View Full Version : 8bit & 16bit CE releases... anyone know of any?
06-07-2011, 02:34 PM
Very Soon the database will support every major 32bit and newer platform...
I was wondering if anyone knew of any 8bit or 16bit Era Games that received the CE treatment.
I think their may have been a few "first edition" releases (those that had a slightly fancier package when initially released) but I can't think of any actual CE editions.
Please post up any info if you know of any.
06-07-2011, 02:55 PM
I think, and since this will make me feel horribly old, The Legend of Zelda Gold Cartridge was supposed to be a limited edition. Not sure though if it fits in a Collector Edition Category. Just the color was different (Gold) and you had to pre-order it.
06-07-2011, 06:37 PM
that's exactly what I was thinking of when I mentioned "first edition", though I never owned Zelda on NES so I wasn't sure....
I think there were a few other games that came on colored carts too.
EDIT: searching around apparently there was a Spider-Man & Venom Maximum Carnage Collector's Edition Box Set for Genesis and SNES
Also this interested "NES Classics Collection" for GBA
06-07-2011, 08:27 PM
For the SNES, there are several PAL "big box" versions of certain games, which come with a Player's Guide. For example, Super Metroid, Terranigma, Starwing, and some others I forget... I'm sure these all technically count as Collector's Editons?
Also, I would also be inclined to add the Posterity Edition / First Print for the recently released Pier Solar & The Great Architects for the Mega Drive, as it differs from the more common Reprint Edition
There are also several PAL Mega Drive games which came blister packed with promotional POGS, so I don't know whether you'd also include these?
Likewise, there are plenty of SNES & Mega Drive double packs, such as those from Codemasters, which were two standard retail games bundled together in a cardboard slipcase
06-08-2011, 09:47 PM
On the SNES Killer instinct had a collectors edition with a big box and a Free watch included. Remember seeing this on ebay few months back
06-21-2011, 05:28 AM
I believe nintendo came with earthbound and gameboy adapter big box. The box comes with guidebook and game.
06-21-2011, 11:52 AM
Street Fighter II Turbo Steelbox edition for SNES
06-21-2011, 01:06 PM
What about the Limited Editions for Ecco the Dolphin on MD and the Lucky Dime Caper for MS? Those are rare but very well known.
06-27-2011, 02:57 AM
Certain versions of a game called comix zone for the megadrive/genesis ame with a music cd if that counts.
06-30-2011, 09:29 PM
Some Jap releases but no idea on conetent yet:
Keio Flying Squadron [Special Edition] - Mega CD
Tecmo Super Bowl II: Special Edition - Super Nintendo ( Super famicon)
Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss Limited Edition - Super Nintendo ( Super famicon)
Pocky & Rocky Limited Edition - NES ~(Famicom)
Black Hole Assault Limited Edition Gold Box version - Mega CD
Sega Classics Arcade Collection Limited Edition - Mega CD
J.League Pro Striker Perfect Edition - Mega Drive
Doraemon vs. the Dream Thief and the Seven Gozansu Limited Edition - Mega Drive
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