4,XB1)
Need for Speed Heat - Steelbook Edition (Game/UK) (PS4,XB1)
Need for Speed Most Wanted - Limited Steelbook Edition (Saturn/MediaMarkt/GER) (PS3)
Need for Speed Payback Pre-Order Steelbook (without game)/Steelbook Edition (Amazon/
Need for Speed Rivals - Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
Need for Speed Unbound Standard Edition (Amazon/FR) (PS5,XSX)
Need For Speed Undercover Steelbook Edition (ESP) (PS3)
New World - Pre-Order Steelbook without game (Amazon/GER) (PC)
NHL 13 Stanley Cup Edition (GER) (PS3)
NHL 15 Pre-Order Steelbook (FutureShop/CAN) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition Brynäs IF (SWE) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition Djurgården Hockey (SWE) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition Frölunda HC (SWE) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition Färjestad BK (SWE) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition HV71 (SWE) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition Leksands IF (SWE) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition Linköpings HC (SWE) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition Luleå HF (SWE) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition MODO Hockey (SWE) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition Örebro HK (SWE) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition Skellefteå AIK (SWE) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition Växjö Lakers Hockey (SWE) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition Ässät (FIN) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition Espoo Blues (FIN) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition HIFK (FIN) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition HPK (FIN) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition Ilves (FIN) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition JYP (FIN) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition KaiPa (FIN) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition Kärpät (FIN) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition Likko (FIN) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition Pelicans (FIN) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition SaiPa (FIN) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition Sport (FIN) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition Tappara (FIN) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 15 Club Edition TPS (FIN) (PS4,XB1)
NHL 16 Nuoret Leijonat Limited Edition (=Young Lions Limited Edition) (FIN) (XB1)
NHL 16 Steelbook Edition (Amazon/NA) (PS4,XB1)
Nioh 2 Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Nioh 2 Pre-Order Steelbook with or without game (Amazon/GER) (PS4)
Nioh 2 Special Edition (EU,NA) (PS4)
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Pre-Order Steelbook (NA) (PS3)
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom Steebook Edition (AUS) (PS4)
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom Collectors Edition/Premium Edition (NA) (PS4)
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom Kings Edition (UK)/Prince Edition (EU) (PS4)
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom E3 Exclusive Steelbook (PC,PS4)
NieR: Automata - Black Box Edition (EU,USA)/Limited Edition (EBGames/AUS,EU,USA)
NieR Replicant - Pre-Order Steelbook (Square Enix Online Store/JPN)/White Snow Edition
(Square Enix Online Store/EU,JPN,NA) (PS4)
NieR Replicant - White Snow Edition (Square Enix Online Store/NA) (PS4)
No Man’s Sky - Limited Edition (NA) (PS4)
No Man’s Sky - Limited Edition (EU) (PS4)
Nuclear Throne Pre-Order Steelbook (GameStop/NA) (PC)

Octopath Traveler II Steelbook Edition (Amazon/EU) (PS5,PS4)
One Piece Pirate Warriors 2 Pre-Order Steelbook (FRA) (PS3)
One Piece Odyssey Pre-Order Steelbook (NA) (PS5,PS4,XSX,XB1)
Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Limited Edition (Amazon/USA,EU) (PC)
Ori and The Will of The Wisps Collector's Edition (EU/NA) (XB1)
Outcast: A New Beginning Adelpha Edition (EU,US) (PS5,XSX)
Overwatch - Collector's Edition (EU/NA) (PC,PS4/XB1)

Park Beyond Collector's Bundle/Impossible Edition (EU,US) (PS5,XSX,PC)
Persona 3 Portable Grimoire Edition/S.E.E.S. Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW)
Persona 4 Golden Grimoire Edition/Midnight Channel Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW)
Persona 5 Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Persona 5 Limited Steelbook D1-Edition (MediaMarkt/GER)/Steelbook Launch Edition
(NA)/Take your Heart Collector's Edition (MediaMarkt/GER) (PS4)
Persona 5: Dancing Star Night and Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night Pre-Order Steelbook
Persona 5: Royal Launch Edition/Phantom Thieves Edition (EU,NA) (PS4)
Persona 5: Royal Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Persona 5 Royal 1 More Edition/Launch Edition (US,EU) (PS5)
Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Persona 5 Strikers Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/NA) (PS4)
Phoenotopia Awakening Steelbook Edition (premiumeditiongames.com) (PS4)
Pixel Junk Monsters 2 Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PC,PS4)
Playstation Plus Pre-Order Steelbook (Micromania/FRA,NZL) (PS4)
Playstation Plus/Playstation Network Card/Playstation Now Gift Pre-Order Steelbook
(MediaMarkt,Saturn/GER) (PS4)
Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale Steelbook Edition (Amazon/UK) (PS3)
Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER)
Post Void Steelbook Edition (superraregames.com) (PS5)
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid Limited Mega Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW)
Prey - D1 Edition (Amazon/GER)/Pre-Order Steelbook (Game/UK,BestBuy/USA)
Prince of Persia Steelbook Edition (Game/UK) (PS3)
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (EU) (PS3)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 Copa Santander Libertadores Pre-Order Steelbook (Latin
America) (PS3)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 Manchester United Pre-Order Steelbook (Latin America) (PS3)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 UEFA Champions League Trophy Pre-Order Steelbook (USA)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 World Challenge DLC (GameStop/ITA) Pre-Order Bonus for
pre-ordering PES 2015 (PS3,PS4,XB1)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 20th Anniversary Edition (EU) (PS4)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 FC Barcelona Edition (EU,NA) (PS4)/Winning Eleven 2017
Steelbook Edition (HKG) (PS4)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 Legendary Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 David Beckham Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Project Cars 2 Collector's Edition/Ultra Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Project Cars 2 Limited Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Prototype 2 Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/USA) (PS3)
Psycho Break Limited Steelbook Edition (JPN) (PS4)
Psychonauts Limited Psycho-Portal Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Punch Club (GameStop/NA) (PC)
Quantum Break Steelbook D1 Version (EU) (XB1)
Quake Limited Deluxe Edition/Limited Ultimate Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Quake II Ultimate Edition/Special Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS5,PS4,XB1)

Rack N Ruin Steelbook Edition (premiumeditiongames.com) (PS4)
Rage: Anarchy Edition (MediaMarkt/GER) (PS3)
Rage 2 Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)/Pre-Order Steelbook without game
Rage 2 Pre-Order Steelbook with game/without game (Amazon/GER) (PS4,XB1)
Recompile Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS5)
Red Dead Redemption 2 Steelbook Edition(EU)/Ultimate Edition (NA) (PS4,XB1)
Red Faction Limited Collector’s Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Redfall Pre-Order Steelbook (CAN) (XSX)
Redfall Bite Back Physical Upgrade (NA) (XSX)
Resident Evil 2 Collector’s Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook with or without game/Steelbook
Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Resident Evil 3 Pre-Order Steelbook with or without game (BestBuy/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Resident Evil 4 Collector’s Edition/Steelbook Edition (US,EU) (PS5,PS4,XSX)
Resident Evil 4 Pre-Order Steelbook (Best Buy/NA) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Resident Evil 5 Collector's Edition (US) (PS3)
Resident Evil 5 Collector's Edition (EU) (PS3)
Resident Evil 6 Collector's Edition (EU)/ empty Pre-Order Steelbook without game
(MediaMarkt,Saturn/GER) (PS3)
Resident Evil 6 Limited Edition/ Steelbook Edition (THA) (PC)
Resident Evil 6 Steelbook Pre-Order Steelbook (FutureShop/CAN) (PS3)
Resident Evil 7 Deluxe Edition/ empty Pre-Order Steelbook without game (Saturn/GER)/
Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1)
Resident Evil Village Collector's Edition (EU)/Steelbook Edition (EU)
Resident Evil Village Collector's Edition (NA)/Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/NA)
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Special Edition (USA) (PS3)
Resistance 3 Special Edition/ Survivor Edition (EU) (PS3)
Re:Zero - Starting Life In Another World: The Prophecy Of The Throne Limited Edition
(Amazon/UK) (PS4)
Re:Zero - The Prophecy of the Throne Collector’s Edition (NA) (PS4) (Amazon/UK) (PS4)
RIDE 3 Special Edition (EBGames/AUS) (PS4,XB1)
RIDE 4 Special Edition (EU) (PS4)
Rise of the Tomb Raider Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (XB1)/ Rise of the Tomb Raider
20 Year Celebration Steelbook Edition (Micromania/FRA)/Pre-order Steelbook
(Gamesonly/AUT) (PS4)
Rocket Knight Adventures: Re-Sparked! Ultimate Edition/Classic Edition
(limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS5,PS4)
Rogue Legacy Pre-Order Steelbook (Gamestop/NA) (PC)
Rugrats: Adventures in Gameland Collector's Edition/VHS Edition (limitedrungames.com/

Sand Land Collector's Edition (EU,US) (PC,PS5,PS4,XSX)
Saint Seiya Pre-Order Steelbook (Micromania/FRA) (PS3)
Saint Seiya: Soldiers' Soul - Steelbook Edition (CHN) (PS4)
Saints Row Steal Edition (Walmart/USA) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Saints Row Notorious Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Saints Row 2 Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS3)
Sakura Wars Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Saturday Morning RPG Pre-Order Steelbook as part of the blind boxes
(limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Scarlet Nexus - Guardians Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook (store.bandainamcoent/EU)
Scorn - Deluxe Edition (Amazon/ESP,USA) (PC,PS5,XSX)
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Collector's Edition (AUS,EU,USA)/without game (Gamesonly/
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS4)
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Pre-Order Steelbook with or without game (Amazon/USA)
Serious Sam 4 Collector's Edition (specialreservegames.com/WW) (PC)
Shadow of the Colossus Special Edition (USA) (PS4)
Shadow of the Tomb Raider Croft Steelbook Edition/Limited Steelbook Edition (Amazon/
USA)/Empty Pre-Order Steelbook without game (Saturn,MediaMarkt/GER) (PS4,XB1)
Shadowrun Trilogy Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS5,PS4)
Shantae and the Seven Sirens Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Shantae Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS5)
Shantae Risky's Revenge Limited Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS5)
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Limited Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW)
Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero Limited Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS5)
Shenmue 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/NA) (PS4,XB1)
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN)
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Launch Edition (NA,EU) (PS5,XSX)
Sifu - Vengeance Edition (EU) (PS4,PS5)
Silent Hill 2 Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS5)
Skull And Bones Premium Edition (US/EU) (PS5,XSX)
Smackdown vs Raw 2008 SteelBook Edition (AUS) (PS3)
Smackdown vs Raw 2008 Collector's Edition (GameStop/USA) (PS3)
Smackdown vs Raw 2009 SteelBook Edition (EU) (PS3)
Sniper: Ghost Warrior - Bulletproof Edition (Game/UK) (PS3)
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 - Bulletproof Edition (USA) (PS3)
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 - Collector’s Edition (EU) (PS3)
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (GameStop/GER,Amazon/ITA) (PS4,XB1)
Song of the Deep Collector's Edition (Gamestop/NA) (PS4,XB1)
Sonic Frontiers Pre-Order Steelbook (Gamestop/NA) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Sonic Frontiers Pre-Order Steelbook (Best Buy/NA) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Sonic Frontiers Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Soul Calibur IV Limited Edition Steelbook (without game) (EU/AUS) (PS3)
Soul Hackers 2 Collector's Edition (EU,JPN) (PC,PS5,XSX)
South Park: The Fractured But Whole Steelbook Gold Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook
(Amazon/FRA) (PS4,XB1)
South Park: The Fractured But Whole Steelbook Gold Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Spider-Man Collector's Edition (AUS,EU)/Limited Steelbook Special Edition (EU) (PS4)
Spider-Man Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS4)
Spider-Man 2 Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PS5)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl Ultimate Edition (WW) (PC,XSX)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl Collector's Edition (WW) (PC,XSX)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl Limited Edition (WW) (PC,XSX)
Starfield Constellation Edition (US,EU) (PC,XSX)
Starfield Premium Upgrade (US,EU) (PC,XSX)
Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness - Limited Edition (EU) (PS4)
Star Wars: Battlefront – Steelbook Edition (Amazon/EU,USA) (PS4,XB1)
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Limited Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Collector's Edition/Deluxe Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook (JRC/
CZE,Game/UK) (PS4,XB1)
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS5,XSX,PC)
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Premium Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW)
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Premium Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW)
Star Wars: Dark Forces Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PC)
Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster Master Edition/Premium Edition (limitedrungames.com/
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PC)
Star Wars: Outlaws Pre-Order Steelbook (US,EU) (PS5,XSX)
Star Wars: Racer Revenge Limited Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Star Wars Republic Commando Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition (USA) (PS3)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Collector's Edition (USA) (PS3)
State of Decay 2 Collector’s Edition (XB1)
Strange Brigade Collector’s Edition (Gamesonly/AUT,Amazon/GER,Gamestop/USA)
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Steelbook Edition (EU,Game.co.uk/UK)/PreOrder (BestBuy/NA) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Street Fighter V - Day One Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4)
Street Fighter 6 - Steelbook Edition (EU,US) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Streets of Rage 4 Classic Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Steins;Gate Elite Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Stories: The Path of Destinies Pre-Order Steelbook (GameStop/NA) (PC)
Sudden Strike 4 - Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PC,PS4)
Super Mario 3D Land Pre-Order Steelbook (Jumbo Steelbook) (Game/FRA) (N3DS)
Super Mario Bros 2 Pre-Order JumboSteelbook (FutureShop/CAN) (3DS)
Super Robot Wars X /Super Robot Taisen X Pre-Order Steelbook (HKG)/Steelbook Edition
(TWN) (PS4,PSVita) (Name of the Game written in Chinese)
Super Robot Wars X /Super Robot Taisen X Steelbook Edition (Asia) (PS4,PSVita) (Name
of the Game written in English)
Super Smash Brothers Pre-Order Steelbook (FutureShop/CAN) (Wii U)
Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Collector’s Edition (USA) (PS4)
Syberia: The World Before Collector's Edition (EU) (PC,PS5,XSX)
System Shock Steelbook+Soundtrack (system-shock.backerkit.com/WW) (PC)

