View Full Version : Displaying your collection

09-28-2011, 11:56 AM
I've always kept my collectors edition games in their original boxes - opening them only to see their contents when they first arrive.

But now I'd like to display them somehow, only problem is I can't stand dust! And the kinds of things I have (Halo 3/Reach Legendary editions, Gears of War 3 Epic edition etc) are big, intricate things that would collect a lot of dust very quickly...

I want them to stay in the perfect condition they're in, of course! So how do you guys display them? Any cool cabinets available?

I've been looking at some perspex/glass display cases but they're very expensive and are either far too big or far too small, mainly for retail outlets...

09-28-2011, 12:21 PM
Ikea have some great cabinets and at a lower price than most retailers, however some of them will not be completely sealed with dust entering, al be it a some amount compared to shelves.

You can seal the gaps with clear tape or you could try to find one of those auctions for closed down stores. Look for jewellery cabinets as they are always sealed for obvious reasons.

09-28-2011, 02:53 PM
Some of the smaller ones (SteelBooks, DigiPak's etc) I have put inside resealable poly bags. These are stored on the shelf as usual with the spines facing outwards. Obviously they still get dusty, but the dust doesn't actually touch the CE, only the plastic bag

I also started doing this with some of the larger box sets like Fable 3, as well as things like GoldenEye Wii, Xenoblade Chronicles etc, but the larger poly bags became harder to come by in my local supermarket. Nice if you can get them, but otherwise they're just stored normally. My storage room doesn't really get all that dusty really, so it's not really an issue

As for the larger CE's - Most of them are still stored in their original shipping cases at the back of the room. I wish I could have them out on display, but space is a premium, and to be honest most of them don't look all that great out of their shipping box anyway. Lol!

One thing I never do is split the contents. Everything is stored in the box it came in. So any statues or what-nots don't go on display as there really isn't any room for them, plus I don't want them to get lost / damaged / dusty