View Full Version : What is your "One that got away"

08-05-2011, 06:05 AM
What is your "one that got away" :banghead:
The one missing chance to own it and keep you awake at night and still kick yourself in the butt from time to time.

Well here's my number one butt hurt

Dragon Age Origin Press kit
Only a few exist and every edition personally sign by Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka.

The kit design by Port plexus the most awesome creative production company from Germany that responsible for kickass CE like
METRO 2033 Amazon.de limited edition
DRAKENSANG: THE RIVER OF TIME (The game content that have your damn name on it)

Now look at the awesomeness of awesome


I lost the bid due to internet outage from my good old internet service on last 10 second bid war on ebay.
I was piss off so much that I cancel their internet service the morning after.
Until today I never see it listed again and it still my number one priority to search for it and own it...some day somehow.

So...that is my one that got away.
Now it's your turn my fellow ce
What's your story?

For more pic and company profiles
go to http://www.portplexus.com/en/projects/dragon-age-origins

08-05-2011, 11:59 AM

This is one of the most beautiful editions that I've seen.
I love DA:O, and this looks absolutely stunning!

08-05-2011, 05:22 PM
Wow thats an awesome looking kit

08-06-2011, 05:27 PM
The one i regret not to get is dead space ultra edition. I was one click away from ordering, but decided to quit. :sorry:

08-15-2011, 04:29 AM
Fallout 3 survival edition when Amazon was flogging them for 50 bucks

08-22-2011, 12:15 AM
I remember they had the gears of war gold lancer for £75 but i didnt have enough money on me at the time. I went to nearest cash machine and come back but it was gone.

08-22-2011, 07:39 AM
An oldie, but I never managed to get my hands on Half Life 2 Collectors Edition. Back when it was released, I wasn't that big a half-life fan and didn't collect CE's.

Worst of all, one of my friends, who never have played the game and doesn't collect CE's have it. I need to get him drunk soon and win it in some unfair bet.

08-22-2011, 09:03 AM
I have a sealed version of Half-Life 2 Collectors Edition :ok:

An oldie, but I never managed to get my hands on Half Life 2 Collectors Edition. Back when it was released, I wasn't that big a half-life fan and didn't collect CE's.

Worst of all, one of my friends, who never have played the game and doesn't collect CE's have it. I need to get him drunk soon and win it in some unfair bet.

08-22-2011, 11:00 PM
Both Dead Space Ultra Limited Edition and Fallout 3 Survival Edition where my 2 that got away... I've since picked up both of them though.