Tactics Ogre: Reborn Pre-Order Steelbook (Square Enix Online Store/EU)
Tales of Arise Collector’s Edition (store.bandainamcoent/EU)/(Game/UK)
Tales of Berseria Collector’s Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4)
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Collector’s Edition (USA) (PS3)
Tales of Xillia 2 Collector's Edition (USA) (PS3)
Tales of Vesperia Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4,NSW)
Tales of Zestiria Collector's Edition (USA) (PS4)
Tekken 7 Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Tekken 7 Steelbook Edition (EBGames/AUS) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Tekken 7 Steelbook Edition (Amazon/FRA)/Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/USA)
Tekken 8 Collector's Edition (EU/US) (PS5,XSX)
Tekken 8 Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS5,XSX)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants Unleashed Deluxe Edition (US,EU)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder's Revenge Premium Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook
(limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
TERA Pax West 2018 Limited Edition (USA) (PS4,XB1)
Terminator: Resistance Enhanced Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PS5,XSX)
The Ascent Cyber Edition (EU) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
The Callisto Protocol Collectors Edition (NA) (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian Steelbook Edition (UK) (PS3)
The Crew 2: Motor Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)/Steelbook Gold Edition
(Amazon,Ubisoft Store/NA) (PS4,XB1)
The Crew 2 Pre-Order Steelbook (without game) (Amazon/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1)
The Crew Motorfest Pre-Order Steelbook (Gamestop/EU,NA) (PC,PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
The Dark Pictures Anthology Limited Edition Volume 1 Man of Medan+Little Hope (EU)
The Diofield Chronicles Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (NSW,PS5,PS4)
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 5th Anniversary Edition (USA) (PS3)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Steelbook Edition (MediaMarkt/Saturn/GER) (PS3)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Remastered Pre-Order Steelbook (Gameware/
AUT,BestBuy/USA) (PS4,XB1)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Remastered (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PS4,XB1)
The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor - Collectors Edition (Amazon/GER,EBGames/AUS)
The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind - Collector's Edition (Amazon/GER,USA)
The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/CAN) (PC,PS4,XB1)
The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Steelbook Case (No game included) (Amazon/UK)/
Steelbook Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset - Collectors Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1)
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - Steelbook Edition (MediaMarkt/Saturn/GER)
The Evil Within Steelbook Edition (Saturn,MediaMarkt/AUT,GER) (PS4)
The Evil Within 2 Pre-Order Steelbook (without game) (Amazon/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1)
The King of Fighters XIV Burn to Fight Edition/D1-Edition (EU,NA) (PS4)
The King of Fighters XIV Burn to Fight Edition/D1-Edition (HKG) (PS4) (different reflection
and different words printed on the back compared to the EU- and NA-Version)
The King of Fighters XIV Collector's Edition (CHN) (PS4)
The Last Guardian Collector's Edition/Special Edition (EU) (PS4)
The Last Guardian Collector's Edition/Special Edition (NA) (PS4)
The Last of Us Pre-Order Steelbook (FutureShop/CAN)/Survival Edition (USA) (PS3)
The Last of Us Remastered Edition (EU) (PS4)
The Last of Us Part I (Remake) - Firefly Edition Steelbook (NA/EU) (PS5)
The Last of Us Part II Collector's Edition/Special Edition (EU) (PS4)
The Last of Us Part II Collector's Edition/Special Edition (NA) (PS4)
The Last of Us Part II Pre-Order Steelbook/Steelbook Edition (EU,NA) (PS4)
The Last of Us Part II Remastered W.L.F Edition (NA/EU) (PS5)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel Decisive Edition (EU,NA) (PS4)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II Relentless Edition (EU,NA) (PS4)
The Legend Of Heroes: Trails Of Cold Steel III - Thors Academy Edition
(Store.nisamerica.com/NA) (PS4)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV Limited Edition (Store.nisaeurope.com/
EU,Store.nisamerica.com/NA) (PS4)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel V Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero Limited Edition (Store.nisamerica.com/NA) (PS4)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure Limited Edition Steelbook (Store.nisamerica.com/
NA) (PS4)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak Limited Edition (Store.nisamerica.com/
NA) (PS5, PS4)
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North Collector's Edition (AUS,EU) (PS3)
The Medium - Two Worlds Special Edition (EBGames/AUS,EU) (PC,PS5,XSX)
The Order 1886 Collector's Edition/Limited Edition (USA) (PS4)
The Order 1886 Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4)
The Surge Pre-Order Steelbook (Gameware/AUT,Xzone/CZE) (PC,PS4,XB1)
The Technomancer - Pre-Order Steelbook (GameStop/GER, Game/Spain,UK) (PS4/XB1)
The Walking Dead Onslaught Survivor Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1)
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners - Chapter 2: Retribution Payback Edition (EU,US)
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - Collector's Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1) (mat surface)
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - Collector's Edition (NA) (PS4,XB1) (glossy surface)
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - "Skellige" Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS4,XB1) (mat surface)
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - "Skellige" Pre-Order Steelbook (NA) (PS4,XB1) (glossy surface)
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - "Novigrad" Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS4,XB1) (mat surface)
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - "Novigrad" Pre-Order Steelbook (NA) (PS4,XB1) (glossy
Thomas Was Alone Pre-Order Steelbook (GameStop/NA) (PC)
Thumper Collector's Edition (Amazon/USA,limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Tintin Reporter - Cigars of the Pharaoh Collector's Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Pre-Order Steelbook (FRA,AUS,NZL) (PC,PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Titanfall Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (XB1)
Titanfall 2 Steelbook Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Tomba!: Special Edition Whoopee Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PC,PS5)
Tomb Raider I-II-III Remastered Deluxe Edition (US,EU) (PS5,PS4)
Tomb Raider I-II-III Remastered Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW)
Tomb Raider empty Pre-Order Steelbook without game (Saturn,MediaMarkt/GER) (PS3)
Tom Clancy's End War Steelbook Edition (Play/UK) (PS3)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint Gold SteelBook Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint Ultimate Edition Steelbook (Gamestop/USA)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint Wolves Collector's Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU,NA)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Limited Edition (JB HiFi/AUS)/Steelbook Edition
(Amazon/GER,FRA) (PS4/XB1)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands War Within the Cartel Bundle – Edition (Amazon/
USA) (PS4,XB1)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 Steelbook Edition (Play/UK) (PS3)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6 Siege Pre-Order Steelbook (PC,PS4,XB1) (EU)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6 Siege - Pre-Order Steelbook for pre-ordering the Art of Siege or
Tactical Elite Edition (Uplay-Shop/EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6 Extraction Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PC,PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX)
Tom Clancy's The Division Collectors Edition Pre-Order Steelbook (Ubisoft Store/EU)
Tom Clancy's The Division Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Dark Zone Definitive Collector's Edition (Ubisoft Store/NA)
(PC,PS4,XB1)/The Division 2 Gold SteelBook Edition (Ubisoft Store/NA,Amazon/USA)
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Lincoln Steelbook Edition (EBGames/AUS) (PS4,XB1)/PreOrder Steelbook for pre-ordering the Standard or Goldedition (Ubisoft Store/EU,NA,AUS)
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Phoenix Shield Collector's Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU,NA)
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Ultimate Edition Steelbook (GameStop/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Torment: Tides of Numenera D1 Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook (NA) (PS4,XB1)
Torment: Tides of Numenera D1 Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS4,XB1)
Touhou Luna Nights Collector's Edition (EU) (PS5)
Tower of Guns Limited Edition/Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1)
Transformers: Devastation Steelbook Edition (JD/CHN) (PS4)
Trails From Daybreak 2 (Store.nisamerica.com/NA) (PS5)
Turok Steelbook Edition (Game/UK) (PS3)

UFO Robot Grendizer: The Feast of the Wolves Collectors Edition (EU) (PS4,PS5)
Umihara Kawase Bazooka! Collector's Edition (store.strictlylimitedgames.com/WW) (PS4)
Uncharted 1-4 Collection Pre-Order Steelbook (Originalky/CZE,FRA) (PS4)
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection Special Edition (EU) (PS4)
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Limited Edition Collector's Box (EU) (PS3)
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Collector's Edition (USA,Asia) (PS3)
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Pre-Order Steelbook (BlockBuster/ITA) (PS3)
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Pre-Order Stickerbook (BEL) (PS3)
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Trilogy Pre-Order Stickerbook (ESP) (PS3)
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - Libertalia Collector's Edition/Special Edition (EU) (PS4)
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - Libertalia Collector's Edition/Special Edition (NA) (PS4)
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PS4)
Until Dawn - Special Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4)
Until Dawn - Special Steelbook Edition (Asia) (PS4)
Utawarerumono Zan Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)

Valentino Rossi - The Game (MotoGP 2016) Collector's Edition (Amazon/EU) (PS4)
Valkyrie Elysium Preorder Steelbook (PC,PS4,PS5)
Vanquish Steelbook Edition (Stickerbook) (UK) (PS3)
Vendetta - Curse of Raven's Cry Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PC)
Visions of Mana Pre-Order Steelbook (Gamestop/NA) (PS5,XBX)

