View Full Version : Guide to ordering from game4game.at

05-13-2011, 10:49 AM
The Game4game web store has recently be listing some very nice and some very limited collector's edition. However as the site is mostly in German, many members are having difficulty ordering from them.

So to help new members order games from the site, the guide below has been created.

Please note that the web browser Google chrome has an inbuilt translator which will make things much easier, however it can not translate pictures and icons.

Here is a guide to ordering from the guide4game.at (http://www.game4game.at/shop/catalog/) website, we will be using the game Sniper as an example.

You can pay via three ways:

1) Debit Card (Not credit Card)
2) Bank Transfer
3) Credit Card or Paypal acount

So here is the guide:

Firstly add the game to the basket by pressing "in den korb"



Next Click "Kasse" which means checkout, even if you have a paypal account do not click the paypal icon below as it does not create a full account and you won't be able to track the process as much.


Next it's time to make a full account, Click Weiter



You will be asked to enter address information, the english translation is on the right.

Please note that date of birth needs to be in the Euro format. i.e If your date is the 16th May 1980 write this 16.05.1980


Now you need to confirm your shipping address and the cost of shipping. Also if you have multiple item, choose if you want to send at the same time or individually as they are released.


Now it's time to pay

1) Debit Card - If you want to pay this way select this option, the next page can be viewed in English if you select the correct country flag on the top right side.

2) Credit card or Paypal account - If you have a paypal account log in, but if you are having problems using paypal simple select you don't have a paypal account and enter the information of your card without logging in. As with all paypal transaction, money is taken immediately even if it is a pre-order.

3) Bank transfer - It will supply a Iban number and international sort code for everyone outside Austria and Germany. Also there is separate bank number for German buyers. I will not supply this information as I'm sure the company doesn't want their bank details in the public. If you choose this option you simply select the tick box and click "Weiter" (next). Then once you pay your account will be updated. Please note, it is advised to copy and paste what it says here into google translate so you get the correct bank details.

Google translator here (http://translate.google.com/#de|en|in%20den%20korb%0AKAsse%0AEinkauf%20Fortset zen%0AAktualisieren%0AWeiter%0A)

When you want to check the status, simply click "Ihr Konto" on the home page. And enter the login details.


For those having issues, you may try contacting game4game directly at: office@game4game.at

Here is a few word translated for you that will be useful

in den korb = Add to basket
Kasse = Checkout
Einkauf Fortsetzen = Contrinue shopping
Aktualisieren = Update
Weiter = Next
Ihr Konto = My account

Hope this helps everyone placing an order with them.

05-13-2011, 11:28 AM
Great guide will help alot of people who want to use this site.

05-14-2011, 05:11 AM
Very useful guide mate! Thanks for taking the time to create it! Google Chrome and Google Translate (on other browsers) doesn't always display the translation correctly, but using this simple guide I have been able to order from Game4Game.at twice now with relative ease!

I would just like to add though that if anyone is thinking of pre-ordering an item and paying via PayPal, they WILL deduct this from you straight away! Be warned, especially if the item you are pre-ordering is several months away!

Any chance we can add this PayPal info to the guide?

05-14-2011, 07:41 AM
Thats very helpful information :) thank you

05-16-2011, 12:27 PM
Thanks for taking the time to create this guide!

04-21-2012, 12:41 PM
thanks for the guide
i followed it EXACTLY
tried to buy some games a few times but ended up getting 5 copies of sniper: ghost warrior limited survivor edition shipped to my doorstep.
what am i doing wrong?
(scratches head)

04-21-2012, 01:41 PM
This is a common issue, Alot of time it looks like there is only one item in your basket. but each time you reload the site the original item is still in basket. especially if signed in.

Sometimes even when you have already purchased the item in your basket.

04-21-2012, 01:50 PM

02-14-2013, 05:19 AM
One question.. How do I cancel? I understood that they must be contacted thru email to cancel and I have now done that twice (second time was few mins ago and another few weeks). If there is some other way to cancel, please help me.

02-14-2013, 11:17 AM
Sry, there is no other way to cancel but through email. I agree they are very slow when it comes to cancellations...