View Full Version : Anyone want to help with a standard PS3 game database?

09-18-2011, 12:53 AM
Okay, so I've been working a PS3 game(disc based) database, with tons of titles already listed in it, nearly 800. It still needs cleaning up getting all titles and possible mistakes fixed but that will come later.

What I need help with is finishing up adding a few things into it. My list atm includes a section for release dates for the UK, US, and JP with a corresponding game cover art photo next to it. I already have a lot filled out in it, but it is very time consuming and I'd like to finish it soon(up to date with current releases anyhow)

All you would need to do is let me know what part you would like to help out on and then you can send me your part when you're done. Of course, I would send you the excel file to help fill it out. The fastest thing would be to help fill in missing dates for a particular region.

I'm going to be using it for my website. This will not be the only database I'll be making but something has to come first lol. I've yet to find a website that is easy to track what games you want to buy, you own, want to sell/trade, and etc...but oh god the amount of coding that I have ahead of me to achieve this goal. Oh and I will give proper credit to whoever helps out once my site is ready for launch.^_^

09-18-2011, 09:21 PM
I was just wondering, why you dont go online with the site and give people the chance to add games.

btw, i keep my collection on catawiki ;)

09-18-2011, 09:46 PM
I was just wondering, why you dont go online with the site and give people the chance to add games.

btw, i keep my collection on catawiki ;)

Well, I wouldn't don't to pay for for the domain name yet, if it's not complete because it could take longer than I think it will , so id' be a waste lol. I mean the information I have in my excel file isn't all I want to put in it. I also do have a section for alternative names for the game but there's a few other things I want to add.If I could at least get the few things I already mentioned in it, then I will launch it.

There's going to be a lot of coding to go into it. My idea is to have allow users to add games to certain lists consisting of a wish,for sale,for trade, and what they own lists. Then, for example if someone had a certain game in their "Wish list" and another user had one in their "For sale or for trade list" then they would be able to see that there was a match for what they wanted. Plus there's some other things too.

I guess the main reason is that, I still have a lot of coding to do... I haven't even began with that stuff haha, so I'm just trying to get more information in before I do start coding XD

09-18-2011, 10:09 PM
PlaystationCollecting already has a database and it does most of what you're planning already


you'd probably be well served to help them with their efforts rather than reinventing the wheel.

09-18-2011, 11:10 PM
PlaystationCollecting already has a database and it does most of what you're planning already


you'd probably be well served to help them with their efforts rather than reinventing the wheel.

I find that one very hard one to follow. The way theirs is organized is different from the way I would have it. I would help but helping would require me to start from ground up, lol. I guess I'm just a little OCD about it >_<
I mean I want to have the same style pictures instead of just random ones of people's collections. And not only that, I have game covers for the US,UK, and JP put in it. Like theirs has the games for all the regions listed all in one column while mine is the games name in the first column and then in the columns adjacent to it is the different region variants art covers as well as the release dates.

Kinda like this:
3D Dot Game Heroes 11/5/2009 5/14/2010 5/11/2010 JP Pic UK pic US pic

I dont think I would even be using the same language to code. I haven't decided which one to use yet. I need to practice with Matlab but I also need to learn Java, so I skip to the 2nd level java class next semester, so I can get my minor for CS. lol.

Also,their database is missing quite a lot of games. So, pretty much using there's as a basis to build their database would be more work in a way. I guess what Im trying to say is that the way I'll be making my database would just not work with how they have theirs.

Thanks for the input though. ^_^