Wandersong Pop-up Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)
Wanted Dead Collector’s Edition (US) (PS5,PS4,XSX,XB1)
Warhammer 40.000: Inquisitor - Martyr Imperium Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1) May 11,2018
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Collector's Edition (Focus Entertainment Store)
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Gold Edition (EU) (PS5,XSX,PC)
Wasteland 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS4,XB1)
Watch Dogs Limited Edition (USA) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
Watch Dogs Uplay-Exclusive Edition (Uplay-Shop/US) (PS3,PS4,XB1)
Watch Dogs 2 Hacker Edition (JB Hi-Fi/AUS)/Steelbook Edition (Amazon/EU) (PS4,XB1)
Watch Dogs Legion Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
Watch Dogs Legion Ultimate Edition Steelbook (Gamestop/USA) (PS4,XB1)
Watch Dogs Legion Gold Steelbook Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
Wiedzmin: Edycja Rozszerzona (The Witcher: Enhanced Edition) (Muve/POL) (PC)
Wiedzmin 2: Zabójcy Królów - Edycja Rozszerzona (The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings -
Enhanced Edition) (Muve/POL) (PC)
Wiedzmin 3: Dziki Gon- Edycja Gry Roku (The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - Game of the Year
Edition) (Muve/POL) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Winning Eleven 2013 Europa League Edition (HKG) (PS3)
Winning Eleven 2013 Manchester United Edition (HKG) (PS3)
Winning Eleven 2019/Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 Steelbook (Asia) (PS4)
Wipeout Omega Collection Steelbook (EU) (PS4)
Wolfenstein: The New Order Panzerhund Edition (USA) (PS4/XB1)
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Collector's Edition (EBGames/AUS,Amazon/
GER,Bethesda Store/USA) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Pre-Order Steelbook (Pre-Order Bonus for pre-ordering
the collector's and standard edition) (Xzone/CZE) (PC,PS4,XB1)
Wolfenstein Youngblood Pre-Order Steelbook (XZone/CZE,Gamestop/GER,Gameexpres/
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Steelbook Launch Edition (US) (PS5,PS4,XSX)
World of Tanks Combat Edition (EU,NA)/Starter Pack (NA) (PC)
WRC 8 - Collector Retail Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)
WWE 2K16 Steelbook Edition (PS4/XB1) (EU)
WWE 2K19 Steelbook Edition (PS4/XB1) (EU)
WWE 2K20 Pre-Order Steelbook (PS4/XB1) (EU)
WWE 2K22 Pre-Order Steelbook (PS4,PS5,XB1,XSX) (EU)

Xbox Game Pass 12 Month Steelbook (MediaMarkt/GER) (XB1)
Xbox One Scorpio Pre-Order Steelbook (MediaMarkt/GER) (XB1)
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition (JPN) (NSW)
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Collector's Edition (Amazon/JPN) (NSW)
X-Morph Defense: Complete Edition (MYS) (PS4)
Xuan-Yuan Sword VII Limited Edition (Play-Asia/Asia) (PS4)

Yakuza 4 - Kuro Edition (GER,UK) (PS3)
Yakuza 4 - Shiro Edition (AUS) (PS3)
Yakuza: Dead Souls Limited Edition (PS4) (PS3)
Yakuza Kiwami Steelbook Edition (EU,Amazon/USA) (PS4)
Yakuza Kiwami 2 Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)
Yakuza Kiwami 2 Steelbook Edition (EU,NA) (PS4)
Yakuza: Like a Dragon Day Ichi Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1)
Yakuza: Like A Dragon Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/NA) (PS4,XB1)
Yakuza: Like a Dragon & Dragon Gaiden Bundle (Asia) (PS5)
YS VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA Limited Edition (NISAmericaOnlineStore/EU,USA) (PS4,PS
YS IX: Monstrum NOX Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)

Zombie Army 4: Dead War Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)
Zombies Ate My Neighbors Limited Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)

* The Final Fantasy XV Ultimate Collector's Edition comes with two different steelbooks.

Additions, corrections, comments or suggestions are welcome.

11-02-2015, 07:15 PM
WOW! thank you for this :thumb:

11-02-2015, 07:34 PM
Nice list! Missing Borderlands The Handsome Collection :)

11-02-2015, 07:51 PM
Nice list! Missing Borderlands The Handsome Collection :)

I don't think that it is a steelbook, because on the pictures I have found it hasn't looked like that.

11-02-2015, 08:00 PM
I don't think it is a steelbook, because on the pictures I have found it hasn't looked like that.

Sorry, didn't released this thread is for steelbooks only. I thought metalpaks are also included :)

11-02-2015, 08:51 PM
Great list, should be stuck to the top of the SB section.

divinity original sin steelbook? It is PS4 but is the steelbook G2, is it even a legit steelbook? Not sure, maybe an addition there.

Also just a suggestion, maybe it would be better with any game that starts with 'The' be listed by the second word. 'Witcher 3, The' in the W section. 'Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited Steelbook Edition, The' in the E section. Otherwise T is going to get very full eventually.

11-02-2015, 08:58 PM
Maybe the list should have an additional suffix/prefix or nomenclature to specify what system its for? I know most are assumed to be PS3/PS4, but some Xbox 1 or even perhaps 360 games came in G2s didn't they?

11-02-2015, 09:07 PM
There's a CoD MW Collection steelbook. I'll take a pic for you when I get back home if you need to see it :)

11-02-2015, 10:24 PM
There's a CoD MW Collection steelbook. I'll take a pic for you when I get back home if you need to see it :)

Okay I only know about a G1-size CoD MW Collection steelbook.

11-02-2015, 11:43 PM
My bad, the CoD one is G1 :)

There's super smash bros steel from Canada Futureshop.

Also, beyond two souls US and EU versions are exactly the same, the slipcase/cover are different.

11-03-2015, 02:40 AM
I thought metalpaks are also included :)


11-03-2015, 03:10 AM
These are the ones I noticed before my eyes got tired:

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 - 2 different steelbooks. 1 in the juggernog/hardened and 1 steelbook edition in amazon.

Dragon Age: Origins Collector's Edition (US) (PS3) - This is G1. Europe had the G2 jumbo.

11-03-2015, 04:33 AM
Great list. gives me an idea to do another database that includes steelbooks in both sizes in addition to metalpacks, tin cases, etc. for all systems.

11-03-2015, 05:39 AM
anyone here can check off 100% of that list? just wondering?

11-03-2015, 06:54 AM
anyone here can check off 100% of that list? just wondering?

Obviously not since there are some which have not yet been released :P

11-03-2015, 11:09 AM
Thinks for share, Need this list

11-18-2015, 01:39 PM
First post updated

11-18-2015, 03:15 PM
Awesome! Love the updates you've made! Thanks so much! (now we need a G1 version as well) :)

11-20-2015, 09:37 PM
Great list, should be stuck to the top of the SB section.

divinity original sin steelbook? It is PS4 but is the steelbook G2, is it even a legit steelbook? Not sure, maybe an addition there.

Also just a suggestion, maybe it would be better with any game that starts with 'The' be listed by the second word. 'Witcher 3, The' in the W section. 'Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited Steelbook Edition, The' in the E section. Otherwise T is going to get very full eventually.

Divinity Sin is a G2 steelbook. I have it and their insignia is on the inside.

11-24-2015, 07:35 AM
G2-Steelbook list updated

12-04-2015, 02:01 PM
I have added the upcoming Far Cry Primal Collectors Edition steelbook to the list.

12-04-2015, 03:07 PM
There's also a NA release for the steelbook. It looks different (with title on the steelbook) but I think they will be exactly the same when the game ships.



12-04-2015, 03:59 PM
There's also a NA release for the steelbook. It looks different (with title on the steelbook) but I think they will be exactly the same when the game ships.



Okay thank you for that information. I will add it to the list, but if there is no difference about the steelbooks of that editions I will change it.

Can anyone confirm that there is a difference between the european and the north american steelbook version of Need for Speed?

12-04-2015, 04:00 PM
Okay I will add it to the list, but if there is no difference about the steelbooks of that editions I will change it.

Can anyone confirm that there is a difference between the european and the north american steelbook version of Need for Speed?

I ordered it but it won't be shipped until this weekend. Will keep you posted.

12-04-2015, 04:09 PM
I ordered it but it won't be shipped until this weekend. Will keep you posted.

Okay thank you.

12-11-2015, 12:21 AM
Just got the Need for Speed steelbook from Amazon.com, it is actually different from the EU Amazon one.

The NA steelbook is more like a matt finish. And there is the title on the spin.



12-19-2015, 12:03 PM
I have added MLB 16: The Show - MVP-Edition to the list.

01-29-2016, 12:30 PM
List updated

02-07-2016, 02:23 PM
List updated

Hatsune Miku Project Diva X Steelbook Edition (PS Vita)

Tom Clancy's The Division Asia Exclusive Steelbook (PS4/XB1)

02-29-2016, 02:02 PM
List updated: Transformers: Devastation - Pre-Order Steelbook (CHN)

Doom - D1 Edition

03-01-2016, 02:51 PM
You may want to add this one to the list;

UPLAY Exclusive Steelbook

03-01-2016, 03:48 PM
You may want to add this one to the list;

UPLAY Exclusive Steelbook

I have already added that steelbook to the list.
Tom Clancy's The Division Collectors Edition Pre-Order Bonus (Uplay-Shop/EU) 08.03.2016 (PS4,XB1)

03-01-2016, 11:40 PM
I have already added that steelbook to the list.
Tom Clancy's The Division Collectors Edition Pre-Order Bonus (Uplay-Shop/EU) 08.03.2016 (PS4,XB1)

My bad didn't see. Think I need to go Specasavers O.o

03-21-2016, 08:23 PM
List updated

Battleborn - Steelbook Edition (EU) (Amazon/GER) (PS4) 03.05.2016

Dead Island Definitive Collection - Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1) 31.05.2016

03-21-2016, 08:24 PM
List updated

Could you also list the update in a new post every time you update the first post? It's hard to track which ones are new.

04-01-2016, 11:00 PM
Update: Final Fantasy XV Deluxe Edition (PS4/XB1) (EU,NA) 30.09.2016
Final Fantasy XV Ultimate Collector's Edition (PS4/XB1) (Square-Enix Online Store/EU,NA) 30.09.2016

04-06-2016, 06:15 PM
nice... you are the king of Steelbooks here!

04-06-2016, 06:41 PM
Update: LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Deluxe Steelbook Edition (Amazon/UK) (PS4/XB1) 28.06.2016

LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Pre-Order Steelbook (Amazon/ESP) (PS4/XB1) 28.06.2016

04-21-2016, 08:15 PM
Update: Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness - Limited Edition (EU) (PS4) 01.07.2016

The Technomancer - Pre-Order Steelbook (Gamestop/GER) (PS4/XB1) 21.06.2016

04-26-2016, 04:55 PM
Update: Gears of War 4 - Collector's Edition/Ultimate Edition (EU) (XB1) 11.09.2016
The King of Fighters XIV D1-Edition (NA) (PS4) 08.23.2016

05-04-2016, 12:36 PM
This is a fantastic thread and thank you for keeping it updated!!! :notworthy:

05-04-2016, 08:39 PM

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Legacy Pro Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1) 4.11.2016

05-04-2016, 09:13 PM

Just wanted to say a huge thanks for keeping this thread up to date.

