View Full Version : Why is Resident Evil Village PS4 promo disc so rare?

09-18-2021, 10:53 AM
Hello, I recently discovered that the PS4 promo disc of Resident Evil Village is pretty hard to find.

Just few copies around. I asked people who worked for websites and they told me that Capcom mostly sent codes for downloading the PS5 or XBOX Series X version to journalists so the PS4 version was a bit "forgotten". No one of them received a copy for reviewing PS4 version.

Do you think it's a low press promo disc?
I think that in few years it will become highly collectable due to the fact that promo disc are something "of the past" since now publishers just send download codes

09-19-2021, 07:18 PM
Promo discs are always low press, let that be clear. Something only becomes highly collectable not because it's rare, but mostly if a lot of people want it. :) (also depends strongly on the game/franchise).

Promo discs are (maybe someone else can confirm too) something of the past, indeed. Publishers tend to only send out codes due to Corona and the PS5 Digital/Xbox Series S being digital only. Also: PS4 promo's are still a fact as long as those games exist, BUT publisher need a minimum order quantity to be printed. And because most of them only wanting to handout codes, you have your answer: they just don't get printed.

Long story short: there will be as much RE: Village promo discs as other games (because of the minimum order quantity) but it's just a more sought after promo disc it seems.