View Full Version : Nintendo 64 Anthology

06-09-2020, 04:29 PM
To celebrate the Nintendo 64, Geeks-Line is proud to announce the availability of an expansive and thorough look at one of the most fascinating Nintendo game libraries of all time.

Throughout the pages of the Nintendo 64 Anthology book, the author Math Manent traces the 64-bit Nintendo consoles development and life through numerous interviews with the key-players of its life, new anecdotes, a complete history of the genesis of the machine, and a detailed description of each of the 388 games released during the system's lifespan. Of course, Collector's Edition games and bundles are not forgotten, in this state-of-the art book.

- Each of the N64's 388 games analysed.
- A complete history of the console's life, its development, its success, its influence, and its death.
- The official accessories.
- Exclusive interviews (Eric Caen Titus, Martin Hollis Rare, Goldeneye)
- The 64 DD.
- The Rarest Games.
- Collectors Guide.

Hardcover – 29 Jun. 2020


Amazon UK (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nintendo-64-Anthology-Mathieu-Manent/dp/2380170053/ref=as_li_ss_tl?crid=2O7SOSEFCX6TI&dchild=1&keywords=video+game+guide+books&qid=1591712819&sprefix=video+game+guide,aps,183&sr=8-49&linkCode=ll1&tag=spect3r0c-21&linkId=42862d1a7006c3cc5f816113e89ab02c&language=en_GB)

06-10-2020, 03:39 AM
Though I grew up with a nes/SNES the N64 was the first console that was "mine", I have a lot of love for it. This book looks amazing. I'll be picking up a copy for sure! Thanks for posting.

07-18-2020, 02:22 AM
I was thinking about this again the other day and decided I must have one. Unfortunately they won't currently ship to the USA. Looking at the last print run of these things they seem to be well above cost and pretty rare. Any chance someone could send this to me?

07-18-2020, 08:29 AM
the Super Nintendo deluxe set of this publisher in this same line, is available on AMAZON US..i am surprised to hear, that the N64 version is NOT available!!??..in the US? really!?

07-18-2020, 01:37 PM
For those in the US you're able to order directly from geek line publishing. Amazon.US doesn't have pre orders available and only has a few listings from the original print in 2016 starting at 200$ for a used copy...crazy!