I have noticed that the Destiny Steelbook only has one available which is from the Ghost/Limited edition. I don't know how relevant this is, but the inside of the steel books are a bit different. I have an XBOX one version and the steel book label is vertical on the right side of the case and the single disc holder is on the left, I'm sure the ps4 version is standard with the Steel book label at the bottom right and the disc holder also on the right. Does this matter on the list as the outsides are identical.

Thanks, keep up the great work.

05-04-2016, 10:41 PM

Just wanted to say a huge thanks for keeping this thread up to date.

I have noticed that the Destiny Steelbook only has one available which is from the Ghost/Limited edition. I don't know how relevant this is, but the inside of the steel books are a bit different. I have an XBOX one version and the steel book label is vertical on the right side of the case and the single disc holder is on the left, I'm sure the ps4 version is standard with the Steel book label at the bottom right and the disc holder also on the right. Does this matter on the list as the outsides are identical.

Thanks, keep up the great work.

Well I can add that information to the list but I don't think because of that little difference between the PS4 and XB1-Version that there are two different steelbooks.

05-04-2016, 10:51 PM
Okay no problem, just didn't know if the minor difference needed to be added or not.

I use the list all the time when collecting so it's been a great help.

05-04-2016, 11:21 PM

Just wanted to say a huge thanks for keeping this thread up to date.

I have noticed that the Destiny Steelbook only has one available which is from the Ghost/Limited edition. I don't know how relevant this is, but the inside of the steel books are a bit different. I have an XBOX one version and the steel book label is vertical on the right side of the case and the single disc holder is on the left, I'm sure the ps4 version is standard with the Steel book label at the bottom right and the disc holder also on the right. Does this matter on the list as the outsides are identical.

Thanks, keep up the great work.

Most Xbox one steelbooks are like that. Like the CoD Ghost steel

05-06-2016, 09:34 AM
Not sure when this will be available, although the DLC will be released within two weeks.
And it may be exclusive to Australia and Germany!?!?

https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/13140786_10208344017712140_1090496399_n.jpg?oh=254 6244d18ca805c1b6d8af36f86a59f&oe=572F230F

05-06-2016, 01:34 PM
Not sure when this will be available, although the DLC will be released within two weeks.
And it may be exclusive to Australia and Germany!?!?

https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/13140786_10208344017712140_1090496399_n.jpg?oh=254 6244d18ca805c1b6d8af36f86a59f&oe=572F230F

I will add it to the list but I still need more informations about it especially where you can buy it in germany and I also need the confirmation from somebody that the steelbook is G2-Size.

Battlefield 1 - Exclusive Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1) 21.10.2016 EU/10.18.2016 NA
Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS,GER) (PS4,XB1) May 2016

05-14-2016, 05:21 PM
Don't know if this counts but there seems to be an Uncharted 4 promo G2 Steelbook floating around on eBay. It looks just the same as the Amazon Germany one except it has labeling on the back near the bottom advising that it is used for promotional use. Would this count as a separate one?

05-14-2016, 06:07 PM
We need pictures of that steelbook to be able to assess if that steelbook count as a separate one.

I will let the community decide if they think that it should be count as separate one or not.

Update: Well I have watched two unboxing videos of the Uncharted 4 Limited Steelbook Edition from amazon.de and it seems like that on every steelbook it is written:

This steelbook is for promotional use only and not to be re-sold separately.

05-14-2016, 08:49 PM
Okay no probs, for some reason I thought they were different. At least that's one less for me to collect :thumb:

05-16-2016, 03:47 PM
Dark souls apocalypse edition is not a steelbook.

Doom has 3 different steelbooks. CE,Europe & US

05-16-2016, 04:15 PM
Dark souls apocalypse edition is not a steelbook.

Doom has 3 different steelbooks. CE,Europe & US

Okay thank you for that information.

I need to know the name of the editon which the US steelbook is part of?

Is it the steelbook which is part of the Doom UAC Bundle which is available at bestbuy?

05-17-2016, 04:47 PM
Okay thank you for that information.

I need to know the name of the editon which the US steelbook is part of?

Is it the steelbook which is part of the Doom UAC Bundle which is available at bestbuy?

Yup UAC bundle. That steel has the guy with the helmet on the front.
Europe steel has the monster and the CE steel has the skeleton like thing with 2 guns on the shoulders. Not sure what their names are cos I'm not familiar with the game. :this:

05-17-2016, 04:56 PM
I think Raven's Cry Treasure Chest was never released.

And Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 had a steelbook in US/Canada. In europe it was metalpak in the CE.

05-20-2016, 01:08 AM
I think Raven's Cry Treasure Chest was never released.

And Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 had a steelbook in US/Canada. In europe it was metalpak in the CE.

Okay thank you for that information.

I have updated the list:

Gran Turismo Sport Steelbook Edition (EU,NA) (PS4) 16th November 2016

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Pre-Order Limited Edition Steelbook (Bestbuy/NA) (PS4,XB1)

I have written Pre-Order Limited Edition Steelbook because on the front of the steelbook there was a sticker marked: Limited Edition.
And I guess you only could get the steelbook as pre-order bonus at bestbuy so that is why I named it Pre-Order Limited Edition Steelbook.

Otherwise correct me if I am wrong.

05-27-2016, 12:26 PM
I will add it to the list but I still need more informations about it especially where you can buy it in germany and I also need the confirmation from somebody that the steelbook is G2-Size.

Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS,GER) (PS4,XB1) May 2016

Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Steelbook is a G1 size. Confirmed/Sorry. :(

Final Fantasy XV Steelbook Special Edition

Ghost Recon Wildlands Limited Edition Steelbook (not sure if G2 size though)

05-27-2016, 05:21 PM

Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Steelbook deleted from the list.

Final Fantasy XV Limited Steelbook Edition/Special Edition Steelbook (Mediamarkt/GER,JB HI-FI/AUS) (PS4/XB1) 30.09.2016

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Limited Edition (JB HIFI/AUS,Amazon/GER,FRA) (PS4/XB1) 7.3.2017

05-31-2016, 09:56 PM

Overwatch - Collector's Edition (EU/NA) (PS4/XB1)

Saint Seiya: Soldiers' Soul - China Exclusive Steelbook Bundle (CHN) (PS4)

06-07-2016, 07:25 PM

Persona 5 - Steelbook Launch Edition (NA) (PS4) 2.14.2017

06-13-2016, 02:22 PM

Watch Dogs 2 Hacker Edition/Steelbook Edition (JB Hi-Fi/AUS,Amazon/EU) (PS4,XB1) 15.09.2016

06-16-2016, 12:14 AM

Watch Dogs 2 Hacker Edition/Steelbook Edition (JB Hi-Fi/AUS,Amazon/EU) (PS4,XB1) 15.09.2016

you got a link for that ?

06-16-2016, 12:30 AM
Mafia III - Deluxe Edition (EBGames/AUS,Gamesonly/AUT) (PS4,XB1) 7.10.2016

06-16-2016, 08:38 AM
There was a Xbox Live Day one steelbook

06-16-2016, 12:08 PM
There was a Xbox Live Day one steelbook


That's not a steelbook.

06-17-2016, 04:33 AM

That's not a steelbook.

oh, you're right, I remember it being advertised as such

06-22-2016, 02:46 PM

Dishonored 2 - Collector’s Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1) 11.11.2016

Horizon: Zero Dawn - Collector's Edition/Limited Edition (EU,NA) (PS4) 1.3.2017

ReCore Collector's Edition (Amazon/USA) (XB1) 9/13/2016

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Steelbook Gold Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook (Amazon/USA,FR) (PS4,XB1) 6.12.2016

The Last Guardian: Collector's Edition/Special Edition (NA,EU) (PS4) 25.10.2016

06-23-2016, 06:04 PM
Actually, according to the e3 trailer, The Last Guardian is set to release OCT 25 of this year. :)

06-27-2016, 01:22 PM
Mafia III Austrian Exclusive



http://www.gamesonly.at/packshot_Mafia_3__Steelbook_uncut_Edition__inkl__6 _Preorder_Boni_PS4_2016_06_25_11_25_49_600_H_5bc07 aa315626e6753ef3c5a35e6165d.jpg

06-28-2016, 08:42 AM
Steelbook Uncharted 4 - Special Edition, Collector's Edition (NA,EU)

There is a difference between the North American and the European version. The colored parts of the North American version are a bit shiny, while the European version is completely mat.
In addition, a PS4 logo is on the back of the European version. The PS4 logo is positioned on the left below, while the Naughty Dog logo can be found on the bottom right. On the back of the North American version only the Naughty Dog logo is located.

Overall, the North American version looks a bit better.

07-01-2016, 10:49 AM

Persona 5 Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4) 2.14.2017

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - Libertalia Collector's Edition/Special Edition (NA) (PS4)

07-02-2016, 11:39 AM

I don't see the steelbook Valentino Rossi The Game from the collector's edition sold by amazon.it and amazon.es.


Could you update your list?

Thanks for your work:notworthy:

07-02-2016, 12:21 PM

Valentino Rossi - The Game (MotoGP 2016) Collector's Edition (Amazon/EU) (PS4)

07-05-2016, 09:50 AM
The PlayStation 4 version of Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization will be available in a Collector’s Edition and will include a steelbook.
The "Collector's Edition" is currently only available for North America. I really hope that we will also get the CE in Europe.


07-05-2016, 11:42 AM

Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization - Collector’s Edition (NA) (PS4) Q4 2016

07-08-2016, 03:11 PM

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Pre-Order Steelbook (Game/UK) (PS4,XB1) 23.08.2016

07-20-2016, 11:25 PM

F1 2016 Pre-Order Steelbook (Gamestop/GER) (PS4,XB1) 16.08.2016

07-21-2016, 03:43 AM
Duke Nukem
Fallout 4 Far Harbor
Forza Horizon
Forza Horizon 2
Forza Motorsport 4
Resident Evil 4 (PS2)
Tales of Vesperia - (360)
Turning Point: Fall of Liberty
Wolfenstein The New Order Germany Pre-order

07-21-2016, 04:48 AM
Duke Nukem
Fallout 4 Far Harbor
Forza Horizon
Forza Horizon 2
Forza Motorsport 4
Resident Evil 4 (PS2)
Tales of Vesperia - (360)
Turning Point: Fall of Liberty
Wolfenstein The New Order Germany Pre-order

Most steels in your list are G1 only :)

07-21-2016, 02:23 PM
Most steels in your list are G1 only :)

which one of them is available as G2-size steelbook?


Bioshock: The Collection Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS,Game/UK) (PS4,XB1) 15.09.2016

07-21-2016, 03:26 PM
which one of them is available as G2-size steelbook?


Bioshock: The Collection Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS,Game/UK) (PS4,XB1) 15.09.2016

You're right. I thought forza 4 is Xbox one game

08-03-2016, 11:52 PM

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Limited Edition (Amazon/ESP) (PS4,XB1) 23.08.2016

08-09-2016, 12:10 PM

Just to let you know that The Technomancer steelbook was available in Game UK. The guy behind the counter had a stack of them a few weeks back. Unsure if they were left over stock or not, might be worth checking out.

08-15-2016, 04:10 PM

No Man’s Sky - Limited Edition (EU) (PS4)

Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 FC Barcelona Edition (EU,NA) (PS4) 15.09.2016

08-24-2016, 12:54 AM

Final Fantasy XV Limited Steelbook Edition (Mediamarkt/GER)/Special Edition (Amazon/ESP,FRA,JB HI-FI/AUS,NZ) (PS4/XB1) 30.09.2016
Final Fantasy XV Ultimate Collector's Edition (Square Enix Online Store/EU,NA) (PS4/XB1)* 30.09.2016
Final Fantasy XV Ultimate Collector's Edition (Square Enix Online Store/EU,NA) (PS4/XB1)* 30.09.2016

* The Final Fantasy XV Ultimate Collector's Edition comes with two different steelbooks.

