08-30-2024, 04:55 AM
It has been years since i used the site miss having all the good old school game collectors editions now that everything is just digital. still love to get the odd 4k steel book but not much out there anymore. miss those Futureshop steels i used to mail out to people like Twisted, HIPPEEDUDE, SFrankland, Flatout, huntrodz etc <3 :thankyou:
ps someday will go back though my collection that's stored in boxes mostly atm and can fully show off and trim any extra's to giveaway to anyone that's still left on here :)
It has been years since i used the site miss having all the good old school game collectors editions now that everything is just digital. still love to get the odd 4k steel book but not much out there anymore. miss those Futureshop steels i used to mail out to people like Twisted, HIPPEEDUDE, SFrankland, Flatout, huntrodz etc <3 :thankyou:
ps someday will go back though my collection that's stored in boxes mostly atm and can fully show off and trim any extra's to giveaway to anyone that's still left on here :)