Persona 5 Limited Steelbook D1-Edition (Mediamarkt/GER)/Steelbook Launch Edition (NA)/Take your Heart Collector's Edition (Mediamarkt/GER) (PS4) 2.14.2017

08-27-2016, 01:31 PM
I've just received the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Limited Edition from Amazon.es but the steelbook is the same than the one pre ordered in Game UK. In France Micromania proposes the same packaging in a exclusive "Day One Edition",



it seems that there is only 2 steelbooks for that game:
- collector edition
- day one edition steelbook from amazon.es or micromania.fr/ pre order from Game UK

08-27-2016, 02:29 PM
I've just received the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Limited Edition from Amazon.es but the steelbook is the same than the one pre ordered in Game UK. In France Micromania proposes the same packaging in a exclusive "Day One Edition",



it seems that there is only 2 steelbooks for that game:
- collector edition
- day one edition steelbook from amazon.es or micromania.fr/ pre order from Game UK

Thank you for that information, I will change that, I hope that the micromania steelbook edition is the same steelbook edition like the one from game uk.

09-07-2016, 11:07 AM

Battlefield 1 - Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PS4,XB1) 21.10.2016

Dishonered 2 - Pre-order Throne Steelbook (Amazon/FRA) (PS4,XB1) 11.11.2016

Dishonored 2 - Corvo at the Edge of the World Steelbook (POL) (PS4,XB1) 11.11.2016

Fallout 4 Nuka Cola Steelbook (Game/UK) (PS4,XB1)

FIFA 17 - Deluxe Steelbook Edition/Steelbook Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook (Amazon/UK,GER,FRA) (PS4,XB1)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Remastered Pre-Order Steelbook (Gameware/AUT) (PS4,XB1) 28.10.2016

WWE 2k17/Collector's Edition Pre-Order Steelbook (Micromania/FRA) (PS3/PS4/XBOX360/XB1) 11.10.2016

09-24-2016, 02:54 PM

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 - Collector's Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1) 10.25.2016

10-26-2016, 04:23 PM

Battlefield 1 - Exclusive Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)

Battlefield 1 - Gamestop Exclusive Steelbook (Gamestop/USA) (PS4,XB1)

Battlefield 1 - Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PS4,XB1)

Forza Horizon 3 - Ultimate Edition (EBGames,JB Hi-Fi/AUS,Mediamarkt/GER,USA) (XB1)

10-28-2016, 05:17 PM
All the steelbook from IndieBox should be G2 as well. There won't be any G1 steels in the future in NA so they must be G2. You can reference from this post:


Also there's a steelbook for MLB The Show 17 from MVP edition and Hall of Fame edition. They should be the same.

10-28-2016, 08:23 PM
All the steelbook from IndieBox should be G2 as well. There won't be any G1 steels in the future in NA so they must be G2. You can reference from this post:


Also there's a steelbook for MLB The Show 17 from MVP edition and Hall of Fame edition. They should be the same.

I have added all those steelbooks but it would be great if anyone who will buy one of those IndieBox steelbooks can confirm that those steelbooks are G2-size.


Axiom Verge (Gamestop/NA) (PC)

Awesomenauts (Gamestop/NA) (PC)

Chariot (Gamestop/NA) (PC)

Dead Rising 4 Pre-order Steelbook (AUT) (XB1) 06.12.2016

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (Gamestop/NA) (PC)

Jotun: Valhalla Edition (Gamestop/NA) (PC)

MLB 17: The Show - Hall of Fame/MVP-Edition (PS4) (3.28.2017)

Nuclear Throne (Gamestop/NA) (PC)

Punch Club (Gamestop/NA) (PC)

Rogue Legacy (Gamestop/NA) (PC)

Stories: The Path of Destinies (Gamestop/NA) (PC)

Thomas Was Alone (Gamestop/NA) (PC)

11-12-2016, 03:19 PM

For Honor Pre-Order Steelbook (Xzone/CZE) (PS4,XB1) 14.02.2017

For Honor Pre-Order Steelbook (Xzone/CZE) (PS4,XB1) 14.02.2017

For Honor Pre-Order Steelbook (Xzone/CZE) (PS4,XB1) 14.02.2017

11-14-2016, 09:03 AM
Resident Evil 7 - Deluxe Edition/Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1) 20.01.2017

11-14-2016, 01:43 PM
You beat me to it ;)

11-15-2016, 09:55 PM

Rise of the Tomb Raider 20 Year Celebration Steelbook Edition/Pre-order Steelbook (Micromania/FRA,Gamesonly/AUT) (PS4)

Titanfall 2 Steelbook Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)

11-29-2016, 01:25 PM

Tales of Berseria Collector’s Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4) 1.24.2017

11-29-2016, 04:14 PM
WWE 2k17 is a metalpak from what i've seen.

Sword art online has another steelbook which is black.

11-29-2016, 04:43 PM
WWE 2k17 is a metalpak from what i've seen.

Sword art online has another steelbook which is black.

I need to know the name of the edition the steelbook is part of and in which country it was released?

11-29-2016, 05:19 PM
Are you guys talking about this Sword Art Online pre-order steelbook? I think this a metal case similar to the Handsome Jack Collection metal case, not a steelbook.



11-30-2016, 01:24 PM
Oops sorry it's black king of fighters steelbook not sword art :suicide:

11-30-2016, 03:16 PM

Don Bradman - Cricket 17 Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS) (PS4,XB1)

Song of the Deep Collector's Edition (NA) (PS4,XB1)

The King of Fighters XIV Collector's Edition (CHN) (PS4)

12-05-2016, 05:54 PM

Mass Effect: Andromeda Collector's Edition Diecast Replica Nomad ND1/ Collector’s Edition Remote Control Nomad ND1 (Jumbo Steelbook) (without game) (USA) (PC,PS4,XB1) Q1 2017

NieR: Automata - Black Box Edition (EU,USA)/ Limited Edition (EU,USA) (PS4) 3.07.2017

12-10-2016, 08:29 PM

Torment: Tides of Numenera D1 Edition + Pre-Order Steelbook (Gameware/AUT) (PS4,XB1) 31.03.2017

12-18-2016, 11:19 PM

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 - Road to Boruto Steelbook Edition (HKG,TWN) (PS4,XB1)

Final Fantasy XV Pre-Order Steelbook (CHN) (PS4,XB1) (same artwork inside and outside like the asian and european deluxe edition but no deluxe edition on the spine and only one disc holder)

12-23-2016, 05:18 PM
I'm wondering :???: if the 2 steelbooks :
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 Manchester Pre-Order Steelbook (Latin America) (PS3) and
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 UEFA Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS3)
are not the same than the 2 following:
- Winning Eleven 2013 Manchester United Edition (HKG) (PS3) and
- Winning Eleven 2013 Europa League Edition (HKG) (PS3)
Could somebody give me more details or photos showing the differences?

12-23-2016, 05:36 PM
I'm wondering :???: if the 2 steelbooks :
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 Manchester Pre-Order Steelbook (Latin America) (PS3) and
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 UEFA Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS3)
are not the same than the 2 following:
- Winning Eleven 2013 Manchester United Edition (HKG) (PS3) and
- Winning Eleven 2013 Europa League Edition (HKG) (PS3)
Could somebody give me more details or photos showing the differences?

Because Pro Evolution Soccer is called Winning Eleven in Asia.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 UEFA Champions League Trophy Pre-Order Steelbook has the Champions League Trophy as artwork, Winning Eleven 2013 Europa League Edition (HKG) has the UEFA Europa League as Artwork.

It seems to be there is no difference between the Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 Manchester United Edition Steelbook from Latin and the Winning Eleven 2013 Manchester United Edition Steelbook from Hongkong about the artwork but the name.

12-31-2016, 12:20 AM

Halo Wars 2 Ultimate Atriox Edition (EBGames/AUS) (XB1) 17.02.17

01-06-2017, 02:56 PM
I don't think Lord of the rings war in the north had german text? Only the CE box had german text. The steelbook title is in english.

01-07-2017, 12:33 PM
I think Lego Minifigures Online is a G2 steelbook? Although it doesn't have a disc tray inside.



01-07-2017, 02:19 PM

LEGO Minifigures Online Steelbook Edition (Tesco/UK) (PC)

Horizon: Zero Dawn Pre-Order Steelbook (Game/ESP) (PS4) 1.3.2017

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands War Within the Cartel Bundle Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1) 3.7.2017 (US-Release Date)

01-18-2017, 06:57 AM

Injustice 2 Ultimate Edition (EBGames/AUS,Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1) May 16, 2017.

01-20-2017, 12:22 AM
Got a special steelbook in the mail today. Never seen it anywhere before, the seller is from Czech Republic and he said the steelbook was given to him by Sony.

This steelbook is in G2 size and it shares the same design as the EU Uncharted 4 steelbook, but is black. Also, instead of "Uncharted 4", it has "Uncharted" printed on it.



01-20-2017, 01:17 AM
Got a special steelbook in the mail today. Never seen it anywhere before, the seller is from Czech Republic and he said the steelbook was given to him by Sony.

This steelbook is in G2 size and it shares the same design as the EU Uncharted 4 steelbook, but is black. Also, instead of "Uncharted 4", it has "Uncharted" printed on it.


does he has another one for sale?

01-20-2017, 01:26 AM
does he has another one for sale?

Got it on eBay. The seller currently doesn't have anything listed.

01-20-2017, 01:27 AM
Got it on eBay. The seller currently doesn't have anything listed.

do u have his store link[emoji3]

??? iPhone ????? Tapatalk

01-20-2017, 02:44 PM
Looks like a Steelbook edition from Czech, including all 4 uncharted games.


01-20-2017, 04:31 PM
Looks like a Steelbook edition from Czech, including all 4 uncharted games.


So that means it is an official for sale steelbook which I should add to the G2-steelbook list?

01-20-2017, 04:32 PM
So that means it is an official for sale steelbook which I should add to the G2-steelbook list?

Yeah I think so

01-20-2017, 04:44 PM
Yeah I think so

Uncharted 1-4 Collection Pre-Order Steelbook (Orginalky/CZE) (PS4)

Is that correct, I don't know what else I should add to the list?

01-20-2017, 05:18 PM
Uncharted 1-4 Collection Pre-Order Steelbook (Orginalky/CZE) (PS4)

Is that correct, I don't know what else I should add to the list?

I think that's pretty much it for now. Maybe it'll be available elsewhere in the future.

01-20-2017, 05:24 PM
I think that's pretty much it for now. Maybe it'll be available elsewhere in the future.

Okay but it seems to be already available. What else shall I write about the steelbook?

01-20-2017, 05:32 PM
Okay but it seems to be already available. What else shall I write about the steelbook?

I think what you have right now is very good

01-23-2017, 02:54 PM

Tekken 7 Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1) June 2,2017

01-26-2017, 09:16 AM
does anybody know where can buy Ori g2 steelbook?

??? iPhone ????? Tapatalk

01-26-2017, 10:59 AM
does anybody know where can buy Ori g2 steelbook?

??? iPhone ????? Tapatalk

amazon.de as part of the PC special edition

01-26-2017, 11:12 AM
does anybody know where can buy Ori g2 steelbook?

??? iPhone ????? Tapatalk

I bought Ori in UK, I thought it's G1... But I think German one is G1?

01-26-2017, 11:26 AM
does anybody know where can buy Ori g2 steelbook?

??? iPhone ????? Tapatalk
Have you photo or more info about G2 steelbook?
EU got only PC/G1 steelbook.

01-26-2017, 11:35 AM
Have you photo or more info about G2 steelbook?
EU got only PC/G1 steelbook.

UK is still a member of the EU if it is available in the UK, I have heard from two members that they have bought their copy in UK or from a seller from UK and it seems to be that the G2 Steelbook is also available in France because on the backcover of the slipcase the description of the system requirements is written in french.

01-26-2017, 11:36 AM
Have you photo or more info about G2 steelbook?

EU got only PC/G1 steelbook.

my friend bought it on US amazon in black friday and its g2 size but im not sure its still availbale now[emoji2]

??? iPhone ????? Tapatalk

01-26-2017, 11:53 PM
Have you photo or more info about G2 steelbook?
EU got only PC/G1 steelbook.

UK has G2 for sure. US has G1, dunno other countries. I'm talking about PC versions ;)

01-27-2017, 07:36 AM
UK has G2 for sure. US has G1, dunno other countries. I'm talking about PC versions ;)

Are you sure about this? NA has stopped releasing any G1 steelbook.

01-27-2017, 11:20 AM
EDIT: Got the Ori steelbook from Amazon.ca. It's a NA release (see the ESRB rating), but it's G1 size.


01-31-2017, 06:11 PM

Prey - D1 Edition (Amazon/GER) (PS4,XB1) 5 May 2017

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (GameStop/GER) (PS4,XB1) April 4, 2017

The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind - Collector's Edition (Amazon/GER,USA) June 6, 2017

02-03-2017, 03:26 AM
Got my Ori steelbook edition from amazon.com, G2 size.


02-03-2017, 08:46 AM
xzone changed the img and all 3 different sb are mp now,so sad

02-03-2017, 03:03 PM

Mass Effect: Andromeda Limited Edition (Gamesonly/AUT)/Pre-Order Steelbook (AUT,CZE,HUN,SVK) (PS4,XB1) March 21,2017

Mass Effect: Andromeda Pre-Order Steelbook (Amazon/GER,BestBuy/USA) March 21,2017

02-04-2017, 12:12 AM
I was able to get the Hong Kong version of the king of fighters steelbook when I was in China.

Besides the different reflection, the words printed on the back are different too (the one on top is the Hong Kong version).


02-04-2017, 12:14 AM
I was able to get the Hong Kong version of the king of fighters steelbook when I was in China.

Besides the different reflection, the words printed on the back are different too (the one on top is the Hong Kong version).


Okay I added it to the G2-steelbook list.


The King of Fighters XIV Burn to Fight Edition/D1-Edition (HKG) (PS4) (different reflection and different words printed on the back compared to the EU- and NA-Version)

02-07-2017, 12:23 AM
Still desperately waiting for someone to release a steelbook for Nioh. I hate having those blue plastic cases on my shelf since they clash with the steelbooks lol. At this point, I'd even settle for a metal pack.

02-18-2017, 10:21 PM

Deformers Collector's Edition (Gamestop/USA) (PS4,XB1) 3/31/2017

Dirt 4 Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS4,XB1)

Everspace Steelbook (Amazon/GER) (PC) May 11, 2017

Final Fantasy XII - The Zodiac Age Collector's Edition (Square Enix Online Store/EU,NA)/Limited Steelbook Edition (Square Enix Online Store/NA,Amazon/GER,USA) (PS4) 7.11.2017

Horizon: Zero Dawn - Collector's Edition/Limited Edition (NA) (PS4) 3/1/2017

MLB The Show 17: Hall of Fame (GameStop/USA,EBGames/CAN)/MVP Edition (NA) (PS4) (3.28.2017)

Middle-earth: Shadow of War Gold Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)/Mithril Edition (Gamestop/EU,NA,Amazon/EU,NA) (PS4,XB1) 8/24/2017

Tekken 7 Steelbook Edition (EBGames/AUS) (PS4,XB1) June 2,2017

Tekken 7 Steelbook Edition (Amazon/FRA) (PS4,XB1) June 2,2017

The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Steelbook Case (No game included) (Amazon/UK) (PC,PS4,XB1) June 6, 2017

The Surge Pre-Order Steelbook (Gameware/AUT,Xzone/CZE) (PC,PS4,XB1) May 2017

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA Limited Edition (NISAOnlineStore/USA) (PS4,PS Vita) Fall 2017

03-27-2017, 01:48 AM
Recore is a metalpak

03-30-2017, 09:51 PM

Destiny 2 Collector's Edition/Limited Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1) September 8, 2017

03-31-2017, 01:56 AM
whats the difference between those 2?

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - Libertalia Collector's Edition/Special Edition (EU) (PS4)
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - Libertalia Collector's Edition/Special Edition (NA) (PS4)

03-31-2017, 02:55 AM
whats the difference between those 2?

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - Libertalia Collector's Edition/Special Edition (EU) (PS4)

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - Libertalia Collector's Edition/Special Edition (NA) (PS4)

a little bit different colour and different font style

??? iPhone ????? Tapatalk

03-31-2017, 02:55 AM
whats the difference between those 2?

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - Libertalia Collector's Edition/Special Edition (EU) (PS4)

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - Libertalia Collector's Edition/Special Edition (NA) (PS4)

like KOF14

??? iPhone ????? Tapatalk

04-01-2017, 01:07 AM
Metal Gear Solid Revengeance Collectors Edition (JPN) (PS3) pretty sure thats the G1 you added in the other Thread

04-01-2017, 01:10 AM
Metal Gear Solid Revengeance Collectors Edition (JPN) (PS3) pretty sure thats the G1 you added in the other Thread

its g2[emoji3]

??? iPhone ????? Tapatalk

04-01-2017, 01:16 AM
Oh Wtf, where do I get that ^^

04-01-2017, 01:30 AM
its g2[emoji3]

??? iPhone ????? Tapatalk

So that means there is no G1 steelbook.

04-01-2017, 01:32 AM
There is, I posted you a picture on the other thread haha

04-01-2017, 05:17 PM
whats the difference between those 2?

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - Libertalia Collector's Edition/Special Edition (EU) (PS4)
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - Libertalia Collector's Edition/Special Edition (NA) (PS4)

Different spine, US stylized, EU neutral "Arial Font like". EU has also the PS4 logo on the front.

04-12-2017, 03:36 PM
Yakuza Kiwami Steelbook Edition from Amazon.con



04-12-2017, 03:59 PM
Yakuza Kiwami Steelbook Edition from Amazon.con



Available for pre-order in ShopTo and Zavvi.


04-12-2017, 04:18 PM

Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON'T KNOW! - Collector's Edition (Jumbo Steelbook) (Amazon/USA) (N3DS)

Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd you steal our garbage Collector's Edition (Jumbo Steelbook) (Amazon/USA) (N3DS)

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Collection (Jumbo Steelbook) (EU) (PS3)

Call of Duty WWII Pro Edition (AUS,EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1) November 3, 2017

Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood Pre-Order Steelbook (Game/ESP,Micromania/FRA) (PC,PS4) 20.06.2017

Injustice 2 Deluxe Edition with Steelbook (Game/UK) (PS4,XB1) May 16, 2017

Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1) September 19, 2017.

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 - Road to Boruto Pre-Order Steelbook (Name of the Game written in Mandarin on the spine) (HKG,TWN) (PS4,XB1)

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 - Road to Boruto Pre-Order Steelbook (Name of the Game written in English on the spine) (SGP) (PS4,XB1)

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Legacy (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1) September 30, 2017

Project Cars 2 Collector's Edition/Limited Edition/Ultra Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Wipeout Omega Collection Steelbook (EU) (PS4) June 7, 2017

Yakuza Kiwami Steelbook Edition (EU,Amazon/USA) (PS4) August 29, 2017

05-15-2017, 08:19 PM
The Crew Pre-Order Steelbook (FRA) (PS3) is a metalpak

05-23-2017, 01:59 PM
Injustice 2 are 3 steelbooks.

Game.co.uk one,






05-23-2017, 02:01 PM
Injustice 2 are 3 steelbooks.

Game.co.uk one,






nice,i love uk one

??? iPhone ????? Tapatalk

05-23-2017, 05:47 PM
Injustice 2 Deluxe Edition with Steelbook (Game/UK) (PS4,XB1)
Injustice 2 Ultimate Edition (EBGames/AUS,Amazon/GER) (PS4,XB1)
Injustice 2 Ultimate Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)

Is that correct?

05-27-2017, 08:43 AM

Agents of Mayhem Day One Edition (Micromania/FRA) (PC,PS4,XB1) 18.08.2017

Ark: Survival Evolved Explorers Edition/Standard Edition Pre-Order Steelbook (BestBuy/USA) (PS4,XB1) August 8,2017

Assassin's Creed Origins Dawn of the Creed Collector's Edition/Legendary Collector's Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1) October 27, 2017

Assassin's Creed Origins Gold Steelbook Edition (NA) (PS4) October 27, 2017

Destiny 2 Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS) (PC,PS4,XB1) September 8, 2017

F1 2017 Pre-Order Steelbook (GameStop/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1) August 25, 2017

Far Cry 5 Steelbook Gold Edition (Amazon/USA) (PC,PS4,XB1) February 27, 2018

Far Cry 5 Hope County-Collector's Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU)/The Father Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU,EU) (PC,PS4,XB1) February 27, 2018

FIFA 18 Pre-Order Steelbook/Ronaldo Edition+Steelbook/Standard Edition+Steelbook (Amazon/GER) (PS4,XB1) September 29, 2017

Forza Motorsport 7 Ultimate Edition (Amazon/GER,USA,Gamestop/USA) (XB1) September 29, 2017

Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PS4,XB1) September 19, 2017

Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom Collectors Edition/Premium Edition (NA) (PS4)

Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom E3 Exclusive Steelbook (PC,PS4)

Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom Prince Edition (EU) (PS4)

Rugby League Live 4 (EBGames/AUS,NZL) (PS4,XB1) 2017

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 - Limited Fan Edition (with and without the game) (Gamesonly/AUT)/Pre-Order Steelbook (without game) (Amazon/GER)/Standard

Edtition+Steelbook (Amazon/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1) November 15, 2017

Sudden Strike 4 - Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PC,PS4) August 11,2017

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition (Wiedzmin 3 Dziki Gon- Edycja Gry Roku) (Muve/POL) (PS4,XB1) November 17, 2017.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Collector's Edition (EBGames/AUS,Amazon/GER,Bethesda Store/USA) (PC,PS4,XB1) October 27, 2017

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Pre-Order Steelbook (Pre-Order Bonus for pre-ordering the collector's and standard edition) (Xzone/CZE) (PC,PS4,XB1) October 27, 2017

08-26-2017, 02:32 AM

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Limited Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4) January 30, 2018

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Steelbook Brawler Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4) January 30,2018

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Steelbook Brawler Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4) January 30,2018

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Steelbook Brawler Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4) January 30,2018

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Ultimate Collector's Edition (Square Enix Online Store/EU,NA) (PS4) January 30,2018

Dragon Ball Fighter Z CollectorZ Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1) February 2018

Need for Speed - Payback Pre-Order Steelbook (without game)/Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1) November 10, 2017

The Evil Within 2 Pre-Order Steelbook (without game) (Amazon/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1) October 13, 2017

09-06-2017, 12:26 PM

Call of Duty WWII empty Pre-Order Steelbook without game (MediaMarkt/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1)

NBA 2K18 Pre-Order Steelbook (without game)/Standard Edition (Amazon/UK) (PS4,XB1)

The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/CAN) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (NSW) 2017

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Collector's Edition (Amazon/JPN) (NSW) 2017

09-28-2017, 09:26 PM
There are two different steels for Project Cars 2. One from CE and one from Limited Edition.



09-29-2017, 07:28 AM
There are two different steels for Project Cars 2. One from CE and one from Limited Edition.




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09-29-2017, 01:52 PM
Middle-earth: Shadow of War Gold Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)/Mithril Edition (Gamestop/EU,NA,Amazon/EU,NA) (PS4,XB1) 8/24/2017

Hi.. is this confirmed SteelBook? They look like MetalPak in the ads.. Really hoping it's a SteelBook G2 though.

09-29-2017, 06:07 PM

FIFA 18 Ultimate Team Edition (EU/NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Project Cars 2 Collector's Edition/Ultra Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Project Cars 2 Limited Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Xbox One Scorpio Pre-Order Steelbook (MediaMarkt/GER) (XB1)

Yakuza Kiwami 2 Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (NSW) 2017

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Collector's Edition (Amazon/JPN) (NSW) 2017

09-30-2017, 06:32 AM
Hey Al, just a minor tweak, the Yakuza GEO steel is for Yakuza Kiwami 2.

09-30-2017, 11:45 AM
Hey Al, just a minor tweak, the Yakuza GEO steel is for Yakuza Kiwami 2.

Okay I will change it.

09-30-2017, 12:37 PM
Shadow of War Gold and Mithril Editions are MetalPak.

Check photos:


10-20-2017, 07:59 AM
Three versions of the GT Sport steelbook.

NA Limited Edition


EU Limited Edition (would like to say how much it sucks that they put the PS4 title on the spine but not the game title :banghead:)


EU Promo Steelbook


10-20-2017, 09:54 AM
WHOA! WHOA! WHOA!!!,...what's this EU preorder Gran Turismo sport steelbook you speak of?..do you know if it was a wide release through entire EU?..Or which retailers was selling it?..i would love to get a mint one if possible!!!

10-20-2017, 10:36 AM
WHOA! WHOA! WHOA!!!,...what's this EU preorder Gran Turismo sport steelbook you speak of?..do you know if it was a wide release through entire EU?..Or which retailers was selling it?..i would love to get a mint one if possible!!!

Merch has one for sale (http://collectorsedition.org/forums/showpost.php?p=295041&postcount=1994) in his thread for a very solid price.

I believe it was distributed across the entire EU, since sellers from multiple regions are posting it on Ebay.

Edit: After looking over it again, it wasn't a pre-order bonus, it came with the promo kit which was released in Europe.

10-20-2017, 06:39 PM

Far Cry 5 Steelbook Gold Edition (Amazon/USA) (PC,PS4,XB1)/Resistance Edition (GameStop/USA) (PC,PS4,XB1) February 27, 2018

FIFA 18 Club Edition Ajax Amsterdam Pre-Order Steelbook (NLD) (PC,PS4,XB1)

FIFA 18 Club Edition PSV Eindhoven Pre-Order Steelbook (NLD) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Friday the 13th Collector's Edition Steelbook (Kickstarter/USA) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Gran Turismo Sport Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4)

Gran Turismo Sport Steelbook Edition (NA) (PS4)

Monster Hunter: World Pre-Order Steelbook (without game)/Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1) January 26, 2018

10-29-2017, 09:32 PM
Three steelbooks for AC Origins

AC Origins NA Gold Edition (no text on the front)


AC Origins EU Edition (text on the front)


AC Origins Dawn of the Creed Edition in EU and Legendary Edition Worldwide


10-29-2017, 10:32 PM

Assassin's Creed Origins Dawn of the Creed Collector's Edition/Legendary Collector's Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Assassin's Creed Origins Gold Steelbook Edition (NA) (PS4,XB1)

Assassin's Creed Origins Standard/Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1)/Pre-Order Steelbook without game (Amazon/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1)

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Steelbook Gold Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook (Amazon/FRA) (PS4,XB1)

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Steelbook Gold Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1)

11-19-2017, 10:23 PM
I found Sword Art Online steelbook that is not on the list. It was a preorder bonus from gamestop.

11-20-2017, 02:34 PM
I think Star Wars Battlefront 2 steelbook got canceled.

11-20-2017, 03:15 PM
I found Sword Art Online steelbook that is not on the list. It was a preorder bonus from gamestop.

It is already on the list. The white steelbook which was available as pre-order bonus at gamestop isn't a steelbook, only the blue one which is part of the collector's edition.

12-06-2017, 08:57 PM
Witcher steelbooks from Poland are all G2


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12-07-2017, 12:26 AM

MLB The Show 18: All Rise Edition/MVP Edition (NA) (PS4) 3.27.2018

Monster Hunter: World Pre-Order Steelbook (without game)/Steelbook Edition (Amazon/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1) January 26, 2018

The Witcher: Enhanced Edition (Wiedzmin: Edycja Rozszerzona) (Muve/POL) (PC)

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - Enhanced Edition (Wiedzmin 2: Zabójcy Królów - Edycja Rozszerzona) (Muve/POL) (PC)

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Collector's Edition (Amazon/JPN) (NSW) 2017

12-07-2017, 10:30 PM
Crew 2 just got pushed back but there is still this steelbook.


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12-10-2017, 09:46 AM

G2 Size:

Playstation Plus Pre-Order Steelbook (NZL) (PS4)

Shadow of the Colossus Special Edition (USA) (PS4) February 6, 2018

Sword Art Online Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4) 2018.02.08

The Crew 2 Steelbook Gold Edition (Ubisoft Store/USA) (PS4,XB1) Summer/Fall 2018

G4 Size:

Bayonetta 1+2 Limited Edition (Nintendo eShop/AUS) February 16,2017/Non-Stop Climax Edition (Nintendo eShop/JPN) 2018.02.17/Special Edition (EU) (NSW) February 16,2017

12-14-2017, 05:26 AM
I tried to google NHL15 Club Edition Steelbooks but there were only few promo photos. Also there is no sign of them here or on ebay. Are they real? Are they that rare?

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12-14-2017, 06:18 AM
I tried to google NHL15 Club Edition Steelbooks but there were only few promo photos. Also there is no sign of them here or on ebay. Are they real? Are they that rare?

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Yeah, they're real. I have one that I got from finland. They're not really valuable or anything, just hard to find because they were only released in specific regions in certain countries. Sports steelbooks aren't that valuable usually imo, since there are so many variants for the same game.

12-15-2017, 03:20 PM
Completely forgot about this one. Kingdom Come Deliverance. Steelbook is included in Collector’s and Steelbook Editions. Second one might actually be Russia exclusive.

And also Mario Kart 8 G4 steelbook.

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12-19-2017, 04:13 PM


Dynasty Warriors 9 Pre-Order Steelbook (Saturn/GER) (PS4) 28 February 2018

Far Cry 5 X Mondo Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1) March 27, 2018

Hokuto Ga Gotoku Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4) 2018.03.08

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Collector’s Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1) February 13, 2018

Steins;Gate Elite Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4) 2018.03.15


Mario Cart 8 Deluxe Steelbook (BestBuy/USA) (NSW)

01-17-2018, 02:50 PM

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01-17-2018, 04:10 PM

God of War: Collector's Edition/Limited Edition (EU,NA)/Stone Mason Edition (GameStop/USA) (PS4)

01-31-2018, 04:55 AM
I'm not sure if we want to count this as separate steelbooks, but South Park: Fractured But Whole PC steelbook has three discholders inside. The PS4/XB1 version only has one discholder. This is for the NA versions. I'm not sure if the EU PC version has 3 discholders inside as well.

PS4 Version


PC Version


01-31-2018, 10:16 AM
I think technically this can be considered the same, because the steel part is identical.

01-31-2018, 10:27 AM
Hey guys. Can anyone help me purchase the transformers devastation steelbook? It's my most wanted. Email:andrewdahiphoppa@hotmail.com or PSN: flameLDN


01-31-2018, 10:28 AM
I know lionwks had one. Help a brother out! Lol

01-31-2018, 10:29 AM
I know lionwks had one. Help a brother out! Lol

I think I bought this one from him lol:)

01-31-2018, 10:32 AM
I know lionwks had one. Help a brother out! Lol

yes i have,but this month is Chinese new year,post office closed until March,i will email you in March

02-02-2018, 04:45 PM

Attack on Titan 2 Wings Of Freedom Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) March 16,2018

Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia Limited Edition (PC) (EU) 2018

02-03-2018, 09:25 AM

Attack on Titan 2 Wings Of Freedom Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) March 16,2018

Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia Limited Edition (PC) (EU) 2018

Total War looks like G1 to me. Is it really G2?

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02-17-2018, 11:34 AM

Age of Empires Definitve Edition (MediaMarkt,Saturn/GER) (PC)

Detroit Become Human Steelbook Special Edition (EU) (PS4) May 25, 2018

State of Decay 2 Collector’s Edition (XB1) May 22, 2018

The Crew 2: Motor Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1) June 29,2018

Yakuza Kiwami 2 Steelbook Edition (EU,NA) (PS4) August 28,2018

03-19-2018, 07:45 PM

There is also a steelbook gift in France for Playstation Plus subcription in Micromania Shop (not only in New zeland) :

Hereby the link of the notification from dealabs:


I've just bought it today to add it in my collection

03-29-2018, 03:40 PM

this is steelbook not mp case

03-30-2018, 12:28 AM

Persona 5: Dancing Star Night and Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)

Spider-Man Collector's Edition (AUS,EU) (PS4) September 7,2018

Super Robot Wars X /Super Robot Taisen X Pre-Order Steelbook (HKG)/Steelbook Edition (TWN) (PS4,PSVita)

The Crew 2 Pre-Order Steelbook (without game) (Amazon/GER) June 29,2018

The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset - Collectors Edition (EU) May 21, 2018

Warhammer 40.000: Inquisitor - Martyr Imperium Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1) May 11,2018

04-20-2018, 06:03 PM
Please add Hitman steelbook and steelbook from LRG

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04-20-2018, 09:50 PM


Fate/Extella Link Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)

Hitman: Definitve Edition - Steelbook Edition (EU,NA) (PS4,XB1) May 17, 2018

PixelJunk Monsters 2 Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PC,PS4)

Shadow of the Tomb Raider Croft Steelbook Edition/Limited Steelbook Edition (Amazon/USA) (PS4,XB1) September 14, 2018

Strange Brigade Collector’s Edition (Gamesonly/AUT,Amazon/GER) (PS4,XB1) August 28, 2018


PixelJunk Monsters 2 Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (NSW)

Saturday Morning RPG Collector's Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (NSW)

Switch Limited Run #2 + #3: The Tribute Treasure Box Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (NSW)

05-27-2018, 02:02 PM

That’s a thing apparently...

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06-11-2018, 06:40 PM

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06-16-2018, 02:29 PM

Assassin's Creed Odyssey Gold Steelbook Edition/Ultimate Edition (NA) (PS4,XB1)

Assassin's Creed Odyssey Pantheon Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Pre-Order Steelbook (with and without game) (Amazon/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Battlefield V: Pre-Order Steelbook (with or without game) (Amazon/GER)(PC,PS4,XB1)/Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4,XB1)

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Pro Edition (EU/NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an elusive Age Edition of Light (Amazon/GER) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an elusive Age Edition of Lost Time (Square Enix Online Store/EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)

Just Cause 4 Steelbook Edition (EBGames/AUS,Amazon/FRA,Game/UK) (PS4,XB1)

Kingdom Hearts III Deluxe Edition (Amazon/GER)/Deluxe Edition + Bring Arts Figures (Square Enix Online Store/EU,NA) (PS4,XB1)

Overkill's The Walking Dead - Deluxe Edition (Gamestop/USA) (PS4,XB1)

Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 David Beckham Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Rage 2 Collector's Edition (EU,NA) (PC.PS4.XB1)

Red Dead Redemption 2 Steelbook Edition(EU)/Ultimate Edition (NA) (PS4,XB1)

07-05-2018, 06:52 PM

F1 2018 Headline Steelbook Edition (AUT) (PC,PS4,XB1)

FIFA 19 Limited Champions Steelbook Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)

07-25-2018, 07:46 AM
Both Apocalypse Collector’s Editions of Darksiders III comes with the steelbook!

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07-29-2018, 08:43 PM

Darksiders III Apocalypse Edition/Collectors Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Fallout 76 Pre-Order Steelbook (Shopto/UK) (PS4,XB1)

Metro Exodus: Aurora Limited Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Spider-Man Pre-Order Steelbook (EU) (PS4)

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of cold Steel IV Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)

Utawarerumono Zan Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)

08-15-2018, 11:27 PM
Metro Exodus Aurora Limited Edition includes SteelBook

08-16-2018, 12:07 PM
Metro Exodus Aurora Limited Edition includes SteelBook

it is already added to the list since yesterday before you posted that picture but thank you for the information.

08-16-2018, 05:22 PM

Resident Evil 2 Collector’s Edition (EU) (PC,PS4,XB1)

08-22-2018, 08:30 AM
Three new steelbooks:
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Dark Souls Trilogy
The Division 2

And I am sure there will be several steelbooks for the Division 2 in the future.)

08-22-2018, 07:30 PM
Three new steelbooks:
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Dark Souls Trilogy
The Division 2

And I am sure there will be several steelbooks for the Division 2 in the future.)

I will add those steelbooks to the list on sunday.

08-26-2018, 11:45 PM

Dark Souls Remastered (Trilogy Box) [Limited Edition](HKG,TW)/Dark Souls Trilogy (Amazon/USA) (PS4)

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Collector's Edition (AUS,EU,USA) (PC,XB1)

Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Dark Zone Definitive Collector's Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Phoenix Shield Collector's Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)

08-27-2018, 10:11 PM
Minor update. There are two different Dynasty Warriors 9 steels. The Eu/NA version has red text on the spine. The Asian version has black text on the spine. There are also very slight differences with color. But the overall design is the same.

Not sure which Asian retailer sells the Asian steel, but I got mine off a Chinese seller on Ebay. Had no idea the two steels were different and was trying just to get a replacement for my NA steel which had a cracked spine lol


08-27-2018, 10:14 PM
Minor update. There are two different Dynasty Warriors 9 steels. The Eu/NA version has red text on the spine. The Asian version has black text on the spine. There are also very slight differences with color. But the overall design is the same.

Not sure which Asian retailer sells the Asian steel, but I got mine off a Chinese seller on Ebay. Had no idea the two steels were different and was trying just to get a replacement for my NA steel which had a cracked spine lol


Any chance your chinese contact has more? :D

08-27-2018, 10:23 PM
Any chance your chinese contact has more? :D

It's this guy


I just took a look at his store, and it doesn't look like he has more listed, but I'll send him a message and ask if he has more in stock.

08-28-2018, 11:24 PM

Dark Souls Remastered (Trilogy Box) [Limited Edition](HKG,TW)/Dark Souls Trilogy (Amazon/USA) (PS4)

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Collector's Edition (AUS,EU,USA) (PC,XB1)

Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Dark Zone Definitive Collector's Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Phoenix Shield Collector's Edition (Ubisoft Store/EU,NA) (PC,PS4,XB1)

Dark Zone Edition doesn’t include the steelbook if I am correct. Or am I missing something ?

08-29-2018, 05:32 PM
Dark Zone Edition doesn’t include the steelbook if I am correct. Or am I missing something ?

You are right about the Dark Zone Edition but I have added the Dark Zone Definitive Edition which comes with a steelbook.

08-29-2018, 05:53 PM
You are right about the Dark Zone Edition but I have added the Dark Zone Definitive Edition which comes with a steelbook.

Names of editions start to get seriously ridiculous
Ultra, special, limited, definitive, xptoyz :pooryou::pooryou:

08-29-2018, 08:29 PM
You are right about the Dark Zone Edition but I have added the Dark Zone Definitive Edition which comes with a steelbook.

Didn’t even realize it was different editions.... Thank you for the clarification! Don’t forget to update the list with all recent info

09-05-2018, 06:55 AM
Forza horizon 4 steelbook. Only on EB AU ATM
I'm not happy that it doesn't even come with a physical disc

09-05-2018, 07:01 AM
Ride 3 special edition has a steelbook

09-05-2018, 07:21 AM
Another steelbook for the Division 2

09-05-2018, 07:28 AM
Forza horizon 4 steelbook. Only on EB AU ATM
I'm not happy that it doesn't even come with a physical disc

In Russia we have preorder for FH4 Ultimate with the steelbook. It has disc. Not sure if it is the same steel though...

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09-05-2018, 07:42 AM
I'm gonna need someone to get it for me then. It would be nice if they made more then one steel for FH4 as I think they could make a few interesting steels for it this time around.

09-06-2018, 06:42 PM
Minor update. There are two different Dynasty Warriors 9 steels. The Eu/NA version has red text on the spine. The Asian version has black text on the spine. There are also very slight differences with color. But the overall design is the same.

Not sure which Asian retailer sells the Asian steel, but I got mine off a Chinese seller on Ebay. Had no idea the two steels were different and was trying just to get a replacement for my NA steel which had a cracked spine lol


Does anyone else know anything about that steelbook?

09-06-2018, 07:05 PM

Anno 1800 Pioneers Edition (EU) (PC)

Caligula: Overdose Limited Edition (CHN) (PS4)

Dynasty Warriors 9 Steelbook (Asia) (PS4,XB1)

Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate Edition + Steelbook (EBGames/AUS) (XB1)

LEGO DC Super-Villains Deluxe Edition + Steelbook (Gamestop/USA) (PS4,XB1)

NBA 2K19 Steelbook Edition (Amazon/ITA) (PS4,XB1)

RIDE 3 Special Edition (EBGames/AUS) (PS4,XB1)

Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Lincoln Steelbook Edition (EBGames/AUS) (PS4,XB1)

WWE 2K19 Steelbook Edition (PS4/XB1) (EU)

09-08-2018, 09:55 AM
Does anyone have a pic of the Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an elusive Age Edition of Light steelbook? I've been looking, and can only find the steelbook that came with the other edition (Edition of Lost Time).

09-16-2018, 02:04 PM

God Eater 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)

Gran Turismo Sport Pre-Order Steelbook (FNAC/FRA) (PS4)

Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition (GEO/JPN) (PS4)

TERA Pax West 2018 Limited Edition (USA) (PS4,XB1)

09-16-2018, 02:04 PM

God Eater 3 Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)

Gran Turismo Sport Pre-Order Steelbook (FNAC/FRA) (PS4)

Tales of Vesperia Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)

TERA Prestige Edition (USA) (PS4,XB1)

09-22-2018, 01:21 PM
Jump Force Collector's Edition

09-28-2018, 10:57 AM
I confirm the Forza Horizon 4 Steelbook at EB Games it's the same with EU/US Ultimate Edition.

P.S. : The link it's not working anymore and the Steelbook has been removed, now it's available only the code at the same price.

10-01-2018, 06:08 PM



10-02-2018, 08:43 PM

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Collector's Edition (JPN) (PS4)

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)

Biohazard RE:2 Collector's Edition/Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)

Devil May Cry 5 Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)

Jump Force Collector's Edition (USA) (PS4,XB1)

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel Decisive Edition (EU,NA) (PS4)

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II Relentless Edition (EU,NA) (PS4)

Can anyone please check if I have added all new announced steelbooks? Thanks in advance for your help.

10-11-2018, 11:13 AM
So many Steelbook announcements lately but I think you got em all except Immortal Unchained Steelbook.

Btw https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mirrors-Edge-Catalyst-Dice-Included/dp/B07D8X593N/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1539252604&sr=8-4&keywords=mirrors+edge+catalyst+collectors+edition maybe it is the reason to finally add it to the list? :)

10-11-2018, 11:27 AM
Oh, and there are two FIFA 19 steelbooks. Blue one and pink one

10-11-2018, 01:27 PM
So many Steelbook announcements lately but I think you got em all except Immortal Unchained Steelbook.

Btw https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mirrors-Edge-Catalyst-Dice-Included/dp/B07D8X593N/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1539252604&sr=8-4&keywords=mirrors+edge+catalyst+collectors+edition maybe it is the reason to finally add it to the list? :)

Immortal Unchained is not a steelbook

10-12-2018, 08:31 AM
Immortal Unchained is not a steelbook

Yep, my bad. Didn’t notice it was a metalpack. So only the FIFA Steelbook missing

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11-03-2018, 11:46 AM
Oh, and there are two FIFA 19 steelbooks. Blue one and pink one

Also appears to be a third Fifa 19 steelbook. Saw it pop up on Ebay from a spanish seller. Don't really have any other info, but guessing it was a pre-order steelbook.


11-04-2018, 09:45 AM
Also appears to be a third Fifa 19 steelbook. Saw it pop up on Ebay from a spanish seller. Don't really have any other info, but guessing it was a pre-order steelbook.

Yes, that was pre-order only from PSV Fanstore:
It's possible that other clubs have their own steelbook also as where previous years.

11-10-2018, 08:56 AM

There is G2 Steelbook inside

11-13-2018, 11:47 AM
There is an additional steelbook for Fifa 19 from amazon.fr

It is the Fifa 19 Edition Collector - 2 Etoiles which comes with the game wrapped with a unique steelbook celebrating the French world cup vistory

Edition Collector 2 Etoiles (https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B07JQ5824Z/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)

11-16-2018, 06:47 PM
There is an additional steelbook for Fifa 19 from amazon.fr

It is the Fifa 19 Edition Collector - 2 Etoiles which comes with the game wrapped with a unique steelbook celebrating the French world cup vistory

Edition Collector 2 Etoiles (https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B07JQ5824Z/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)

5th FIFA 19 steelbook https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20181116/8d0e3dd0e4c37bd1d69caa89bca34c14.jpg

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11-25-2018, 12:51 PM

Battle Chef Brigade - Brigadier Edition (limitedrungames.com/WW) (PS4)

Catherine Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)

Fallout 76 Steelbook Edition (Walmart/USA) (PS4,XB1)

FIFA 19 Club Edition Feyenoord Rotterdam Pre-Order Steelbook (NLD) (PC,PS4,XB1)

FIFA 19 Club Edition PSV Eindhoven Pre-Order Steelbook (PSVfanstore/NLD) (PC,PS4,XB1)

FIFA 19 Edition Collector 2 Etoiles (Amazon/FRA) (PS4,XB1)

Jump Force Pre-Order Steelbook (GEO/JPN) (PS4)

Left Alive Mech Edition (EU,NA) (PC,PS4)

11-25-2018, 04:58 PM
Steelbook from KINGDOM HEARTS III Deluxe Edition



11-25-2018, 05:02 PM
Steelbook from KINGDOM HEARTS III Deluxe Edition



Isn’t it already in the list?

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11-25-2018, 06:43 PM
It is already on the list.

11-25-2018, 07:38 PM
It is already on the list.

My bad - I thought it was an SE Store exclusive :sorry:

12-01-2018, 04:07 PM
There is a second Mirrors Edge Catalyst steelbook, with white and red colors, it belongs to Dice Edition.